Merge branch 'targetBytecode' into bigRefactoring

This commit is contained in:
Victorious3 2023-03-01 16:34:14 +01:00
commit 2197e09307
13 changed files with 323 additions and 213 deletions

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@ -9,5 +9,11 @@ public class OLFun {
//f = x -> {return x + x;};
m(f, x) {
x = f.apply(x+x);
return x;
m2(y) {
m(x -> x * 2, y);

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@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ public class OLFun2 {
x = f.apply(x + x)
x = f.apply(x + x);

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@ -82,6 +82,13 @@ public class Codegen {
private void popValue(State state, TargetType type) {
if (type.equals(TargetType.Double) || type.equals(TargetType.Long));
private void boxPrimitive(State state, TargetType type) {
var mv =;
if (type.equals(TargetType.Boolean) || type.equals(TargetType.boolean_)) {
@ -705,11 +712,15 @@ public class Codegen {
} else {
var name = "lambda$" + lambdaCounter++;
var parameters = new ArrayList<>(lambda.captures());
.map(param -> param.type() instanceof TargetGenericType ? new MethodParameter(TargetType.Object, : param)
impl = new TargetMethod(
0, name, Set.of(),
parameters, lambda.returnType(), lambda.block()
0, name, Set.of(), Set.of(),
lambda.returnType() instanceof TargetGenericType ? TargetType.Object : lambda.returnType(),
lambdas.put(lambda, impl);
@ -736,7 +747,9 @@ public class Codegen {
var params = new ArrayList<TargetType>();
params.add(new TargetRefType(clazz.qualifiedName()));
var descriptor = TargetMethod.getDescriptor(lambda.type(), params.toArray(TargetType[]::new));
mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
@ -760,9 +773,11 @@ public class Codegen {
for (var e : block.statements()) {
generate(state, e);
if (e instanceof TargetMethodCall) {
if (e.type() != null) mv.visitInsn(POP);
} else if (e instanceof TargetStatementExpression) {
if (e.type() != null) popValue(state, e.type());
} else if (e instanceof TargetAssign) {
mv.visitInsn(POP); // TODO Nasty fix, we don't know if it is a primitive double or long
} else if (e instanceof TargetStatementExpression se) {
popValue(state, se.type());
@ -879,7 +894,7 @@ public class Codegen {
if (_for.increment() != null) {
generate(state, _for.increment());
if (_for.increment().type() != null) {
popValue(state, _for.increment().type());
mv.visitJumpInsn(GOTO, start);
@ -980,6 +995,9 @@ public class Codegen {
private void generateConstructor(TargetConstructor constructor) {
MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(constructor.access() | ACC_PUBLIC, "<init>", constructor.getDescriptor(), constructor.getSignature(), null);
if (!constructor.txGenerics().isEmpty())
mv.visitAttribute(new JavaTXSignatureAttribute(constructor.getTXSignature()));
var state = new State(null, mv, 1);
for (var param: constructor.parameters())
@ -1004,6 +1022,9 @@ public class Codegen {
private void generateMethod(TargetMethod method) {
// TODO The older codegen has set ACC_PUBLIC for all methods, good for testing but bad for everything else
MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(method.access() | ACC_PUBLIC,, method.getDescriptor(), method.getSignature(), null);
if (!method.txGenerics().isEmpty())
mv.visitAttribute(new JavaTXSignatureAttribute(method.getTXSignature()));
var state = new State(method.returnType(), mv, method.isStatic() ? 0 : 1);
for (var param: method.parameters())
@ -1015,9 +1036,9 @@ public class Codegen {
private static String generateSignature(TargetClass clazz) {
private static String generateSignature(TargetClass clazz, Set<TargetGeneric> generics) {
String ret = "<";
for (var generic : clazz.generics()) {
for (var generic : generics) {
ret += + ":" + generic.bound().toDescriptor();
ret += ">";
@ -1028,9 +1049,12 @@ public class Codegen {
public byte[] generate() {
cw.visit(V1_8, clazz.modifiers() | ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_SUPER, clazz.qualifiedName(),
generateSignature(clazz), clazz.superType() != null ? clazz.superType().getInternalName(): "java/lang/Object",
generateSignature(clazz, clazz.generics()), clazz.superType() != null ? clazz.superType().getInternalName(): "java/lang/Object",
if (!clazz.txGenerics().isEmpty())
cw.visitAttribute(new JavaTXSignatureAttribute(generateSignature(clazz, clazz.txGenerics())));

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public class FunNGenerator {
private static String applyDescriptor(TargetType a) { return a.toDescriptor(); }
private static String applySignature(TargetType a) { return a.toSignature(); }
private static String applyNameDescriptor(TargetType a){ return a instanceof TargetGenericType ? "LTPH;" : String.format("L%s;", applySignature(a)); }
private static String applyNameDescriptor(TargetType a){ return a instanceof TargetGenericType ? "LTPH;" : String.format("%s;", applySignature(a)); }
public static byte[] generateSuperBytecode(int numberArguments) {
StringBuilder superFunNClassSignature = new StringBuilder("<");
@ -40,13 +40,15 @@ public class FunNGenerator {
for (int currentParameter = 1; currentParameter <= numberArguments; currentParameter++){
superFunNClassSignature.append(String.format("%s%d:%s",argumentGenericBase, currentParameter, objectSignature));
superFunNMethodSignature.append(String.format("T%s;", applySignature(new TargetRefType(argumentGenericBase + currentParameter))));
superFunNMethodSignature.append(String.format("%s", applySignature(new TargetRefType(argumentGenericBase + currentParameter))));
superFunNClassSignature.append(String.format("%s:%s>%s", returnGeneric, objectSignature, objectSignature));
superFunNMethodSignature.append(String.format(")T%s;", applySignature(new TargetRefType(returnGeneric))));
superFunNMethodSignature.append(String.format(")%s", applySignature(new TargetRefType(returnGeneric))));
superFunNMethodDescriptor.append(String.format(")%s", objectSignature));
ClassWriter classWriter = new ClassWriter(0);
MethodVisitor methodVisitor;
classWriter.visit(bytecodeVersion, ACC_PUBLIC | ACC_ABSTRACT | ACC_INTERFACE, getSuperClassName(numberArguments), superFunNClassSignature.toString(), objectSuperType, null);

View File

@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ package de.dhbwstuttgart.bytecode;
import org.objectweb.asm.*;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
public class JavaTXSignatureAttribute extends Attribute {
final String signature;
@ -12,7 +15,9 @@ public class JavaTXSignatureAttribute extends Attribute {
protected Attribute read(ClassReader classReader, int offset, int length, char[] charBuffer, int codeAttributeOffset, Label[] labels) {
return, offset, length, charBuffer, codeAttributeOffset, labels);
var data = new byte[length];
System.arraycopy(classReader.b, offset, data, 0, length);
return new JavaTXSignatureAttribute(new String(data, StandardCharsets.UTF_8));

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package de.dhbwstuttgart.parser.SyntaxTreeGenerator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.exceptions.NotImplementedException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.exceptions.TypeinferenceException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.parser.NullToken;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.parser.antlr.Java8Parser;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.parser.antlr.Java8Parser.UnannClassType_lfno_unannClassOrInterfaceTypeContext;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.parser.scope.GenericsRegistry;
@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ public class TypeGenerator {
return new SuperWildcardType(convert(wildcardContext.wildcardBounds().referenceType(), reg, generics), wildcardContext.getStart());
throw new NotImplementedException(); //Wildcard ohne Bound
return new ExtendsWildcardType(new RefType(new JavaClassName("Object"), new NullToken()), wildcardContext.getStart());

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@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
Set<PairTPHsmallerTPH> simplifiedConstraints = new HashSet<>();
Map<TypePlaceholder, RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric> concreteTypes = new HashMap<>();
Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality = new HashMap<>();
Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> txEquality = new HashMap<>();
Sigma(ResultSet constraints) {
ASTToTargetAST.this.sigma = this;
@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
} else if (constraint instanceof PairTPHEqualTPH p) {
equality.put(p.getLeft(), p.getRight());
txEquality.put(p.getLeft(), p.getRight());
} else if (constraint instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType p) {
concreteTypes.put(this.equality.getOrDefault(p.left, p.left), p.right);
@ -63,22 +65,22 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
System.out.println("Simplified constraints: " + simplifiedConstraints);
Set<TypePlaceholder> findTypeVariables(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type) {
Set<TypePlaceholder> findTypeVariables(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
var result = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
tph = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
if (concreteTypes.containsKey(tph)) {
result.addAll(findTypeVariables(concreteTypes.get(tph), equality));
return result;
} else if (type instanceof RefType refType) {
for (var t : refType.getParaList())
result.addAll(findTypeVariables(t, equality));
} else if (type instanceof ExtendsWildcardType wildcardType) {
result.addAll(findTypeVariables(wildcardType.getInnerType(), equality));
} else if (type instanceof SuperWildcardType wildcardType) {
result.addAll(findTypeVariables(wildcardType.getInnerType(), equality));
return result;
@ -135,54 +137,20 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
return all;
// Family of generated Generics
Generics generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method) {
if (computedGenericsOfMethods.containsKey(method))
return computedGenericsOfMethods.get(method);
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> txResult = new HashSet<>();
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> javaResult = new HashSet<>();
var generics = new Generics(javaResult, txResult);
computedGenericsOfMethods.put(method, generics);
var genericsOfClass = generics(owner).txGenerics();
var simplifiedConstraints = new HashSet<>(this.simplifiedConstraints);
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> typeVariables = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> typeVariablesOfClass = new HashSet<>();
for (var pair : genericsOfClass) {
typeVariablesOfClass.add((TypePlaceholder) pair.getLeft());
for (var arg : method.getParameterList().getFormalparalist()) {
method.block.accept(new TracingStatementVisitor() {
public void visit(LocalVarDecl localVarDecl) {
public void visit(MethodCall methodCall) {
public void visit(Assign assign) {}
private void methodFindConstraints(
ClassOrInterface owner, Method method,
Set<PairTPHsmallerTPH> simplifiedConstraints,
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> typeVariables,
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> typeVariablesOfClass,
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result,
Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality
) {
// Type variables with bounds that are also type variables of the method
for (var typeVariable : new HashSet<>(typeVariables)) {
if (typeVariablesOfClass.contains(typeVariable)) continue;
for (var pair : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (pair.left.equals(typeVariable) && typeVariables.contains(pair.right)) {
addToPairs(txResult, new PairTPHsmallerTPH(pair.left, equality.getOrDefault(pair.right, pair.right)));
addToPairs(result, new PairTPHsmallerTPH(pair.left, equality.getOrDefault(pair.right, pair.right)));
@ -190,88 +158,88 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
method.block.accept(new TracingStatementVisitor() {
private RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric superType = new Void(new NullToken());
private RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric superType = new Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(MethodCall methodCall) {
//Anfang es werden Paare von TPHs gespeichert, die bei den Generated Generics ueber die Methodengrenzen hinweg
//betrachtet werden muessen
//Definition 7.2 (Family of generated generics). T1 <. R1 <.^ R2 <. T2
Set<RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric> T1s =
.stream().filter(x -> x instanceof TypePlaceholder)
.map(tph -> equality.getOrDefault(tph, (TypePlaceholder) tph))
RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric T2 = superType;
public void visit(MethodCall methodCall) {
//Anfang es werden Paare von TPHs gespeichert, die bei den Generated Generics ueber die Methodengrenzen hinweg
//betrachtet werden muessen
//Definition 7.2 (Family of generated generics). T1 <. R1 <.^ R2 <. T2
Set<RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric> T1s =
.stream().filter(x -> x instanceof TypePlaceholder)
.map(tph -> equality.getOrDefault(tph, (TypePlaceholder) tph))
RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric T2 = superType;
if (T2 instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) T2 = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
System.out.println("T1s: " + T1s + "\nT2: " + T2);
System.out.println("T1s: " + T1s + "\nT2: " + T2);
superType = methodCall.receiverType;
for(int i = 0;i<methodCall.arglist.getArguments().size();i++){
superType = methodCall.signature.get(i);
superType = methodCall.receiverType;
for(int i = 0;i<methodCall.arglist.getArguments().size();i++){
superType = methodCall.signature.get(i);
if (methodCall.receiver instanceof ExpressionReceiver expressionReceiver) {
if (expressionReceiver.expr instanceof This) {
var optMethod = findMethod(owner,, methodCall.getArgumentList());
if (optMethod.isEmpty()) return;
var method = optMethod.get();
if (methodCall.receiver instanceof ExpressionReceiver expressionReceiver) {
if (expressionReceiver.expr instanceof This) {
var optMethod = findMethod(owner,, methodCall.getArgumentList());
if (optMethod.isEmpty()) return;
var method = optMethod.get();
var generics = generics(owner, method).txGenerics();
var generics = generics(owner, method).javaGenerics();
// transitive and
var all = transitiveClosure(generics);
// reflexive
var toAdd = new HashSet<ResultPair<?, ?>>();
for (var generic : all) {
toAdd.add(new PairTPHsmallerTPH((TypePlaceholder) generic.getLeft(), (TypePlaceholder) generic.getLeft()));
// transitive and
var all = transitiveClosure(generics);
// reflexive
var toAdd = new HashSet<ResultPair<?, ?>>();
for (var generic : all) {
toAdd.add(new PairTPHsmallerTPH((TypePlaceholder) generic.getLeft(), (TypePlaceholder) generic.getLeft()));
HashSet<PairTPHsmallerTPH> newPairs = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<PairTPHsmallerTPH> newPairs = new HashSet<>();
// Loop from hell
for (var tph : typeVariables) {
if (typeVariablesOfClass.contains(tph)) continue;
for (var generic : all) {
if (!(generic.getRight() instanceof TypePlaceholder type))
// Loop from hell
for (var tph : typeVariables) {
if (typeVariablesOfClass.contains(tph)) continue;
for (var generic : all) {
if (!(generic.getRight() instanceof TypePlaceholder type))
for (var pair : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (!(pair.left.equals(tph) && pair.right.equals(generic.getLeft())))
for (var pair : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (!(pair.left.equals(tph) && pair.right.equals(generic.getLeft())))
for (var tph2 : typeVariables) {
for (var pair2 : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (!(pair2.right.equals(tph2) && pair2.left.equals(type)))
if (tph.equals(tph2)) continue;
if (!T1s.contains(tph) || !tph2.equals(T2)) continue;
for (var tph2 : typeVariables) {
for (var pair2 : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (!(pair2.right.equals(tph2) && pair2.left.equals(type)))
if (tph.equals(tph2)) continue;
if (!T1s.contains(tph) || !tph2.equals(T2)) continue;
var newPair = new PairTPHsmallerTPH(tph, tph2);
var newPair = new PairTPHsmallerTPH(tph, tph2);
if (!containsRelation(txResult, newPair))
addToPairs(txResult, newPair);
continue outer;
if (!containsRelation(result, newPair))
addToPairs(result, newPair);
continue outer;
@ -474,18 +442,19 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
if (minimalPair != null)
addToPairs(txResult, minimalPair);
addToPairs(result, minimalPair);
// All unbounded type variables (bounds not in method)
for (var typeVariable : typeVariables) {
if (typeVariablesOfClass.contains(typeVariable)) continue;
for (var pair : txResult) {
for (var pair : result) {
if (pair.getLeft().equals(typeVariable))
continue outer;
addToPairs(txResult, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(typeVariable, OBJECT));
addToPairs(result, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(typeVariable, OBJECT));
// All unbounded bounds
@ -496,44 +465,112 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
continue outer;
if (!typeVariablesOfClass.contains(pair.right) && typeVariables.contains(pair.right)) {
addToPairs(txResult, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(pair.right, OBJECT));
addToPairs(result, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(pair.right, OBJECT));
javaResult.addAll(txResult); // Same result until here
private void methodFindTypeVariables(
Method method,
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> genericsOfClass,
Set<TypePlaceholder> typeVariablesOfClass,
Set<TypePlaceholder> typeVariables,
Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality
) {
// For eliminating inner type variables we need to figure out which ones are actually used
// TODO Maybe don't do this twice?
var usedTphs = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
for (var param : method.getParameterList().getFormalparalist()) {
for (var pair : genericsOfClass) {
typeVariablesOfClass.add((TypePlaceholder) pair.getLeft());
var referenced = new HashSet<>(usedTphs);
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, javaResult);
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, txResult);
typeVariables.addAll(findTypeVariables(method.getReturnType(), equality));
for (var arg : method.getParameterList().getFormalparalist()) {
typeVariables.addAll(findTypeVariables(arg.getType(), equality));
usedTPHsOfMethods.put(method, usedTphs);
method.block.accept(new TracingStatementVisitor() {
public void visit(LocalVarDecl localVarDecl) {
typeVariables.addAll(findTypeVariables(localVarDecl.getType(), equality));
public void visit(MethodCall methodCall) {
typeVariables.addAll(findTypeVariables(methodCall.getType(), equality));
public void visit(Assign assign) {}
// Family of generated Generics
Generics generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method) {
if (computedGenericsOfMethods.containsKey(method))
return computedGenericsOfMethods.get(method);
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> txResult = new HashSet<>();
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> javaResult = new HashSet<>();
var generics = new Generics(javaResult, txResult);
computedGenericsOfMethods.put(method, generics);
var genericsOfClass = generics(owner).javaGenerics();
var simplifiedConstraints = new HashSet<>(this.simplifiedConstraints);
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> txTypeVariables = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> javaTypeVariables = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> txTypeVariablesOfClass = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> javaTypeVariablesOfClass = new HashSet<>();
methodFindTypeVariables(method, genericsOfClass, javaTypeVariablesOfClass, javaTypeVariables, equality);
methodFindTypeVariables(method, genericsOfClass, txTypeVariablesOfClass, txTypeVariables, txEquality);
methodFindConstraints(owner, method, simplifiedConstraints, javaTypeVariables, javaTypeVariablesOfClass, javaResult, equality);
methodFindConstraints(owner, method, simplifiedConstraints, txTypeVariables, txTypeVariablesOfClass, txResult, txEquality);
{ // Java Generics
eliminateCycles(javaResult, equality);
eliminateInfima(javaResult, equality);
var usedTphs = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
// For eliminating inner type variables we need to figure out which ones are actually used
// TODO Maybe don't do this twice?
for (var param : method.getParameterList().getFormalparalist()) {
usedTphs.addAll(findTypeVariables(param.getType(), equality));
usedTphs.addAll(findTypeVariables(method.getReturnType(), equality));
var referenced = new HashSet<>(usedTphs);
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, javaResult);
equalizeTypeVariables(javaResult, equality);
usedTPHsOfMethods.put(method, usedTphs);
{ // JavaTX Generics
eliminateInfima(txResult, txEquality);
var referenced = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
for (var param : method.getParameterList().getFormalparalist()) {
referenced.addAll(findTypeVariables(param.getType(), txEquality));
referenced.addAll(findTypeVariables(method.getReturnType(), txEquality));
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, txResult);
System.out.println( + ": " + txResult + " & " + javaResult);
return generics;
void findAllBounds(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> generics) {
void findAllBounds(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> generics, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
tph = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
var concreteType = concreteTypes.get(tph);
if (concreteType != null) {
findAllBounds(concreteType, generics);
findAllBounds(concreteType, generics, equality);
@ -545,7 +582,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
var pair = new PairTPHsmallerTPH(tph, right);
if (!generics.contains(pair)) {
findAllBounds(right, generics);
findAllBounds(right, generics, equality);
found = true;
@ -553,7 +590,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
if (!found)
generics.add(new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(tph, OBJECT));
} else if (type instanceof RefType refType) {
refType.getParaList().forEach(t -> findAllBounds(t, generics));
refType.getParaList().forEach(t -> findAllBounds(t, generics, equality));
@ -564,25 +601,29 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> txResult = new HashSet<>();
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> javaResult = new HashSet<>();
var generics = new Generics(javaResult, txResult);
for (var field : classOrInterface.getFieldDecl()) {
findAllBounds(field.getType(), txResult);
computedGenericsOfClasses.put(classOrInterface, generics);
eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(classOrInterface, txResult);
eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(classOrInterface, javaResult);
for (var field : classOrInterface.getFieldDecl()) {
findAllBounds(field.getType(), javaResult, equality);
findAllBounds(field.getType(), txResult, txEquality);
{ // Java Generics
eliminateCycles(javaResult, equality);
eliminateInfima(javaResult, equality);
eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(classOrInterface, javaResult, equality);
equalizeTypeVariables(javaResult, equality);
{ // TX Generics
eliminateInfima(txResult, txEquality);
eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(classOrInterface, txResult, txEquality);
System.out.println("Class " + classOrInterface.getClassName().getClassName() + ": " + txResult);
return generics;
void equalizeTypeVariables(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input) {
void equalizeTypeVariables(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
for (var pair : new HashSet<>(input)) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH ptph) {
if (ptph.left.getVariance() == 1 && ptph.right.getVariance() == -1) {
@ -599,24 +640,24 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
void findTphs(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Set<TypePlaceholder> tphs) {
void findTphs(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Set<TypePlaceholder> tphs, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
if (type instanceof RefType refType) {
refType.getParaList().forEach(t -> findTphs(t, tphs));
refType.getParaList().forEach(t -> findTphs(t, tphs, equality));
} else if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
tph = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
var concreteType = concreteTypes.get(tph);
if (concreteType != null) {
findTphs(concreteType, tphs);
findTphs(concreteType, tphs, equality);
void eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input) {
void eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced = new HashSet<>();
for (var field : classOrInterface.getFieldDecl()) {
findTphs(field.getType(), referenced);
findTphs(field.getType(), referenced, equality);
for (var method : classOrInterface.getMethods()) {
generics(classOrInterface, method);
@ -668,7 +709,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
void eliminateCycles(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input) {
void eliminateCycles(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
var cycles = findCycles(input);
for (var cycle : cycles) {
var newTph = TypePlaceholder.fresh(new NullToken());
@ -684,7 +725,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
void eliminateInfima(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input) {
void eliminateInfima(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
var foundInfima = false;
do {
foundInfima = false;
@ -726,19 +767,19 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
} while (foundInfima);
RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric getType(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type) {
RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric getType(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
if (equality.containsKey(tph)) {
return getType(equality.get(tph));
return getType(equality.get(tph), equality);
return concreteTypes.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
return type;
TargetType getTargetType(TypePlaceholder tph) {
TargetType getTargetType(TypePlaceholder tph, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
if (equality.containsKey(tph)) {
return getTargetType(equality.get(tph));
return getTargetType(equality.get(tph), equality);
var type = concreteTypes.get(tph);
if (type == null) return new TargetGenericType(tph.getName());
@ -898,18 +939,21 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
public TargetClass convert(ClassOrInterface input) {
currentClass = input;
Set<TargetGeneric> generics = new HashSet<>();
Set<TargetGeneric> javaGenerics = new HashSet<>();
Set<TargetGeneric> txGenerics = new HashSet<>();
var genericsIter = input.getGenerics().iterator();
if (genericsIter.hasNext()) {
// Add empty set of generics to cache so that it doesn't try to calculate it later
sigma.computedGenericsOfClasses.put(input, new Generics(new HashSet<>(), new HashSet<>()));
while (genericsIter.hasNext()) {
var next =;
} else {
// Generate generics only if there are no user defined ones
generics = convert(sigma.generics(input).javaGenerics());
var generics = sigma.generics(input);
javaGenerics = convert(generics.javaGenerics());
txGenerics = convert(generics.txGenerics());
TargetBlock fieldInitializer = null;
@ -918,7 +962,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
TargetBlock finalFieldInitializer = fieldInitializer;
return new TargetClass(input.getModifiers(), input.getClassName().toString(), convert(input.getSuperClass()),
javaGenerics, txGenerics,
input.getConstructors().stream().map(constructor -> this.convert(constructor, finalFieldInitializer)).flatMap(List::stream).toList(),
@ -935,7 +979,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
return ->;
private Set<TargetGeneric> collectMethodGenerics(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> generics, Method input) {
private Set<TargetGeneric> collectMethodGenerics(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> generics, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality, Method input) {
var convertedGenerics = new HashSet<>(convert(generics));
for (GenericTypeVar typeVar : input.getGenerics()) {
@ -946,12 +990,12 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
var returnType = sigma.getType(input.getReturnType());
var returnType = sigma.getType(input.getReturnType(), equality);
if ((returnType instanceof GenericRefType refType) && !hasGeneric(convertedGenerics, refType)) {
convertedGenerics.add(new TargetGeneric(refType.getParsedName(), convert(OBJECT)));
for (var param : input.getParameterList()) {
var type = sigma.getType(param.getType());
var type = sigma.getType(param.getType(), equality);
if (type instanceof GenericRefType refType && !hasGeneric(convertedGenerics, refType)) {
convertedGenerics.add(new TargetGeneric(refType.getParsedName(), convert(OBJECT)));
@ -970,8 +1014,10 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
var generics = sigma.generics(currentClass, input);
List<MethodParameter> params = convert(input.getParameterList());
if ( -> p.equals(params))) {
var convertedGenerics = collectMethodGenerics(generics.javaGenerics(), input);
result.add(new TargetConstructor(input.modifier, convertedGenerics, params, convert(input.block), fieldInitializer));
var javaGenerics = collectMethodGenerics(generics.javaGenerics(), sigma.equality, input);
var txGenerics = collectMethodGenerics(generics.txGenerics(), sigma.txEquality, input);
result.add(new TargetConstructor(input.modifier, javaGenerics, txGenerics, params, convert(input.block), fieldInitializer));
@ -989,10 +1035,12 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
var generics = sigma.generics(currentClass, input);
List<MethodParameter> params = convert(input.getParameterList());
if ( -> p.equals(params))) {
var convertedGenerics = collectMethodGenerics(generics.javaGenerics(), input);
var javaGenerics = collectMethodGenerics(generics.javaGenerics(), sigma.equality, input);
var txGenerics = collectMethodGenerics(generics.txGenerics(), sigma.txEquality, input);
result.add(new TargetMethod(
input.modifier,, convertedGenerics, params,, javaGenerics, txGenerics, params,
@ -1060,7 +1108,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
public TargetType visit(TypePlaceholder typePlaceholder) {
return sigma.getTargetType(typePlaceholder);
return sigma.getTargetType(typePlaceholder, sigma.equality);

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ public class GenericsResult {
public Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> get(ClassOrInterface clazz) {
var generics = this.sigma.computedGenericsOfClasses.get(clazz);
var generics = this.sigma.computedGenericsOfClasses.get(clazz);
if (generics == null) return Set.of();
return generics.txGenerics();
@ -67,7 +67,13 @@ public class GenericsResult {
public RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric resolve(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type) {
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph)
return this.sigma.getType(tph);
return this.sigma.getType(tph, sigma.equality);
return type;
public RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric resolveTx(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type) {
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph)
return this.sigma.getType(tph, sigma.txEquality);
return type;

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@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public record TargetClass(int modifiers, String qualifiedName, TargetType superType, Set<TargetGeneric> generics, List<TargetType> implementingInterfaces,
public record TargetClass(int modifiers, String qualifiedName, TargetType superType, Set<TargetGeneric> generics, Set<TargetGeneric> txGenerics, List<TargetType> implementingInterfaces,
List<TargetConstructor> constructors, List<TargetField> fields, List<TargetMethod> methods) {
public TargetClass(int modifiers, String qualifiedName) {
this(modifiers, qualifiedName, TargetType.Object, new HashSet<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>());
this(modifiers, qualifiedName, TargetType.Object, new HashSet<>(), new HashSet<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>());
public TargetClass(int modifiers, String qualifiedName, List<TargetType> implementingInterfaces) {
this(modifiers, qualifiedName, TargetType.Object, new HashSet<>(), implementingInterfaces, new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>());
this(modifiers, qualifiedName, TargetType.Object, new HashSet<>(), new HashSet<>(), implementingInterfaces, new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>(), new ArrayList<>());
public String getName() {
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ public record TargetClass(int modifiers, String qualifiedName, TargetType superT
public void addMethod(int access, String name, Set<TargetGeneric> generics, List<MethodParameter> parameterTypes, TargetType returnType, TargetBlock block) {
this.methods.add(new TargetMethod(access, name, generics, parameterTypes, returnType, block));
this.methods.add(new TargetMethod(access, name, generics, Set.of(), parameterTypes, returnType, block));
public void addMethod(int access, String name, List<MethodParameter> parameterTypes, TargetType returnType, TargetBlock block) {
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public record TargetClass(int modifiers, String qualifiedName, TargetType superT
public void addConstructor(int access, Set<TargetGeneric> generics, List<MethodParameter> paramterTypes, TargetBlock block) {
this.constructors.add(new TargetConstructor(access, generics, paramterTypes, block, null));
this.constructors.add(new TargetConstructor(access, generics, Set.of(), paramterTypes, block, null));
public void addConstructor(int access, List<MethodParameter> paramterTypes, TargetBlock block) {

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public record TargetConstructor(int access, Set<TargetGeneric> generics, List<MethodParameter> parameters, TargetBlock block, TargetBlock fieldInitializer) {
public record TargetConstructor(int access, Set<TargetGeneric> generics, Set<TargetGeneric> txGenerics, List<MethodParameter> parameters, TargetBlock block, TargetBlock fieldInitializer) {
public String getDescriptor() {
return TargetMethod.getDescriptor(null,[]::new));
@ -15,5 +15,9 @@ public record TargetConstructor(int access, Set<TargetGeneric> generics, List<Me
public String getSignature() {
return TargetMethod.getSignature(generics, parameters, null);
public String getTXSignature() {
return TargetMethod.getSignature(txGenerics, parameters, null);

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public record TargetMethod(int access, String name, Set<TargetGeneric> generics, List<MethodParameter> parameters, TargetType returnType, TargetBlock block) {
public record TargetMethod(int access, String name, Set<TargetGeneric> generics, Set<TargetGeneric> txGenerics, List<MethodParameter> parameters, TargetType returnType, TargetBlock block) {
public static String getDescriptor(TargetType returnType, TargetType... parameters) {
String ret = "(";
for (var parameterType : parameters) {
@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ public record TargetMethod(int access, String name, Set<TargetGeneric> generics,
return getSignature(generics, parameters, returnType);
public String getTXSignature() {
return getSignature(txGenerics, parameters, returnType);
public boolean isStatic() {
return (access & Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0;

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@ -575,8 +575,27 @@ public class TestComplete {
@Ignore("This one isn't working")
public void boxTest() throws Exception {
var classFiles = generateClassFiles("Box.jav", new ByteArrayClassLoader());
var instance = classFiles.get("Box_Main").getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
public void cycleTest() throws Exception {
var classFiles = generateClassFiles("Cycle.jav", new ByteArrayClassLoader());
var instance = classFiles.get("Cycle").getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
public void olFunTest() throws Exception {
var classFiles = generateClassFiles("OLFun.jav", new ByteArrayClassLoader());
var instance = classFiles.get("OLFun").getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();
public void olFun2Test() throws Exception {
var classFiles = generateClassFiles("OLFun2.jav", new ByteArrayClassLoader());
var instance = classFiles.get("OLFun2").getDeclaredConstructor().newInstance();

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@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
public class Test {
public void lambda() {
Interface<Integer, Integer> mul2 = (Integer a) -> a * 2;
interface Interface<R, T> {
R apply(T t);