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module Ast where
type CompilationUnit = [ Class ]
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type DataType = String
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type Identifier = String
data ParameterDeclaration = ParameterDeclaration DataType Identifier
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data VariableDeclaration = VariableDeclaration DataType Identifier ( Maybe Expression )
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data Class = Class DataType [ MethodDeclaration ] [ VariableDeclaration ]
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data MethodDeclaration = MethodDeclaration DataType Identifier [ ParameterDeclaration ] Statement
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data Statement
= If Expression Statement ( Maybe Statement )
| LocalVariableDeclaration VariableDeclaration
| While Expression Statement
| Block [ Statement ]
| Return ( Maybe Expression )
| StatementExpressionStatement StatementExpression
| TypedStatement DataType Statement
data StatementExpression
= Assignment Identifier Expression
| ConstructorCall DataType [ Expression ]
| MethodCall Identifier [ Expression ]
| TypedStatementExpression DataType StatementExpression
data BinaryOperator
= Addition
| Subtraction
| Multiplication
| Division
| BitwiseAnd
| BitwiseOr
| BitwiseXor
| CompareLessThan
| CompareLessOrEqual
| CompareGreaterThan
| CompareGreaterOrEqual
| CompareEqual
| CompareNotEqual
| And
| Or
| NameResolution
data UnaryOperator
= Not
| Minus
data Expression
= IntegerLiteral Int
| CharacterLiteral Char
| BooleanLiteral Bool
| NullLiteral
| Reference Identifier
| BinaryOperation BinaryOperator Expression Expression
| UnaryOperation UnaryOperator Expression
| StatementExpressionExpression StatementExpression
| TypedExpression DataType Expression
typeCheckCompilationUnit :: CompilationUnit -> CompilationUnit
typeCheckCompilationUnit classes = map ( ` typeCheckClass ` classes ) classes
typeCheckClass :: Class -> [ Class ] -> Class
typeCheckClass ( Class className methods fields ) classes =
-- Create a symbol table from class fields
classFields = [ ( dt , id ) | VariableDeclaration dt id _ <- fields ]
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checkedMethods = map ( \ method -> typeCheckMethodDeclaration method classFields classes ) methods
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in Class className checkedMethods fields
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typeCheckMethodDeclaration :: MethodDeclaration -> [ ( DataType , Identifier ) ] -> [ Class ] -> MethodDeclaration
typeCheckMethodDeclaration ( MethodDeclaration retType name params body ) classFields classes =
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-- Combine class fields with method parameters to form the initial symbol table for the method
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methodParams = [ ( dataType , identifier ) | ParameterDeclaration dataType identifier <- params ]
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-- Ensure method parameters shadow class fields if names collide
initialSymtab = classFields ++ methodParams
-- Type check the body of the method using the combined symbol table
checkedBody = typeCheckStatement body initialSymtab classes
bodyType = getTypeFromStmt checkedBody
-- Check if the type of the body matches the declared return type
in if bodyType == retType || ( bodyType == " Void " && retType == " void " )
then MethodDeclaration retType name params checkedBody
else error $ " Return type mismatch in method " ++ name ++ " : expected " ++ retType ++ " , found " ++ bodyType
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-- ********************************** Type Checking: Expressions **********************************
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typeCheckExpression :: Expression -> [ ( DataType , Identifier ) ] -> [ Class ] -> Expression
typeCheckExpression ( IntegerLiteral i ) _ _ = TypedExpression " int " ( IntegerLiteral i )
typeCheckExpression ( CharacterLiteral c ) _ _ = TypedExpression " char " ( CharacterLiteral c )
typeCheckExpression ( BooleanLiteral b ) _ _ = TypedExpression " boolean " ( BooleanLiteral b )
typeCheckExpression NullLiteral _ _ = TypedExpression " null " NullLiteral
typeCheckExpression ( Reference id ) symtab classes =
let type' = lookupType id symtab
in TypedExpression type' ( Reference id )
typeCheckExpression ( BinaryOperation op expr1 expr2 ) symtab classes =
let expr1' = typeCheckExpression expr1 symtab classes
expr2' = typeCheckExpression expr2 symtab classes
type1 = getTypeFromExpr expr1'
type2 = getTypeFromExpr expr2'
in case op of
Addition ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " int " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Addition operation requires two operands of type int "
Subtraction ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " int " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Subtraction operation requires two operands of type int "
Multiplication ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " int " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Multiplication operation requires two operands of type int "
Division ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " int " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Division operation requires two operands of type int "
BitwiseAnd ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " int " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Bitwise AND operation requires two operands of type int "
BitwiseOr ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " int " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Bitwise OR operation requires two operands of type int "
BitwiseXor ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " int " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Bitwise XOR operation requires two operands of type int "
CompareLessThan ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " boolean " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Less than operation requires two operands of type int "
CompareLessOrEqual ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " boolean " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Less than or equal operation requires two operands of type int "
CompareGreaterThan ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " boolean " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Greater than operation requires two operands of type int "
CompareGreaterOrEqual ->
if type1 == " int " && type2 == " int "
TypedExpression " boolean " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Greater than or equal operation requires two operands of type int "
CompareEqual ->
if type1 == type2
TypedExpression " boolean " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Equality operation requires two operands of the same type "
CompareNotEqual ->
if type1 == type2
TypedExpression " boolean " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Inequality operation requires two operands of the same type "
And ->
if type1 == " boolean " && type2 == " boolean "
TypedExpression " boolean " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Logical AND operation requires two operands of type boolean "
Or ->
if type1 == " boolean " && type2 == " boolean "
TypedExpression " boolean " ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
error " Logical OR operation requires two operands of type boolean "
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-- dont i have to lookup in classes if expr1 is in the list of classes? and if it is, then i have to check if expr2 is a method / variable in that class
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NameResolution -> TypedExpression type1 ( BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2' )
typeCheckExpression ( UnaryOperation op expr ) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
type' = getTypeFromExpr expr'
in case op of
Not ->
if type' == " boolean "
TypedExpression " boolean " ( UnaryOperation op expr' )
error " Logical NOT operation requires an operand of type boolean "
Minus ->
if type' == " int "
TypedExpression " int " ( UnaryOperation op expr' )
error " Unary minus operation requires an operand of type int "
typeCheckExpression ( StatementExpressionExpression stmtExpr ) symtab classes =
let stmtExpr' = typeCheckStatementExpression stmtExpr symtab classes
in TypedExpression ( getTypeFromStmtExpr stmtExpr' ) ( StatementExpressionExpression stmtExpr' )
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-- ********************************** Type Checking: StatementExpressions **********************************
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typeCheckStatementExpression :: StatementExpression -> [ ( DataType , Identifier ) ] -> [ Class ] -> StatementExpression
typeCheckStatementExpression ( Assignment id expr ) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
type' = getTypeFromExpr expr'
type'' = lookupType id symtab
in if type' == type''
TypedStatementExpression type' ( Assignment id expr' )
error " Assignment type mismatch "
typeCheckStatementExpression ( ConstructorCall className args ) symtab classes =
let args' = map ( \ arg -> typeCheckExpression arg symtab classes ) args
in TypedStatementExpression className ( ConstructorCall className args' )
typeCheckStatementExpression ( MethodCall methodName args ) symtab classes =
let args' = map ( \ arg -> typeCheckExpression arg symtab classes ) args
in TypedStatementExpression " Object " ( MethodCall methodName args' )
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-- ********************************** Type Checking: Statements **********************************
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typeCheckStatement :: Statement -> [ ( DataType , Identifier ) ] -> [ Class ] -> Statement
typeCheckStatement ( If cond thenStmt elseStmt ) symtab classes =
let cond' = typeCheckExpression cond symtab classes
thenStmt' = typeCheckStatement thenStmt symtab classes
elseStmt' = case elseStmt of
Just stmt -> Just ( typeCheckStatement stmt symtab classes )
Nothing -> Nothing
in if getTypeFromExpr cond' == " boolean "
TypedStatement ( getTypeFromStmt thenStmt' ) ( If cond' thenStmt' elseStmt' )
error " If condition must be of type boolean "
typeCheckStatement ( While cond stmt ) symtab classes =
let cond' = typeCheckExpression cond symtab classes
stmt' = typeCheckStatement stmt symtab classes
in if getTypeFromExpr cond' == " boolean "
TypedStatement ( getTypeFromStmt stmt' ) ( While cond' stmt' )
error " While condition must be of type boolean "
typeCheckStatement ( Block statements ) symtab classes =
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-- Helper function to process each statement and manage the symbol table
processStatements ( accSts , currentSymtab ) stmt =
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case stmt of
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LocalVariableDeclaration ( VariableDeclaration dataType identifier maybeExpr ) ->
-- Type check the expression if it exists
checkedExpr = fmap ( \ expr -> typeCheckExpression expr currentSymtab classes ) maybeExpr
-- Update the symbol table with the new variable
newSymtab = ( dataType , identifier ) : currentSymtab
newStmt = typeCheckStatement ( LocalVariableDeclaration ( VariableDeclaration dataType identifier checkedExpr ) ) newSymtab classes
in ( accSts ++ [ newStmt ] , newSymtab )
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_ ->
-- For other statements, just type check using the current symbol table
let checkedStmt = typeCheckStatement stmt currentSymtab classes
in ( accSts ++ [ checkedStmt ] , currentSymtab )
-- Fold over the list of statements starting with the initial symbol table
( checkedStatements , finalSymtab ) = foldl processStatements ( [] , symtab ) statements
-- Determine the type of the block by examining the types of return statements
blockType = if any isReturnStatement checkedStatements
then foldl1 unifyReturnTypes [ getTypeFromStmt s | s <- checkedStatements , isReturnStatement s ]
else " Void "
-- Function to check if a statement is a return statement
isReturnStatement ( Return _ ) = True
isReturnStatement _ = False
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in TypedStatement blockType ( Block checkedStatements )
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typeCheckStatement ( LocalVariableDeclaration ( VariableDeclaration dataType identifier maybeExpr ) ) symtab classes =
let checkedExpr = fmap ( \ expr -> typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes ) maybeExpr
in TypedStatement dataType ( LocalVariableDeclaration ( VariableDeclaration dataType identifier checkedExpr ) )
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typeCheckStatement ( Return expr ) symtab classes =
let expr' = case expr of
Just e -> Just ( typeCheckExpression e symtab classes )
Nothing -> Nothing
in case expr' of
Just e' -> TypedStatement ( getTypeFromExpr e' ) ( Return ( Just e' ) )
Nothing -> TypedStatement " void " ( Return Nothing )
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-- ********************************** Type Checking: Helpers **********************************
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getTypeFromExpr :: Expression -> DataType
getTypeFromExpr ( TypedExpression t _ ) = t
getTypeFromExpr _ = error " Untyped expression found where typed was expected "
getTypeFromStmt :: Statement -> DataType
getTypeFromStmt ( TypedStatement t _ ) = t
getTypeFromStmt _ = error " Untyped statement found where typed was expected "
getTypeFromStmtExpr :: StatementExpression -> DataType
getTypeFromStmtExpr ( TypedStatementExpression t _ ) = t
getTypeFromStmtExpr _ = error " Untyped statement expression found where typed was expected "
unifyReturnTypes :: DataType -> DataType -> DataType
unifyReturnTypes dt1 dt2
| dt1 == dt2 = dt1
| otherwise = " Object "
lookupType :: Identifier -> [ ( DataType , Identifier ) ] -> DataType
lookupType id symtab =
case lookup id symtab of
Just t -> t
Nothing -> error ( " Identifier " ++ id ++ " not found in symbol table " )