<html> <head>
<h2>New Java-TX project in eclipse</h2>
  <li>New -> Java Project<br/>
  <img  width= 400 src="newJavaTXProject.png" >
  <li>Generate a jav-File folder<br/>
  <img  width= 550 src="newJavFolder1.png" ><br/><br/>
  <img  width= 550 src="newJavFolder2.png" >
  <li>Add jav-File folder as library<br/>
  At the moment no package system is implemented, Therefore the compiled class files are in the jav-File folder. This has to be added as library:<br/>
  <img  width= 550 src="buildPath1.png" ><br/><br/>
  <img  width= 550 src="buildPath2.png" ><br/><br/>
  <img  width= 400 src="buildPath3.png" ><br/><br/>
  <img  width= 550 src="buildPath4.png" ><br/>

<!-- hhmts start -->Last modified: Fri Jun  1 16:50:02 CEST 2018 <!-- hhmts end -->
</body> </html>