Merge branch 'bytecode' of ssh:// into bytecode
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,18 +12,23 @@ executable compiler
default-language: Haskell2010
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: src,
hs-source-dirs: src
build-tool-depends: alex:alex, happy:happy
build-tool-depends: alex:alex, happy:happy
other-modules: Parser.Lexer,
other-modules: Parser.Lexer,
test-suite tests
test-suite tests
@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ data Operation = Opiadd
| Opior
| Opior
| Opixor
| Opixor
| Opineg
| Opineg
| Opdup
| Opif_icmplt Word16
| Opif_icmplt Word16
| Opif_icmple Word16
| Opif_icmple Word16
| Opif_icmpgt Word16
| Opif_icmpgt Word16
@ -51,7 +52,7 @@ data Operation = Opiadd
| Opastore Word16
| Opastore Word16
| Opistore Word16
| Opistore Word16
| Opputfield Word16
| Opputfield Word16
| OpgetField Word16
| Opgetfield Word16
deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -99,6 +100,7 @@ opcodeEncodingLength Opiand = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opior = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opior = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opixor = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opixor = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opineg = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opineg = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opdup = 1
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmplt _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmplt _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmple _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmple _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpgt _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpgt _) = 3
@ -113,12 +115,12 @@ opcodeEncodingLength (Opinvokespecial _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opgoto _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opgoto _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opsipush _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opsipush _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opldc_w _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opldc_w _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opaload _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opaload _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opiload _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opiload _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opastore _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opastore _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opistore _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opistore _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opputfield _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opputfield _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (OpgetField _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opgetfield _) = 3
class Serializable a where
class Serializable a where
serialize :: a -> [Word8]
serialize :: a -> [Word8]
@ -149,6 +151,7 @@ instance Serializable Operation where
serialize Opior = [0x80]
serialize Opior = [0x80]
serialize Opixor = [0x82]
serialize Opixor = [0x82]
serialize Opineg = [0x74]
serialize Opineg = [0x74]
serialize Opdup = [0x59]
serialize (Opif_icmplt branch) = 0xA1 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmplt branch) = 0xA1 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmple branch) = 0xA4 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmple branch) = 0xA4 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpgt branch) = 0xA3 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpgt branch) = 0xA3 : unpackWord16 branch
@ -168,7 +171,7 @@ instance Serializable Operation where
serialize (Opastore index) = [0xC4, 0x3A] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opastore index) = [0xC4, 0x3A] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opistore index) = [0xC4, 0x36] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opistore index) = [0xC4, 0x36] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opputfield index) = 0xB5 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opputfield index) = 0xB5 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (OpgetField index) = 0xB4 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opgetfield index) = 0xB4 : unpackWord16 index
instance Serializable Attribute where
instance Serializable Attribute where
serialize (CodeAttribute { attributeMaxStack = maxStack,
serialize (CodeAttribute { attributeMaxStack = maxStack,
@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
module ByteCode.ClassFile.Generator(
) where
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.ClassFile (ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import Ast
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Word
type ClassFileBuilder a = a -> ClassFile -> ClassFile
datatypeDescriptor :: String -> String
datatypeDescriptor "void" = "V"
datatypeDescriptor "int" = "I"
datatypeDescriptor "char" = "C"
datatypeDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
datatypeDescriptor x = "L" ++ x
methodParameterDescriptor :: String -> String
methodParameterDescriptor "void" = "V"
methodParameterDescriptor "int" = "I"
methodParameterDescriptor "char" = "C"
methodParameterDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
methodParameterDescriptor x = "L" ++ x ++ ";"
memberInfoIsMethod :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> Bool
memberInfoIsMethod constants info = elem '(' (memberInfoDescriptor constants info)
findMethodIndex :: ClassFile -> String -> Maybe Int
findMethodIndex classFile name = let
constants = constantPool classFile
findIndex (\method -> ((memberInfoIsMethod constants method) && (memberInfoName constants method) == name)) (methods classFile)
memberInfoDescriptor :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoDescriptor constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = _,
memberDescriptorIndex = descriptorIndex,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
descriptor = constants!!((fromIntegral descriptorIndex) - 1)
in case descriptor of
Utf8Info descriptorText -> descriptorText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show descriptorIndex)
memberInfoName :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoName constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = nameIndex,
memberDescriptorIndex = _,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
name = constants!!((fromIntegral nameIndex) - 1)
in case name of
Utf8Info nameText -> nameText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show nameIndex)
methodDescriptor :: MethodDeclaration -> String
methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype _ parameters _) = let
parameter_types = [datatype | ParameterDeclaration datatype _ <- parameters]
++ (concat (map methodParameterDescriptor parameter_types))
++ ")"
++ datatypeDescriptor returntype
classBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder Class
classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
baseConstants = [
ClassInfo 4,
MethodRefInfo 1 3,
NameAndTypeInfo 5 6,
Utf8Info "java/lang/Object",
Utf8Info "<init>",
Utf8Info "()V",
Utf8Info "Code"
nameConstants = [ClassInfo 9, Utf8Info name]
nakedClassFile = ClassFile {
constantPool = baseConstants ++ nameConstants,
accessFlags = accessPublic,
thisClass = 8,
superClass = 1,
fields = [],
methods = [],
attributes = []
classFileWithFields = foldr fieldBuilder nakedClassFile fields
classFileWithMethods = foldr methodBuilder classFileWithFields methods
classFileWithAssembledMethods = foldr methodAssembler classFileWithMethods methods
fieldBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder VariableDeclaration
fieldBuilder (VariableDeclaration datatype name _) input = let
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
constants = [
FieldRefInfo (fromIntegral (thisClass input)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info (datatypeDescriptor datatype)
field = MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
memberAttributes = []
input {
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
fields = (fields input) ++ [field]
methodBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodBuilder (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
constants = [
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info (methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters (Block [])))
method = MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral baseIndex),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
memberAttributes = []
input {
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
methods = (methods input) ++ [method]
methodAssembler :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodAssembler (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
methodConstantIndex = findMethodIndex input name
in case methodConstantIndex of
Nothing -> error ("Cannot find method entry in method pool for method: " ++ name)
Just index -> let
declaration = MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement
(pre, method : post) = splitAt index (methods input)
(_, bytecode) = assembleMethod (constantPool input, []) declaration
assembledMethod = method {
memberAttributes = [
CodeAttribute {
attributeMaxStack = 420,
attributeMaxLocals = 420,
attributeCode = bytecode
input {
methods = pre ++ (assembledMethod : post)
type Assembler a = ([ConstantInfo], [Operation]) -> a -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation])
returnOperation :: DataType -> Operation
returnOperation dtype
| elem dtype ["int", "char", "boolean"] = Opireturn
| otherwise = Opareturn
binaryOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Operation
binaryOperation Addition = Opiadd
binaryOperation Subtraction = Opisub
binaryOperation Multiplication = Opimul
binaryOperation Division = Opidiv
binaryOperation BitwiseAnd = Opiand
binaryOperation BitwiseOr = Opior
binaryOperation BitwiseXor = Opixor
comparisonOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Word16 -> Operation
comparisonOperation CompareEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpeq branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareNotEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpne branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessThan branchLocation = Opif_icmplt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmple branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterThan branchLocation = Opif_icmpgt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpge branchLocation
assembleMethod :: Assembler MethodDeclaration
assembleMethod (constants, ops) (MethodDeclaration _ name _ (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)))
| name == "<init>" = let
(constants_a, ops_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops) statements
init_ops = [Opaload 0, Opinvokespecial 2]
(constants_a, init_ops ++ ops_a ++ [Opreturn])
| otherwise = let
(constants_a, ops_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops) statements
init_ops = [Opaload 0]
(constants_a, init_ops ++ ops_a)
assembleMethod _ (MethodDeclaration _ _ _ stmt) = error ("Block expected for method body, got: " ++ show stmt)
assembleStatement :: Assembler Statement
assembleStatement (constants, ops) (TypedStatement stype (Return expr)) = case expr of
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ [Opreturn])
Just expr -> let
(expr_constants, expr_ops) = assembleExpression (constants, ops) expr
(expr_constants, expr_ops ++ [returnOperation stype])
assembleStatement (constants, ops) (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)) =
foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops) statements
assembleStatement (constants, ops) (TypedStatement _ (If expr if_stmt else_stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp) = assembleExpression (constants, []) expr
(constants_ifa, ops_ifa) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, []) if_stmt
(constants_elsea, ops_elsea) = case else_stmt of
Nothing -> (constants_ifa, [])
Just stmt -> assembleStatement (constants_ifa, []) stmt
-- +6 because we insert 2 gotos, one for if, one for else
if_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_ifa) + 6
-- +3 because we need to account for the goto in the if statement.
else_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_elsea) + 3
(constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq if_length] ++ ops_ifa ++ [Opgoto else_length] ++ ops_elsea)
assembleStatement stmt _ = error ("Not yet implemented: " ++ show stmt)
assembleExpression :: Assembler Expression
assembleExpression (constants, ops) (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation op a b))
| elem op [Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, BitwiseAnd, BitwiseOr, BitwiseXor] = let
(aConstants, aOps) = assembleExpression (constants, ops) a
(bConstants, bOps) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps) b
(bConstants, bOps ++ [binaryOperation op])
| elem op [CompareEqual, CompareNotEqual, CompareLessThan, CompareLessOrEqual, CompareGreaterThan, CompareGreaterOrEqual] = let
(aConstants, aOps) = assembleExpression (constants, ops) a
(bConstants, bOps) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps) b
cmp_op = comparisonOperation op 9
cmp_ops = [cmp_op, Opsipush 0, Opgoto 6, Opsipush 1]
(bConstants, bOps ++ cmp_ops)
assembleExpression (constants, ops) (TypedExpression _ (CharacterLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral (ord literal))])
assembleExpression (constants, ops) (TypedExpression _ (BooleanLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (if literal then 1 else 0)])
assembleExpression (constants, ops) (TypedExpression _ (IntegerLiteral literal))
| literal <= 32767 && literal >= -32768 = (constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral literal)])
| otherwise = (constants ++ [IntegerInfo (fromIntegral literal)], ops ++ [Opldc_w (fromIntegral (1 + length constants))])
assembleExpression (constants, ops) (TypedExpression _ NullLiteral) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opaconst_null])
assembleExpression (constants, ops) (TypedExpression etype (UnaryOperation Not expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps) = assembleExpression (constants, ops) expr
newConstant = fromIntegral (1 + length exprConstants)
in case etype of
"int" -> (exprConstants ++ [IntegerInfo 0x7FFFFFFF], exprOps ++ [Opldc_w newConstant, Opixor])
"char" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0xFFFF, Opixor])
"boolean" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0x01, Opixor])
assembleExpression (constants, ops) (TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation Minus expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps) = assembleExpression (constants, ops) expr
(exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opineg])
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.Expression where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Field
assembleExpression :: Assembler Expression
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation op a b))
| elem op [Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, BitwiseAnd, BitwiseOr, BitwiseXor] = let
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) a
(bConstants, bOps, _) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps, lvars) b
(bConstants, bOps ++ [binaryOperation op], lvars)
| elem op [CompareEqual, CompareNotEqual, CompareLessThan, CompareLessOrEqual, CompareGreaterThan, CompareGreaterOrEqual] = let
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) a
(bConstants, bOps, _) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps, lvars) b
cmp_op = comparisonOperation op 9
cmp_ops = [cmp_op, Opsipush 0, Opgoto 6, Opsipush 1]
(bConstants, bOps ++ cmp_ops, lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (CharacterLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral (ord literal))], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BooleanLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (if literal then 1 else 0)], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (IntegerLiteral literal))
| literal <= 32767 && literal >= -32768 = (constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral literal)], lvars)
| otherwise = (constants ++ [IntegerInfo (fromIntegral literal)], ops ++ [Opldc_w (fromIntegral (1 + length constants))], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ NullLiteral) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opaconst_null], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression etype (UnaryOperation Not expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
newConstant = fromIntegral (1 + length exprConstants)
in case etype of
"int" -> (exprConstants ++ [IntegerInfo 0x7FFFFFFF], exprOps ++ [Opldc_w newConstant, Opixor], lvars)
"char" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0xFFFF, Opixor], lvars)
"boolean" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0x01, Opixor], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation Minus expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opineg], lvars)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation PreIncrement (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)))) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opdup]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation PostIncrement (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)))) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opiadd]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation PreDecrement (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)))) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opisub]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation PostDecrement (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)))) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opisub]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation PreIncrement (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opdup]
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such field variable found in field variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation PostIncrement (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opiadd]
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such field variable found in field variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation PreDecrement (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opisub]
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such field variable found in field variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation PostDecrement (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opisub]
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such field variable found in field variable pool: " ++ name)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (FieldVariable name)) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0, Opgetfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such field found in constant pool: " ++ name)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (constants, ops ++ if isPrimitive then [Opiload (fromIntegral index)] else [Opaload (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
assembleExpression _ expr = error ("unimplemented: " ++ show expr)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.Method where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.Statement
assembleMethod :: Assembler MethodDeclaration
assembleMethod (constants, ops, lvars) (MethodDeclaration _ name _ (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)))
| name == "<init>" = let
(constants_a, ops_a, lvars_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
init_ops = [Opaload 0, Opinvokespecial 2]
(constants_a, init_ops ++ ops_a ++ [Opreturn], lvars_a)
| otherwise = let
(constants_a, ops_a, lvars_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
init_ops = [Opaload 0]
(constants_a, init_ops ++ ops_a, lvars_a)
assembleMethod _ (MethodDeclaration _ _ _ stmt) = error ("Block expected for method body, got: " ++ show stmt)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.Statement where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.Expression
import ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.StatementExpression
assembleStatement :: Assembler Statement
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement stype (Return expr)) = case expr of
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ [Opreturn], lvars)
Just expr -> let
(expr_constants, expr_ops, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(expr_constants, expr_ops ++ [returnOperation stype], lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)) =
foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (If expr if_stmt else_stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_ifa, ops_ifa, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) if_stmt
(constants_elsea, ops_elsea, _) = case else_stmt of
Nothing -> (constants_ifa, [], lvars)
Just stmt -> assembleStatement (constants_ifa, [], lvars) stmt
-- +6 because we insert 2 gotos, one for if, one for else
if_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_ifa) + 6
-- +3 because we need to account for the goto in the if statement.
else_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_elsea) + 3
(constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq if_length] ++ ops_ifa ++ [Opgoto else_length] ++ ops_elsea, lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (While expr stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_stmta, ops_stmta, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) stmt
-- +3 because we insert 2 gotos, one for the comparison, one for the goto back to the comparison
stmt_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_stmta) + 6
entire_length = stmt_length + sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_cmp)
(constants_stmta, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq stmt_length] ++ ops_stmta ++ [Opgoto (-entire_length)], lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dtype name expr))) = let
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
(constants_init, ops_init, _) = case expr of
Just exp -> assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) exp
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ if isPrimitive then [Opsipush 0] else [Opaconst_null], lvars)
localIndex = fromIntegral (length lvars)
storeLocal = if isPrimitive then [Opistore localIndex] else [Opastore localIndex]
(constants_init, ops_init ++ storeLocal, lvars ++ [name])
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (StatementExpressionStatement expr)) =
assembleStatementExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
assembleStatement _ stmt = error ("Not yet implemented: " ++ show stmt)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.StatementExpression where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import Data.List
import ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.Expression
import ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Field
-- TODO untested
assembleStatementExpression :: Assembler StatementExpression
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (Assignment (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) expr)) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
(constants_a, ops_a, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (constants_a, ops_a ++ if isPrimitive then [Opistore (fromIntegral index)] else [Opastore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (Assignment (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) expr)) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
(constants_a, ops_a, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (constants_a, ops_a ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such field variable found in constant pool: " ++ name)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Class where
import ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Field
import ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Method
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Constants
injectDefaultConstructor :: [MethodDeclaration] -> [MethodDeclaration]
injectDefaultConstructor pre
| any (\(MethodDeclaration _ name _ _) -> name == "<init>") pre = pre
| otherwise = pre ++ [MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" [] (TypedStatement "void" (Block []))]
classBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder Class
classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
baseConstants = [
ClassInfo 4,
MethodRefInfo 1 3,
NameAndTypeInfo 5 6,
Utf8Info "java/lang/Object",
Utf8Info "<init>",
Utf8Info "()V",
Utf8Info "Code"
nameConstants = [ClassInfo 9, Utf8Info name]
nakedClassFile = ClassFile {
constantPool = baseConstants ++ nameConstants,
accessFlags = accessPublic,
thisClass = 8,
superClass = 1,
fields = [],
methods = [],
attributes = []
methodsWithInjectedConstructor = injectDefaultConstructor methods
classFileWithFields = foldr fieldBuilder nakedClassFile fields
classFileWithMethods = foldr methodBuilder classFileWithFields methodsWithInjectedConstructor
classFileWithAssembledMethods = foldr methodAssembler classFileWithMethods methodsWithInjectedConstructor
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Field where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import ByteCode.Constants
import Data.List
findFieldIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> Maybe Int
findFieldIndex constants name = let
fieldRefNameInfos = [
-- we only skip one entry to get the name since the Java constant pool
-- is 1-indexed (why)
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral index + 1))
| (index, FieldRefInfo _ _) <- (zip [1..] constants)
fieldRefNames = map (\(index, nameInfo) -> case nameInfo of
Utf8Info fieldName -> (index, fieldName)
something_else -> error ("Expected UTF8Info but got" ++ show something_else))
fieldIndex = find (\(index, fieldName) -> fieldName == name) fieldRefNames
in case fieldIndex of
Just (index, _) -> Just index
Nothing -> Nothing
fieldBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder VariableDeclaration
fieldBuilder (VariableDeclaration datatype name _) input = let
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
constants = [
FieldRefInfo (fromIntegral (thisClass input)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info (datatypeDescriptor datatype)
field = MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
memberAttributes = []
input {
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
fields = (fields input) ++ [field]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Method where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.Method
import ByteCode.Constants
import Data.List
methodDescriptor :: MethodDeclaration -> String
methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype _ parameters _) = let
parameter_types = [datatype | ParameterDeclaration datatype _ <- parameters]
++ (concat (map methodParameterDescriptor parameter_types))
++ ")"
++ methodParameterDescriptor returntype
methodParameterDescriptor :: String -> String
methodParameterDescriptor "void" = "V"
methodParameterDescriptor "int" = "I"
methodParameterDescriptor "char" = "C"
methodParameterDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
methodParameterDescriptor x = "L" ++ x ++ ";"
memberInfoIsMethod :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> Bool
memberInfoIsMethod constants info = elem '(' (memberInfoDescriptor constants info)
findMethodIndex :: ClassFile -> String -> Maybe Int
findMethodIndex classFile name = let
constants = constantPool classFile
findIndex (\method -> ((memberInfoIsMethod constants method) && (memberInfoName constants method) == name)) (methods classFile)
methodBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodBuilder (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
constants = [
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info (methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters (Block [])))
method = MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral baseIndex),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
memberAttributes = []
input {
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
methods = (methods input) ++ [method]
methodAssembler :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodAssembler (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
methodConstantIndex = findMethodIndex input name
in case methodConstantIndex of
Nothing -> error ("Cannot find method entry in method pool for method: " ++ name)
Just index -> let
declaration = MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement
paramNames = "this" : [name | ParameterDeclaration _ name <- parameters]
(pre, method : post) = splitAt index (methods input)
(_, bytecode, _) = assembleMethod (constantPool input, [], paramNames) declaration
assembledMethod = method {
memberAttributes = [
CodeAttribute {
attributeMaxStack = 420,
attributeMaxLocals = 420,
attributeCode = bytecode
input {
methods = pre ++ (assembledMethod : post)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Generator(
) where
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.ClassFile (ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import Ast
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Word
type ClassFileBuilder a = a -> ClassFile -> ClassFile
type Assembler a = ([ConstantInfo], [Operation], [String]) -> a -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation], [String])
datatypeDescriptor :: String -> String
datatypeDescriptor "void" = "V"
datatypeDescriptor "int" = "I"
datatypeDescriptor "char" = "C"
datatypeDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
datatypeDescriptor x = "L" ++ x
memberInfoDescriptor :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoDescriptor constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = _,
memberDescriptorIndex = descriptorIndex,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
descriptor = constants!!((fromIntegral descriptorIndex) - 1)
in case descriptor of
Utf8Info descriptorText -> descriptorText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show descriptorIndex)
memberInfoName :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoName constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = nameIndex,
memberDescriptorIndex = _,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
name = constants!!((fromIntegral nameIndex) - 1)
in case name of
Utf8Info nameText -> nameText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show nameIndex)
returnOperation :: DataType -> Operation
returnOperation dtype
| elem dtype ["int", "char", "boolean"] = Opireturn
| otherwise = Opareturn
binaryOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Operation
binaryOperation Addition = Opiadd
binaryOperation Subtraction = Opisub
binaryOperation Multiplication = Opimul
binaryOperation Division = Opidiv
binaryOperation BitwiseAnd = Opiand
binaryOperation BitwiseOr = Opior
binaryOperation BitwiseXor = Opixor
comparisonOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Word16 -> Operation
comparisonOperation CompareEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpeq branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareNotEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpne branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessThan branchLocation = Opif_icmplt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmple branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterThan branchLocation = Opif_icmpgt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpge branchLocation
@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ import Example
import Typecheck
import Typecheck
import Parser.Lexer (alexScanTokens)
import Parser.Lexer (alexScanTokens)
import Parser.JavaParser
import Parser.JavaParser
import ByteCode.ClassFile.Generator
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Class
import ByteCode.ClassFile
import ByteCode.ClassFile
import Data.ByteString (pack, writeFile)
import Data.ByteString (pack, writeFile)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user