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@ -93,14 +93,14 @@ qualifiedname : name DOT IDENTIFIER { BinaryOperation NameResolution $1 (Ref
simplename : IDENTIFIER { $1 } simplename : IDENTIFIER { $1 }
classdeclaration : CLASS IDENTIFIER classbody { case $3 of (constructors, methods, fields) -> Class $2 constructors methods fields } classdeclaration : CLASS IDENTIFIER classbody { case $3 of (constructors, methods, fields) -> Class $2 "public" constructors methods fields }
| modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classbody { case $4 of (constructors, methods, fields) -> Class $3 constructors methods fields } | modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classbody { case $4 of (constructors, methods, fields) -> Class $3 (head $1) constructors methods fields }
classbody : LBRACKET RBRACKET { ([], [], []) } classbody : LBRACKET RBRACKET { ([], [], []) }
| LBRACKET classbodydeclarations RBRACKET { $2 } | LBRACKET classbodydeclarations RBRACKET { $2 }
modifiers : modifier { } modifiers : modifier { [$1] }
| modifiers modifier { } | modifiers modifier { $1 ++ [$2] }
classbodydeclarations : classbodydeclaration { classbodydeclarations : classbodydeclaration {
case $1 of case $1 of
@ -115,11 +115,11 @@ classbodydeclarations : classbodydeclaration {
((constructors, methods, fields), FieldDecls newFields) -> (constructors, methods, (fields ++ newFields)) ((constructors, methods, fields), FieldDecls newFields) -> (constructors, methods, (fields ++ newFields))
} }
modifier : PUBLIC { } modifier : PUBLIC { "public" }
| PROTECTED { } | PROTECTED { "protected" }
| PRIVATE { } | PRIVATE { "private" }
| STATIC { } | STATIC { "static" }
| ABSTRACT { } | ABSTRACT { "abstract" }
classtype : classorinterfacetype { $1 } classtype : classorinterfacetype { $1 }
@ -131,13 +131,13 @@ classorinterfacetype : simplename { $1 }
classmemberdeclaration : fielddeclaration { $1 } classmemberdeclaration : fielddeclaration { $1 }
| methoddeclaration { $1 } | methoddeclaration { $1 }
constructordeclaration : constructordeclarator constructorbody { case $1 of (identifier, parameters) -> ConstructorDecl $ ConstructorDeclaration identifier parameters $2 } constructordeclaration : constructordeclarator constructorbody { case $1 of (identifier, parameters) -> ConstructorDecl $ ConstructorDeclaration "public" identifier parameters $2 }
| modifiers constructordeclarator constructorbody { case $2 of (identifier, parameters) -> ConstructorDecl $ ConstructorDeclaration identifier parameters $3 } | modifiers constructordeclarator constructorbody { case $2 of (identifier, parameters) -> ConstructorDecl $ ConstructorDeclaration (head $1) identifier parameters $3 }
fielddeclaration : type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON { FieldDecls $ map (convertDeclarator $1) $2 } fielddeclaration : type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON { FieldDecls $ map (convertDeclarator "public" $1) $2 }
| modifiers type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON { FieldDecls $ map (convertDeclarator $2) $3 } | modifiers type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON { FieldDecls $ map (convertDeclarator (head $1) $2) $3 }
methoddeclaration : methodheader methodbody { case $1 of (returnType, (name, (parameters, optionalparameters))) -> MethodDecl (MethodDeclarationWithOptionals returnType name parameters optionalparameters $2) } methoddeclaration : methodheader methodbody { case $1 of (returnType, modifier, (name, (parameters, optionalparameters))) -> MethodDecl (MethodDeclarationWithOptionals returnType modifier name parameters optionalparameters $2) }
block : LBRACKET RBRACKET { Block [] } block : LBRACKET RBRACKET { Block [] }
| LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { Block $2 } | LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { Block $2 }
@ -150,10 +150,10 @@ constructorbody : LBRACKET RBRACKET { Block [] }
| LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { Block $2 } | LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { Block $2 }
-- | LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation blockstatements RBRACKET { } -- | LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation blockstatements RBRACKET { }
methodheader : type methoddeclarator { ($1, $2) } methodheader : type methoddeclarator { ($1, "public", $2) }
| modifiers type methoddeclarator { ($2, $3) } | modifiers type methoddeclarator { ($2, head $1, $3) }
| VOID methoddeclarator { ("void", $2) } | VOID methoddeclarator { ("void", "public", $2) }
| modifiers VOID methoddeclarator { ("void", $3)} | modifiers VOID methoddeclarator { ("void", head $1, $3) }
type : primitivetype { $1 } type : primitivetype { $1 }
| referencetype { $1 } | referencetype { $1 }
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ methodbody : block { $1 }
| SEMICOLON { Block [] } | SEMICOLON { Block [] }
blockstatements : blockstatement { $1 } blockstatements : blockstatement { $1 }
| blockstatements blockstatement { $1 ++ $2} | blockstatements blockstatement { $1 ++ $2 }
formalandoptionalparameterlist : formalparameterlist { ($1, []) } formalandoptionalparameterlist : formalparameterlist { ($1, []) }
| formalparameterlist COMMA optionalparameterlist { ($1, $3) } | formalparameterlist COMMA optionalparameterlist { ($1, $3) }
@ -193,7 +193,6 @@ primitivetype : BOOLEAN { "boolean" }
referencetype : classorinterfacetype { $1 } referencetype : classorinterfacetype { $1 }
variabledeclarator : variabledeclaratorid { Declarator $1 Nothing } variabledeclarator : variabledeclaratorid { Declarator $1 Nothing }
| variabledeclaratorid ASSIGN variableinitializer { Declarator $1 (Just $3) } | variabledeclaratorid ASSIGN variableinitializer { Declarator $1 (Just $3) }
@ -225,7 +224,8 @@ expression : assignmentexpression { $1 }
integraltype : INT { "int" } integraltype : INT { "int" }
| CHAR { "char" } | CHAR { "char" }
localvariabledeclaration : type variabledeclarators { map LocalVariableDeclaration $ map (convertDeclarator $1) $2 } localvariabledeclaration : type variabledeclarators { map (LocalVariableDeclaration . convertDeclarator "public" $1) $2 }
| modifiers type variabledeclarators { map (LocalVariableDeclaration . convertDeclarator (unwords $1) $2) $3 }
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement : block { [$1] } statementwithouttrailingsubstatement : block { [$1] }
| emptystatement { [] } | emptystatement { [] }
@ -402,28 +402,33 @@ data MemberDeclaration = MethodDecl MethodDeclarationWithOptionals
data Declarator = Declarator Identifier (Maybe Expression) data Declarator = Declarator Identifier (Maybe Expression)
convertDeclarator :: DataType -> Declarator -> VariableDeclaration convertDeclarator :: Modifier -> DataType -> Declarator -> VariableDeclaration
convertDeclarator dataType (Declarator id assigment) = VariableDeclaration dataType id assigment convertDeclarator modifier dataType (Declarator id assignment) = VariableDeclaration dataType modifier id assignment
extractFunctionName :: Expression -> (Expression, Identifier) extractFunctionName :: Expression -> (Expression, Identifier)
extractFunctionName (BinaryOperation NameResolution exp (Reference functionname)) = (exp, functionname) extractFunctionName (BinaryOperation NameResolution exp (Reference functionname)) = (exp, functionname)
extractFunctionName (Reference functionname) = ((Reference "this"), functionname) extractFunctionName (Reference functionname) = ((Reference "this"), functionname)
data OptionalParameter = OptionalParameter DataType Identifier Expression deriving (Show) data OptionalParameter = OptionalParameter DataType Identifier Expression deriving (Show)
data MethodDeclarationWithOptionals = MethodDeclarationWithOptionals DataType Identifier [ParameterDeclaration] [OptionalParameter] Statement deriving (Show)
data MethodDeclarationWithOptionals = MethodDeclarationWithOptionals DataType String Identifier [ParameterDeclaration] [OptionalParameter] Statement deriving (Show)
convertMethodDeclarationWithOptionals :: MethodDeclarationWithOptionals -> [MethodDeclaration] convertMethodDeclarationWithOptionals :: MethodDeclarationWithOptionals -> [MethodDeclaration]
convertMethodDeclarationWithOptionals (MethodDeclarationWithOptionals returnType id param [] stmt) = [MethodDeclaration returnType id param stmt] convertMethodDeclarationWithOptionals (MethodDeclarationWithOptionals returnType modifier id param [] stmt) = [MethodDeclaration returnType modifier id param stmt]
convertMethodDeclarationWithOptionals (MethodDeclarationWithOptionals returnType id param (opt : optRest) stmt) = generateHelperMethod returnType id param opt : convertMethodDeclarationWithOptionals (generateBaseMethod returnType id param opt optRest stmt) convertMethodDeclarationWithOptionals (MethodDeclarationWithOptionals returnType modifier id param (opt : optRest) stmt) = generateHelperMethod returnType modifier id param opt : convertMethodDeclarationWithOptionals (generateBaseMethod returnType modifier id param opt optRest stmt)
convertOptionalParameter :: OptionalParameter -> ParameterDeclaration convertOptionalParameter :: OptionalParameter -> ParameterDeclaration
convertOptionalParameter (OptionalParameter dtype id exp) = ParameterDeclaration dtype id convertOptionalParameter (OptionalParameter dtype id exp) = ParameterDeclaration dtype id
generateHelperMethod :: DataType -> Identifier -> [ParameterDeclaration] -> OptionalParameter -> MethodDeclaration
generateHelperMethod returnType methodName params (OptionalParameter dtype id exp) = generateHelperMethod :: DataType -> Modifier -> Identifier -> [ParameterDeclaration] -> OptionalParameter -> MethodDeclaration
let references = ((map (\(ParameterDeclaration paramType ident) -> (Reference ident)) params) ++ [exp]) generateHelperMethod returnType modifier methodName params (OptionalParameter dtype id exp) =
methodcall = (MethodCall (Reference "this") methodName references) let references = ((map (\(ParameterDeclaration paramType ident) -> (Reference ident)) params) ++ [exp])
lastStatement = if returnType == "void" then StatementExpressionStatement methodcall else Return $ Just $ StatementExpressionExpression methodcall methodcall = (MethodCall (Reference "this") methodName references)
in MethodDeclaration returnType methodName params $ Block [lastStatement] lastStatement = if returnType == "void" then StatementExpressionStatement methodcall else Return $ Just $ StatementExpressionExpression methodcall
generateBaseMethod :: DataType -> Identifier -> [ParameterDeclaration] -> OptionalParameter -> [OptionalParameter] -> Statement -> MethodDeclarationWithOptionals in MethodDeclaration returnType modifier methodName params $ Block [lastStatement]
generateBaseMethod returnType methodName params (OptionalParameter dtype id exp) optRest stmt = MethodDeclarationWithOptionals returnType methodName (params ++ [ParameterDeclaration dtype id]) optRest stmt
generateBaseMethod :: DataType -> Modifier -> Identifier -> [ParameterDeclaration] -> OptionalParameter -> [OptionalParameter] -> Statement -> MethodDeclarationWithOptionals
generateBaseMethod returnType modifier methodName params (OptionalParameter dtype id exp) optRest stmt = MethodDeclarationWithOptionals returnType modifier methodName (params ++ [ParameterDeclaration dtype id]) optRest stmt
parseError :: ([Token], [String]) -> a parseError :: ([Token], [String]) -> a
parseError (errortoken, expected) = error ("parse error on token: " ++ show errortoken ++ "\nexpected one of: " ++ show expected) parseError (errortoken, expected) = error ("parse error on token: " ++ show errortoken ++ "\nexpected one of: " ++ show expected)