Merge branch 'typedAST' of ssh:// into bytecode

This commit is contained in:
mrab 2024-05-08 10:57:21 +02:00
commit 93702071fb
3 changed files with 253 additions and 54 deletions

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ data Statement
data StatementExpression
= Assignment Identifier Expression
| ConstructorCall DataType [Expression]
| MethodCall Identifier [Expression]
| MethodCall Expression Identifier [Expression]
| TypedStatementExpression DataType StatementExpression
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ data Expression
| BooleanLiteral Bool
| NullLiteral
| Reference Identifier
| LocalVariable Identifier
| FieldVariable Identifier
| BinaryOperation BinaryOperator Expression Expression
| UnaryOperation UnaryOperator Expression
| StatementExpressionExpression StatementExpression

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@ -1,50 +1,203 @@
module Example where
import Ast
import Typecheck
import Control.Exception (catch, evaluate, SomeException, displayException)
import Control.Exception.Base
import Typecheck
import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
green, red, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white :: String -> String
green str = "\x1b[32m" ++ str ++ "\x1b[0m"
red str = "\x1b[31m" ++ str ++ "\x1b[0m"
yellow str = "\x1b[33m" ++ str ++ "\x1b[0m"
blue str = "\x1b[34m" ++ str ++ "\x1b[0m"
magenta str = "\x1b[35m" ++ str ++ "\x1b[0m"
cyan str = "\x1b[36m" ++ str ++ "\x1b[0m"
white str = "\x1b[37m" ++ str ++ "\x1b[0m"
printSuccess :: String -> IO ()
printSuccess msg = putStrLn $ green "Success:" ++ white msg
handleError :: SomeException -> IO ()
handleError e = hPutStrLn stderr $ red ("Error: " ++ displayException e)
printResult :: Show a => String -> a -> IO ()
printResult title result = do
putStrLn $ green title
print result
-- Example classes and their methods and fields
sampleClasses :: [Class]
sampleClasses = [
Class "Person" [
MethodDeclaration "void" "setAge" [ParameterDeclaration "Int" "newAge"]
MethodDeclaration "void" "setAge" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "newAge"]
(Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Int" "age" (Just (Reference "newAge")))
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (Reference "newAge")))
MethodDeclaration "Int" "getAge" [] (Return (Just (Reference "age")))
MethodDeclaration "int" "getAge" [] (Return (Just (Reference "age"))),
MethodDeclaration "Person" "Person" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "initialAge"] (Block [])
] [
VariableDeclaration "Int" "age" (Just (IntegerLiteral 25)),
VariableDeclaration "String" "name" (Just (CharacterLiteral 'A'))
VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (IntegerLiteral 25))
-- Symbol table, mapping identifiers to their data types
initialSymtab :: [(DataType, Identifier)]
initialSymtab = []
-- An example block of statements to type check
exampleBlock :: Statement
exampleBlock = Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30]),
Return (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall "getAge" [])))
exampleExpression :: Expression
exampleExpression = BinaryOperation NameResolution (Reference "bob") (Reference "age")
-- Function to perform type checking and handle errors
exampleAssignment :: Expression
exampleAssignment = StatementExpressionExpression (Assignment "a" (IntegerLiteral 30))
exampleMethodCall :: Statement
exampleMethodCall = StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "this") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30])
exampleConstructorCall :: Statement
exampleConstructorCall = LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 30]))))
exampleNameResolution :: Expression
exampleNameResolution = BinaryOperation NameResolution (Reference "b") (Reference "age")
exampleBlockResolution :: Statement
exampleBlockResolution = Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 30])))),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "getAge" [])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30])
exampleBlockResolutionFail :: Statement
exampleBlockResolutionFail = Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 30])))),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "bool" "age" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "getAge" [])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30])
exampleMethodCallAndAssignment :: Statement
exampleMethodCallAndAssignment = Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 30])))),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "getAge" [])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30]),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "a" Nothing),
StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment "a" (Reference "age"))
exampleMethodCallAndAssignmentFail :: Statement
exampleMethodCallAndAssignmentFail = Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 30])))),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "getAge" [])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30]),
StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment "a" (Reference "age"))
testClasses :: [Class]
testClasses = [
Class "Person" [
MethodDeclaration "Person" "Person" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "initialAge"]
(Block [
Return (Just (Reference "this"))
MethodDeclaration "void" "setAge" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "newAge"]
(Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (Reference "newAge")))
MethodDeclaration "int" "getAge" []
(Return (Just (Reference "age")))
] [
VariableDeclaration "int" "age" Nothing -- initially unassigned
Class "Main" [
MethodDeclaration "int" "main" []
(Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 25])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30]),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "bobAge" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "getAge" [])))),
Return (Just (Reference "bobAge"))
] []
runTypeCheck :: IO ()
runTypeCheck = do
-- Evaluate the block of statements
--evaluatedBlock <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleBlock initialSymtab sampleClasses)
--putStrLn "Type checking of block completed successfully:"
--print evaluatedBlock
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedExpression <- evaluate (typeCheckExpression exampleExpression [("bob", "Person")] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of expression completed successfully"
printResult "Result Expression:" evaluatedExpression
) handleError
-- Evaluate the expression
evaluatedExpression <- evaluate (typeCheckExpression exampleExpression [("bob", "Person"), ("age", "int")] sampleClasses)
putStrLn "Type checking of expression completed successfully:"
print evaluatedExpression
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedAssignment <- evaluate (typeCheckExpression exampleAssignment [("a", "int")] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of assignment completed successfully"
printResult "Result Assignment:" evaluatedAssignment
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedMethodCall <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleMethodCall [("this", "Person"), ("setAge", "Person"), ("getAge", "Person")] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of method call this completed successfully"
printResult "Result MethodCall:" evaluatedMethodCall
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedConstructorCall <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleConstructorCall [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of constructor call completed successfully"
printResult "Result Constructor Call:" evaluatedConstructorCall
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedNameResolution <- evaluate (typeCheckExpression exampleNameResolution [("b", "Person")] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of name resolution completed successfully"
printResult "Result Name Resolution:" evaluatedNameResolution
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedBlockResolution <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleBlockResolution [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of block resolution completed successfully"
printResult "Result Block Resolution:" evaluatedBlockResolution
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedBlockResolutionFail <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleBlockResolutionFail [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of block resolution failed"
printResult "Result Block Resolution:" evaluatedBlockResolutionFail
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedMethodCallAndAssignment <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleMethodCallAndAssignment [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of method call and assignment completed successfully"
printResult "Result Method Call and Assignment:" evaluatedMethodCallAndAssignment
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedMethodCallAndAssignmentFail <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleMethodCallAndAssignmentFail [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of method call and assignment failed"
printResult "Result Method Call and Assignment:" evaluatedMethodCallAndAssignmentFail
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
let mainClass = fromJust $ find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == "Main") testClasses
case mainClass of
Class _ [mainMethod] _ -> do
let result = typeCheckMethodDeclaration mainMethod [] testClasses
printSuccess "Full program type checking completed successfully."
printResult "Main method result:" result
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
let typedProgram = typeCheckCompilationUnit testClasses
printSuccess "Type checking of Program completed successfully"
printResult "Typed Program:" typedProgram
) handleError

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@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Typecheck where
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe
import Ast
typeCheckCompilationUnit :: CompilationUnit -> CompilationUnit
@ -8,9 +9,11 @@ typeCheckCompilationUnit classes = map (`typeCheckClass` classes) classes
typeCheckClass :: Class -> [Class] -> Class
typeCheckClass (Class className methods fields) classes =
-- Create a symbol table from class fields
-- Create a symbol table from class fields and method entries
classFields = [(id, dt) | VariableDeclaration dt id _ <- fields]
checkedMethods = map (\method -> typeCheckMethodDeclaration method classFields classes) methods
methodEntries = [(methodName, className) | MethodDeclaration _ methodName _ _ <- methods]
initalSymTab = ("this", className) : classFields ++ methodEntries
checkedMethods = map (\method -> typeCheckMethodDeclaration method initalSymTab classes) methods
in Class className checkedMethods fields
typeCheckMethodDeclaration :: MethodDeclaration -> [(Identifier, DataType)] -> [Class] -> MethodDeclaration
@ -18,9 +21,7 @@ typeCheckMethodDeclaration (MethodDeclaration retType name params body) classFie
-- Combine class fields with method parameters to form the initial symbol table for the method
methodParams = [(identifier, dataType) | ParameterDeclaration dataType identifier <- params]
-- Ensure method parameters shadow class fields if names collide
initialSymtab = classFields ++ methodParams
-- Type check the body of the method using the combined symbol table
checkedBody = typeCheckStatement body initialSymtab classes
bodyType = getTypeFromStmt checkedBody
-- Check if the type of the body matches the declared return type
@ -137,20 +138,17 @@ typeCheckExpression (BinaryOperation op expr1 expr2) symtab classes =
NameResolution ->
case (expr1', expr2) of
(TypedExpression t1 (Reference obj), Reference member) ->
-- Lookup the class type of obj from the symbol table
let objectType = lookupType obj symtab
classDetails = find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == objectType) classes
in case classDetails of
Just (Class _ methods fields) ->
-- Check both fields and methods to find a match for member
Just (Class _ _ fields) ->
let fieldTypes = [dt | VariableDeclaration dt id _ <- fields, id == member]
methodTypes = [dt | MethodDeclaration dt id _ _ <- methods, id == member]
in case fieldTypes ++ methodTypes of
[resolvedType] -> TypedExpression resolvedType (BinaryOperation op expr1' (TypedExpression resolvedType (Reference member)))
[] -> error $ "Member '" ++ member ++ "' not found in class '" ++ objectType ++ "'"
_ -> error $ "Ambiguous reference to '" ++ member ++ "' in class '" ++ objectType ++ "'"
in case fieldTypes of
[resolvedType] -> TypedExpression resolvedType (BinaryOperation NameResolution expr1' (TypedExpression resolvedType expr2))
[] -> error $ "Field '" ++ member ++ "' not found in class '" ++ objectType ++ "'"
_ -> error $ "Ambiguous reference to field '" ++ member ++ "' in class '" ++ objectType ++ "'"
Nothing -> error $ "Object '" ++ obj ++ "' does not correspond to a known class"
_ -> error "Name resolution requires object reference and member name"
_ -> error "Name resolution requires object reference and field name"
typeCheckExpression (UnaryOperation op expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
@ -174,7 +172,7 @@ typeCheckExpression (StatementExpressionExpression stmtExpr) symtab classes =
in TypedExpression (getTypeFromStmtExpr stmtExpr') (StatementExpressionExpression stmtExpr')
-- ********************************** Type Checking: StatementExpressions **********************************
-- TODO: Implement type checking for StatementExpressions
typeCheckStatementExpression :: StatementExpression -> [(Identifier, DataType)] -> [Class] -> StatementExpression
typeCheckStatementExpression (Assignment id expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
@ -187,12 +185,54 @@ typeCheckStatementExpression (Assignment id expr) symtab classes =
error "Assignment type mismatch"
typeCheckStatementExpression (ConstructorCall className args) symtab classes =
let args' = map (\arg -> typeCheckExpression arg symtab classes) args
in TypedStatementExpression className (ConstructorCall className args')
case find (\(Class name _ _) -> name == className) classes of
Nothing -> error $ "Class '" ++ className ++ "' not found."
Just (Class _ methods fields) ->
-- Constructor needs the same name as the class
case find (\(MethodDeclaration retType name params _) -> name == className && retType == className) methods of
Nothing -> error $ "No valid constructor found for class '" ++ className ++ "'."
Just (MethodDeclaration _ _ params _) ->
args' = map (\arg -> typeCheckExpression arg symtab classes) args
-- Extract expected parameter types from the constructor's parameters
expectedTypes = [dataType | ParameterDeclaration dataType _ <- params]
argTypes = map getTypeFromExpr args'
-- Check if the types of the provided arguments match the expected types
typeMatches = zipWith (\expected actual -> if expected == actual then Nothing else Just (expected, actual)) expectedTypes argTypes
mismatchErrors = map (\(exp, act) -> "Expected type '" ++ exp ++ "', found '" ++ act ++ "'.") (catMaybes typeMatches)
if length args /= length params then
error $ "Constructor for class '" ++ className ++ "' expects " ++ show (length params) ++ " arguments, but got " ++ show (length args) ++ "."
else if not (null mismatchErrors) then
error $ unlines $ ("Type mismatch in constructor arguments for class '" ++ className ++ "':") : mismatchErrors
TypedStatementExpression className (ConstructorCall className args')
typeCheckStatementExpression (MethodCall methodName args) symtab classes =
typeCheckStatementExpression (MethodCall expr methodName args) symtab classes =
let objExprTyped = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
in case objExprTyped of
TypedExpression objType _ ->
case find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == objType) classes of
Just (Class _ methods _) ->
case find (\(MethodDeclaration retType name params _) -> name == methodName) methods of
Just (MethodDeclaration retType _ params _) ->
let args' = map (\arg -> typeCheckExpression arg symtab classes) args
in TypedStatementExpression "Object" (MethodCall methodName args')
expectedTypes = [dataType | ParameterDeclaration dataType _ <- params]
argTypes = map getTypeFromExpr args'
typeMatches = zipWith (\expType argType -> (expType == argType, expType, argType)) expectedTypes argTypes
mismatches = filter (not . fst3) typeMatches
where fst3 (a, _, _) = a
if null mismatches && length args == length params then
TypedStatementExpression retType (MethodCall objExprTyped methodName args')
else if not (null mismatches) then
error $ unlines $ ("Argument type mismatches for method '" ++ methodName ++ "':")
: [ "Expected: " ++ expType ++ ", Found: " ++ argType | (_, expType, argType) <- mismatches ]
error $ "Incorrect number of arguments for method '" ++ methodName ++ "'. Expected " ++ show (length expectedTypes) ++ ", found " ++ show (length args) ++ "."
Nothing -> error $ "Method '" ++ methodName ++ "' not found in class '" ++ objType ++ "'."
Nothing -> error $ "Class for object type '" ++ objType ++ "' not found."
_ -> error "Invalid object type for method call. Object must have a class type."
-- ********************************** Type Checking: Statements **********************************
@ -264,6 +304,10 @@ typeCheckStatement (Return expr) symtab classes =
Just e' -> TypedStatement (getTypeFromExpr e') (Return (Just e'))
Nothing -> TypedStatement "Void" (Return Nothing)
typeCheckStatement (StatementExpressionStatement stmtExpr) symtab classes =
let stmtExpr' = typeCheckStatementExpression stmtExpr symtab classes
in TypedStatement (getTypeFromStmtExpr stmtExpr') (StatementExpressionStatement stmtExpr')
-- ********************************** Type Checking: Helpers **********************************
getTypeFromExpr :: Expression -> DataType