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- Algebraische Spezification
- Informatik
- Compilerbau
- Funktionale Programmierung
- Imperative Programmierung
- OO
- Logik
- OS-Algebra
- Semantik
- Typen
- symbolischer Rechnen
- Rechnerarchitektur und Betriebssysteme
- Textverarbeitung
- Software-Engineering (SE.bib)
- Geschäftsprozesse (siehe GP.bib )
- Internet
Algebraische Spezification
title={Universal Algebra},
author={G. Gr{\"a}tzer},
publisher={Springer-Verlag, New York},
note={second edition},
author = {Hans-Jürgen Appelrath and Dietrich Boles and Volker Claus},
title = {Starthilfe Informatik},
publisher = {Teubner},
year = {2002}
author={Herbert Klaeren},
title={Algebraische {Spezifikation} --- {Eine} {Einf\"uhrung}},
publisher={Springer Verlag},
series={Lehrbuch Informatik},
address={Berlin, Heidelberg, New York}}
author={Herbert Klaeren},
title={Algebraische {Spezifikation} --- {Eine} {Einf\"uhrung}},
publisher={Springer Verlag},
series={Lehrbuch Informatik},
address={Berlin, Heidelberg, New York},
title={Fundamentals of Algebraic Specification 1},
author={H. Ehrig and B. Mahr},
publisher={Springer-Verlag, Berlin},
series={EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science}}
author = "M. Wirsing",
title = "{Algebraic Specifications}",
booktitle = "Handbook of Theoretical Computer Science, Volume {\bf B}",
publisher = "Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.",
editor = "J. van Leeuwen",
pages = "675-788",
chapter = "13",
year = "1990"
author = {Klaeren, Herbert},
title = { Vom Problem zum Programm: Eine Einf\"uhrung in die Informatik },
publisher = { Teubner },
year = 1991,
edition = {2., neubearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage},
author = {Klaeren, Herbert and Sperber, Michael},
title = { Vom Problem zum Programm Architektur und Bedeutung von Computerprogrammen},
publisher = { Teubner },
year = 2001,
edition = {3., neubearbeitete und erweiterte {A}uflage},
author = {Schoening, Uwe},
title = { Logik f\"ur Informatiker },
publisher = { Spektrum Akademischer Verlag },
year = 2000,
edition = {5. Auflage},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Noltenmeier, H.},
title = {Einf\"uhrung in Algorithmen und Berechenbarkeit},
publisher = {Hanser},
year = {}
author = {D\"orler and Peschek},
title = {Einf\"uhrung in die {M}athematik f\"ur {I}nformatiker},
publisher = {Hanser},
year = {},
author = {Niklaus With},
title = {Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen},
publisher = {Teubner},
year = {2000}
author = {Sedgewick, Robert},
title = { Algorithmen in C },
publisher = { Addison-Wesley },
year = 1992,
address = {Bonn u.a.},
edition = {1. Aufl.},
author = {Sedgewick, Robert},
title = {Algorithmen in Java},
publisher = { Addison-Wesley },
year = {2003}
author = {Ottmann, Thomas and Widmayer, Peter},
title = { Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen },
publisher = { BI-Wiss.-Verl. },
year = 1990,
series = {Reihe Informatik},
address = {Mannheim u.a.},
author = {Ottmann, Thomas and Widmayer, Peter},
title = { Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen },
publisher = { Spektrum akademischer Verlag },
year = 2002
author = {K\"uchlin, Wolfgang and Weber, Andreas},
title = {Einf\"uhrung in die Informatik Objektorientiert mit Java},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {2000},
author={Michael Sperber},
title={M\ork: a generater for preprocessors},
howpublished={Universit"at T"ubingen},
author={John Gough},
title={The {D}-Code Compiler Front-end {GP2D}},
publisher={Attempto-Verlag, Universität Tübingen},
author={Herbert Klaeren},
title={{"U}bersetzung einer einfachen {P}rogrammiersprache},
author = "W. M. Waite and G. Goos",
title = "Compiler Construction",
publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
address = "Berlin, Germany",
year = "1984"}
author={Reinhard Wilhelm and Dieter Maurer},
edition = {2. Auflage},
author={Alfred V. Aho and Ravi Sethi and Jeffrey D. Ullman},
title={Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools},
publisher={Addison Wesley},
author = {Aho, Alfred V. and Sethi, Ravi and Ullman, Jeffrey D.},
title = {Compilerbau, 1. Teil},
publisher = {Oldenburg},
edition = {2. Auflage},
year = {1999}
author = {Aho, Alfred V. and Sethi, Ravi and Ullman, Jeffrey D.},
title = {Compilerbau, 2. Teil},
publisher = {Oldenburg},
edition = {2. Auflage},
year = {1999}
author = {Hedtst"uck},
title = {Theoretische Informatik},
publisher = {Oldenburg},
year = {2004},
edition = {3. Auflage}
author = {von Levine, John R. and Mason, Tony and Brown, Doug},
title = {Lex \& yacc, UNIX Programming Tools. A Nutshell-Handbook},
publisher = {O'Reilly Associates},
year = {1992},
edition = {2nd}
author = {Bernd K\"uhl and Axel-Tobias Schreiner},
title = {jay -- Compiler bauen mit yacc und Java},
institution = {Fachbereich Mathematik/Informatik, Universit\"at Osnabr\"uck},
year = {1999},
note = {(in german)}
author = {Bernd K\"uhl and Axel-Tobias Schreiner},
title = {jay -- {C}ompiler bauen mit {Y}acc und {J}ava},
journal = {iX},
year = {1999},
note = {(in german)}
title = {JLex: A lexical analyzer generator for Java(TM)},
author = {Elliot Berk},
edition = {1.2},
month = {October},
year = {1997}
Funktionale Programmierung
AUTHOR = {Milner, Robin and Tofte, Mads and Harper, Robert} ,
TITLE = {The definition of Standard ML},
YEAR = {1990} ,
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.} ,
SERIES = {} ,
VOLUME = {} ,
ISBN = {0-262-13255-9} ,
ISSN = {} ,
REPORT = {} ,
POINTER = {Bib.d.Info. F.3.2},
ENTRY = {es} ,
author = {Milner, Robin},
title = { The definition of Standard ML (Revised) },
publisher = { MIT Press },
year = 1997,
address = {Cambridge, Mass.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Emmanuel Chailloux and Pascal Manoury and Bruno Pagano},
title = {D\'eveloppement d'applications avec Objective Caml},
publisher = {O'Reilly},
year = {2000},
month = {avril},
note = {in french, translation}
AUTHOR= "Rod M. Burstall and Dave B. MacQueen and Don T. Sannella",
TITLE = "HOPE---An Experimental Applicative Language",
INSTITUTION="University of Edinburgh, Dept. of Computer Science",
AUTHOR = {Peter Thiemann} ,
TITLE = {Grundlagen der funktionalen {P}rogrammierung} ,
YEAR = {1994},
PUBLISHER = {Teubner}
AUTHOR = {Peter Thiemann} ,
TITLE = {Grundlagen der funktionalen {P}rogrammierung} ,
YEAR = {1994},
PUBLISHER = {Teubner},
chapter = {11.2}
author = {\AA ke Wikstr\"om},
title = "{F}unctional {P}rogramming {U}sing {S}tandard {ML}",
publisher = "{P}rentice {H}all",
year = "1987"
author="D. A. Turner",
title="Miranda: {A} non-strict functional language with
polymorphic types",
booktitle="Proceedings Functional Programming Languages and Computer
Architecture, Nancy",
series={Lecture notes in computer science},
author = "M. Wehr",
title = "???{O}verloading in {T}ype {T}heory???",
school = "University of Karlsruhe",
year = "1997",
OPTcrossref = "",
OPTkey = "",
OPTaddress = "",
OPTmonth = "",
OPTtype = "",
OPTnote = "",
OPTannote = ""
AUTHOR = {Paul Hudak and Simon {Peyton Jones} and Philip Wadler and others},
TITLE = {Report on the Programming Language {Haskell}},
YEAR = 1992,
VOLUME = {27},
NUMBER = {5},
PAGES = {R1--R164}
author = "John Peterson and Kevin Hammond and others",
title = "Report on the Programming Language {Haskell},
Version 1.3",
year = "1996",
month = "May"
author = "John Peterson and Kevin Hammond and others",
title = "Report on the Programming Language {Haskell},
Version 1.4",
year = "1997",
month = "April"
title = {Haskell 98 Language and Libraries, The Revised Report},
author = {Simon Peyton Jones [editor] and Lennart Augustsson and Dave Barton and Brian Boutel and Warren Burton and Joseph Fasel and Kevin Hammond and Ralf Hinze and Paul Hudak and John Hughes and Thomas Johnsson and Mark Jones and John Launchbury and Erik Meijer and John Peterson and Alastair Reid and Colin Runciman and Philip Wadler},
month = {December},
year = {2002}
title = "Gofer",
author = "Mark P. Jones",
month = "September",
year = "1994"
author = "J. Goguen and C. Kirchner and H. Kirchner and
A. M\'{e}grelis and J. Meseguer and T. Wink\-ler ",
title = "An indroduction to {OBJ}--3",
journal = "Proceedings, Conference on Conditional Term
Rewriting, Lecture notes in computer science",
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science} ,
publisher= "Springer-Verlag",
year = "1988",
volume = "308",
pages = "258-263"
title = {Operational Semantics of {OBJ--3}},
author = {C. Kirchner and H. Kirchner and J. Meseguer},
booktitle = {Proceedings, 15th International Colloquium on Automata,
Languages and Programming, Tampere, Finland, July 11-15, 1988},
editor = {T. Lepist\"{o} and A. Salomaa},
publisher = {Springer},
pages = {287--301},
year = 1988,
note = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 317"}
title = "Higher-Order Functions Considered Unnecessary for Higher-Order
author = "J. Goguen",
booktitle = "Research Topics in Functional Programming",
pages = "309-352",
editor = "David Turner",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
year = 1990,
note = "University of Texas at Austin Year of Programming Series; preliminary
version in SRI Technical Report SRI-CSL-88-1, January 1988")
author={Herbert Klaeren},
title={Efficient Implementation of a Functional Programming
note={preliminary draft},
year={27. Februar 1991}}
author = "Luqi and Joseph A. Goguen",
title = "Formal Methods: Promises and Problems",
journal = "IEEE Software",
year = 1997,
volume = 14,
number = 1,
pages = "73-85"
author = {Joseph Goguen and R{\u{a}}zvan Diaconescu},
title = {An Oxford survey of order-sorted algebras},
booktitle = {Mathematical Structures in Computer Science},
pages = {362--392},
year = {1994},
volume = {4}}
Imperative Programmierung
AUTHOR = {K. Jensen and N. Wirth},
TITLE = {Pascal User Manual and Report},
EDITION = {3rd},
YEAR = {1976,1985},
PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}}
author = {Jensen, Kathleen and Wirth, Niklaus},
title = { PASCAL. User Manual and Report },
publisher = { Springer },
year = 1974,
series = {Lecture notes in computer science, Bd. 18(S10)},
address = {Berlin }
author = {Jensen, Kathleen and Wirth, Niklaus and Mickel, Andrew B.},
title = { Pascal user manual and report : rev. for the ISO Pascal standard },
publisher = { Springer },
year = 1985,
address = {New York},
edition = {3rd},
note = {revised by Andrew B. Mickel and James F. Miner}
author = {Herschel, Rudolf and Pieper, Friedrich},
title = { PASCAL und PASCAL-Systeme : systematische Darstellung f{\"u}r den Anwender },
publisher = { Oldenbourg },
year = 1987,
series = {Reihe Datenverarbeitung},
address = {Muenchen, Wien},
note = {6. verbesserte Auflage}
author = {Brauer, Klaus},
title = { Programmieren mit FORTRAN 77 },
publisher = { Huethig },
year = 1986,
address = {Heidelberg},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Budd, Timothy},
title = { An introduction to object-oriented programming },
publisher = { Addison-Wesley },
year = 1991,
note = {Reprinted with corrections}
author = {Moessenboeck, Hanspeter},
title = { Objektorientierte Programmierung in Oberon-2. Mit einem Geleitwort von Niklaus Wirth },
publisher = { Springer },
year = 1994,
address = {Berlin u.a.},
note = {2. Auflage}
author = {Kernighan, Brian W. and Ritchie, Dennis M.},
title = { The C programming language },
publisher = { Prentice Hall },
year = 1988,
series = {Prentice Hall software series},
address = {Englewood Cliffs, NJ},
edition = {2nd}
author = {Wirth, Niklaus},
title = { Programming in Modula 2 },
publisher = { Springer },
year = 1988,
series = {Texts and monographs in computer science},
address = {Berlin ; Heidelberg},
edition = {4.}
author = "Budd, Timothy",
title = "An {I}troduction to {O}bject--{O}riented {P}rogramming",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
year = "1991"
Author = {Bjarne Stroustrup},
Title = {The C++ Programming Language},
Publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
Address = {Reading, MA},
Edition = {2nd},
Year = 1991,
ISBN = {0-201-53992-6},
LC = {QA76.73.C15S79 1991}}
author = "B. Meyer",
title = "Eiffel: {T}he language",
publisher = "Prentice Hall International",
year = "1992" }
author = {Belli, Fevzi},
title = { Einf{\"u}hrung in die logische Programmierung mit PROLOG },
publisher = { Bibliographisches Institut },
year = 1986,
series = {BI-Hochschultaschenb{\"u}cher},
address = {Mannheim u.a.}
author = {Daniel H. H., Ingalls},
title = {Design {P}rinciples {B}ehind {S}malltalk},
journal = {{BYTE} Magazine},
year = {1981},
note = {\texttt{\~{ }dwighth/smalltalk/byte\_aug81/} \texttt{design\_principles\_behind\_smalltalk.html}},
month = {August}
author = {Chien, Andrew A.},
title = {Concurrent {A}ggregates: {S}upporting {M}odularity in {M}assivly--{P}arallel {P}rograms},
publisher = {MIT Press, Cambridge},
year = {1993}
author = {Chien, Andrew A. and Karamcheti, Vijay and Plevyak, John and Zhang, Xingbin},
title = {Concurrent aggregates language report 2.0},
institution = {University of Illinois at Urbana--Champaign, Department of Computer Science},
year = {1993},
note = {\texttt{}}
author = {Arnold, Ken and Gosling, James},
title = { The Java programming language },
publisher = { Addison-Wesley },
year = 1996,
series = {The Java series}
author = {Arnold, Ken and Gosling, James and Holmes, David },
title = { The Java programming language },
publisher = { Addison-Wesley },
year = 2001,
edition = {3rd},
series = {The Java series}
author = {Gosling, James and Joy, Bill and Steele, Guy and Bracha, Gilad },
title = "{The Java$^{TM}$ language specifacation }",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
edition = {3rd},
year = 2005,
series = {The Java series}
author = {David Flanagan},
title = {Java in a {N}utschell},
publisher = {O'Reilly},
year = {1997}
author = {David Flanagan},
title = {Java in a {N}utschell},
publisher = {O'Reilly},
edition = {3rd},
year = {2001}
author = {David Flanagan},
title = {Java in a {N}utschell},
publisher = {O'Reilly},
edition = {4.},
year = {2003}
author = {Christian Ullenboom},
title = {Java ist auch eine Insel},
publisher = {Galileo Computing},
year = {2005},
volume = {4.},
note = {in german}
author = {Lemay, Laura and Perkins, Charles L.},
title = { Java 1.1 in 21 Tagen },
publisher = { SAMS Verlag },
year = 1997,
address = {Haar bei M\"unchen}
author = {Lemay, Laura and Cadenhead, Rogers},
title = { Java 2 in 21 Tagen },
publisher = { SAMS Verlag },
year = 2001,
address = {Haar bei M\"unchen}
author = {Lemay, Laura and Cadenhead, Rogers},
title = { Java 2 in 21 Tagen },
publisher = { SAMS Verlag },
year = 2003,
address = {Haar bei M\"unchen},
edition = {4.}
author = "Gosling, James and Joy, Bill and Steele, Guy",
title = "{The Java language specifacation }",
publisher = "Addison-Wesley",
year = 1996,
series = {The Java series},
author = "Sophia Drossopoulou and Susan Eisenbach",
title = "{Java} is Type Safe --- Probably",
journal = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
volume = "1241",
pages = "389--??",
year = "1997",
url = "" }
author = "Sophia Drossopoulou and Susan Eisenbach and Sarfraz Khurshid",
title = "Is the Java Type System Sound?",
journal = "Theory and Practice of Object Systems",
volume = "5",
number = "1",
pages = "3-24",
year = "1999",
url = "" }
author = {Bauer and H\"ollerer},
title = {\"Ubersetzung Objekt-orientierter Programmiersprachen},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1998},
note = {(in german)}
author = "Gilad Bracha and Martin Odersky and David Stoutamire and Philip Wadler",
title = "Making the Future Safe for the Past: Adding Genericity to the {Java} Programming Language",
booktitle = "{ACM} {S}ymposium on {O}bject {O}riented {P}rogramming: {S}ystems, {L}anguages, and {A}pplications ({OOPSLA})",
address = "Vancouver, BC",
editor = "Craig Chambers",
pages = "183--200",
year = "1998",
url = "" }
author = {Gilad Bracha and Martin Odersky and David Stoutamire and Philip Wadler},
title = {G{J}: {E}xtending the {J}ava {P}rogramming {L}anguage with type parameters},
year = {1998}
author = {Gilad Bracha and Martin Odersky and David Stoutamire and Philip Wadler},
title = {G{J} {S}pecification},
year = {1998}
author = {Atsushi Igarashi and Benjamin Pierce and Philip Wadler},
title = {Featherweight Java: A Minimal Core Calculus for Java and {GJ}},
journal = {Proceedings of the 1999 ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages \& Applications (OOPSLA`99)},
year = {1999}
author = {Gilad Bracha and Norman Cohen and Christian Kemper and Steve Marx and Martin Odersky and Sven-Eric Panitz and David Stoutamire Kresten Thorup and Philip Wadler},
title = {Adding {G}enerice to the {J}ava {P}rogramming {L}anguage: {P}articipant {D}raft {S}pecification},
journal = {\texttt{}},
year = {2001}
author = {Martin Odersky},
title = {Inferred Type Instantiation for {GJ}},
howpublished = {Note sent to the types mailing list},
month = {January},
year = 2002
author = {Calvin Austin},
title = {{J2SE} 1.5 in a Nutshell},
journal = {\tt\-developer/\-technicalArticles/\-releases/\-j2se15 \rm},
year = {2004},
month = {February}
author = {Gamma, E. and Helm, R. and Johnson, R. and Vlissides, J.},
title = {Design Patterns -- Microarchitectures for Reusable Object-Oriented Software},
publisher = { Addison-Wesley, Reading},
year = {1994}
author = "Atsushi Ohori",
title = "A Polymorphic Record Calculus and Its Compilation",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems",
volume = "17",
number = "6",
month = "November",
publisher = "ACM Press",
pages = "844--895",
year = "1995",
url = "" }
AUTHOR = {Barendregt, Hendrik P.} ,
TITLE = {{The lambda calculus : {I}ts syntax and semantics}} ,
YEAR = {1984} ,
PUBLISHER = {North-Holland, Amsterdam} ,
SERIES = {Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics} ,
VOLUME = {} ,
ISBN = {0-444-86748-1} ,
ISSN = {} ,
REPORT = {} ,
POINTER = {Bib.d.Info. F.4.1},
ENTRY = {es} ,
author={J. A. Goguen},
title={Order sorted algebras: {E}xception and {E}rror {S}orts, {C}oercions and {O}verloaded {O}perators},
journal={Semantics and Theory of Computation Report},
author = "Martin Gogolla",
title = "Algebraic Specifications with Partially Ordered
Sorts and Declarations",
institution = "Univerisit{\"a}t Dortmund, Abteilung Informatik",
year = "1983"
@Inproceedings{ Gog84,
Author = { M. Gogolla },
Title = { Pa{rti}a{lly} {Ordered} {Sorts} {in} {Algebr}a{ic}
{Specific}a{tions} },
Booktitle = { Proc. 9th CAAP, Bordeaux },
Pages = { 139-154 },
Year = { 1984 } }
Gibt es in unserer Bibliothek nicht.
author = "K. Futatsugi and J. Goguen and J.-P. Jouannaud and
J. Meseguer",
title = "{P}rinciples of {OBJ}--2",
journal = "Proceedings, 12th ACM Symposium on Principles of
Programming Languages",
year = "1985",
pages = "52--66",
note = "Association for Computing Machinery"
author={J. A. Goguen and J.-P. Jouannaud and J. Meseguer},
title={Operational semantics of order-sorted algebras},
journal={Proc. Twelfth International EATCS Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming},
author = "M. Schmidt-Schau{\ss{}}",
title = "Unification in many-sorted equational theories",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Automated Deduction",
year = "1986",
pages = "538--552",
editor = "J. H. Siekmann",
address = "Oxford"
author = {Manfred Schmidt-Schau{\ss{}}},
title = {{C}omputational {A}spects of an {O}rder-{S}orted {L}ogic with {T}erm {D}eclarations},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1989},
volume = {395},
series = {LNCS}
author = "H. Ganzinger",
title = "Order-sorted completion the many-sorted way",
journal = "Theoretical Computer Science",
year = "1991",
volume = "89",
pages = "3--32"
author = "Gert Smolka",
title = "Logic programming with polymorphically order-sorted types",
journal = "Proc. First {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {A}lgebraic
and {L}ogic {P}rogramming, Springer-Verlag",
year = "1988",
volume = "{LNCS} 343",
pages = "53--70",
note = "Gaussig, {GDR}"
author = "Gert Smolka",
title = "Logic Programming over Polymorphically Order-Sorted Types",
school = {Department Informatik, University of Kaisers\-lautern},
address = {Kaiserslautern, Germany},
month = may,
year = 1989
author = "Michael Hanus",
title = "Parametric order-sorted types in logic programming",
journal = "Proc. TAPSOFT 1991",
year = "1991",
volume = "LNCS",
number = "394",
pages = "181--200"
author = "Christoph Beierle",
title = "Types, {M}odules and {D}atabases in the {L}ogic
{P}rogramming {L}anguage {PROTOS-L}",
editor = "K.H. Bl{\"a}sius and U. Hendtst{\"u}ck and C.-R. Rollinger",
volume = "418",
pages = "73--110",
booktitle = "Sort and {T}ypes in {A}rtificial {I}ntelligence",
year = "1990",
publisher = "Springer-Verlag Berlin",
note = "Proceedings of the workshop, Eringerfeld, April 1989"
author = "Christoph Beierle",
title = "Logic programming with typed unification and its
realization on an abstract machine",
journal = "IBM Journal of Research and Development",
year = "1992",
volume = "36",
number = "3",
pages = "375--390",
month = "May"
Author ={Smolka, Gert
and Nutt, Werner and Goguen, Joseph A. and Meseguer, Jos{\'e} },
Title ={Order-Sorted Equational Computation},
Pages ={297--367},
Type ={Chapter},
Chapter = 10,
Booktitle = {Resolution of Equations in Algebraic Structures, Volume~2},
Editor = {A{\"\i}t-Kaci, Hassan and Nivat, Maurice},
Publisher = {Academic Press},
Year = 1989,
Klasse = {Algebraische Spezifikation, Unifikation, Verschiedenes},
Bemerkung={ },
Kopiert ={x},
Sa ={IUn},
Sb ={IV},
Eingabedatum = {05.09.1991},
Aenderungsdatum = {05.12.1991}
author = "U. Waldmann",
title = "Unitary Unification in {O}rder-sorted {S}ignatures",
institution = "Universit{\"a}t Dortmund",
year = "1989 (Revised Version 1990)",
number = "Forschungsbericht 298"
author = "J. A. Goguen and J. Meseguer",
title = "Order-Sorted Algebras {I}: Equational Deduction for Multiple Inheritance, Overloading, Exceptions and Partial Operations",
institution = "SRI International",
year = "1989",
month = "July"
author = "J. A. Goguen and J. Meseguer",
title = "Order-Sorted Algebras {I}: Equational Deduction for Multiple Inheritance, Overloading, Exceptions and Partial Operations",
booktitle = {Theoretical Computer Science},
year = "1992",
month = "November",
pages = "217--273",
volume = {105(2)}
author={J. Meseguer and J. A. Goguen and G. Smolka},
title={Order-Sorted Unification},
journal={Journal of Symbolic Computation},
author = "J. A. Goguen and T. Winkler and J. Meseguer and
K. Futatsugi and J.-P. Jouannaud",
title = "Introducing OBJ",
year = "1993",
month = "October"
author = "Martin Pl{\"u}micke",
title = "Ordnungs-sortierte {A}lgebren als {G}rundlage f{\"u}r {S}emantik und {T}yp\-sys\-tem
einer algebraischen {S}pezifikationssprache",
howpublished = "Universität Tübingen",
year = "1993",
month = "Oktober",
note = "Diplomarbeit"
author={Martin Pl{\"u}micke},
title={Ordnungs-sortierte {A}lgebren als {G}rundlage f{\"u}r {S}emantik und {T}yp\-sys\-tem
einer algebraischen {S}pezifikationssprache},
institution={Universit{\"a}t T{\"u}bingen, Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut},
author = "Martin Pl{\"u}micke and Herbert Klaeren",
title = "Concepts for Overloading and Subtyping in an Algebraic Specification Language",
institution = "University of T{\"u}bingen, Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut",
year = "1995",
number = "WSI-95-22"
author={Martin Pl{\"u}micke and Herbert Klaeren},
title={Subtyping and Overloading in a Functional Programming
institution = "University of T{\"u}bingen, Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut",
author={Martin Pl{\"u}micke},
title={Subtyping and Overloading in a Functional Programming
booktitle={GI-Workshop, Alternative Konzepte für Sprachen und Rechner Bad
Honnef 1994},
author = {Martin Pl{\"u}micke},
title = {Complete polymorphic order-sorted unification},
booktitle = {Programming Languages and Fundamentals of Programming},
pages = {272--286},
year = {1997},
editor = {Rudolf Berghammer and Friedemann Simon},
OPTseries = {Bericht},
number = {9717},
month = {November},
note = {9th colloquium},
organization = {Christian--Albrechts--Universit{\"a}t, Kiel}
author = {Martin Pl{\"u}micke},
title = {Type {I}nference in \textsf{OBJ--P}},
booktitle = {Workshop On Functional and Logic Programming Proceedings},
year = {1998},
editor = {Herbert Kuchen},
number = {63},
organization = {Westf{\"a}lische Wilhelms--Universit{\"a}t, M{\"u}nster},
note = {7th International Workshop}
author = {Martin Pl{\"u}micke},
title = {{\sf OBJ--P} {T}he {P}olymorphic {E}xtension of {\sf OBJ--3}},
school = {University of Tuebingen},
year = {1999},
address = {WSI-99-4}
author = {Martin Pl{\"u}micke},
title = {{\sf OBJ--P} {T}he {P}olymorphic {E}xtension of {\sf OBJ--3}},
chapter = {3.6},
publisher = {PhD thesis, University of Tuebingen},
year = {1999},
volume = {WSI-99-4}
author = "M. Pl{\"u}micke",
title = {Polymorphism in \textsf {OBJ--P}},
booktitle = "Perspectives of {S}ystem {I}nformatics, Preliminary Proceedings",
year = "1999",
organization = "Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia",
month = "July"
author = "Martin Pl{\"u}micke",
title = {Polymorphism in \textsf {OBJ--P}},
booktitle = "Perspectives of {S}ystem {I}nformatics, Proceedings",
publisher = "Springer--Verlag",
year = "1999",
pages = {148--153},
volume = {{LNCS} 1755},
series = {{L}ecture {N}otes of {C}omputer {S}cience}
author = {Martin Pl{\"u}micke},
title = {Type Unification in \textsf{Generic--Java}},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 18th {I}nternational {W}orkshop on {U}nification ({U}{N}{I}{F}'04)},
year = {2004},
editor = {Michael Kohlhase},
month = {July},
note = {{\tt}}
author = {Thomas Ott},
title = {Typinferenz in \textsf{Java}},
organization = {Studienarbeit, BA Stuttgart/Horb},
year = {2004},
note = {(in german)}
author = {J{\"o}rg B{\"a}uerle},
title = {Typinferenz in \textsf{Java}},
organization = {Studienarbeit, BA Stuttgart/Horb},
year = {2005},
note = {(in german)}
author = {Markus Melzer},
title = {Integration der \textsf{Java}--Typeinferenz in eine Programmierumgebung},
organization = {Studienarbeit, BA Stuttgart/Horb},
year = {2005},
note = {Studienarbeit (in german)}
author = "Zhenyu Qian",
title = "Another Look at Parameterization Of Order-Sorted
Algebraic Specifications",
journal = "Journal of Computer and System Sciences",
year = "1994",
volume = "49",
pages = "620--666"
author={Martin Pl{\"u}micke},
title={Semantics and Implementation of a Functional Programming Language with
Subtypes and Overloading},
booktitle={Alternative Konzepte für Sprachen und Rechner Bad
Honnef 1995},
editor={J. Ebert},
OPTnote={to appear}
author = "M. Pl{\"u}micke and H. Klaeren and E. Hiti",
title = "Resolving of {O}verloading and {S}ubtyping",
pages = "286--291",
booktitle = "Perspectives of {S}ystem {I}nformatics, Preliminary Proceedings",
year = "1996",
organization = "Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk, Russia",
month = "June"
author = "Martin Pl{\"u}micke and Christoph Schmitz",
title = "Polymorphically order-sorted types in {OBJ--3}",
institution = "University of T{\"u}bingen, Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut",
year = "1997",
number = "WSI-97-1"
author = "Martin Pl{\"u}micke",
title = "Parametric Polymorphism in {OBJ--3}",
institution = "University of T{\"u}bingen, Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut",
year = "1997",
number = "WSI-97-2"
author = "Martin Pl{\"u}micke",
title = "Polymorphic {O}rder--{S}orted {S}ignatures with
{T}ype {V}ariables as {S}ubtypes",
note = "to appear"
author = "Christoph Walther",
title = "Unification in Many-sorted Theories",
editor = "T. O'Shea",
pages = "383-392",
booktitle = "Advances in Artificial Intelligence -- Proceedings,
Sixth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence",
year = "1985",
publisher = "North Holland"
AUTHOR = "Erwig, M.",
TITLE = "Specifying Type Systems with Multi-Level Order-Sorted Algebra",
YEAR = "1993",
BOOKTITLE = "3rd Int. Conf. on Algebraic Methodology and Software
SERIES = "",
PAGES = "177--184"}
AUTHOR = "Thiemann, Peter",
TITLE = "{A}n {O}verview of the {SODA} System",
YEAR = "1993",
BOOKTITLE = "3rd Int. Conf. on Algebraic Methodology and Software
SERIES = "",
PAGES = "185--192"}
author = {Martin Pl{\"u}micke},
title = {Type inference in {\sf Generic--Java}},
year = {2004},
annote = {(to appear)}
AUTHOR = {Elfriede Fehr},
TITLE = {Semantik von Programmiersprachen},
PUBLISHER = {Springer},
YEAR = {1989}}
@BOOK{Sto89 ,
AUTHOR = {Stoy, Joseph E.} ,
TITLE = {{Denotational semantics: the Scott-Strachey approach to programming language theory }} ,
YEAR = {1989} ,
PUBLISHER = {MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.} ,
SERIES = {The MIT Press series in computer science} ,
VOLUME = {} ,
ISBN = {0-262-69076-4} ,
ISSN = {} ,
REPORT = {} ,
POINTER = {Bib.d.Info. F.3.2},
ENTRY = {es} ,
author = "R. Hindley",
title = "The principle type scheme of an object in
combinatory logic",
journal = "Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 146",
year = "1969",
pages = "29--60",
month = "December"
author={Luis Damas and Robin Milner},
title={Principal type-schemes for functional programs},
journal={Proc. 9th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
author={Daniel Leivant},
title={Polymorphic type inference},
journal={Proc. 10th Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages 1982},
author={Robin Milner},
title={A theory of type polymorphism in programming},
journal={Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 17},
author = {A. Mycroft},
title = {Polymorphic type schemes and recursive definitions},
booktitle = {Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Programming},
year = {1984},
volume = {LNCS 167}
author={Ralf Hinze},
title={Typsysteme und {T}ypinferenzsysteme},
howpublished={Universit{\"a}t Dortmund},
@BOOK{Jone90 ,
AUTHOR = {Jones, Neil D.} ,
TITLE = {{Proceedings }} ,
YEAR = {1990} ,
PUBLISHER = {Springer, Berlin ; Heidelberg} ,
SERIES = {Lecture notes in computer science} ,
VOLUME = {} ,
ISBN = {3-540-52592-0} ,
ISSN = {} ,
REPORT = {} ,
POINTER = {Bib.d.Info. D.2.0},
ENTRY = {es} ,
Author = {Kaes, Stefan},
Title = {Parametric Overloading in Polymorphic Programming Languages},
journal = "ESOP~'88",
Series ={LNCS},
Volume = {LNCS~300},
year = "1988",
Pages = {131--144}}
crossref = {ESOP88},
Author = {Kaes, Stefan},
Title = {Parametric Overloading in Polymorphic Programming Languages},
Pages = {131--144},
kopiert = {x},
Eingabedatum = {04.03.1991}
author = "Fuh, You-Chin and Mishra, Prateek",
title = "Type Inference with Subtypes",
journal = "Proceedings 2nd European Symposium on Programming
({ESOP '88})",
year = "1988",
pages = "94--114"
crossref = {ESOP88},
Author ={Fuh, You-Chin
and Mishra, Prateek },
Title ={Type Inference with Subtypes},
Pages ={94--114},
Bemerkung = {Enthaelt Fehler (siehe WandKeefe; Thattish ...)},
Booktitle = {Proceedings 2nd European Symposium on Programming
title = {Proceedings 2nd European Symposium on Programming
({ESOP '88})},
Editor = {H. Ganzinger},
Year = 1988,
Month = mar,
Series ={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
Volume = 300,
Address ={Nancy, France},
IBIB = {D.2.0},
Eingabedatum = {03.04.1992}
Author ={Fuh, You-Chin
and Mishra, Prateek },
Title ={Type Inference with Subtypes},
Journal ={Theoretical Computer Science},
Volume = 73,
Year = 1990,
Pages ={155--175}}
author = {T. Nipkow and G. Snelting},
title = {Type classes and overloading resolving via order-sorted unification},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Functional Programming Languages
and Computer Architecture},
editor = {Hughes},
volume = {523},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1991},
series = {LNCS}
author = "John C. Mitchell",
title = "Type inference with simple subtypes",
journal = "Journal of Functional Programming",
year = "1991",
volume = "1",
number = "3",
pages = "245--285"
author = "Philip Wadler and Stephan Blott",
title = "How to make \textit{ad-hoc} polymorphism less
year = "1989",
OPTcrossref = "",
OPTkey = "",
OPTeditor = "",
OPTvolume = "",
OPTnumber = "",
OPTseries = "",
pages = "60--76",
booktitle = "Conf. Record of the 16th ACM Annual Symposium on
Principles of Programming Languages",
OPTyear = "",
OPTorganization = "",
OPTpublisher = "",
OPTaddress = "",
OPTmonth = "January",
OPTnote = "",
OPTannote = ""
Author ={Cardelli, Luca
and Wegner, Peter },
Title ={On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction and Polymorphism},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys},
Volume = 17,
Number = 4,
Year = 1985,
Pages ={470--522},
Klasse = {Datentypen, existentielle Datentypen},
Bemerkung={"Bounded Fun"
Kopiert ={x},
Sa ={IDaEx},
Sb ={IDaTH},
Eingabedatum = {30.11.1990},
Aenderungsdatum = { }
author = "Dennis M. Volpano and Geoffrey S. Smith",
title = "On the Complexity of ML Typability with Overloading",
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th ACM Conference on Functional Programming Languages
and Computer Architecture},
editor = {Hughes},
volume = {523},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1991},
series = "LNCS"
author = "Martin Odersky and Philip Wadler and Martin Wehr",
title = "A Second Look at Overloading",
booktitle = {Conference Record of Conference on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture},
pages = {135--146},
year = {1995},
address = {La Jolla, California},
month = {June},
publisher = {ACM Press}
author = {Martin Odersky and Martin Sulzmann and Martin Wehr},
title = {Type Inference with Constrained Types},
journal = {TAPOS},
year = 1999,
volume = 5,
number = 1
author = {Martin Odersky and Philip Wadler},
title = {{P}izza into {J}ava: Translating theory into practice},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages},
year = {1997},
month = {January}
author = {Martin Odersky and Enno Runne and Philip Wadler.},
title = {Two {W}ays to {B}ake {Y}our {P}izza -- {T}ranslating {P}arameterised {T}ypes into {J}ava},
journal = {Proceedings of a Dagstuhl Seminar, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
year = {2000},
volume = {1766},
pages = {114--132},
author = {Kung Chen and Paul Hudak and Martin Odersky},
title = {Parametric type classes},
booktitle = {Proceedings ACM Conference ob Lisp and Functional Programming},
year = {1992},
month = {June},
pages = {170--181}
author = {Stefan Kaes},
title = {Type inference in the presence of overloading, subtyping, and recusive types},
booktitle = {Proceedings ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming Languages},
pages = {193--204},
year = {1992},
month = {June}
author = {Mark P. Jones},
title = {A system of constructor classes: {O}verloading and implicite higher-order
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Functional Programming Languages
and Computer Architecture},
address = {Copenhagen, Denmark},
pages = {52--61},
year = {1993},
month = {June}
author = {Fritz Henglein},
title = {Type inference and semi-unification},
booktitle = {Proceedings ACM Conference ob Lisp and Functional Programming},
year = {1988},
address = {New Yourk},
month = {July}
author = "A.J. Kfoury and J. Tiuryn and P. Urzyczyn",
title = "The undecidablity of the semi-unification problem",
booktitle = "Proceedings 22nd Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computation (STOC)",
address = "Baltimore, Maryland",
year = "1990",
pages = "468--476",
month = "May"
author = "Fritz Henglein",
title = "Type Inference with {P}olymorphic {R}ecursion",
booktitle = {ACM Transactions on {P}rogramming {L}anguages and {S}ystems ({TOPLAS})},
pages = {253--289},
year = {1993},
volume = {15(2)},
month = {April}
author = {Oukseh Lee and Kwangkeun Yi},
title = {Proofs {A}bout {A} {F}olklore {L}et-{P}olymorphic {T}ype {I}nference {A}lgorithm},
journal = {ACM Transactions on {P}rogramming {L}anguages and {S}ystems ({TOPLAS})},
year = {1998},
note = {to appear}
author = "A.J. Kfoury and J. Tiuryn and P. Urzyczyn",
title = "Type Reconstruction in the {P}resence of {P}olymorphic {R}ecursion",
journal = "ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems",
year = "1993",
volume = "15",
number = "2",
month = "April"
author = {Andreas Weber},
title = {Type {S}ystems for {C}omputer {A}lgebra},
school = {University of T{\"u}bingen},
year = {1993}
author = {Tim Freeman},
title = {Refinement {T}ypes of {ML}},
school = {School of Compter Science, Carnegie Mellon University},
year = {1994}
author = {John C. Mitchell},
title = {Coercion and type inference},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th ACM SIGACT-SIGPLAN symposium on Principles of programming languages},
year = {1984},
isbn = {0-89791-125-3},
pages = {175--185},
location = {Salt Lake City, Utah, United States},
publisher = {ACM Press},
author = {J C Reynolds},
title = {Three approaches to type structure},
booktitle = {Proc. of the international joint conference on theory and practice of software development (TAPSOFT) Berlin, March 25-29, 1985 on Mathematical foundations of software development, Vol. 1: Colloquium on trees in algebra and programming (CAAP'85)},
year = {1985},
isbn = {0-387-15198-2},
pages = {97--138},
location = {Berlin, Germany},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag New York, Inc.},
AUTHOR = {Luca Cardelli},
TITLE = {A Semantics of Multiple Inheritance},
JOURNAL = {Information and Computation},
VOLUME = 76,
NUMBER = {2/3},
MONTH = FEB # {/} # MAR,
YEAR = 1988,
PAGES = {138--164},
ANOTE = {A revised version of the paper that appeared in the
1984 Semantics of Data Types Symposium, LNCS 173, pages
51--66. },
url = {} }
author = {John Plevyak and Andrew A. Chien},
title = {Precise concrete type inference for object-oriented languages},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ninth annual conference on Object-oriented programming systems, language, and applications},
year = {1994},
isbn = {0-89791-688-3},
pages = {324--340},
location = {Portland, Oregon, United States},
doi = {},
publisher = {ACM Press},
author = {Peter Canning and William Cook and Walter Hill and Walter Olthoff and John C. Mitchell},
title = {F-bounded polymorphism for object-oriented programming},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the fourth international conference on Functional programming languages and computer architecture},
year = {1989},
isbn = {0-89791-328-0},
pages = {273--280},
location = {Imperial College, London, United Kingdom},
doi = {},
publisher = {ACM Press},
author = {William R. Cook and Walter Hill and Peter S. Canning},
title = {Inheritance is not subtyping},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th ACM SIGPLAN-SIGACT symposium on Principles of programming languages},
year = {1990},
isbn = {0-89791-343-4},
pages = {125--135},
location = {San Francisco, California, United States},
doi = {},
publisher = {ACM Press},
author = "Alexander Aiken and Edward L. Wimmers",
title = "Type Inclusion Constraints and Type Inference",
booktitle = "Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture",
pages = "31-41",
year = "1993",
url = "" }
author = {Jonathan Eifrig and Scott Smith and Valery Trifonov},
title = {Type {I}nference for {R}ecursively {C}onstrained {T}ypes and its {A}pplication to {O}bject {O}riented {P}rogramming},
journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science},
year = {1995},
volume = {1}
author = {Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach},
title = {Object-oriented type inference},
journal = {Proceedings of OOPSLA'91, ACM SIGPLAN Sixth Annual Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications},
year = {1991},
pages = {146--161},
month = {October}
author = {Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach},
title = {Safety analysis versus type inference for partial types},
journal = {Information Processing Letters},
year = {1992},
volume = {43},
pages = {175--180}
author = {Nicholas Oxhoj and Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach},
title = {Making type inference practical},
journal = {Proceedings of ECOOP'92, Sixth European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming},
year = {1992},
volume = {LNCS 615},
pages = {329--349},
month = {July}
author = {Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach},
title = {Object-oriented type systems},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons},
year = {1994}
author = {Dexter Kozen and Jens Palsberg and Michael I. Schwartzbach},
title = {Efficient inference of partial types},
journal = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
year = {1994},
volume = {49},
number = {2},
pages = {306--324}
author = "Vassily Litvinov",
title = "Constraint-Based Polymorphism in {Cecil}: Towards a Practical and Static Type System",
booktitle = "{OOPSLA} '98 Conference Proceedings",
volume = "33(10)",
pages = "388--411",
year = "1998",
url = "" }
author = {Benjamin C. Pierce and David N. Turner},
title = {Local type inference},
journal = {ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst.},
volume = {22},
number = {1},
year = {2000},
issn = {0164-0925},
pages = {1--44},
doi = {},
publisher = {ACM Press},
author = "Martin Odersky and Christoph Zenger and Matthias Zenger",
title = "Colored local type inference",
journal = "ACM SIG{\-}PLAN Notices",
volume = "36",
number = "3",
pages = "41--53",
year = "2001",
url = "" }
author = {Andrew W. Appel},
title = {Modern compiler implementation in Java},
chapter = {16},
publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
year = {2002},
pages = {354--386}
symbolischer Rechnen
editor = {Alan Robinson and Andrei Voronkov},
title = {Handbook of {A}utomated {R}easoning},
publisher = {Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.},
year = {2001}
author = {Franz Baader and Wayne Snyder},
title = {Unification {T}heory},
booktitle = {Handbook of {A}utomated {R}easoning},
crossref = {RV01},
pages = {447--533},
chapter = {8}
author = "J. Herbrand",
title = "Recherches sur la {T}h\'{e}orie de la
{D}\'{e}monstration (thesis)",
booktitle = "Logical {W}ritings",
year = "1930",
editor = "W. Goldfarb",
address = "Cambridge"
author={J. A. Robinson},
title={A Machine-Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution Principle},
journal={Journal of ACM},
author = "A. Martelli and U. Montanari",
title = "Unification in {L}inear {T}ime and {S}pace, {A}
structured {P}resentation",
institution = "University of Pisa",
year = "1976",
number = "B76--16"
author={A. Martelli and U. Montanari},
title={An Efficient Unification Algorithm},
journal={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems},
author = "J. Siekmann",
title = "Unification {T}heory",
journal = "J. Symbolic Computation",
year = "1989",
volume = "7",
pages = "207--274"
author = "George E. Collins and R{\"u}diger G. K. Loos",
title = "Specifications and {I}ndex of {SAC}--2 {A}lgorithms",
institution = "Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut",
year = "1990",
number = "WSI-90-4"
title = "SACLIB User's Guide (version 1.0)",
author = "B. Buchberger and G. Collins and
M. Encarnac{$\acute{\rm o}$}n
and H. Hong and J. Johnson and W. Kran\-dick and
A. Mandache and A. Neubacher and H. Vielhaber",
year = "1992",
month = "September"
author = "Jeroen Fokker",
title = "Explaining algebraic theory with functional programs"
author = "Jerzy Karczmarczuk",
title = "Function programming and Mathamatical Objects",
journal = "",
year = "",
volume = "",
number = "",
pages = "121--137"
author = {R. D. Jenks and R. S. Sutor},
title = {{AXIOM}: The {S}cienttific {C}omputation {S}ystem},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag},
year = {1992},
address = {New Yourk}
author = {R. D. Jenks},
title = {A primer: 11 keys to new {S}cratchpad},
booktitle = {Proceedings Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (EUROSAM 84)},
pages = {123--147},
year = {1984},
editor = {J. Fitch},
volume = {147},
series = {LNCS},
address = {Cambridge, England},
month = {July},
publisher = {Springer-Verlag}
author = {Leeuwen, Jan van},
title = { Handbook of theoretical computer science },
publisher = { Elsevier },
year = 1990,
volume = {Volume B: Formal models and semantics},
address = {Amsterdam u.a.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
Rechnerarchitektur und Betriebssysteme
author = {Burks, A. W. and Goldstine H. H. and von Neumann J.},
title = {{P}reliminary {D}iscussion of the {L}ogical Design of an {E}lectronic {C}omputing {I}nstrument},
journal = {U. S. Army Ordonance Dept. Report 1946},
year = {1946}
author = {Hennessy, John. L. and Patterson, David A.},
title = {Rechnerarchitektur},
publisher = {Friedr. Vieweg \& Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig,/Wiesbaden},
year = {1994}
author = {Tanenbaum, Andrew S.},
title = { Moderne Betriebssysteme },
publisher = { Hanser },
year = 1994,
series = {Hanser Studienb{\"u}cher der Informatik},
address = {M{\"u}nchen u.a.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Tanenbaum, Andrew S.},
title = { Moderne Betriebssysteme },
publisher = { Hanser },
year = 1995,
series = {Hanser-Studienbuecher der Informatik},
address = {Muenchen u.a.},
edition = {2. verb. Aufl.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Benes, V. E.},
title = {Mathematical {T}heory of {C}onnecting {N}etworks and {T}elephone {T}raffic},
journal = {Academic Press},
year = {1965}
author = {Flynn, M. J.},
title = {Some {C}omputer {O}rganizations and {T}heir {E}ffectiveness},
journal = {IEEE Trans. on Computers},
year = {1972},
volume = {C--21},
pages = {948 -- 960}
author = {Silberschatz, Abraham and Galvin, Peter B.},
title = { Operating system concepts },
publisher = { Addison-Wesley },
year = 1998,
address = {Reading, Mass. u.a.},
edition = {5. ed., reprint. with corr.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Silberschatz, Abraham and Galvin, Peter B. and Gagne, Greg },
title = { Applied Operating System Concepts },
publisher = { Wiley and Sons },
year = 2000,
edition = {First edition}
author = {Oberschelp, Walter and Vossen, Gottfried},
title = { Rechneraufbau und Rechnerstrukturen },
publisher = { Oldenbourg },
year = 1987,
address = {Muenchen},
edition = {2. Auflage}
author = {Herrmann, Paul},
title = {Rechnerarchitektur Aufbau, Organisation und Implementierung},
publisher = {Friedr. Vieweg \& Sohn Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, Braunschweig,/Wiesbaden},
year = {1998}
author = {Ebner, Dieter},
title = { Technische Grundlagen der Informatik: Elektronik, Datenverarbeitung und Prozesssteuerung fuer Naturwissenschaftler u. Ingenieure },
publisher = { Springer },
year = 1988,
address = {Berlin, Heidelberg}
author = {Lewine, Donald A.},
title = { POSIX programmer's guide : writing portable UNIX programs with the POSIX.1 standard },
publisher = { O'Reilly },
year = 1992,
address = {Sebastopol, CA},
edition = {1. ed., minor corr.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Polze, Christoph},
title = {Unix--Werkzeuge zur Programmentwicklung},
publisher = {VEB Verlag Berlin},
year = {1989}
author = {Kernighan, Brian W. and Pike Rob},
title = {Der Unix-Werkzeugkasten, Programmieren mit Unix},
publisher = {Hanser},
year = {1986}
author = {Maas, Doris and Meith, Wolfgang H.},
title = {Die Unix--Shell},
publisher = {Springer--Verlag},
year = {1985}
author = {Staubach, Gottfried},
title = {Unix--Werkzeuge zur Textmustererkennung},
publisher = {Springer--Verlag},
year = {1989}
author = {H.-J. Siegert and U. Baumann},
title = {Betriebssysteme},
publisher = {Oldenbourg},
year = {2001},
volume = {5}
author = {C.F. Goldfarb and P. Prescod},
title = {The {XML} {H}andbook},
publisher = {Prentice Hall},
year = {1998}}
author = {I.S. Graham and L. Quin},
title = {{XML} {S}pecification {G}uide},
publisher = {John Wiley \& Sons, Inc.},
year = {1999}}
author = {S. M\"unz and Wolfgang Nefzger},
title = {HTML-4.0-Referenz},
publisher = {Franzis--Verlag GmBH},
year = {1999}
author = {Dave Beckett},
title = {{RDF/XML} {S}yntax {S}pecification},
howpublished = {},
month = {February},
year = {2004}
author = {Dan Brickley and R.V. Guha},
title = {{RDF} Vocabulary {D}escription {L}anguage 1.0: {RDF} Schema},
howpublished = {},
month = {February},
year = {2004}
author = {Peter F. Patel-Schneider and Patrick Hayes and Ian Horrocks},
title = {{OWL} {W}eb {O}ntology {L}anguage, {S}emantics and {A}bstract {S}yntax},
howpublished = {},
month = {February},
year = {2004}
author = {M. Goossens and F. Mittelbach and A. Samarin},
title = {The \LaTeX {C}ompanion},
publisher = {Addison-Wesley},
year = {1994}
author = {Stevens, W. R.},
title = { TCP/IP illustrated },
publisher = { Addison-Wesley },
year = 1994,
volume = {1. The protocols.},
series = {Addison-Wesley professional computing series},
address = {Reading, Mass. u.a.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Stevens, W. R. and Wright, Gary R.},
title = { TCP/IP illustrated },
publisher = { Addison-Wesley },
year = 1995,
volume = {2. The Implementation.},
series = {Addison-Wesley professional computing series},
address = {Reading, Mass. u.a.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Stevens, W. R.},
title = { TCP/IP illustrated },
publisher = { Addison-Wesley },
year = 1996,
volume = {3. TCP for transactions, HTTP, NNTP,and the UNIX domain protocols.},
series = {Addison-Wesley professional computing series},
address = {Reading, Mass. u.a.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
author = {Tanenbaum, Andrew S.},
title = { Computernetzwerke },
publisher = { Pearson Studium },
year = 2000,
series = {Informatik Kommunikation},
address = {Muenchen},
edition = {3. rev. Aufl.},
annote = {automatisch generiert}
editor = {Adrian Nye},
title = {X protocol reference manual},
publisher = {O'Reilly},
year = {1992},
edition = {2 ed.},
volume = {0},
series = {The definitive guides to the X window system}
author = {Jörn Clausen},
title = {Internet--Protokolle},
institution = {Universität Bielefeld},
year = {2002},
address = {}
key = {RFC},
title = {{R}{F}{C}},
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