Merge pull request 'Add initial typechecker for AST' (#2) from typedAST into master

Reviewed-on: #2
This commit is contained in:
Matthias Raba (vllt) 2024-06-14 07:53:29 +00:00
commit b1735c6300
17 changed files with 1344 additions and 546 deletions

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@ -107,10 +107,12 @@ testBasicConstantPool = TestCase $ assertEqual "basic constant pool" expectedCla
testFields = TestCase $ assertEqual "fields in constant pool" expectedClassWithFields $ classBuilder classWithFields emptyClassFile
testMethodDescriptor = TestCase $ assertEqual "method descriptor" "(II)I" (methodDescriptor method)
testMethodAssembly = TestCase $ assertEqual "method assembly" expectedClassWithMethod (classBuilder classWithMethod emptyClassFile)
testFindMethodIndex = TestCase $ assertEqual "find method" (Just 0) (findMethodIndex expectedClassWithMethod "add_two_numbers")
tests = TestList [
TestLabel "Basic constant pool" testBasicConstantPool,
TestLabel "Fields constant pool" testFields,
TestLabel "Method descriptor building" testMethodDescriptor,
TestLabel "Method assembly" testMethodAssembly
TestLabel "Method assembly" testMethodAssembly,
TestLabel "Find method by name" testFindMethodIndex

View File

@ -18,11 +18,286 @@ testBooleanField = TestCase $
testIntField = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with int field" [Class "WithInt" [] [VariableDeclaration "int" "value" Nothing]] $
testCustomTypeField = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with foo field" [Class "WithFoo" [] [VariableDeclaration "Foo" "value" Nothing]] $
testMultipleDeclarationSameLine = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with two int fields" [Class "TwoInts" [] [VariableDeclaration "int" "num1" Nothing, VariableDeclaration "int" "num2" Nothing]] $
testMultipleDeclarations = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with int and char field" [Class "Multiple" [] [VariableDeclaration "int" "value" Nothing, VariableDeclaration "char" "letter" Nothing]] $
testWithModifier = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with int field" [Class "WithInt" [] [VariableDeclaration "int" "value" Nothing]] $
testEmptyMethod = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with method" [Class "WithMethod" [MethodDeclaration "int" "foo" [] (Block [])] []] $
testEmptyPrivateMethod = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with method" [Class "WithMethod" [MethodDeclaration "int" "foo" [] (Block [])] []] $
testEmptyVoidMethod = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with method" [Class "WithMethod" [MethodDeclaration "void" "foo" [] (Block [])] []] $
testEmptyMethodWithParam = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with method with param" [Class "WithParam" [MethodDeclaration "void" "foo" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "param"] (Block [])] []] $
testEmptyMethodWithParams = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with multiple params" [Class "WithParams" [MethodDeclaration "void" "foo" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "p1",ParameterDeclaration "Custom" "p2"] (Block [])] []] $
testClassWithMethodAndField = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with method and field" [Class "WithMethodAndField" [MethodDeclaration "void" "foo" [] (Block []), MethodDeclaration "int" "bar" [] (Block [])] [VariableDeclaration "int" "value" Nothing]] $
testClassWithConstructor = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with constructor" [Class "WithConstructor" [MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" [] (Block [])] []] $
testConstructorWithParams = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect constructor with params" [Class "WithParams" [MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "p1"] (Block [])] []] $
testConstructorWithStatements = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect constructor with statement" [Class "WithConstructor" [MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" [] (Block [Return Nothing])] []] $
testEmptyBlock = TestCase $ assertEqual "expect empty block" [Block []] $ parseStatement [LBRACKET,RBRACKET]
testBlockWithLocalVarDecl = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect block with local var delcaration" [Block [LocalVariableDeclaration $ VariableDeclaration "int" "localvar" Nothing]] $
testBlockWithMultipleLocalVarDecls = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect block with multiple local var declarations" [Block [LocalVariableDeclaration $ VariableDeclaration "int" "var1" Nothing, LocalVariableDeclaration $ VariableDeclaration "boolean" "var2" Nothing]] $
testNestedBlocks = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect block with block inside" [Block [Block []]] $
testBlockWithEmptyStatement = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect empty block" [Block []] $
testExpressionIntLiteral = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect IntLiteral" (IntegerLiteral 3) $
parseExpression [INTEGERLITERAL 3]
testFieldWithInitialization = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect Class with initialized field" [Class "WithInitField" [] [VariableDeclaration "int" "number" $ Just $ IntegerLiteral 3]] $
testLocalBoolWithInitialization = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect block with with initialized local var" [Block [LocalVariableDeclaration $ VariableDeclaration "boolean" "b" $ Just $ BooleanLiteral False]] $
testFieldNullWithInitialization = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect Class with initialized field" [Class "WithInitField" [] [VariableDeclaration "Object" "bar" $ Just NullLiteral]] $
testReturnVoid = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect block with return nothing" [Block [Return Nothing]] $
testExpressionNot = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect expression not" (UnaryOperation Not (Reference "boar")) $
parseExpression [NOT,IDENTIFIER "boar"]
testExpressionMinus = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect expression minus" (UnaryOperation Minus (Reference "boo")) $
parseExpression [MINUS,IDENTIFIER "boo"]
testExpressionMultiplication = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect multiplication" (BinaryOperation Multiplication (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionDivision = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect division" (BinaryOperation Division (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionModulo = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect modulo operation" (BinaryOperation Modulo (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionAddition = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect addition" (BinaryOperation Addition (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionSubtraction = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect subtraction" (BinaryOperation Subtraction (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionLessThan = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect comparision less than" (BinaryOperation CompareLessThan (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionGreaterThan = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect comparision greater than" (BinaryOperation CompareGreaterThan (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionLessThanEqual = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect comparision less than or equal" (BinaryOperation CompareLessOrEqual (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionGreaterThanOrEqual = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect comparision greater than or equal" (BinaryOperation CompareGreaterOrEqual (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionEqual = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect comparison equal" (BinaryOperation CompareEqual (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionNotEqual = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect comparison equal" (BinaryOperation CompareNotEqual (Reference "bar") (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionAnd = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect and expression" (BinaryOperation And (Reference "bar") (Reference "baz")) $
parseExpression [IDENTIFIER "bar",AND,IDENTIFIER "baz"]
testExpressionXor = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect xor expression" (BinaryOperation BitwiseXor (Reference "bar") (Reference "baz")) $
parseExpression [IDENTIFIER "bar",XOR,IDENTIFIER "baz"]
testExpressionOr = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect or expression" (BinaryOperation Or (Reference "bar") (Reference "baz")) $
parseExpression [IDENTIFIER "bar",OR,IDENTIFIER "baz"]
testExpressionPostIncrement = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect PostIncrement" (StatementExpressionExpression $ PostIncrement (Reference "a")) $
parseExpression [IDENTIFIER "a",INCREMENT]
testExpressionPostDecrement = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect PostDecrement" (StatementExpressionExpression $ PostDecrement (Reference "a")) $
parseExpression [IDENTIFIER "a",DECREMENT]
testExpressionPreIncrement = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect PreIncrement" (StatementExpressionExpression $ PreIncrement (Reference "a")) $
parseExpression [INCREMENT,IDENTIFIER "a"]
testExpressionPreDecrement = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect PreIncrement" (StatementExpressionExpression $ PreDecrement (Reference "a")) $
parseExpression [DECREMENT,IDENTIFIER "a"]
testExpressionAssign = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect assign 5 to a" (StatementExpressionExpression (Assignment (Reference "a") (IntegerLiteral 5))) $
testExpressionTimesEqual = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect assign and multiplication" (StatementExpressionExpression (Assignment (Reference "a") (BinaryOperation Multiplication (Reference "a") (IntegerLiteral 5)))) $
testExpressionDivideEqual = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect assign and division" (StatementExpressionExpression (Assignment (Reference "a") (BinaryOperation Division (Reference "a") (IntegerLiteral 5)))) $
testExpressionPlusEqual = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect assign and addition" (StatementExpressionExpression (Assignment (Reference "a") (BinaryOperation Addition (Reference "a") (IntegerLiteral 5)))) $
testExpressionMinusEqual = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect assign and subtraction" (StatementExpressionExpression (Assignment (Reference "a") (BinaryOperation Subtraction (Reference "a") (IntegerLiteral 5)))) $
testExpressionThis = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect this" (Reference "this") $
parseExpression [THIS]
testExpressionBraced = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect braced expresssion" (BinaryOperation Multiplication (Reference "b") (BinaryOperation Addition (Reference "a") (IntegerLiteral 3))) $
testExpressionPrecedence = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect times to be inner expression" (BinaryOperation Addition (BinaryOperation Multiplication (Reference "b") (Reference "a")) (IntegerLiteral 3)) $
testExpressionMethodCallNoParams = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect methodcall no params" (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "this") "foo" [])) $
parseExpression [IDENTIFIER "foo",LBRACE,RBRACE]
testExpressionMethodCallOneParam = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect methodcall one param" (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "this") "foo" [Reference "a"])) $
testExpressionMethodCallTwoParams = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect methocall two params" (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "this") "foo" [Reference "a", IntegerLiteral 5])) $
testExpressionThisMethodCall = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect this methocall" (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "this") "foo" [])) $
testExpressionThisMethodCallParam = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect this methocall" (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "this") "foo" [Reference "x"])) $
testExpressionFieldAccess = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect NameResolution" (BinaryOperation NameResolution (Reference "this") (Reference "b")) $
parseExpression [THIS,DOT,IDENTIFIER "b"]
testExpressionSimpleFieldAccess = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect Reference" (Reference "a") $
parseExpression [IDENTIFIER "a"]
testExpressionFieldSubAccess = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect NameResolution without this" (BinaryOperation NameResolution (Reference "a") (Reference "b")) $
parseExpression [IDENTIFIER "a",DOT,IDENTIFIER "b"]
testExpressionConstructorCall = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect constructor call" (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Foo" [])) $
testStatementIfThen = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect empty ifthen" [If (Reference "a") (Block [Block []]) Nothing] $
testStatementIfThenElse = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect empty ifthen" [If (Reference "a") (Block [Block []]) (Just (Block [Block []]))] $
testStatementWhile = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect while" [While (Reference "a") (Block [Block []])] $
testStatementAssign = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect assign 5" [StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment (Reference "a") (IntegerLiteral 5))] $
testStatementMethodCallNoParams = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect methodcall statement no params" [StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "this") "foo" [])] $
testStatementConstructorCall = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect constructor call" [StatementExpressionStatement (ConstructorCall "Foo" [])] $
testStatementConstructorCallWithArgs = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect constructor call" [StatementExpressionStatement (ConstructorCall "Foo" [Reference "b"])] $
testStatementPreIncrement = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect increment" [StatementExpressionStatement $ PostIncrement $ Reference "a"] $
tests = TestList [

View File

@ -12,18 +12,21 @@ executable compiler
default-language: Haskell2010
hs-source-dirs: src,
hs-source-dirs: src
build-tool-depends: alex:alex, happy:happy
other-modules: Parser.Lexer,
test-suite tests

View File

@ -20,10 +20,14 @@ data Statement
deriving (Show, Eq)
data StatementExpression
= Assignment Identifier Expression
= Assignment Expression Expression
| ConstructorCall DataType [Expression]
| MethodCall Expression Identifier [Expression]
| TypedStatementExpression DataType StatementExpression
| PostIncrement Expression
| PostDecrement Expression
| PreIncrement Expression
| PreDecrement Expression
deriving (Show, Eq)
data BinaryOperator
@ -31,6 +35,7 @@ data BinaryOperator
| Subtraction
| Multiplication
| Division
| Modulo
| BitwiseAnd
| BitwiseOr
| BitwiseXor

View File

@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ module ByteCode.ClassFile(
) where
import Data.Word
@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ data Operation = Opiadd
| Opior
| Opixor
| Opineg
| Opdup
| Opif_icmplt Word16
| Opif_icmple Word16
| Opif_icmpgt Word16
@ -41,6 +43,8 @@ data Operation = Opiadd
| Opreturn
| Opireturn
| Opareturn
| Opinvokespecial Word16
| Opgoto Word16
| Opsipush Word16
| Opldc_w Word16
| Opaload Word16
@ -48,7 +52,7 @@ data Operation = Opiadd
| Opastore Word16
| Opistore Word16
| Opputfield Word16
| OpgetField Word16
| Opgetfield Word16
deriving (Show, Eq)
@ -87,6 +91,37 @@ emptyClassFile = ClassFile {
attributes = []
opcodeEncodingLength :: Operation -> Word16
opcodeEncodingLength Opiadd = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opisub = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opimul = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opidiv = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opiand = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opior = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opixor = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opineg = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opdup = 1
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmplt _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmple _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpgt _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpge _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpeq _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpne _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength Opaconst_null = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opreturn = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opireturn = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opareturn = 1
opcodeEncodingLength (Opinvokespecial _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opgoto _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opsipush _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opldc_w _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opaload _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opiload _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opastore _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opistore _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opputfield _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opgetfield _) = 3
class Serializable a where
serialize :: a -> [Word8]
@ -108,32 +143,35 @@ instance Serializable MemberInfo where
++ concatMap serialize (memberAttributes member)
instance Serializable Operation where
serialize Opiadd = [0x60]
serialize Opisub = [0x64]
serialize Opimul = [0x68]
serialize Opidiv = [0x6C]
serialize Opiand = [0x7E]
serialize Opior = [0x80]
serialize Opixor = [0x82]
serialize Opineg = [0x74]
serialize (Opif_icmplt branch) = 0xA1 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmple branch) = 0xA4 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpgt branch) = 0xA3 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpge branch) = 0xA2 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpeq branch) = 0x9F : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpne branch) = 0xA0 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize Opaconst_null = [0x01]
serialize Opreturn = [0xB1]
serialize Opireturn = [0xAC]
serialize Opareturn = [0xB0]
serialize (Opsipush index) = 0x11 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opldc_w index) = 0x13 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opaload index) = [0xC4, 0x19] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opiload index) = [0xC4, 0x15] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opastore index) = [0xC4, 0x3A] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opistore index) = [0xC4, 0x36] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opputfield index) = 0xB5 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (OpgetField index) = 0xB4 : unpackWord16 index
serialize Opiadd = [0x60]
serialize Opisub = [0x64]
serialize Opimul = [0x68]
serialize Opidiv = [0x6C]
serialize Opiand = [0x7E]
serialize Opior = [0x80]
serialize Opixor = [0x82]
serialize Opineg = [0x74]
serialize Opdup = [0x59]
serialize (Opif_icmplt branch) = 0xA1 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmple branch) = 0xA4 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpgt branch) = 0xA3 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpge branch) = 0xA2 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpeq branch) = 0x9F : unpackWord16 branch
serialize (Opif_icmpne branch) = 0xA0 : unpackWord16 branch
serialize Opaconst_null = [0x01]
serialize Opreturn = [0xB1]
serialize Opireturn = [0xAC]
serialize Opareturn = [0xB0]
serialize (Opinvokespecial index) = 0xB7 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opgoto index) = 0xA7 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opsipush index) = 0x11 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opldc_w index) = 0x13 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opaload index) = [0xC4, 0x19] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opiload index) = [0xC4, 0x15] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opastore index) = [0xC4, 0x3A] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opistore index) = [0xC4, 0x36] ++ unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opputfield index) = 0xB5 : unpackWord16 index
serialize (Opgetfield index) = 0xB4 : unpackWord16 index
instance Serializable Attribute where
serialize (CodeAttribute { attributeMaxStack = maxStack,
@ -151,7 +189,7 @@ instance Serializable Attribute where
++ unpackWord16 0 -- attributes_count
instance Serializable ClassFile where
serialize classfile = unpackWord32 0xC0FEBABE -- magic
serialize classfile = unpackWord32 0xCAFEBABE -- magic
++ unpackWord16 0 -- minor version
++ unpackWord16 49 -- major version
++ unpackWord16 (fromIntegral (1 + length (constantPool classfile))) -- constant pool count

View File

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
module ByteCode.ClassFile.Generator(
) where
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.ClassFile (ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..))
import Ast
import Data.Char
type ClassFileBuilder a = a -> ClassFile -> ClassFile
datatypeDescriptor :: String -> String
datatypeDescriptor "void" = "V"
datatypeDescriptor "int" = "I"
datatypeDescriptor "char" = "C"
datatypeDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
datatypeDescriptor x = "L" ++ x
methodParameterDescriptor :: String -> String
methodParameterDescriptor "void" = "V"
methodParameterDescriptor "int" = "I"
methodParameterDescriptor "char" = "C"
methodParameterDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
methodParameterDescriptor x = "L" ++ x ++ ";"
methodDescriptor :: MethodDeclaration -> String
methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype _ parameters _) = let
parameter_types = [datatype | ParameterDeclaration datatype _ <- parameters]
++ (concat (map methodParameterDescriptor parameter_types))
++ ")"
++ datatypeDescriptor returntype
classBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder Class
classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
baseConstants = [
ClassInfo 4,
MethodRefInfo 1 3,
NameAndTypeInfo 5 6,
Utf8Info "java/lang/Object",
Utf8Info "<init>",
Utf8Info "()V",
Utf8Info "Code"
nameConstants = [ClassInfo 9, Utf8Info name]
nakedClassFile = ClassFile {
constantPool = baseConstants ++ nameConstants,
accessFlags = accessPublic,
thisClass = 8,
superClass = 1,
fields = [],
methods = [],
attributes = []
foldr methodBuilder (foldr fieldBuilder nakedClassFile fields) methods
fieldBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder VariableDeclaration
fieldBuilder (VariableDeclaration datatype name _) input = let
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
constants = [
FieldRefInfo (fromIntegral (thisClass input)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info (datatypeDescriptor datatype)
field = MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
memberAttributes = []
input {
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
fields = (fields input) ++ [field]
methodBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodBuilder (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
constants = [
FieldRefInfo (fromIntegral (thisClass input)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info (methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters (Block [])))
--code = assembleByteCode statement
method = MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
memberAttributes = [
CodeAttribute {
attributeMaxStack = 420,
attributeMaxLocals = 420,
attributeCode = [Opiadd]
input {
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
methods = (fields input) ++ [method]
type Assembler a = a -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation]) -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation])
returnOperation :: DataType -> Operation
returnOperation dtype
| elem dtype ["int", "char", "boolean"] = Opireturn
| otherwise = Opareturn
binaryOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Operation
binaryOperation Addition = Opiadd
binaryOperation Subtraction = Opisub
binaryOperation Multiplication = Opimul
binaryOperation Division = Opidiv
binaryOperation BitwiseAnd = Opiand
binaryOperation BitwiseOr = Opior
binaryOperation BitwiseXor = Opixor
assembleMethod :: Assembler MethodDeclaration
assembleMethod (MethodDeclaration _ _ _ (Block statements)) (constants, ops) =
foldr assembleStatement (constants, ops) statements
assembleStatement :: Assembler Statement
assembleStatement (TypedStatement stype (Return expr)) (constants, ops) = case expr of
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ [Opreturn])
Just expr -> let
(expr_constants, expr_ops) = assembleExpression expr (constants, ops)
(expr_constants, expr_ops ++ [returnOperation stype])
assembleExpression :: Assembler Expression
assembleExpression (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation op a b)) (constants, ops)
| elem op [Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, BitwiseAnd, BitwiseOr, BitwiseXor] = let
(aConstants, aOps) = assembleExpression a (constants, ops)
(bConstants, bOps) = assembleExpression b (aConstants, aOps)
(bConstants, bOps ++ [binaryOperation op])
assembleExpression (TypedExpression _ (CharacterLiteral literal)) (constants, ops) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral (ord literal))])
assembleExpression (TypedExpression _ (BooleanLiteral literal)) (constants, ops) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (if literal then 1 else 0)])
assembleExpression (TypedExpression _ (IntegerLiteral literal)) (constants, ops)
| literal <= 32767 && literal >= -32768 = (constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral literal)])
| otherwise = (constants ++ [IntegerInfo (fromIntegral literal)], ops ++ [Opldc_w (fromIntegral (1 + length constants))])
assembleExpression (TypedExpression _ NullLiteral) (constants, ops) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opaconst_null])
assembleExpression (TypedExpression etype (UnaryOperation Not expr)) (constants, ops) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps) = assembleExpression expr (constants, ops)
newConstant = fromIntegral (1 + length exprConstants)
in case etype of
"int" -> (exprConstants ++ [IntegerInfo 0x7FFFFFFF], exprOps ++ [Opldc_w newConstant, Opixor])
"char" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0xFFFF, Opixor])
"boolean" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0x01, Opixor])
assembleExpression (TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation Minus expr)) (constants, ops) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps) = assembleExpression expr (constants, ops)
(exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opineg])

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@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.ExpressionAndStatement where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import Data.List
import Data.Char
import ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Field
assembleExpression :: Assembler Expression
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation op a b))
| elem op [Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, BitwiseAnd, BitwiseOr, BitwiseXor] = let
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) a
(bConstants, bOps, _) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps, lvars) b
(bConstants, bOps ++ [binaryOperation op], lvars)
| elem op [CompareEqual, CompareNotEqual, CompareLessThan, CompareLessOrEqual, CompareGreaterThan, CompareGreaterOrEqual] = let
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) a
(bConstants, bOps, _) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps, lvars) b
cmp_op = comparisonOperation op 9
cmp_ops = [cmp_op, Opsipush 0, Opgoto 6, Opsipush 1]
(bConstants, bOps ++ cmp_ops, lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (CharacterLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral (ord literal))], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BooleanLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (if literal then 1 else 0)], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (IntegerLiteral literal))
| literal <= 32767 && literal >= -32768 = (constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral literal)], lvars)
| otherwise = (constants ++ [IntegerInfo (fromIntegral literal)], ops ++ [Opldc_w (fromIntegral (1 + length constants))], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ NullLiteral) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opaconst_null], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression etype (UnaryOperation Not expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
newConstant = fromIntegral (1 + length exprConstants)
in case etype of
"int" -> (exprConstants ++ [IntegerInfo 0x7FFFFFFF], exprOps ++ [Opldc_w newConstant, Opixor], lvars)
"char" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0xFFFF, Opixor], lvars)
"boolean" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0x01, Opixor], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation Minus expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opineg], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (FieldVariable name)) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0, Opgetfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such field found in constant pool: " ++ name)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (constants, ops ++ if isPrimitive then [Opiload (fromIntegral index)] else [Opaload (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype (StatementExpressionExpression stmtexp)) =
assembleStatementExpression (constants, ops, lvars) stmtexp
assembleExpression _ expr = error ("unimplemented: " ++ show expr)
-- TODO untested
assembleStatementExpression :: Assembler StatementExpression
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (Assignment (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) expr)) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
(constants_a, ops_a, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (constants_a, ops_a ++ if isPrimitive then [Opistore (fromIntegral index)] else [Opastore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (Assignment (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) expr)) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
(constants_a, ops_a, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (constants_a, ops_a ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such field variable found in constant pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PreIncrement (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)))) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opdup]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PostIncrement (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)))) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opiadd]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PreDecrement (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)))) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opisub]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PostDecrement (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)))) = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opisub]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PreIncrement (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opdup]
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such field variable found in field variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PostIncrement (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opiadd]
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such field variable found in field variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PreDecrement (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opisub]
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such field variable found in field variable pool: " ++ name)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PostDecrement (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = let
fieldIndex = findFieldIndex constants name
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars) expr
incrOps = exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opisub]
in case fieldIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, incrOps ++ [Opputfield (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such field variable found in field variable pool: " ++ name)
assembleStatement :: Assembler Statement
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement stype (Return expr)) = case expr of
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ [Opreturn], lvars)
Just expr -> let
(expr_constants, expr_ops, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(expr_constants, expr_ops ++ [returnOperation stype], lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)) =
foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (If expr if_stmt else_stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_ifa, ops_ifa, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) if_stmt
(constants_elsea, ops_elsea, _) = case else_stmt of
Nothing -> (constants_ifa, [], lvars)
Just stmt -> assembleStatement (constants_ifa, [], lvars) stmt
-- +6 because we insert 2 gotos, one for if, one for else
if_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_ifa) + 6
-- +3 because we need to account for the goto in the if statement.
else_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_elsea) + 3
(constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq if_length] ++ ops_ifa ++ [Opgoto else_length] ++ ops_elsea, lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (While expr stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_stmta, ops_stmta, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) stmt
-- +3 because we insert 2 gotos, one for the comparison, one for the goto back to the comparison
stmt_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_stmta) + 6
entire_length = stmt_length + sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_cmp)
(constants_stmta, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq stmt_length] ++ ops_stmta ++ [Opgoto (-entire_length)], lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dtype name expr))) = let
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
(constants_init, ops_init, _) = case expr of
Just exp -> assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) exp
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ if isPrimitive then [Opsipush 0] else [Opaconst_null], lvars)
localIndex = fromIntegral (length lvars)
storeLocal = if isPrimitive then [Opistore localIndex] else [Opastore localIndex]
(constants_init, ops_init ++ storeLocal, lvars ++ [name])
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (StatementExpressionStatement expr)) =
assembleStatementExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
assembleStatement _ stmt = error ("Not yet implemented: " ++ show stmt)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.Method where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.ExpressionAndStatement
assembleMethod :: Assembler MethodDeclaration
assembleMethod (constants, ops, lvars) (MethodDeclaration _ name _ (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)))
| name == "<init>" = let
(constants_a, ops_a, lvars_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
init_ops = [Opaload 0, Opinvokespecial 2]
(constants_a, init_ops ++ ops_a ++ [Opreturn], lvars_a)
| otherwise = let
(constants_a, ops_a, lvars_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
init_ops = [Opaload 0]
(constants_a, init_ops ++ ops_a, lvars_a)
assembleMethod _ (MethodDeclaration _ _ _ stmt) = error ("Block expected for method body, got: " ++ show stmt)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Class where
import ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Field
import ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Method
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Constants
injectDefaultConstructor :: [MethodDeclaration] -> [MethodDeclaration]
injectDefaultConstructor pre
| any (\(MethodDeclaration _ name _ _) -> name == "<init>") pre = pre
| otherwise = pre ++ [MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" [] (TypedStatement "void" (Block []))]
classBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder Class
classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
baseConstants = [
ClassInfo 4,
MethodRefInfo 1 3,
NameAndTypeInfo 5 6,
Utf8Info "java/lang/Object",
Utf8Info "<init>",
Utf8Info "()V",
Utf8Info "Code"
nameConstants = [ClassInfo 9, Utf8Info name]
nakedClassFile = ClassFile {
constantPool = baseConstants ++ nameConstants,
accessFlags = accessPublic,
thisClass = 8,
superClass = 1,
fields = [],
methods = [],
attributes = []
methodsWithInjectedConstructor = injectDefaultConstructor methods
classFileWithFields = foldr fieldBuilder nakedClassFile fields
classFileWithMethods = foldr methodBuilder classFileWithFields methodsWithInjectedConstructor
classFileWithAssembledMethods = foldr methodAssembler classFileWithMethods methodsWithInjectedConstructor

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Field where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import ByteCode.Constants
import Data.List
findFieldIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> Maybe Int
findFieldIndex constants name = let
fieldRefNameInfos = [
-- we only skip one entry to get the name since the Java constant pool
-- is 1-indexed (why)
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral index + 1))
| (index, FieldRefInfo _ _) <- (zip [1..] constants)
fieldRefNames = map (\(index, nameInfo) -> case nameInfo of
Utf8Info fieldName -> (index, fieldName)
something_else -> error ("Expected UTF8Info but got" ++ show something_else))
fieldIndex = find (\(index, fieldName) -> fieldName == name) fieldRefNames
in case fieldIndex of
Just (index, _) -> Just index
Nothing -> Nothing
fieldBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder VariableDeclaration
fieldBuilder (VariableDeclaration datatype name _) input = let
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
constants = [
FieldRefInfo (fromIntegral (thisClass input)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info (datatypeDescriptor datatype)
field = MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
memberAttributes = []
input {
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
fields = (fields input) ++ [field]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Method where
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile(ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import ByteCode.Generation.Assembler.Method
import ByteCode.Constants
import Data.List
methodDescriptor :: MethodDeclaration -> String
methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype _ parameters _) = let
parameter_types = [datatype | ParameterDeclaration datatype _ <- parameters]
++ (concat (map methodParameterDescriptor parameter_types))
++ ")"
++ methodParameterDescriptor returntype
methodParameterDescriptor :: String -> String
methodParameterDescriptor "void" = "V"
methodParameterDescriptor "int" = "I"
methodParameterDescriptor "char" = "C"
methodParameterDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
methodParameterDescriptor x = "L" ++ x ++ ";"
memberInfoIsMethod :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> Bool
memberInfoIsMethod constants info = elem '(' (memberInfoDescriptor constants info)
findMethodIndex :: ClassFile -> String -> Maybe Int
findMethodIndex classFile name = let
constants = constantPool classFile
findIndex (\method -> ((memberInfoIsMethod constants method) && (memberInfoName constants method) == name)) (methods classFile)
methodBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodBuilder (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
constants = [
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info (methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters (Block [])))
method = MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral baseIndex),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
memberAttributes = []
input {
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
methods = (methods input) ++ [method]
methodAssembler :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodAssembler (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
methodConstantIndex = findMethodIndex input name
in case methodConstantIndex of
Nothing -> error ("Cannot find method entry in method pool for method: " ++ name)
Just index -> let
declaration = MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement
paramNames = "this" : [name | ParameterDeclaration _ name <- parameters]
(pre, method : post) = splitAt index (methods input)
(_, bytecode, _) = assembleMethod (constantPool input, [], paramNames) declaration
assembledMethod = method {
memberAttributes = [
CodeAttribute {
attributeMaxStack = 420,
attributeMaxLocals = 420,
attributeCode = bytecode
input {
methods = pre ++ (assembledMethod : post)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
module ByteCode.Generation.Generator(
) where
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.ClassFile (ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import Ast
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Word
type ClassFileBuilder a = a -> ClassFile -> ClassFile
type Assembler a = ([ConstantInfo], [Operation], [String]) -> a -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation], [String])
datatypeDescriptor :: String -> String
datatypeDescriptor "void" = "V"
datatypeDescriptor "int" = "I"
datatypeDescriptor "char" = "C"
datatypeDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
datatypeDescriptor x = "L" ++ x
memberInfoDescriptor :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoDescriptor constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = _,
memberDescriptorIndex = descriptorIndex,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
descriptor = constants!!((fromIntegral descriptorIndex) - 1)
in case descriptor of
Utf8Info descriptorText -> descriptorText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show descriptorIndex)
memberInfoName :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoName constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = nameIndex,
memberDescriptorIndex = _,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
name = constants!!((fromIntegral nameIndex) - 1)
in case name of
Utf8Info nameText -> nameText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show nameIndex)
returnOperation :: DataType -> Operation
returnOperation dtype
| elem dtype ["int", "char", "boolean"] = Opireturn
| otherwise = Opareturn
binaryOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Operation
binaryOperation Addition = Opiadd
binaryOperation Subtraction = Opisub
binaryOperation Multiplication = Opimul
binaryOperation Division = Opidiv
binaryOperation BitwiseAnd = Opiand
binaryOperation BitwiseOr = Opior
binaryOperation BitwiseXor = Opixor
comparisonOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Word16 -> Operation
comparisonOperation CompareEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpeq branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareNotEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpne branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessThan branchLocation = Opif_icmplt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmple branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterThan branchLocation = Opif_icmpgt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpge branchLocation

View File

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ exampleExpression :: Expression
exampleExpression = BinaryOperation NameResolution (Reference "bob") (Reference "age")
exampleAssignment :: Expression
exampleAssignment = StatementExpressionExpression (Assignment "a" (IntegerLiteral 30))
exampleAssignment = StatementExpressionExpression (Assignment (Reference "a") (IntegerLiteral 30))
exampleMethodCall :: Statement
exampleMethodCall = StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "this") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30])
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ exampleConstructorCall :: Statement
exampleConstructorCall = LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 30]))))
exampleNameResolution :: Expression
exampleNameResolution = BinaryOperation NameResolution (Reference "b") (Reference "age")
exampleNameResolution = BinaryOperation NameResolution (Reference "bob2") (Reference "age")
exampleBlockResolution :: Statement
exampleBlockResolution = Block [
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ exampleMethodCallAndAssignment = Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "getAge" [])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30]),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "a" Nothing),
StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment "a" (Reference "age"))
StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment (Reference "a") (Reference "age"))
@ -89,34 +89,57 @@ exampleMethodCallAndAssignmentFail = Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 30])))),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "getAge" [])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30]),
StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment "a" (Reference "age"))
StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment (Reference "a") (Reference "age"))
exampleNameResolutionAssignment :: Statement
exampleNameResolutionAssignment = Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 30])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment (BinaryOperation NameResolution (Reference "bob") (Reference "age")) (IntegerLiteral 30))
exampleCharIntOperation :: Expression
exampleCharIntOperation = BinaryOperation Addition (CharacterLiteral 'a') (IntegerLiteral 1)
exampleNullDeclaration :: Statement
exampleNullDeclaration = LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just NullLiteral))
exampleNullDeclarationFail :: Statement
exampleNullDeclarationFail = LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "a" (Just NullLiteral))
exampleNullAssignment :: Statement
exampleNullAssignment = StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment (Reference "a") NullLiteral)
exampleIncrement :: Statement
exampleIncrement = StatementExpressionStatement (PostIncrement (Reference "a"))
testClasses :: [Class]
testClasses = [
Class "Person" [
MethodDeclaration "Person" "Person" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "initialAge"]
MethodDeclaration "Person" "Person" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "initialAge"]
(Block [
Return (Just (Reference "this"))
MethodDeclaration "void" "setAge" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "newAge"]
MethodDeclaration "void" "setAge" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "newAge"]
(Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (Reference "newAge")))
MethodDeclaration "int" "getAge" []
MethodDeclaration "int" "getAge" []
(Return (Just (Reference "age")))
] [
VariableDeclaration "int" "age" Nothing -- initially unassigned
Class "Main" [
MethodDeclaration "int" "main" []
MethodDeclaration "int" "main" []
(Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 25])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30]),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "bobAge" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "getAge" [])))),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "bobAge" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob2") "getAge" [])))),
Return (Just (Reference "bobAge"))
] []
] [
VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob2" Nothing
runTypeCheck :: IO ()
@ -151,7 +174,7 @@ runTypeCheck = do
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedNameResolution <- evaluate (typeCheckExpression exampleNameResolution [("b", "Person")] sampleClasses)
evaluatedNameResolution <- evaluate (typeCheckExpression exampleNameResolution [("this", "Main")] testClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of name resolution completed successfully"
printResult "Result Name Resolution:" evaluatedNameResolution
) handleError
@ -189,7 +212,7 @@ runTypeCheck = do
let mainClass = fromJust $ find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == "Main") testClasses
case mainClass of
Class _ [mainMethod] _ -> do
let result = typeCheckMethodDeclaration mainMethod [] testClasses
let result = typeCheckMethodDeclaration mainMethod [("this", "Main")] testClasses
printSuccess "Full program type checking completed successfully."
printResult "Main method result:" result
) handleError
@ -201,3 +224,44 @@ runTypeCheck = do
printResult "Typed Program:" typedProgram
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
typedAssignment <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleNameResolutionAssignment [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of name resolution assignment completed successfully"
printResult "Result Name Resolution Assignment:" typedAssignment
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedCharIntOperation <- evaluate (typeCheckExpression exampleCharIntOperation [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of char int operation completed successfully"
printResult "Result Char Int Operation:" evaluatedCharIntOperation
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedNullDeclaration <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleNullDeclaration [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of null declaration completed successfully"
printResult "Result Null Declaration:" evaluatedNullDeclaration
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedNullDeclarationFail <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleNullDeclarationFail [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of null declaration failed"
printResult "Result Null Declaration:" evaluatedNullDeclarationFail
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedNullAssignment <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleNullAssignment [("a", "Person")] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of null assignment completed successfully"
printResult "Result Null Assignment:" evaluatedNullAssignment
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedIncrement <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleIncrement [("a", "int")] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of increment completed successfully"
printResult "Result Increment:" evaluatedIncrement
) handleError

View File

@ -2,7 +2,19 @@ module Main where
import Example
import Typecheck
import Parser.Lexer (alexScanTokens)
import Parser.JavaParser
import ByteCode.Generation.Generator
import ByteCode.Generation.Builder.Class
import ByteCode.ClassFile
import Data.ByteString (pack, writeFile)
main = do
file <- readFile ""
let untypedAST = parse $ alexScanTokens file
let typedAST = head (typeCheckCompilationUnit untypedAST)
let abstractClassFile = classBuilder typedAST emptyClassFile
let assembledClassFile = pack (serialize abstractClassFile)
Data.ByteString.writeFile "Testklasse.class" assembledClassFile

View File

@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
module Parser.JavaParser (parse) where
module Parser.JavaParser (parse, parseStatement, parseExpression) where
import Ast
import Parser.Lexer
%name parse
%name parseStatement statement
%name parseExpression expression
%tokentype { Token }
%error { parseError }
%errorhandlertype explist
@ -41,7 +44,6 @@ import Parser.Lexer
@ -80,17 +82,17 @@ compilationunit : typedeclarations { $1 }
typedeclarations : typedeclaration { [$1] }
| typedeclarations typedeclaration { $1 ++ [$2] }
name : qualifiedname { }
| simplename { }
name : simplename { Reference $1 }
| qualifiedname { $1 }
typedeclaration : classdeclaration { $1 }
qualifiedname : name DOT IDENTIFIER { }
qualifiedname : name DOT IDENTIFIER { BinaryOperation NameResolution $1 (Reference $3) }
simplename : IDENTIFIER { }
simplename : IDENTIFIER { $1 }
classdeclaration : CLASS IDENTIFIER classbody { case $3 of (methods, fields) -> Class $2 methods fields }
-- | modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classbody { case $4 of (methods, fields) -> Class $3 methods fields }
| modifiers CLASS IDENTIFIER classbody { case $4 of (methods, fields) -> Class $3 methods fields }
classbody : LBRACKET RBRACKET { ([], []) }
| LBRACKET classbodydeclarations RBRACKET { $2 }
@ -103,11 +105,11 @@ classbodydeclarations : classbodydeclaration {
MethodDecl method -> ([method], [])
FieldDecls fields -> ([], fields)
-- | classbodydeclarations classbodydeclaration {
-- case ($1, $2) of
-- ((methods, fields), MethodDecl method) -> ((methods ++ [method]), fields)
-- ((methods, fields), FieldDecl field) -> (methods, (fields ++ [field]))
-- }
| classbodydeclarations classbodydeclaration {
case ($1, $2) of
((methods, fields), MethodDecl method) -> ((methods ++ [method]), fields)
((methods, fields), FieldDecls newFields) -> (methods, (fields ++ newFields))
modifier : PUBLIC { }
@ -115,54 +117,54 @@ modifier : PUBLIC { }
| STATIC { }
classtype : classorinterfacetype{ }
classtype : classorinterfacetype { $1 }
classbodydeclaration : classmemberdeclaration { $1 }
-- | constructordeclaration { FieldDecl $ VariableDeclaration "int" "a" Nothing } -- TODO
| constructordeclaration { $1 }
classorinterfacetype : name{ }
classorinterfacetype : simplename { $1 }
classmemberdeclaration : fielddeclaration { $1 }
-- | methoddeclaration { }
| methoddeclaration { $1 }
constructordeclaration : constructordeclarator constructorbody { }
| modifiers constructordeclarator constructorbody { }
constructordeclaration : constructordeclarator constructorbody { MethodDecl $ MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" $1 $2 }
| modifiers constructordeclarator constructorbody { MethodDecl $ MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" $2 $3 }
fielddeclaration : type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON { FieldDecls $ map (convertDeclarator $1) $2 }
-- | modifiers type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON {}
| modifiers type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON { FieldDecls $ map (convertDeclarator $2) $3 }
methoddeclaration : methodheader methodbody { }
methoddeclaration : methodheader methodbody { case $1 of (returnType, (name, parameters)) -> MethodDecl (MethodDeclaration returnType name parameters $2) }
| LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { }
block : LBRACKET RBRACKET { Block [] }
| LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { Block $2 }
constructordeclarator : simplename LBRACE RBRACE { }
| simplename LBRACE formalparameterlist RBRACE { }
constructordeclarator : simplename LBRACE RBRACE { [] }
| simplename LBRACE formalparameterlist RBRACE { $3 }
constructorbody : LBRACKET RBRACKET { }
| LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation RBRACKET { }
| LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { }
| LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation blockstatements RBRACKET { }
constructorbody : LBRACKET RBRACKET { Block [] }
-- | LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation RBRACKET { }
| LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { Block $2 }
-- | LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation blockstatements RBRACKET { }
methodheader : type methoddeclarator { }
| modifiers type methoddeclarator { }
| VOID methoddeclarator { }
| modifiers VOID methoddeclarator { }
methodheader : type methoddeclarator { ($1, $2) }
| modifiers type methoddeclarator { ($2, $3) }
| VOID methoddeclarator { ("void", $2) }
| modifiers VOID methoddeclarator { ("void", $3)}
type : primitivetype { $1 }
-- | referencetype { }
| referencetype { $1 }
variabledeclarators : variabledeclarator { [$1] }
-- | variabledeclarators COMMA variabledeclarator { $1 ++ [$3] }
| variabledeclarators COMMA variabledeclarator { $1 ++ [$3] }
methodbody : block { }
methodbody : block { $1 }
| SEMICOLON { Block [] }
blockstatements : blockstatement { }
| blockstatements blockstatement { }
blockstatements : blockstatement { $1 }
| blockstatements blockstatement { $1 ++ $2}
formalparameterlist : formalparameter { }
| formalparameterlist COMMA formalparameter{ }
formalparameterlist : formalparameter { [$1] }
| formalparameterlist COMMA formalparameter { $1 ++ [$3] }
explicitconstructorinvocation : THIS LBRACE RBRACE SEMICOLON { }
@ -170,192 +172,196 @@ explicitconstructorinvocation : THIS LBRACE RBRACE SEMICOLON { }
classtypelist : classtype { }
| classtypelist COMMA classtype { }
methoddeclarator : IDENTIFIER LBRACE RBRACE { }
| IDENTIFIER LBRACE formalparameterlist RBRACE { }
methoddeclarator : IDENTIFIER LBRACE RBRACE { ($1, []) }
| IDENTIFIER LBRACE formalparameterlist RBRACE { ($1, $3) }
primitivetype : BOOLEAN { "boolean" }
| numerictype { $1 }
referencetype : classorinterfacetype { }
referencetype : classorinterfacetype { $1 }
variabledeclarator : variabledeclaratorid { Declarator $1 Nothing }
-- | variabledeclaratorid ASSIGN variableinitializer { Declarator $1 Nothing } -- TODO
| variabledeclaratorid ASSIGN variableinitializer { Declarator $1 (Just $3) }
blockstatement : localvariabledeclarationstatement { }
| statement { }
blockstatement : localvariabledeclarationstatement { $1 } -- expected type statement
| statement { $1 }
formalparameter : type variabledeclaratorid { }
formalparameter : type variabledeclaratorid { ParameterDeclaration $1 $2 }
argumentlist : expression { }
| argumentlist COMMA expression { }
argumentlist : expression { [$1] }
| argumentlist COMMA expression { $1 ++ [$3] }
numerictype : integraltype { $1 }
variabledeclaratorid : IDENTIFIER { $1 }
variableinitializer : expression { }
variableinitializer : expression { $1 }
localvariabledeclarationstatement : localvariabledeclaration SEMICOLON { }
localvariabledeclarationstatement : localvariabledeclaration SEMICOLON { $1 }
statement : statementwithouttrailingsubstatement{ }
| ifthenstatement { }
| ifthenelsestatement { }
| whilestatement { }
statement : statementwithouttrailingsubstatement{ $1 } -- statement returns a list of statements
| ifthenstatement { [$1] }
| ifthenelsestatement { [$1] }
| whilestatement { [$1] }
expression : assignmentexpression { }
expression : assignmentexpression { $1 }
integraltype : INT { "int" }
| CHAR { "char" }
localvariabledeclaration : type variabledeclarators { }
localvariabledeclaration : type variabledeclarators { map LocalVariableDeclaration $ map (convertDeclarator $1) $2 }
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement : block { }
| emptystatement { }
| expressionstatement { }
| returnstatement { }
statementwithouttrailingsubstatement : block { [$1] }
| emptystatement { [] }
| expressionstatement { [$1] }
| returnstatement { [$1] }
ifthenstatement : IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statement { }
ifthenstatement : IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statement { If $3 (Block $5) Nothing }
ifthenelsestatement : IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement { }
ifthenelsestatement : IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE statement { If $3 (Block $5) (Just (Block $7)) }
whilestatement : WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE statement { }
whilestatement : WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE statement { While $3 (Block $5) }
assignmentexpression : conditionalexpression { }
| assignment{ }
assignmentexpression : conditionalexpression { $1 }
| assignment { StatementExpressionExpression $1 }
emptystatement : SEMICOLON { }
emptystatement : SEMICOLON { Block [] }
expressionstatement : statementexpression SEMICOLON { }
expressionstatement : statementexpression SEMICOLON { StatementExpressionStatement $1 }
returnstatement : RETURN SEMICOLON { }
| RETURN expression SEMICOLON { }
returnstatement : RETURN SEMICOLON { Return Nothing }
| RETURN expression SEMICOLON { Return $ Just $2 }
statementnoshortif : statementwithouttrailingsubstatement { }
| ifthenelsestatementnoshortif { }
| whilestatementnoshortif { }
statementnoshortif : statementwithouttrailingsubstatement { $1 }
-- | ifthenelsestatementnoshortif { }
-- | whilestatementnoshortif { }
conditionalexpression : conditionalorexpression { }
| conditionalorexpression QUESMARK expression COLON conditionalexpression { }
conditionalexpression : conditionalorexpression { $1 }
-- | conditionalorexpression QUESMARK expression COLON conditionalexpression { }
assignment :lefthandside assignmentoperator assignmentexpression { }
assignment : lefthandside assignmentoperator assignmentexpression {
case $2 of
Nothing -> Assignment $1 $3
Just operator -> Assignment $1 (BinaryOperation operator $1 $3)
statementexpression : assignment { }
| preincrementexpression { }
| predecrementexpression { }
| postincrementexpression { }
| postdecrementexpression { }
| methodinvocation { }
| classinstancecreationexpression { }
statementexpression : assignment { $1 }
| preincrementexpression { $1 }
| predecrementexpression { $1 }
| postincrementexpression { $1 }
| postdecrementexpression { $1 }
| methodinvocation { $1 }
| classinstancecreationexpression { $1 }
ifthenelsestatementnoshortif :IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif
ELSE statementnoshortif { }
whilestatementnoshortif : WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif { }
conditionalorexpression : conditionalandexpression { }
| conditionalorexpression LOGICALOR conditionalandexpression{ }
conditionalorexpression : conditionalandexpression { $1 }
-- | conditionalorexpression LOGICALOR conditionalandexpression{ }
lefthandside : name { }
lefthandside : name { $1 }
assignmentoperator : ASSIGN{ }
assignmentoperator : ASSIGN { Nothing }
| TIMESEQUAL { Just Multiplication }
| DIVIDEEQUAL { Just Division }
| MODULOEQUAL { Just Modulo }
| PLUSEQUAL { Just Addition }
| MINUSEQUAL { Just Subtraction }
| ANDEQUAL { Just BitwiseAnd }
| XOREQUAL { Just BitwiseXor }
| OREQUAL{ Just BitwiseOr }
preincrementexpression : INCREMENT unaryexpression { }
preincrementexpression : INCREMENT unaryexpression { PreIncrement $2 }
predecrementexpression : DECREMENT unaryexpression { }
predecrementexpression : DECREMENT unaryexpression { PreDecrement $2 }
postincrementexpression : postfixexpression INCREMENT { }
postincrementexpression : postfixexpression INCREMENT { PostIncrement $1 }
postdecrementexpression : postfixexpression DECREMENT { }
postdecrementexpression : postfixexpression DECREMENT { PostDecrement $1 }
methodinvocation : name LBRACE RBRACE { }
| name LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE { }
| primary DOT IDENTIFIER LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE { }
methodinvocation : simplename LBRACE RBRACE { MethodCall (Reference "this") $1 [] }
| simplename LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE { MethodCall (Reference "this") $1 $3 }
| primary DOT IDENTIFIER LBRACE RBRACE { MethodCall $1 $3 [] }
| primary DOT IDENTIFIER LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE { MethodCall $1 $3 $5 }
classinstancecreationexpression : NEW classtype LBRACE RBRACE { }
| NEW classtype LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE { }
classinstancecreationexpression : NEW classtype LBRACE RBRACE { ConstructorCall $2 [] }
| NEW classtype LBRACE argumentlist RBRACE { ConstructorCall $2 $4 }
conditionalandexpression : inclusiveorexpression { }
conditionalandexpression : inclusiveorexpression { $1 }
fieldaccess : primary DOT IDENTIFIER { }
fieldaccess : primary DOT IDENTIFIER { BinaryOperation NameResolution $1 (Reference $3) }
unaryexpression : preincrementexpression { }
| predecrementexpression { }
| PLUS unaryexpression { }
| MINUS unaryexpression { }
| unaryexpressionnotplusminus { }
unaryexpression : unaryexpressionnotplusminus { $1 }
| predecrementexpression { StatementExpressionExpression $1 }
| PLUS unaryexpression { $2 }
| MINUS unaryexpression { UnaryOperation Minus $2 }
| preincrementexpression { StatementExpressionExpression $1 }
postfixexpression : primary { }
| name { }
| postincrementexpression { }
| postdecrementexpression{ }
postfixexpression : primary { $1 }
| name { $1 }
| postincrementexpression { StatementExpressionExpression $1 }
| postdecrementexpression { StatementExpressionExpression $1 }
primary : primarynonewarray { }
primary : primarynonewarray { $1 }
inclusiveorexpression : exclusiveorexpression { }
| inclusiveorexpression OR exclusiveorexpression { }
inclusiveorexpression : exclusiveorexpression { $1 }
| inclusiveorexpression OR exclusiveorexpression { BinaryOperation Or $1 $3 }
primarynonewarray : literal { }
| THIS { }
| LBRACE expression RBRACE { }
| classinstancecreationexpression { }
| fieldaccess { }
| methodinvocation { }
primarynonewarray : literal { $1 }
| THIS { Reference "this" }
| LBRACE expression RBRACE { $2 }
| classinstancecreationexpression { StatementExpressionExpression $1 }
| fieldaccess { $1 }
| methodinvocation { StatementExpressionExpression $1 }
unaryexpressionnotplusminus : postfixexpression { }
| TILDE unaryexpression { }
| EXCLMARK unaryexpression { }
| castexpression{ }
unaryexpressionnotplusminus : postfixexpression { $1 }
-- | TILDE unaryexpression { }
| EXCLMARK unaryexpression { UnaryOperation Not $2 }
-- | castexpression{ }
exclusiveorexpression : andexpression { }
| exclusiveorexpression XOR andexpression { }
exclusiveorexpression : andexpression { $1 }
| exclusiveorexpression XOR andexpression { BinaryOperation BitwiseXor $1 $3 }
literal : INTLITERAL { }
| JNULL { }
literal : INTLITERAL { IntegerLiteral $1 }
| BOOLLITERAL { BooleanLiteral $1 }
| CHARLITERAL { CharacterLiteral $1 }
| JNULL { NullLiteral }
castexpression : LBRACE primitivetype RBRACE unaryexpression { }
| LBRACE expression RBRACE unaryexpressionnotplusminus{ }
andexpression : equalityexpression { }
| andexpression AND equalityexpression { }
andexpression : equalityexpression { $1 }
| andexpression AND equalityexpression { BinaryOperation And $1 $3 }
equalityexpression : relationalexpression { }
| equalityexpression EQUAL relationalexpression { }
| equalityexpression NOTEQUAL relationalexpression { }
equalityexpression : relationalexpression { $1 }
| equalityexpression EQUAL relationalexpression { BinaryOperation CompareEqual $1 $3 }
| equalityexpression NOTEQUAL relationalexpression { BinaryOperation CompareNotEqual $1 $3 }
relationalexpression : shiftexpression { }
| relationalexpression LESS shiftexpression { }
| relationalexpression GREATER shiftexpression { }
| relationalexpression LESSEQUAL shiftexpression { }
| relationalexpression GREATEREQUAL shiftexpression { }
| relationalexpression INSTANCEOF referencetype { }
relationalexpression : shiftexpression { $1 }
| relationalexpression LESS shiftexpression { BinaryOperation CompareLessThan $1 $3 }
| relationalexpression GREATER shiftexpression { BinaryOperation CompareGreaterThan $1 $3 }
| relationalexpression LESSEQUAL shiftexpression { BinaryOperation CompareLessOrEqual $1 $3 }
| relationalexpression GREATEREQUAL shiftexpression { BinaryOperation CompareGreaterOrEqual $1 $3 }
-- | relationalexpression INSTANCEOF referencetype { }
shiftexpression : additiveexpression { }
shiftexpression : additiveexpression { $1 }
additiveexpression : multiplicativeexpression { }
| additiveexpression PLUS multiplicativeexpression { }
| additiveexpression MINUS multiplicativeexpression { }
additiveexpression : multiplicativeexpression { $1 }
| additiveexpression PLUS multiplicativeexpression { BinaryOperation Addition $1 $3 }
| additiveexpression MINUS multiplicativeexpression { BinaryOperation Subtraction $1 $3 }
multiplicativeexpression : unaryexpression { }
| multiplicativeexpression MUL unaryexpression { }
| multiplicativeexpression DIV unaryexpression { }
| multiplicativeexpression MOD unaryexpression { }
multiplicativeexpression : unaryexpression { $1 }
| multiplicativeexpression MUL unaryexpression { BinaryOperation Multiplication $1 $3 }
| multiplicativeexpression DIV unaryexpression { BinaryOperation Division $1 $3 }
| multiplicativeexpression MOD unaryexpression { BinaryOperation Modulo $1 $3 }
@ -365,13 +371,13 @@ data MethodOrFieldDeclaration = MethodDecl MethodDeclaration
data Declarator = Declarator Identifier (Maybe Expression)
-- convertDeclaratorList :: [DataType] -> MethodOrFieldDeclaration
-- convertDeclaratorList = FieldDecls $ map
convertDeclarator :: DataType -> Declarator -> VariableDeclaration
convertDeclarator dataType (Declarator id assigment) = VariableDeclaration dataType id assigment
parseError :: [Token] -> a
parseError msg = error ("Parse error: " ++ show msg)
data StatementWithoutSub = Statement
parseError :: ([Token], [String]) -> a
parseError (errortoken, expected) = error ("parse error on token: " ++ show errortoken ++ "\nexpected one of: " ++ show expected)

View File

@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ tokens :-
-- end keywords
$JavaLetter$JavaLetterOrDigit* { \s -> IDENTIFIER s }
-- Literals
[1-9]([0-9\_]*[0-9])* { \s -> case readMaybe $ filter ((/=) '_') s of Just a -> INTEGERLITERAL a; Nothing -> error ("failed to parse INTLITERAL " ++ s) }
[0-9]([0-9\_]*[0-9])* { \s -> case readMaybe $ filter ((/=) '_') s of Just a -> INTEGERLITERAL a; Nothing -> error ("failed to parse INTLITERAL " ++ s) }
"'"."'" { \s -> case (s) of _ : c : _ -> CHARLITERAL c; _ -> error ("failed to parse CHARLITERAL " ++ s) }
-- separators
"(" { \_ -> LBRACE }

View File

@ -9,25 +9,42 @@ typeCheckCompilationUnit classes = map (`typeCheckClass` classes) classes
typeCheckClass :: Class -> [Class] -> Class
typeCheckClass (Class className methods fields) classes =
-- Create a symbol table from class fields and method entries
classFields = [(id, dt) | VariableDeclaration dt id _ <- fields]
methodEntries = [(methodName, className) | MethodDeclaration _ methodName _ _ <- methods]
initalSymTab = ("this", className) : classFields ++ methodEntries
-- Fields and methods dont need to be added to the symtab because they are looked upon automatically under "this"
-- if its not a declared local variable. Also shadowing wouldnt be possible then.
initalSymTab = [("this", className)]
checkedMethods = map (\method -> typeCheckMethodDeclaration method initalSymTab classes) methods
in Class className checkedMethods fields
checkedFields = map (\field -> typeCheckVariableDeclaration field initalSymTab classes) fields
in Class className checkedMethods checkedFields
typeCheckMethodDeclaration :: MethodDeclaration -> [(Identifier, DataType)] -> [Class] -> MethodDeclaration
typeCheckMethodDeclaration (MethodDeclaration retType name params body) classFields classes =
typeCheckMethodDeclaration (MethodDeclaration retType name params body) symtab classes =
-- Combine class fields with method parameters to form the initial symbol table for the method
methodParams = [(identifier, dataType) | ParameterDeclaration dataType identifier <- params]
initialSymtab = classFields ++ methodParams
initialSymtab = ("thisMeth", retType) : symtab ++ methodParams
checkedBody = typeCheckStatement body initialSymtab classes
bodyType = getTypeFromStmt checkedBody
-- Check if the type of the body matches the declared return type
in if bodyType == retType || (bodyType == "void" && retType == "void")
in if bodyType == retType || (bodyType == "void" && retType == "void") || (bodyType == "null" && isObjectType retType) || isSubtype bodyType retType classes
then MethodDeclaration retType name params checkedBody
else error $ "Return type mismatch in method " ++ name ++ ": expected " ++ retType ++ ", found " ++ bodyType
else error $ "Method Declaration: Return type mismatch in method " ++ name ++ ": expected " ++ retType ++ ", found " ++ bodyType
typeCheckVariableDeclaration :: VariableDeclaration -> [(Identifier, DataType)] -> [Class] -> VariableDeclaration
typeCheckVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dataType identifier maybeExpr) symtab classes =
-- Ensure the type is valid (either a primitive type or a valid class name)
validType = dataType `elem` ["int", "boolean", "char"] || isUserDefinedClass dataType classes
-- Ensure no redefinition in the same scope
redefined = any ((== identifier) . snd) symtab
-- Type check the initializer expression if it exists
checkedExpr = fmap (\expr -> typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes) maybeExpr
exprType = fmap getTypeFromExpr checkedExpr
in case (validType, redefined, exprType) of
(False, _, _) -> error $ "Type '" ++ dataType ++ "' is not a valid type for variable '" ++ identifier ++ "'"
(_, True, _) -> error $ "Variable '" ++ identifier ++ "' is redefined in the same scope"
(_, _, Just t)
| t == "null" && isObjectType dataType -> VariableDeclaration dataType identifier checkedExpr
| t /= dataType -> error $ "Type mismatch in declaration of '" ++ identifier ++ "': expected " ++ dataType ++ ", found " ++ t
| otherwise -> VariableDeclaration dataType identifier checkedExpr
(_, _, Nothing) -> VariableDeclaration dataType identifier checkedExpr
-- ********************************** Type Checking: Expressions **********************************
@ -37,118 +54,47 @@ typeCheckExpression (CharacterLiteral c) _ _ = TypedExpression "char" (Character
typeCheckExpression (BooleanLiteral b) _ _ = TypedExpression "boolean" (BooleanLiteral b)
typeCheckExpression NullLiteral _ _ = TypedExpression "null" NullLiteral
typeCheckExpression (Reference id) symtab classes =
let type' = lookupType id symtab
in TypedExpression type' (Reference id)
case lookup id symtab of
Just t -> TypedExpression t (LocalVariable id)
Nothing ->
case lookup "this" symtab of
Just className ->
let classDetails = find (\(Class name _ _) -> name == className) classes
in case classDetails of
Just (Class _ _ fields) ->
let fieldTypes = [dt | VariableDeclaration dt fieldId _ <- fields, fieldId == id]
-- this case only happens when its a field of its own class so the implicit this will be converted to explicit this
in case fieldTypes of
[fieldType] -> TypedExpression fieldType (BinaryOperation NameResolution (TypedExpression className (LocalVariable "this")) (TypedExpression fieldType (FieldVariable id)))
[] -> error $ "Field '" ++ id ++ "' not found in class '" ++ className ++ "'"
_ -> error $ "Ambiguous reference to field '" ++ id ++ "' in class '" ++ className ++ "'"
Nothing -> error $ "Class '" ++ className ++ "' not found for 'this'"
Nothing -> error $ "Context for 'this' not found in symbol table, unable to resolve '" ++ id ++ "'"
typeCheckExpression (BinaryOperation op expr1 expr2) symtab classes =
let expr1' = typeCheckExpression expr1 symtab classes
expr2' = typeCheckExpression expr2 symtab classes
type1 = getTypeFromExpr expr1'
type2 = getTypeFromExpr expr2'
resultType = resolveResultType type1 type2
in case op of
Addition ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Addition operation requires two operands of type int"
Subtraction ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Subtraction operation requires two operands of type int"
Multiplication ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Multiplication operation requires two operands of type int"
Division ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Division operation requires two operands of type int"
BitwiseAnd ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Bitwise AND operation requires two operands of type int"
BitwiseOr ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Bitwise OR operation requires two operands of type int"
BitwiseXor ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Bitwise XOR operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareLessThan ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Less than operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareLessOrEqual ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Less than or equal operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareGreaterThan ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Greater than operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareGreaterOrEqual ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Greater than or equal operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareEqual ->
if type1 == type2
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Equality operation requires two operands of the same type"
CompareNotEqual ->
if type1 == type2
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Inequality operation requires two operands of the same type"
And ->
if type1 == "boolean" && type2 == "boolean"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Logical AND operation requires two operands of type boolean"
Or ->
if type1 == "boolean" && type2 == "boolean"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Logical OR operation requires two operands of type boolean"
NameResolution ->
case (expr1', expr2) of
(TypedExpression t1 (Reference obj), Reference member) ->
let objectType = lookupType obj symtab
classDetails = find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == objectType) classes
in case classDetails of
Just (Class _ _ fields) ->
let fieldTypes = [dt | VariableDeclaration dt id _ <- fields, id == member]
in case fieldTypes of
[resolvedType] -> TypedExpression resolvedType (BinaryOperation NameResolution expr1' (TypedExpression resolvedType expr2))
[] -> error $ "Field '" ++ member ++ "' not found in class '" ++ objectType ++ "'"
_ -> error $ "Ambiguous reference to field '" ++ member ++ "' in class '" ++ objectType ++ "'"
Nothing -> error $ "Object '" ++ obj ++ "' does not correspond to a known class"
_ -> error "Name resolution requires object reference and field name"
Addition -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
Subtraction -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
Multiplication -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
Division -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
Modulo -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
BitwiseAnd -> checkBitwiseOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
BitwiseOr -> checkBitwiseOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
BitwiseXor -> checkBitwiseOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareLessThan -> checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareLessOrEqual -> checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareGreaterThan -> checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareGreaterOrEqual -> checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareEqual -> checkEqualityOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareNotEqual -> checkEqualityOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
And -> checkLogicalOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
Or -> checkLogicalOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
NameResolution -> resolveNameResolution expr1' expr2 symtab classes
typeCheckExpression (UnaryOperation op expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
@ -161,11 +107,11 @@ typeCheckExpression (UnaryOperation op expr) symtab classes =
error "Logical NOT operation requires an operand of type boolean"
Minus ->
if type' == "int"
if type' == "int" || type' == "char"
TypedExpression "int" (UnaryOperation op expr')
TypedExpression type' (UnaryOperation op expr')
error "Unary minus operation requires an operand of type int"
error "Unary minus operation requires an operand of type int or char"
typeCheckExpression (StatementExpressionExpression stmtExpr) symtab classes =
let stmtExpr' = typeCheckStatementExpression stmtExpr symtab classes
@ -174,23 +120,29 @@ typeCheckExpression (StatementExpressionExpression stmtExpr) symtab classes =
-- ********************************** Type Checking: StatementExpressions **********************************
typeCheckStatementExpression :: StatementExpression -> [(Identifier, DataType)] -> [Class] -> StatementExpression
typeCheckStatementExpression (Assignment id expr) symtab classes =
typeCheckStatementExpression (Assignment ref expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
ref' = typeCheckExpression ref symtab classes
type' = getTypeFromExpr expr'
type'' = lookupType id symtab
in if type' == type''
TypedStatementExpression type' (Assignment id expr')
error "Assignment type mismatch"
type'' = getTypeFromExpr ref'
if type'' == type' || (type' == "null" && isObjectType type'') then
TypedStatementExpression type'' (Assignment ref' expr')
error $ "Type mismatch in assignment to variable: expected " ++ type'' ++ ", found " ++ type'
typeCheckStatementExpression (ConstructorCall className args) symtab classes =
case find (\(Class name _ _) -> name == className) classes of
Nothing -> error $ "Class '" ++ className ++ "' not found."
Just (Class _ methods fields) ->
-- Constructor needs the same name as the class
case find (\(MethodDeclaration retType name params _) -> name == className && retType == className) methods of
Nothing -> error $ "No valid constructor found for class '" ++ className ++ "'."
-- Find constructor matching the class name with void return type
case find (\(MethodDeclaration retType name params _) -> name == "<init>" && retType == "void") methods of
-- If no constructor is found, assume standard constructor with no parameters
Nothing ->
if null args then
TypedStatementExpression className (ConstructorCall className args)
error $ "No valid constructor found for class '" ++ className ++ "', but arguments were provided."
Just (MethodDeclaration _ _ params _) ->
args' = map (\arg -> typeCheckExpression arg symtab classes) args
@ -234,20 +186,62 @@ typeCheckStatementExpression (MethodCall expr methodName args) symtab classes =
Nothing -> error $ "Class for object type '" ++ objType ++ "' not found."
_ -> error "Invalid object type for method call. Object must have a class type."
typeCheckStatementExpression (PostIncrement expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
type' = getTypeFromExpr expr'
in if type' == "int" || type' == "char"
TypedStatementExpression type' (PostIncrement expr')
error "Post-increment operation requires an operand of type int or char"
typeCheckStatementExpression (PostDecrement expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
type' = getTypeFromExpr expr'
in if type' == "int" || type' == "char"
TypedStatementExpression type' (PostDecrement expr')
error "Post-decrement operation requires an operand of type int or char"
typeCheckStatementExpression (PreIncrement expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
type' = getTypeFromExpr expr'
in if type' == "int" || type' == "char"
TypedStatementExpression type' (PreIncrement expr')
error "Pre-increment operation requires an operand of type int or char"
typeCheckStatementExpression (PreDecrement expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
type' = getTypeFromExpr expr'
in if type' == "int" || type' == "char"
TypedStatementExpression type' (PreDecrement expr')
error "Pre-decrement operation requires an operand of type int or char"
-- ********************************** Type Checking: Statements **********************************
typeCheckStatement :: Statement -> [(Identifier, DataType)] -> [Class] -> Statement
typeCheckStatement (If cond thenStmt elseStmt) symtab classes =
let cond' = typeCheckExpression cond symtab classes
thenStmt' = typeCheckStatement thenStmt symtab classes
elseStmt' = case elseStmt of
Just stmt -> Just (typeCheckStatement stmt symtab classes)
Nothing -> Nothing
in if getTypeFromExpr cond' == "boolean"
TypedStatement (getTypeFromStmt thenStmt') (If cond' thenStmt' elseStmt')
error "If condition must be of type boolean"
cond' = typeCheckExpression cond symtab classes
thenStmt' = typeCheckStatement thenStmt symtab classes
elseStmt' = fmap (\stmt -> typeCheckStatement stmt symtab classes) elseStmt
thenType = getTypeFromStmt thenStmt'
elseType = maybe "void" getTypeFromStmt elseStmt'
ifType = if thenType == "void" || elseType == "void"
then "void"
else unifyReturnTypes thenType elseType
in if getTypeFromExpr cond' == "boolean"
then TypedStatement ifType (If cond' thenStmt' elseStmt')
else error "If condition must be of type boolean"
typeCheckStatement (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dataType identifier maybeExpr)) symtab classes =
-- Check for redefinition in the current scope
@ -258,8 +252,12 @@ typeCheckStatement (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dataType ident
let checkedExpr = fmap (\expr -> typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes) maybeExpr
exprType = fmap getTypeFromExpr checkedExpr
in case exprType of
Just t | t /= dataType -> error $ "Type mismatch in declaration of '" ++ identifier ++ "': expected " ++ dataType ++ ", found " ++ t
_ -> TypedStatement dataType (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dataType identifier checkedExpr))
Just t
| t == "null" && isObjectType dataType ->
TypedStatement dataType (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dataType identifier checkedExpr))
| t /= dataType -> error $ "Type mismatch in declaration of '" ++ identifier ++ "': expected " ++ dataType ++ ", found " ++ t
| otherwise -> TypedStatement dataType (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dataType identifier checkedExpr))
Nothing -> TypedStatement dataType (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dataType identifier checkedExpr))
typeCheckStatement (While cond stmt) symtab classes =
let cond' = typeCheckExpression cond symtab classes
@ -273,36 +271,46 @@ typeCheckStatement (While cond stmt) symtab classes =
typeCheckStatement (Block statements) symtab classes =
processStatements (accSts, currentSymtab, types) stmt =
checkedStmt = typeCheckStatement stmt currentSymtab classes
stmtType = getTypeFromStmt checkedStmt
in case stmt of
case stmt of
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dataType identifier maybeExpr) ->
alreadyDefined = any (\(id, _) -> id == identifier) currentSymtab
newSymtab = if alreadyDefined
then error ("Variable " ++ identifier ++ " already defined in this scope.")
else (identifier, dataType) : currentSymtab
checkedExpr = fmap (\expr -> typeCheckExpression expr currentSymtab classes) maybeExpr
newSymtab = (identifier, dataType) : currentSymtab
checkedStmt = typeCheckStatement stmt newSymtab classes
in (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], newSymtab, types)
If {} -> (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], currentSymtab, if stmtType /= "void" then types ++ [stmtType] else types)
While _ _ -> (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], currentSymtab, if stmtType /= "void" then types ++ [stmtType] else types)
Return _ -> (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], currentSymtab, if stmtType /= "void" then types ++ [stmtType] else types)
_ -> (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], currentSymtab, types)
_ ->
checkedStmt = typeCheckStatement stmt currentSymtab classes
stmtType = getTypeFromStmt checkedStmt
in case stmt of
If {} -> (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], currentSymtab, if stmtType /= "void" then types ++ [stmtType] else types)
While _ _ -> (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], currentSymtab, if stmtType /= "void" then types ++ [stmtType] else types)
Return _ -> (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], currentSymtab, if stmtType /= "void" then types ++ [stmtType] else types)
Block _ -> (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], currentSymtab, if stmtType /= "void" then types ++ [stmtType] else types)
_ -> (accSts ++ [checkedStmt], currentSymtab, types)
-- Initial accumulator: empty statements list, initial symbol table, empty types list
(checkedStatements, finalSymtab, collectedTypes) = foldl processStatements ([], symtab, []) statements
-- Determine the block's type: unify all collected types, default to "Void" if none
-- Determine the block's type: unify all collected types, default to "void" if none (UpperBound)
blockType = if null collectedTypes then "void" else foldl1 unifyReturnTypes collectedTypes
in TypedStatement blockType (Block checkedStatements)
typeCheckStatement (Return expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = case expr of
let methodReturnType = fromMaybe (error "Method return type not found in symbol table") (lookup "thisMeth" symtab)
expr' = case expr of
Just e -> Just (typeCheckExpression e symtab classes)
Nothing -> Nothing
in case expr' of
Just e' -> TypedStatement (getTypeFromExpr e') (Return (Just e'))
Nothing -> TypedStatement "Void" (Return Nothing)
returnType = maybe "void" getTypeFromExpr expr'
in if returnType == methodReturnType || isSubtype returnType methodReturnType classes
then TypedStatement returnType (Return expr')
else error $ "Return: Return type mismatch: expected " ++ methodReturnType ++ ", found " ++ returnType
typeCheckStatement (StatementExpressionStatement stmtExpr) symtab classes =
let stmtExpr' = typeCheckStatementExpression stmtExpr symtab classes
@ -310,6 +318,20 @@ typeCheckStatement (StatementExpressionStatement stmtExpr) symtab classes =
-- ********************************** Type Checking: Helpers **********************************
isSubtype :: DataType -> DataType -> [Class] -> Bool
isSubtype subType superType classes
| subType == superType = True
| subType == "null" && isObjectType superType = True
| superType == "Object" && isObjectType subType = True
| superType == "Object" && isUserDefinedClass subType classes = True
| otherwise = False
isUserDefinedClass :: DataType -> [Class] -> Bool
isUserDefinedClass dt classes = dt `elem` map (\(Class name _ _) -> name) classes
isObjectType :: DataType -> Bool
isObjectType dt = dt /= "int" && dt /= "boolean" && dt /= "char"
getTypeFromExpr :: Expression -> DataType
getTypeFromExpr (TypedExpression t _) = t
getTypeFromExpr _ = error "Untyped expression found where typed was expected"
@ -324,11 +346,60 @@ getTypeFromStmtExpr _ = error "Untyped statement expression found where typed wa
unifyReturnTypes :: DataType -> DataType -> DataType
unifyReturnTypes dt1 dt2
| dt1 == dt2 = dt1
| otherwise = "Object"
| dt1 == dt2 = dt1
| dt1 == "null" = dt2
| dt2 == "null" = dt1
| otherwise = "Object"
lookupType :: Identifier -> [(Identifier, DataType)] -> DataType
lookupType id symtab =
case lookup id symtab of
Just t -> t
Nothing -> error ("Identifier " ++ id ++ " not found in symbol table")
resolveResultType :: DataType -> DataType -> DataType
resolveResultType "char" "char" = "char"
resolveResultType "int" "int" = "int"
resolveResultType "char" "int" = "int"
resolveResultType "int" "char" = "int"
resolveResultType t1 t2
| t1 == t2 = t1
| otherwise = error $ "Incompatible types: " ++ t1 ++ " and " ++ t2
checkArithmeticOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
| (type1 == "int" || type1 == "char") && (type2 == "int" || type2 == "char") =
TypedExpression resultType (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Arithmetic operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of type int or char"
checkBitwiseOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkBitwiseOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
| type1 == "int" && type2 == "int" =
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Bitwise operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of type int or char"
checkComparisonOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
| (type1 == "int" || type1 == "char") && (type2 == "int" || type2 == "char") =
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Comparison operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of type int or char"
checkEqualityOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkEqualityOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
| type1 == type2 =
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Equality operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of the same type"
checkLogicalOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkLogicalOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
| type1 == "boolean" && type2 == "boolean" =
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Logical operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of type boolean"
resolveNameResolution :: Expression -> Expression -> [(Identifier, DataType)] -> [Class] -> Expression
resolveNameResolution expr1' (Reference ident2) symtab classes =
case getTypeFromExpr expr1' of
objType ->
case find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == objType) classes of
Just (Class _ _ fields) ->
let fieldTypes = [dt | VariableDeclaration dt id _ <- fields, id == ident2]
in case fieldTypes of
[resolvedType] -> TypedExpression resolvedType (BinaryOperation NameResolution expr1' (TypedExpression resolvedType (FieldVariable ident2)))
[] -> error $ "Field '" ++ ident2 ++ "' not found in class '" ++ objType ++ "'"
_ -> error $ "Ambiguous reference to field '" ++ ident2 ++ "' in class '" ++ objType ++ "'"
Nothing -> error $ "Class '" ++ objType ++ "' not found"
resolveNameResolution _ _ _ _ = error "Name resolution requires object reference and field name"