Implement first version of Unify2 with simple test

This commit is contained in:
JanUlrich 2021-01-21 03:02:47 +01:00
parent 9a0de3f193
commit 3019a0f513
7 changed files with 536 additions and 423 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IUnify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.*;
import java.util.*;
* Implementation of the Martelli-Montanari unification algorithm.
* @author Florian Steurer
public class MartelliMontanariUnify {
* Finds the most general unifier sigma of the set {t1 =. t1',...,tn =. tn'} so that
* sigma(t1) = sigma(t1') , ... sigma(tn) = sigma(tn').
* @param terms The set of terms to be unified
* @return An optional of the most general unifier if it exists or an empty optional if there is no unifier.
public static Optional<Unifier> unify(UnifyType... terms) {
return unify(;
public static Optional<Unifier> unify(Set<UnifyType> terms) {
// Sets with less than 2 terms are trivially unified
if(terms.size() < 2)
return Optional.of(Unifier.identity());
// For the the set of terms {t1,...,tn},
// build a list of equations {(t1 = t2), (t2 = t3), (t3 = t4), ....}
ArrayList<UnifyPair> termsList = new ArrayList<UnifyPair>();
Iterator<UnifyType> iter = terms.iterator();
UnifyType prev =;
while(iter.hasNext()) {
UnifyType next =;
termsList.add(new UnifyPair(prev, next, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
prev = next;
// Start with the identity unifier. Substitutions will be added later.
Unifier mgu = Unifier.identity();
// Apply rules while possible
int idx = 0;
while(idx < termsList.size()) {
UnifyPair pair = termsList.get(idx);
UnifyType rhsType = pair.getRhsType();
UnifyType lhsType = pair.getLhsType();
TypeParams rhsTypeParams = rhsType.getTypeParams();
TypeParams lhsTypeParams = lhsType.getTypeParams();
// REDUCE - Rule
if(!(rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType) && !(lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)) {
Set<UnifyPair> result = new HashSet<>();
// f<...> = g<...> with f != g are not unifiable
return Optional.empty(); // conflict
// f<t1,...,tn> = f<s1,...,sm> are not unifiable
if(rhsTypeParams.size() != lhsTypeParams.size())
return Optional.empty(); // conflict
// f = g is not unifiable (cannot be f = f because erase rule would have been applied)
//if(rhsTypeParams.size() == 0)
//return Optional.empty();
// Unpack the arguments
for(int i = 0; i < rhsTypeParams.size(); i++)
result.add(new UnifyPair(rhsTypeParams.get(i), lhsTypeParams.get(i), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
// DELETE - Rule
if(pair.getRhsType().equals(pair.getLhsType())) {
// SWAP - Rule
if(!(lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType) && (rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)) {
termsList.add(new UnifyPair(rhsType, lhsType, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
if(pair.getLhsType() instanceof PlaceholderType
&& pair.getRhsType().getTypeParams().occurs((PlaceholderType) pair.getLhsType()))
return Optional.empty();
// SUBST - Rule
if(lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType) {
mgu.add((PlaceholderType) lhsType, rhsType);
//PL 2018-04-01 nach checken, ob es richtig ist, dass keine Substitutionen uebergeben werden muessen.
termsList = -> mgu.apply(x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
idx = idx+1 == termsList.size() ? 0 : idx+1;
return Optional.of(mgu);

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@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ public class RuleSet {
* This is step one of the unification algorithm.
* @return The set of pairs that results from repeated application of the inference rules.
protected Set<UnifyPair> applyTypeUnificationRules(Set<UnifyPair> eq, IFiniteClosure fc) {
public static Set<UnifyPair> applyTypeUnificationRules(Set<UnifyPair> eq, IFiniteClosure fc) {
* Rule Application Strategy:
@ -683,82 +683,6 @@ public class RuleSet {
return succ ? permutation : new int[0];
static Optional<Set<UnifyPair>> subst(Set<UnifyPair> pairs) {
return subst(pairs, new ArrayList<>());
static Optional<Set<UnifyPair>> subst(Set<UnifyPair> pairs, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints) {
HashMap<UnifyType, Integer> typeMap = new HashMap<>();
Stack<UnifyType> occuringTypes = new Stack<>();
for(UnifyPair pair : pairs) {
while(!occuringTypes.isEmpty()) {
UnifyType t1 = occuringTypes.pop();
typeMap.put(t1, 0);
typeMap.put(t1, typeMap.get(t1)+1);
if(t1 instanceof ExtendsType)
occuringTypes.push(((ExtendsType) t1).getExtendedType());
if(t1 instanceof SuperType)
occuringTypes.push(((SuperType) t1).getSuperedType());
t1.getTypeParams().forEach(x -> occuringTypes.push(x));
Queue<UnifyPair> result1 = new LinkedList<UnifyPair>(pairs);
ArrayList<UnifyPair> result = new ArrayList<UnifyPair>();
boolean applied = false;
while(!result1.isEmpty()) {
UnifyPair pair = result1.poll();
PlaceholderType lhsType = null;
UnifyType rhsType;
if(pair.getPairOp() == PairOperator.EQUALSDOT
&& pair.getLhsType() instanceof PlaceholderType)
lhsType = (PlaceholderType) pair.getLhsType();
rhsType = pair.getRhsType(); //PL eingefuegt 2017-09-29 statt !((rhsType = pair.getRhsType()) instanceof PlaceholderType)
if(lhsType != null
//&& !((rhsType = pair.getRhsType()) instanceof PlaceholderType) //PL geloescht am 2017-09-29 Begründung: auch Typvariablen muessen ersetzt werden.
&& typeMap.get(lhsType) > 1 // The type occurs in more pairs in the set than just the recent pair.
&& !rhsType.getTypeParams().occurs(lhsType)
&& !((rhsType instanceof WildcardType) && ((WildcardType)rhsType).getWildcardedType().equals(lhsType))) //PL eigefuegt 2018-02-18
Unifier uni = new Unifier(lhsType, rhsType);
result = -> uni.apply(pair,x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
result1 = -> uni.apply(pair,x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedList::new));
Function<? super Constraint<UnifyPair>,? extends Constraint<UnifyPair>> applyUni = b ->
x -> uni.apply(pair,x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection((b.getExtendConstraint() != null)
? () -> new Constraint<UnifyPair>(
b.getExtendConstraint().stream().map(x -> uni.apply(pair,x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection(Constraint::new)))
: () -> new Constraint<UnifyPair>(b.isInherited())
oderConstraints.replaceAll(oc ->;
oderConstraints =
a ->
//b ->
// x -> uni.apply(pair,x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new) )
applied = true;
return applied ? Optional.of(new HashSet<>(result)) : Optional.empty();
static Optional<UnifyPair> reduceWildcardLow(UnifyPair pair) {
if(pair.getPairOp() != PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC)
return Optional.empty();

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@ -1,375 +1,54 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.constraints.Constraint;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.constraints.ConstraintSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.UnifyResultModel;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IFiniteClosure;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.*;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2.model.UnifyConstraintSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2.model.UnifyConstraintSetBuilder;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2.model.UnifyOderConstraint;
import java.util.*;
public class TypeUnify {
public void unifyOrConstraints(UnifyConstraintSet eq, FiniteClosure fc){
eq.cartesianProductParallel().map(eqPrime -> unify(eqPrime, fc));
public static Optional<Set<UnifyPair>> unifyOrConstraints(UnifyConstraintSet eq, FiniteClosure fc){
return eq.cartesianProductParallel().map(eqPrime -> unify(eqPrime, fc)).filter(Optional::isPresent).map(Optional::get).findAny();
public Optional<UnifyResultModel> unify(Set<UnifyPair> eq, FiniteClosure fc){
public static Optional<Set<UnifyPair>> unify(Set<UnifyPair> eq, FiniteClosure fc){
TODO: Hier könnte man prüfen, ob es überhaupt einen Sinn macht mit eq weiterzumachen
Es könnte eine über threads geteiltes Objekt geben (Feld in TypeUnify), welches unmögliche Klauseln lernt
//Apply Reduce und Apply rules
Set<UnifyPair> res = applyTypeUnificationRules(eq, fc);
Set<UnifyPair> res = RuleSet.applyTypeUnificationRules(eq, fc);
//Split result
UnifyConstraintSet constraintSet = step4(res, fc);
return constraintSet.cartesianProductParallel().map(toSubst -> {
//TODO: try subst
toSubst = toSubst; //hier substituieren
* Step 2 and 3: Create a subset eq1s of pairs where both sides are TPH and eq2s of the other pairs
Set<UnifyPair> eq1s = new HashSet<>();
Set<UnifyPair> eq2s = new HashSet<>();
for(UnifyPair pair : res) {
if (pair.getLhsType() instanceof PlaceholderType && pair.getRhsType() instanceof PlaceholderType)
Optional<UnifyConstraintSet> step4Res = Unify.step4(eq1s, eq2s, fc);
//Falls step4 etwas liefert, dann subst und rekursiver unify aufruf anwenden:
return step4Res.flatMap(constraintSet ->
constraintSet.cartesianProductParallel().map(toSubst -> {
Optional<Set<UnifyPair>> substitutionResult = Unify.subst(toSubst); //hier substituieren
//if it changed:
if (true) {
return unify(toSubst, fc);
if (substitutionResult.isPresent()) {
return unify(substitutionResult.get(), fc);
//TODO: return the result
return Optional.<UnifyResultModel>empty();
return Optional.of(toSubst);
}).filter(it -> it.isPresent()).map(Optional::get).findAny();
}).filter(it -> it.isPresent()).map(Optional::get).findAny());
* Repeatedly applies type unification rules to a set of equations.
* This is step one of the unification algorithm.
* @return The set of pairs that results from repeated application of the inference rules.
protected Set<UnifyPair> applyTypeUnificationRules(Set<UnifyPair> eq, FiniteClosure fc) {
* Rule Application Strategy:
* 1. Swap all pairs and erase all erasable pairs
* 2. Apply all possible rules to a single pair, then move it to the result set.
* Iterating over pairs first, then iterating over rules prevents the application
* of rules to a "finished" pair over and over.
* 2.1 Apply all rules repeatedly except for erase rules. If
* the application of a rule creates new pairs, check immediately
* against the erase rules.
LinkedHashSet<UnifyPair> targetSet = new LinkedHashSet<UnifyPair>();
LinkedList<UnifyPair> eqQueue = new LinkedList<>();
* Swap all pairs and erase all erasable pairs
eq.forEach(x -> swapAddOrErase(x, fc, eqQueue));
* Apply rules until the queue is empty
while(!eqQueue.isEmpty()) {
UnifyPair pair = eqQueue.pollFirst();
// ReduceUp, ReduceLow, ReduceUpLow
Optional<UnifyPair> opt = rules.reduceUpLow(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceLow(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceUp(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceWildcardLow(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceWildcardLowRight(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceWildcardUp(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceWildcardUpRight(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceWildcardLowUp(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceWildcardUpLow(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceWildcardLeft(pair);
// Reduce TPH
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceTph(pair);
// One of the rules has been applied
if(opt.isPresent()) {
swapAddOrErase(opt.get(), fc, eqQueue);
// Reduce1, Reduce2, ReduceExt, ReduceSup, ReduceEq
Optional<Set<UnifyPair>> optSet = rules.reduce1(pair, fc);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduce2(pair);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduceExt(pair, fc);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduceSup(pair, fc);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduceEq(pair);
// ReduceTphExt, ReduceTphSup
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduceTphExt(pair);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduceTphSup(pair);
// FunN Rules
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduceFunN(pair);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.greaterFunN(pair);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.smallerFunN(pair);
// One of the rules has been applied
if(optSet.isPresent()) {
optSet.get().forEach(x -> swapAddOrErase(x, fc, eqQueue));
// Adapt, AdaptExt, AdaptSup
opt = rules.adapt(pair, fc);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.adaptExt(pair, fc);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.adaptSup(pair, fc);
// One of the rules has been applied
if(opt.isPresent()) {
swapAddOrErase(opt.get(), fc, eqQueue);
// None of the rules has been applied
return targetSet;
* Creates sets of pairs specified in the fourth step. Does not calculate cartesian products.
* @return The set of the eight cases (without empty sets). Each case is a set, containing sets generated
* from the pairs that matched the case. Each generated set contains singleton sets or sets with few elements
* (as in case 1 where sigma is added to the innermost set).
protected UnifyConstraintSet step4(Set<UnifyPair> eq2s, FiniteClosure fc) {
Set<UnifyOderConstraint> result = new HashSet<>(8);
for(UnifyPair pair : eq2s) {
PairOperator pairOp = pair.getPairOp();
UnifyType lhsType = pair.getLhsType();
UnifyType rhsType = pair.getRhsType();
// Case 1: (a <. Theta')
if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOT && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.add(unifyCase1((PlaceholderType) pair.getLhsType(), pair.getRhsType(), fc));
// Case 2: (a <.? ? ext Theta')
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType && rhsType instanceof ExtendsType)
result.add(unifyCase2((PlaceholderType) pair.getLhsType(), (ExtendsType) pair.getRhsType(), fc));
// Case 3: (a <.? ? sup Theta')
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType && rhsType instanceof SuperType)
result.add(unifyCase3((PlaceholderType) lhsType, (SuperType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 4 was replaced by an inference rule
// Case 4: (a <.? Theta')
//else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
// result.get(3).add(unifyCase4((PlaceholderType) lhsType, rhsType, fc));
// Case 5: (Theta <. a)
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOT && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.add(unifyCase5(lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 6 was replaced by an inference rule.
// Case 6: (? ext Theta <.? a)
//else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof ExtendsType && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
// result.get(5).add(unifyCase6((ExtendsType) lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 7 was replaced by an inference rule
// Case 7: (? sup Theta <.? a)
//else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof SuperType && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
// result.get(6).add(unifyCase7((SuperType) lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 8: (Theta <.? a)
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.add(unifyCase8(lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case unknown: If a pair fits no other case, then the type unification has failed.
// Through application of the rules, every pair should have one of the above forms.
// Pairs that do not have one of the aboves form are contradictory.
else {
// Filter empty sets or sets that only contain an empty set.
//Andi: Why? Should they exist? this should be an error then
return new UnifyConstraintSet(result);
* Cartesian product Case 1: (a <. Theta')
protected UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase1(PlaceholderType a, UnifyType thetaPrime, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
boolean allGen = thetaPrime.getTypeParams().size() > 0;
for(UnifyType t : thetaPrime.getTypeParams())
if(!(t instanceof PlaceholderType) || !((PlaceholderType) t).isGenerated()) {
allGen = false;
Set<UnifyType> cs = fc.getAllTypesByName(thetaPrime.getName());
for(UnifyType c : cs) {
Set<UnifyType> thetaQs = fc.getChildren(c).stream().collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
Set<UnifyType> thetaQPrimes = new HashSet<>();
TypeParams cParams = c.getTypeParams();
if(cParams.size() == 0)
else {
ArrayList<Set<UnifyType>> candidateParams = new ArrayList<>();
for(UnifyType param : cParams)
for(TypeParams tp : permuteParams(candidateParams))
for(UnifyType tqp : thetaQPrimes) {
Optional<Unifier> opt = stdUnify.unify(tqp, thetaPrime);
if (!opt.isPresent())
Unifier unifier = opt.get();
Set<UnifyPair> substitutionSet = new HashSet<>();
for (Entry<PlaceholderType, UnifyType> sigma : unifier)
substitutionSet.add(new UnifyPair(sigma.getKey(), sigma.getValue(), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
List<UnifyType> freshTphs = new ArrayList<>();
for (UnifyType tq : thetaQs) {
Set<UnifyType> smaller = fc.smaller(unifier.apply(tq));
for(UnifyType theta : smaller) {
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
for(int i = 0; !allGen && i < theta.getTypeParams().size(); i++) {
if(freshTphs.size()-1 < i)
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(freshTphs.get(i), theta.getTypeParams().get(i), PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, theta, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, theta.setTypeParams(new TypeParams(freshTphs.toArray(new UnifyType[0]))), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);
* Cartesian Product Case 2: (a <.? ? ext Theta')
private UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase2(PlaceholderType a, ExtendsType extThetaPrime, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
UnifyType aPrime = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
UnifyType extAPrime = new ExtendsType(aPrime);
UnifyType thetaPrime = extThetaPrime.getExtendedType();
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, thetaPrime, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, extAPrime, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(aPrime, thetaPrime, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);
* Cartesian Product Case 3: (a <.? ? sup Theta')
private UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase3(PlaceholderType a, SuperType subThetaPrime, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
UnifyType aPrime = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
UnifyType supAPrime = new SuperType(aPrime);
UnifyType thetaPrime = subThetaPrime.getSuperedType();
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(thetaPrime, a, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, supAPrime, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(thetaPrime, aPrime, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);
* Cartesian Product Case 5: (Theta <. a)
private UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase5(UnifyType theta, PlaceholderType a, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
boolean allGen = theta.getTypeParams().size() > 0;
for(UnifyType t : theta.getTypeParams())
if(!(t instanceof PlaceholderType) || !((PlaceholderType) t).isGenerated()) {
allGen = false;
for(UnifyType thetaS : fc.greater(theta)) {
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
UnifyType[] freshTphs = new UnifyType[thetaS.getTypeParams().size()];
for(int i = 0; !allGen && i < freshTphs.length; i++) {
freshTphs[i] = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(thetaS.getTypeParams().get(i), freshTphs[i], PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, thetaS, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, thetaS.setTypeParams(new TypeParams(freshTphs)), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);
* Cartesian Product Case 8: (Theta <.? a)
private UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase8(UnifyType theta, PlaceholderType a, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
//for(UnifyType thetaS : fc.grArg(theta)) {
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, theta, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
UnifyType freshTph = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, new ExtendsType(freshTph), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(theta, freshTph, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, new SuperType(freshTph), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(freshTph, theta, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);

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@ -0,0 +1,340 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.constraints.Constraint;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IFiniteClosure;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.*;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2.model.UnifyConstraintSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2.model.UnifyOderConstraint;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.function.Function;
public class Unify {
* Creates sets of pairs specified in the fourth step. Does not calculate cartesian products.
* @return The set of the eight cases (without empty sets). Each case is a set, containing sets generated
* from the pairs that matched the case. Each generated set contains singleton sets or sets with few elements
* (as in case 1 where sigma is added to the innermost set).
public static Optional<UnifyConstraintSet> step4(Set<UnifyPair> eq1s, Set<UnifyPair> eq2s, FiniteClosure fc) {
Set<UnifyOderConstraint> result = new HashSet<>(8);
for(UnifyPair pair : eq2s) {
PairOperator pairOp = pair.getPairOp();
UnifyType lhsType = pair.getLhsType();
UnifyType rhsType = pair.getRhsType();
// Case 1: (a <. Theta')
if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOT && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.add(unifyCase1((PlaceholderType) pair.getLhsType(), pair.getRhsType(), fc));
// Case 2: (a <.? ? ext Theta')
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType && rhsType instanceof ExtendsType)
result.add(unifyCase2((PlaceholderType) pair.getLhsType(), (ExtendsType) pair.getRhsType(), fc));
// Case 3: (a <.? ? sup Theta')
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType && rhsType instanceof SuperType)
result.add(unifyCase3((PlaceholderType) lhsType, (SuperType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 4 was replaced by an inference rule
// Case 4: (a <.? Theta')
//else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
// result.get(3).add(unifyCase4((PlaceholderType) lhsType, rhsType, fc));
// Case 5: (Theta <. a)
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOT && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.add(unifyCase5(lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 6 was replaced by an inference rule.
// Case 6: (? ext Theta <.? a)
//else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof ExtendsType && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
// result.get(5).add(unifyCase6((ExtendsType) lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 7 was replaced by an inference rule
// Case 7: (? sup Theta <.? a)
//else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof SuperType && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
// result.get(6).add(unifyCase7((SuperType) lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 8: (Theta <.? a)
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.add(unifyCase8(lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case unknown: If a pair fits no other case, then the type unification has failed.
// Through application of the rules, every pair should have one of the above forms.
// Pairs that do not have one of the aboves form are contradictory.
else {
return Optional.empty();
result.add(new UnifyOderConstraint(Set.of(eq1s)));
// Filter empty sets or sets that only contain an empty set.
//Andi: Why? Should they exist? this should be an error then
return Optional.of(new UnifyConstraintSet(result));
* Cartesian product Case 1: (a <. Theta')
static UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase1(PlaceholderType a, UnifyType thetaPrime, FiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
boolean allGen = thetaPrime.getTypeParams().size() > 0;
for(UnifyType t : thetaPrime.getTypeParams())
if(!(t instanceof PlaceholderType) || !((PlaceholderType) t).isGenerated()) {
allGen = false;
Set<UnifyType> cs = fc.getAllTypesByName(thetaPrime.getName());
for(UnifyType c : cs) {
Set<UnifyType> thetaQs = fc.getChildren(c).stream().collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
Set<UnifyType> thetaQPrimes = new HashSet<>();
TypeParams cParams = c.getTypeParams();
if(cParams.size() == 0)
else {
ArrayList<Set<UnifyType>> candidateParams = new ArrayList<>();
for(UnifyType param : cParams)
candidateParams.add(fc.grArg(param, new HashSet<>()));
for(TypeParams tp : permuteParams(candidateParams))
for(UnifyType tqp : thetaQPrimes) {
Optional<Unifier> opt = MartelliMontanariUnify.unify(tqp, thetaPrime);
if (!opt.isPresent())
Unifier unifier = opt.get();
Set<UnifyPair> substitutionSet = new HashSet<>();
for (Map.Entry<PlaceholderType, UnifyType> sigma : unifier)
substitutionSet.add(new UnifyPair(sigma.getKey(), sigma.getValue(), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
List<UnifyType> freshTphs = new ArrayList<>();
for (UnifyType tq : thetaQs) {
Set<UnifyType> smaller = fc.smaller(unifier.apply(tq), new HashSet<>());
for(UnifyType theta : smaller) {
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
for(int i = 0; !allGen && i < theta.getTypeParams().size(); i++) {
if(freshTphs.size()-1 < i)
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(freshTphs.get(i), theta.getTypeParams().get(i), PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, theta, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, theta.setTypeParams(new TypeParams(freshTphs.toArray(new UnifyType[0]))), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);
* Takes a set of candidates for each position and computes all possible permutations.
* @param candidates The length of the list determines the number of type params. Each set
* contains the candidates for the corresponding position.
static Set<TypeParams> permuteParams(ArrayList<Set<UnifyType>> candidates) {
Set<TypeParams> result = new HashSet<>();
permuteParams(candidates, 0, result, new UnifyType[candidates.size()]);
return result;
* Takes a set of candidates for each position and computes all possible permutations.
* @param candidates The length of the list determines the number of type params. Each set
* contains the candidates for the corresponding position.
* @param idx Idx for the current permutatiton.
* @param result Set of all permutations found so far
* @param current The permutation of type params that is currently explored
static void permuteParams(ArrayList<Set<UnifyType>> candidates, int idx, Set<TypeParams> result, UnifyType[] current) {
if(candidates.size() == idx) {
result.add(new TypeParams(Arrays.copyOf(current, current.length)));
Set<UnifyType> localCandidates = candidates.get(idx);
for(UnifyType t : localCandidates) {
current[idx] = t;
permuteParams(candidates, idx+1, result, current);
* Cartesian Product Case 2: (a <.? ? ext Theta')
static UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase2(PlaceholderType a, ExtendsType extThetaPrime, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
UnifyType aPrime = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
UnifyType extAPrime = new ExtendsType(aPrime);
UnifyType thetaPrime = extThetaPrime.getExtendedType();
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, thetaPrime, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, extAPrime, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(aPrime, thetaPrime, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);
* Cartesian Product Case 3: (a <.? ? sup Theta')
static UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase3(PlaceholderType a, SuperType subThetaPrime, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
UnifyType aPrime = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
UnifyType supAPrime = new SuperType(aPrime);
UnifyType thetaPrime = subThetaPrime.getSuperedType();
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(thetaPrime, a, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, supAPrime, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(thetaPrime, aPrime, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);
* Cartesian Product Case 5: (Theta <. a)
static UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase5(UnifyType theta, PlaceholderType a, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
boolean allGen = theta.getTypeParams().size() > 0;
for(UnifyType t : theta.getTypeParams())
if(!(t instanceof PlaceholderType) || !((PlaceholderType) t).isGenerated()) {
allGen = false;
for(UnifyType thetaS : fc.greater(theta, new HashSet<>())) {
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
UnifyType[] freshTphs = new UnifyType[thetaS.getTypeParams().size()];
for(int i = 0; !allGen && i < freshTphs.length; i++) {
freshTphs[i] = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(thetaS.getTypeParams().get(i), freshTphs[i], PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, thetaS, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, thetaS.setTypeParams(new TypeParams(freshTphs)), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);
* Cartesian Product Case 8: (Theta <.? a)
static UnifyOderConstraint unifyCase8(UnifyType theta, PlaceholderType a, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = new HashSet<>();
//for(UnifyType thetaS : fc.grArg(theta)) {
Set<UnifyPair> resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, theta, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
UnifyType freshTph = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, new ExtendsType(freshTph), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(theta, freshTph, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
resultPrime = new HashSet<>();
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(a, new SuperType(freshTph), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
resultPrime.add(new UnifyPair(freshTph, theta, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT));
return new UnifyOderConstraint(result);
static Optional<Set<UnifyPair>> subst(Set<UnifyPair> pairs) {
HashMap<UnifyType, Integer> typeMap = new HashMap<>();
Stack<UnifyType> occuringTypes = new Stack<>();
for(UnifyPair pair : pairs) {
while(!occuringTypes.isEmpty()) {
UnifyType t1 = occuringTypes.pop();
typeMap.put(t1, 0);
typeMap.put(t1, typeMap.get(t1)+1);
if(t1 instanceof ExtendsType)
occuringTypes.push(((ExtendsType) t1).getExtendedType());
if(t1 instanceof SuperType)
occuringTypes.push(((SuperType) t1).getSuperedType());
t1.getTypeParams().forEach(x -> occuringTypes.push(x));
Queue<UnifyPair> result1 = new LinkedList<UnifyPair>(pairs);
ArrayList<UnifyPair> result = new ArrayList<UnifyPair>();
boolean applied = false;
while(!result1.isEmpty()) {
UnifyPair pair = result1.poll();
PlaceholderType lhsType = null;
UnifyType rhsType;
if(pair.getPairOp() == PairOperator.EQUALSDOT
&& pair.getLhsType() instanceof PlaceholderType)
lhsType = (PlaceholderType) pair.getLhsType();
rhsType = pair.getRhsType(); //PL eingefuegt 2017-09-29 statt !((rhsType = pair.getRhsType()) instanceof PlaceholderType)
if(lhsType != null
//&& !((rhsType = pair.getRhsType()) instanceof PlaceholderType) //PL geloescht am 2017-09-29 Begründung: auch Typvariablen muessen ersetzt werden.
&& typeMap.get(lhsType) > 1 // The type occurs in more pairs in the set than just the recent pair.
&& !rhsType.getTypeParams().occurs(lhsType)
&& !((rhsType instanceof WildcardType) && ((WildcardType)rhsType).getWildcardedType().equals(lhsType))) //PL eigefuegt 2018-02-18
Unifier uni = new Unifier(lhsType, rhsType);
result = -> uni.apply(pair,x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));
result1 = -> uni.apply(pair,x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedList::new));
Function<? super Constraint<UnifyPair>,? extends Constraint<UnifyPair>> applyUni = b ->
x -> uni.apply(pair,x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection((b.getExtendConstraint() != null)
? () -> new Constraint<UnifyPair>(
b.getExtendConstraint().stream().map(x -> uni.apply(pair,x)).collect(Collectors.toCollection(Constraint::new)))
: () -> new Constraint<UnifyPair>()
applied = true;
return applied ? Optional.of(new HashSet<>(result)) : Optional.empty();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.UnifyPair;
import java.util.Set;
public class UnifyResult {
public UnifyResult(Set<UnifyPair> toSubst) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
package unify;
public class RuleSetTest {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package unify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.FiniteClosure;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.PairOperator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.PlaceholderType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.UnifyPair;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2.TypeUnify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2.model.UnifyConstraintSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.unify2.model.UnifyOderConstraint;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
public class TypeUnifyTest {
public void emptyInput(){
UnifyConstraintSet empty = new UnifyConstraintSet(new HashSet<>());
TypeUnify.unifyOrConstraints(empty, emptyFC());
public void singleOrConstraintOnlyTPHs(){
Set<UnifyPair> pairs = Set.of(new UnifyPair(PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder(), PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder(), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
UnifyOderConstraint orConstraint = new UnifyOderConstraint(Set.of(pairs));
UnifyConstraintSet input = new UnifyConstraintSet(Set.of(orConstraint));
Optional<Set<UnifyPair>> res = TypeUnify.unifyOrConstraints(input, emptyFC());
assert res.isPresent();
public void unifyTest1(){
PlaceholderType tph1 = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
PlaceholderType tph2 = PlaceholderType.freshPlaceholder();
UnifyPair p1 = new UnifyPair(tph1, tph2, PairOperator.SMALLERDOT);
Set<UnifyPair> pairs = Set.of(p1);
UnifyOderConstraint orConstraint = new UnifyOderConstraint(Set.of(pairs));
UnifyConstraintSet input = new UnifyConstraintSet(Set.of(orConstraint));
Optional<Set<UnifyPair>> res = TypeUnify.unifyOrConstraints(input, emptyFC());
assert res.isPresent();
private FiniteClosure emptyFC(){
return new FiniteClosure(new HashSet<>(), null);