refactored assemblers & builders to individual files
This commit is contained in:
@ -20,8 +20,10 @@ executable compiler
@ -41,7 +43,9 @@ test-suite tests
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
module ByteCode.Assembler where
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.ClassFile (ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Util
import Ast
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Word
type Assembler a = ([ConstantInfo], [Operation], [String]) -> a -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation], [String])
assembleExpression :: Assembler Expression
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation op a b))
| elem op [Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulo, BitwiseAnd, BitwiseOr, BitwiseXor, And, Or] = let
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) a
(bConstants, bOps, _) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps, lvars) b
(bConstants, bOps ++ [binaryOperation op], lvars)
| elem op [CompareEqual, CompareNotEqual, CompareLessThan, CompareLessOrEqual, CompareGreaterThan, CompareGreaterOrEqual] = let
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) a
(bConstants, bOps, _) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps, lvars) b
cmp_op = comparisonOperation op 9
cmp_ops = [cmp_op, Opsipush 0, Opgoto 6, Opsipush 1]
(bConstants, bOps ++ cmp_ops, lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution (TypedExpression atype a) (TypedExpression btype (FieldVariable b)))) = let
(fConstants, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (atype, b, datatypeDescriptor btype)
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (fConstants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression atype a)
(aConstants, aOps ++ [Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (CharacterLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral (ord literal))], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BooleanLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (if literal then 1 else 0)], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (IntegerLiteral literal))
| literal <= 32767 && literal >= -32768 = (constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral literal)], lvars)
| otherwise = (constants ++ [IntegerInfo (fromIntegral literal)], ops ++ [Opldc_w (fromIntegral (1 + length constants))], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ NullLiteral) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opaconst_null], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression etype (UnaryOperation Not expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
newConstant = fromIntegral (1 + length exprConstants)
in case etype of
"int" -> (exprConstants ++ [IntegerInfo 0x7FFFFFFF], exprOps ++ [Opldc_w newConstant, Opixor], lvars)
"char" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0xFFFF, Opixor], lvars)
"boolean" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0x01, Opixor], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation Minus expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opineg], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
| name == "this" = (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars)
| otherwise = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (constants, ops ++ if isPrimitive then [Opiload (fromIntegral index)] else [Opaload (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype (StatementExpressionExpression stmtexp)) =
assembleStatementExpression (constants, ops, lvars) stmtexp
assembleExpression _ expr = error ("unimplemented: " ++ show expr)
assembleNameChain :: Assembler Expression
assembleNameChain input (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution (TypedExpression atype a) (TypedExpression _ (FieldVariable _)))) =
assembleExpression input (TypedExpression atype a)
assembleNameChain input expr = assembleExpression input expr
assembleStatementExpression :: Assembler StatementExpression
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (Assignment (TypedExpression dtype receiver) expr)) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
(constants_a, ops_a, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (constants_a, ops_a ++ if isPrimitive then [Opdup, Opistore (fromIntegral index)] else [Opastore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_a, ops_a, _) = assembleExpression (constants_r, ops_r, lvars) expr
(constants_a, ops_a ++ [Opdup_x1, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PreIncrement (TypedExpression dtype receiver))) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opdup, Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_r, ops_r ++ [Opdup, Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex), Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opdup_x1, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PreDecrement (TypedExpression dtype receiver))) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opisub, Opdup, Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_r, ops_r ++ [Opdup, Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex), Opsipush 1, Opisub, Opdup_x1, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PostIncrement (TypedExpression dtype receiver))) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_r, ops_r ++ [Opdup, Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex), Opdup_x1, Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PostDecrement (TypedExpression dtype receiver))) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opisub, Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_r, ops_r ++ [Opdup, Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex), Opdup_x1, Opsipush 1, Opisub, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression rtype (MethodCall (TypedExpression otype receiver) name params)) = let
(constants_r, ops_r, lvars_r) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression otype receiver)
(constants_p, ops_p, lvars_p) = foldl assembleExpression (constants_r, ops_r, lvars_r) params
(constants_m, methodIndex) = getMethodIndex constants_p (otype, name, methodDescriptorFromParamlist params rtype)
(constants_m, ops_p ++ [Opinvokevirtual (fromIntegral methodIndex)], lvars_p)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression rtype (ConstructorCall name params)) = let
(constants_c, classIndex) = getClassIndex constants name
(constants_p, ops_p, lvars_p) = foldl assembleExpression (constants_c, ops ++ [Opnew (fromIntegral classIndex), Opdup], lvars) params
(constants_m, methodIndex) = getMethodIndex constants_p (name, "<init>", methodDescriptorFromParamlist params "void")
(constants_m, ops_p ++ [Opinvokespecial (fromIntegral methodIndex)], lvars_p)
assembleStatement :: Assembler Statement
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement stype (Return expr)) = case expr of
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ [Opreturn], lvars)
Just expr -> let
(expr_constants, expr_ops, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(expr_constants, expr_ops ++ [returnOperation stype], lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)) =
foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement dtype (If expr if_stmt else_stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_ifa, ops_ifa, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) if_stmt
(constants_elsea, ops_elsea, _) = case else_stmt of
Nothing -> (constants_ifa, [], lvars)
Just stmt -> assembleStatement (constants_ifa, [], lvars) stmt
-- +6 because we insert 2 gotos, one for if, one for else
if_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_ifa)
-- +3 because we need to account for the goto in the if statement.
else_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_elsea)
in case dtype of
"void" -> (constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq (if_length + 6)] ++ ops_ifa ++ [Opgoto (else_length + 3)] ++ ops_elsea, lvars)
otherwise -> (constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq (if_length + 3)] ++ ops_ifa ++ ops_elsea, lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (While expr stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_stmta, ops_stmta, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) stmt
-- +3 because we insert 2 gotos, one for the comparison, one for the goto back to the comparison
stmt_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_stmta) + 6
entire_length = stmt_length + sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_cmp)
(constants_stmta, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq stmt_length] ++ ops_stmta ++ [Opgoto (-entire_length)], lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dtype name expr))) = let
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
(constants_init, ops_init, _) = case expr of
Just exp -> assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) exp
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ if isPrimitive then [Opsipush 0] else [Opaconst_null], lvars)
localIndex = fromIntegral (length lvars)
storeLocal = if isPrimitive then [Opistore localIndex] else [Opastore localIndex]
(constants_init, ops_init ++ storeLocal, lvars ++ [name])
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (StatementExpressionStatement expr)) = let
(constants_e, ops_e, lvars_e) = assembleStatementExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(constants_e, ops_e ++ [Oppop], lvars_e)
assembleStatement _ stmt = error ("Not yet implemented: " ++ show stmt)
assembleMethod :: Assembler MethodDeclaration
assembleMethod (constants, ops, lvars) (MethodDeclaration returntype name _ (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)))
| name == "<init>" = let
(constants_a, ops_a, lvars_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
init_ops = [Opaload 0, Opinvokespecial 2]
(constants_a, init_ops ++ ops_a ++ [Opreturn], lvars_a)
| otherwise = case returntype of
"void" -> let
(constants_a, ops_a, lvars_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
(constants_a, ops_a ++ [Opreturn], lvars_a)
otherwise -> foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
assembleMethod _ (MethodDeclaration _ _ _ stmt) = error ("Typed block expected for method body, got: " ++ show stmt)
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module ByteCode.ByteUtil(unpackWord16, unpackWord32) where
module ByteCode.ByteUtil where
import Data.Word ( Word8, Word16, Word32 )
import Data.Word ( Word8, Word16, Word32 )
import Data.Int
import Data.Bits
import Data.Bits
unpackWord16 :: Word16 -> [Word8]
unpackWord16 :: Word16 -> [Word8]
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Data.Int
import Data.ByteString (unpack)
import Data.ByteString (unpack)
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString)
import Data.ByteString.UTF8 (fromString)
import ByteCode.ByteUtil
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.ByteUtil
data ConstantInfo = ClassInfo Word16
data ConstantInfo = ClassInfo Word16
| FieldRefInfo Word16 Word16
| FieldRefInfo Word16 Word16
@ -1,224 +1,15 @@
module ByteCode.Generator(
module ByteCode.Generator where
) where
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.ClassFile (ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.ClassFile (ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..), opcodeEncodingLength)
import ByteCode.Assembler
import ByteCode.Util
import Ast
import Ast
import Data.Char
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.List
import Data.Word
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
type ClassFileBuilder a = a -> ClassFile -> ClassFile
type ClassFileBuilder a = a -> ClassFile -> ClassFile
type Assembler a = ([ConstantInfo], [Operation], [String]) -> a -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation], [String])
methodDescriptor :: MethodDeclaration -> String
methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype _ parameters _) = let
parameter_types = [datatype | ParameterDeclaration datatype _ <- parameters]
++ (concat (map datatypeDescriptor parameter_types))
++ ")"
++ datatypeDescriptor returntype
methodDescriptorFromParamlist :: [Expression] -> String -> String
methodDescriptorFromParamlist parameters returntype = let
parameter_types = [datatype | TypedExpression datatype _ <- parameters]
++ (concat (map datatypeDescriptor parameter_types))
++ ")"
++ datatypeDescriptor returntype
memberInfoIsMethod :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> Bool
memberInfoIsMethod constants info = elem '(' (memberInfoDescriptor constants info)
datatypeDescriptor :: String -> String
datatypeDescriptor "void" = "V"
datatypeDescriptor "int" = "I"
datatypeDescriptor "char" = "C"
datatypeDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
datatypeDescriptor x = "L" ++ x ++ ";"
memberInfoDescriptor :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoDescriptor constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = _,
memberDescriptorIndex = descriptorIndex,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
descriptor = constants!!((fromIntegral descriptorIndex) - 1)
in case descriptor of
Utf8Info descriptorText -> descriptorText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show descriptorIndex)
memberInfoName :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoName constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = nameIndex,
memberDescriptorIndex = _,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
name = constants!!((fromIntegral nameIndex) - 1)
in case name of
Utf8Info nameText -> nameText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show nameIndex)
returnOperation :: DataType -> Operation
returnOperation dtype
| elem dtype ["int", "char", "boolean"] = Opireturn
| otherwise = Opareturn
binaryOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Operation
binaryOperation Addition = Opiadd
binaryOperation Subtraction = Opisub
binaryOperation Multiplication = Opimul
binaryOperation Division = Opidiv
binaryOperation Modulo = Opirem
binaryOperation BitwiseAnd = Opiand
binaryOperation BitwiseOr = Opior
binaryOperation BitwiseXor = Opixor
binaryOperation And = Opiand
binaryOperation Or = Opior
comparisonOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Word16 -> Operation
comparisonOperation CompareEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpeq branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareNotEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpne branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessThan branchLocation = Opif_icmplt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmple branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterThan branchLocation = Opif_icmpgt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpge branchLocation
findFieldIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> Maybe Int
findFieldIndex constants name = let
fieldRefNameInfos = [
-- we only skip one entry to get the name since the Java constant pool
-- is 1-indexed (why)
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral index + 1))
| (index, FieldRefInfo classIndex _) <- (zip [1..] constants)
fieldRefNames = map (\(index, nameInfo) -> case nameInfo of
Utf8Info fieldName -> (index, fieldName)
something_else -> error ("Expected UTF8Info but got" ++ show something_else))
fieldIndex = find (\(index, fieldName) -> fieldName == name) fieldRefNames
in case fieldIndex of
Just (index, _) -> Just index
Nothing -> Nothing
findMethodRefIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> Maybe Int
findMethodRefIndex constants name = let
methodRefNameInfos = [
-- we only skip one entry to get the name since the Java constant pool
-- is 1-indexed (why)
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral index + 1))
| (index, MethodRefInfo _ _) <- (zip [1..] constants)
methodRefNames = map (\(index, nameInfo) -> case nameInfo of
Utf8Info methodName -> (index, methodName)
something_else -> error ("Expected UTF8Info but got " ++ show something_else))
methodIndex = find (\(index, methodName) -> methodName == name) methodRefNames
in case methodIndex of
Just (index, _) -> Just index
Nothing -> Nothing
findMethodIndex :: ClassFile -> String -> Maybe Int
findMethodIndex classFile name = let
constants = constantPool classFile
findIndex (\method -> ((memberInfoIsMethod constants method) && (memberInfoName constants method) == name)) (methods classFile)
findClassIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> Maybe Int
findClassIndex constants name = let
classNameIndices = [(index, constants!!(fromIntegral nameIndex - 1)) | (index, ClassInfo nameIndex) <- (zip[1..] constants)]
classNames = map (\(index, nameInfo) -> case nameInfo of
Utf8Info className -> (index, className)
something_else -> error("Expected UTF8Info but got " ++ show something_else))
desiredClassIndex = find (\(index, className) -> className == name) classNames
in case desiredClassIndex of
Just (index, _) -> Just index
Nothing -> Nothing
getKnownMembers :: [ConstantInfo] -> [(Int, (String, String, String))]
getKnownMembers constants = let
fieldsClassAndNT = [
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral classIndex - 1), constants!!(fromIntegral nameTypeIndex - 1))
| (index, FieldRefInfo classIndex nameTypeIndex) <- (zip [1..] constants)
] ++ [
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral classIndex - 1), constants!!(fromIntegral nameTypeIndex - 1))
| (index, MethodRefInfo classIndex nameTypeIndex) <- (zip [1..] constants)
fieldsClassNameType = map (\(index, nameInfo, nameTypeInfo) -> case (nameInfo, nameTypeInfo) of
(ClassInfo nameIndex, NameAndTypeInfo fnameIndex ftypeIndex) -> (index, (constants!!(fromIntegral nameIndex - 1), constants!!(fromIntegral fnameIndex - 1), constants!!(fromIntegral ftypeIndex - 1)))
something_else -> error ("Expected Class and NameType info, but got: " ++ show nameInfo ++ " and " ++ show nameTypeInfo))
fieldsResolved = map (\(index, (nameInfo, fnameInfo, ftypeInfo)) -> case (nameInfo, fnameInfo, ftypeInfo) of
(Utf8Info cname, Utf8Info fname, Utf8Info ftype) -> (index, (cname, fname, ftype))
something_else -> error("Expected UTF8Infos but got " ++ show something_else))
-- same as findClassIndex, but inserts a new entry into constant pool if not existing
getClassIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> ([ConstantInfo], Int)
getClassIndex constants name = case findClassIndex constants name of
Just index -> (constants, index)
Nothing -> (constants ++ [ClassInfo (fromIntegral (length constants)), Utf8Info name], fromIntegral (length constants))
-- get the index for a field within a class, creating it if it does not exist.
getFieldIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> (String, String, String) -> ([ConstantInfo], Int)
getFieldIndex constants (cname, fname, ftype) = case findMemberIndex constants (cname, fname, ftype) of
Just index -> (constants, index)
Nothing -> let
(constantsWithClass, classIndex) = getClassIndex constants cname
baseIndex = 1 + length constantsWithClass
(constantsWithClass ++ [
FieldRefInfo (fromIntegral classIndex) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info fname,
Utf8Info (datatypeDescriptor ftype)
], baseIndex)
getMethodIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> (String, String, String) -> ([ConstantInfo], Int)
getMethodIndex constants (cname, mname, mtype) = case findMemberIndex constants (cname, mname, mtype) of
Just index -> (constants, index)
Nothing -> let
(constantsWithClass, classIndex) = getClassIndex constants cname
baseIndex = 1 + length constantsWithClass
(constantsWithClass ++ [
MethodRefInfo (fromIntegral classIndex) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info mname,
Utf8Info mtype
], baseIndex)
findMemberIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> (String, String, String) -> Maybe Int
findMemberIndex constants (cname, fname, ftype) = let
allMembers = getKnownMembers constants
desiredMember = find (\(index, (c, f, ft)) -> (c, f, ft) == (cname, fname, ftype)) allMembers
fmap (\(index, _) -> index) desiredMember
fieldBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder VariableDeclaration
fieldBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder VariableDeclaration
fieldBuilder (VariableDeclaration datatype name _) input = let
fieldBuilder (VariableDeclaration datatype name _) input = let
@ -241,18 +32,7 @@ fieldBuilder (VariableDeclaration datatype name _) input = let
fields = (fields input) ++ [field]
fields = (fields input) ++ [field]
-- walks the name resolution chain. returns the innermost Just LocalVariable/FieldVariable or Nothing.
resolveNameChain :: Expression -> Expression
resolveNameChain (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution a b)) = resolveNameChain b
resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
resolveNameChain invalidExpression = error ("expected a NameResolution or Local/Field Variable but got: " ++ show(invalidExpression))
-- walks the name resolution chain. returns the second-to-last item of the namechain.
resolveNameChainOwner :: Expression -> Expression
resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution a (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = a
resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution a b)) = resolveNameChain b
resolveNameChainOwner invalidExpression = error ("expected a NameResolution or Local/Field Variable but got: " ++ show(invalidExpression))
methodBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodBuilder (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
methodBuilder (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
@ -305,35 +85,6 @@ methodAssembler (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input =
injectDefaultConstructor :: [MethodDeclaration] -> [MethodDeclaration]
injectDefaultConstructor pre
| any (\(MethodDeclaration _ name _ _) -> name == "<init>") pre = pre
| otherwise = pre ++ [MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" [] (TypedStatement "void" (Block []))]
injectFieldInitializers :: String -> [VariableDeclaration] -> [MethodDeclaration] -> [MethodDeclaration]
injectFieldInitializers classname vars pre = let
initializers = mapMaybe (\(variable) -> case variable of
VariableDeclaration dtype name (Just initializer) -> Just (
TypedStatement dtype (
StatementExpressionStatement (
TypedStatementExpression dtype (
(TypedExpression dtype (BinaryOperation NameResolution (TypedExpression classname (LocalVariable "this")) (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))))
otherwise -> Nothing
) vars
map (\(method) -> case method of
MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" params (TypedStatement "void" (Block statements)) -> MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" params (TypedStatement "void" (Block (initializers ++ statements)))
otherwise -> method
) pre
classBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder Class
classBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder Class
classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
baseConstants = [
baseConstants = [
@ -364,270 +115,3 @@ classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
classFileWithAssembledMethods = foldr methodAssembler classFileWithMethods methodsWithInjectedInitializers
classFileWithAssembledMethods = foldr methodAssembler classFileWithMethods methodsWithInjectedInitializers
assembleExpression :: Assembler Expression
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation op a b))
| elem op [Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Modulo, BitwiseAnd, BitwiseOr, BitwiseXor, And, Or] = let
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) a
(bConstants, bOps, _) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps, lvars) b
(bConstants, bOps ++ [binaryOperation op], lvars)
| elem op [CompareEqual, CompareNotEqual, CompareLessThan, CompareLessOrEqual, CompareGreaterThan, CompareGreaterOrEqual] = let
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) a
(bConstants, bOps, _) = assembleExpression (aConstants, aOps, lvars) b
cmp_op = comparisonOperation op 9
cmp_ops = [cmp_op, Opsipush 0, Opgoto 6, Opsipush 1]
(bConstants, bOps ++ cmp_ops, lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution (TypedExpression atype a) (TypedExpression btype (FieldVariable b)))) = let
(fConstants, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (atype, b, datatypeDescriptor btype)
(aConstants, aOps, _) = assembleExpression (fConstants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression atype a)
(aConstants, aOps ++ [Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (CharacterLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral (ord literal))], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (BooleanLiteral literal)) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (if literal then 1 else 0)], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (IntegerLiteral literal))
| literal <= 32767 && literal >= -32768 = (constants, ops ++ [Opsipush (fromIntegral literal)], lvars)
| otherwise = (constants ++ [IntegerInfo (fromIntegral literal)], ops ++ [Opldc_w (fromIntegral (1 + length constants))], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ NullLiteral) =
(constants, ops ++ [Opaconst_null], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression etype (UnaryOperation Not expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
newConstant = fromIntegral (1 + length exprConstants)
in case etype of
"int" -> (exprConstants ++ [IntegerInfo 0x7FFFFFFF], exprOps ++ [Opldc_w newConstant, Opixor], lvars)
"char" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0xFFFF, Opixor], lvars)
"boolean" -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 0x01, Opixor], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression _ (UnaryOperation Minus expr)) = let
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opineg], lvars)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
| name == "this" = (constants, ops ++ [Opaload 0], lvars)
| otherwise = let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (constants, ops ++ if isPrimitive then [Opiload (fromIntegral index)] else [Opaload (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype (StatementExpressionExpression stmtexp)) =
assembleStatementExpression (constants, ops, lvars) stmtexp
assembleExpression _ expr = error ("unimplemented: " ++ show expr)
assembleNameChain :: Assembler Expression
assembleNameChain input (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution (TypedExpression atype a) (TypedExpression _ (FieldVariable _)))) =
assembleExpression input (TypedExpression atype a)
assembleNameChain input expr = assembleExpression input expr
-- TODO untested
assembleStatementExpression :: Assembler StatementExpression
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (Assignment (TypedExpression dtype receiver) expr)) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
(constants_a, ops_a, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (constants_a, ops_a ++ if isPrimitive then [Opdup, Opistore (fromIntegral index)] else [Opastore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error ("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_a, ops_a, _) = assembleExpression (constants_r, ops_r, lvars) expr
(constants_a, ops_a ++ [Opdup_x1, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PreIncrement (TypedExpression dtype receiver))) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opdup, Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_r, ops_r ++ [Opdup, Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex), Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opdup_x1, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PreDecrement (TypedExpression dtype receiver))) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opsipush 1, Opisub, Opdup, Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_r, ops_r ++ [Opdup, Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex), Opsipush 1, Opisub, Opdup_x1, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PostIncrement (TypedExpression dtype receiver))) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_r, ops_r ++ [Opdup, Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex), Opdup_x1, Opsipush 1, Opiadd, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression _ (PostDecrement (TypedExpression dtype receiver))) = let
target = resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case target of
(TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) -> let
localIndex = findIndex ((==) name) lvars
expr = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
(exprConstants, exprOps, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
in case localIndex of
Just index -> (exprConstants, exprOps ++ [Opdup, Opsipush 1, Opisub, Opistore (fromIntegral index)], lvars)
Nothing -> error("No such local variable found in local variable pool: " ++ name)
(TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) -> let
owner = resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
in case owner of
(TypedExpression otype _) -> let
(constants_f, fieldIndex) = getFieldIndex constants (otype, name, datatypeDescriptor dtype)
(constants_r, ops_r, _) = assembleNameChain (constants_f, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression dtype receiver)
(constants_r, ops_r ++ [Opdup, Opgetfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex), Opdup_x1, Opsipush 1, Opisub, Opputfield (fromIntegral fieldIndex)], lvars)
something_else -> error ("expected TypedExpression, but got: " ++ show something_else)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression rtype (MethodCall (TypedExpression otype receiver) name params)) = let
(constants_r, ops_r, lvars_r) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedExpression otype receiver)
(constants_p, ops_p, lvars_p) = foldl assembleExpression (constants_r, ops_r, lvars_r) params
(constants_m, methodIndex) = getMethodIndex constants_p (otype, name, methodDescriptorFromParamlist params rtype)
(constants_m, ops_p ++ [Opinvokevirtual (fromIntegral methodIndex)], lvars_p)
(constants, ops, lvars)
(TypedStatementExpression rtype (ConstructorCall name params)) = let
(constants_c, classIndex) = getClassIndex constants name
(constants_p, ops_p, lvars_p) = foldl assembleExpression (constants_c, ops ++ [Opnew (fromIntegral classIndex), Opdup], lvars) params
(constants_m, methodIndex) = getMethodIndex constants_p (name, "<init>", methodDescriptorFromParamlist params "void")
(constants_m, ops_p ++ [Opinvokespecial (fromIntegral methodIndex)], lvars_p)
assembleStatement :: Assembler Statement
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement stype (Return expr)) = case expr of
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ [Opreturn], lvars)
Just expr -> let
(expr_constants, expr_ops, _) = assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(expr_constants, expr_ops ++ [returnOperation stype], lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)) =
foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement dtype (If expr if_stmt else_stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_ifa, ops_ifa, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) if_stmt
(constants_elsea, ops_elsea, _) = case else_stmt of
Nothing -> (constants_ifa, [], lvars)
Just stmt -> assembleStatement (constants_ifa, [], lvars) stmt
-- +6 because we insert 2 gotos, one for if, one for else
if_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_ifa)
-- +3 because we need to account for the goto in the if statement.
else_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_elsea)
in case dtype of
"void" -> (constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq (if_length + 6)] ++ ops_ifa ++ [Opgoto (else_length + 3)] ++ ops_elsea, lvars)
otherwise -> (constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq (if_length + 3)] ++ ops_ifa ++ ops_elsea, lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (While expr stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_stmta, ops_stmta, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) stmt
-- +3 because we insert 2 gotos, one for the comparison, one for the goto back to the comparison
stmt_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_stmta) + 6
entire_length = stmt_length + sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_cmp)
(constants_stmta, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq stmt_length] ++ ops_stmta ++ [Opgoto (-entire_length)], lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dtype name expr))) = let
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
(constants_init, ops_init, _) = case expr of
Just exp -> assembleExpression (constants, ops, lvars) exp
Nothing -> (constants, ops ++ if isPrimitive then [Opsipush 0] else [Opaconst_null], lvars)
localIndex = fromIntegral (length lvars)
storeLocal = if isPrimitive then [Opistore localIndex] else [Opastore localIndex]
(constants_init, ops_init ++ storeLocal, lvars ++ [name])
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (StatementExpressionStatement expr)) = let
(constants_e, ops_e, lvars_e) = assembleStatementExpression (constants, ops, lvars) expr
(constants_e, ops_e ++ [Oppop], lvars_e)
assembleStatement _ stmt = error ("Not yet implemented: " ++ show stmt)
assembleMethod :: Assembler MethodDeclaration
assembleMethod (constants, ops, lvars) (MethodDeclaration returntype name _ (TypedStatement _ (Block statements)))
| name == "<init>" = let
(constants_a, ops_a, lvars_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
init_ops = [Opaload 0, Opinvokespecial 2]
(constants_a, init_ops ++ ops_a ++ [Opreturn], lvars_a)
| otherwise = case returntype of
"void" -> let
(constants_a, ops_a, lvars_a) = foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
(constants_a, ops_a ++ [Opreturn], lvars_a)
otherwise -> foldl assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) statements
assembleMethod _ (MethodDeclaration _ _ _ stmt) = error ("Typed block expected for method body, got: " ++ show stmt)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
module ByteCode.Util where
import Data.Int
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32)
-- walks the name resolution chain. returns the innermost Just LocalVariable/FieldVariable or Nothing.
resolveNameChain :: Expression -> Expression
resolveNameChain (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution a b)) = resolveNameChain b
resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name)) = (TypedExpression dtype (LocalVariable name))
resolveNameChain (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)) = (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))
resolveNameChain invalidExpression = error ("expected a NameResolution or Local/Field Variable but got: " ++ show(invalidExpression))
-- walks the name resolution chain. returns the second-to-last item of the namechain.
resolveNameChainOwner :: Expression -> Expression
resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution a (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name)))) = a
resolveNameChainOwner (TypedExpression _ (BinaryOperation NameResolution a b)) = resolveNameChain b
resolveNameChainOwner invalidExpression = error ("expected a NameResolution or Local/Field Variable but got: " ++ show(invalidExpression))
methodDescriptor :: MethodDeclaration -> String
methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype _ parameters _) = let
parameter_types = [datatype | ParameterDeclaration datatype _ <- parameters]
++ (concat (map datatypeDescriptor parameter_types))
++ ")"
++ datatypeDescriptor returntype
methodDescriptorFromParamlist :: [Expression] -> String -> String
methodDescriptorFromParamlist parameters returntype = let
parameter_types = [datatype | TypedExpression datatype _ <- parameters]
++ (concat (map datatypeDescriptor parameter_types))
++ ")"
++ datatypeDescriptor returntype
memberInfoIsMethod :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> Bool
memberInfoIsMethod constants info = elem '(' (memberInfoDescriptor constants info)
datatypeDescriptor :: String -> String
datatypeDescriptor "void" = "V"
datatypeDescriptor "int" = "I"
datatypeDescriptor "char" = "C"
datatypeDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
datatypeDescriptor x = "L" ++ x ++ ";"
memberInfoDescriptor :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoDescriptor constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = _,
memberDescriptorIndex = descriptorIndex,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
descriptor = constants!!((fromIntegral descriptorIndex) - 1)
in case descriptor of
Utf8Info descriptorText -> descriptorText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show descriptorIndex)
memberInfoName :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoName constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = nameIndex,
memberDescriptorIndex = _,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
name = constants!!((fromIntegral nameIndex) - 1)
in case name of
Utf8Info nameText -> nameText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show nameIndex)
returnOperation :: DataType -> Operation
returnOperation dtype
| elem dtype ["int", "char", "boolean"] = Opireturn
| otherwise = Opareturn
binaryOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Operation
binaryOperation Addition = Opiadd
binaryOperation Subtraction = Opisub
binaryOperation Multiplication = Opimul
binaryOperation Division = Opidiv
binaryOperation Modulo = Opirem
binaryOperation BitwiseAnd = Opiand
binaryOperation BitwiseOr = Opior
binaryOperation BitwiseXor = Opixor
binaryOperation And = Opiand
binaryOperation Or = Opior
comparisonOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Word16 -> Operation
comparisonOperation CompareEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpeq branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareNotEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpne branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessThan branchLocation = Opif_icmplt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareLessOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmple branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterThan branchLocation = Opif_icmpgt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpge branchLocation
findFieldIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> Maybe Int
findFieldIndex constants name = let
fieldRefNameInfos = [
-- we only skip one entry to get the name since the Java constant pool
-- is 1-indexed (why)
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral index + 1))
| (index, FieldRefInfo classIndex _) <- (zip [1..] constants)
fieldRefNames = map (\(index, nameInfo) -> case nameInfo of
Utf8Info fieldName -> (index, fieldName)
something_else -> error ("Expected UTF8Info but got" ++ show something_else))
fieldIndex = find (\(index, fieldName) -> fieldName == name) fieldRefNames
in case fieldIndex of
Just (index, _) -> Just index
Nothing -> Nothing
findMethodRefIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> Maybe Int
findMethodRefIndex constants name = let
methodRefNameInfos = [
-- we only skip one entry to get the name since the Java constant pool
-- is 1-indexed (why)
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral index + 1))
| (index, MethodRefInfo _ _) <- (zip [1..] constants)
methodRefNames = map (\(index, nameInfo) -> case nameInfo of
Utf8Info methodName -> (index, methodName)
something_else -> error ("Expected UTF8Info but got " ++ show something_else))
methodIndex = find (\(index, methodName) -> methodName == name) methodRefNames
in case methodIndex of
Just (index, _) -> Just index
Nothing -> Nothing
findMethodIndex :: ClassFile -> String -> Maybe Int
findMethodIndex classFile name = let
constants = constantPool classFile
findIndex (\method -> ((memberInfoIsMethod constants method) && (memberInfoName constants method) == name)) (methods classFile)
findClassIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> Maybe Int
findClassIndex constants name = let
classNameIndices = [(index, constants!!(fromIntegral nameIndex - 1)) | (index, ClassInfo nameIndex) <- (zip[1..] constants)]
classNames = map (\(index, nameInfo) -> case nameInfo of
Utf8Info className -> (index, className)
something_else -> error("Expected UTF8Info but got " ++ show something_else))
desiredClassIndex = find (\(index, className) -> className == name) classNames
in case desiredClassIndex of
Just (index, _) -> Just index
Nothing -> Nothing
getKnownMembers :: [ConstantInfo] -> [(Int, (String, String, String))]
getKnownMembers constants = let
fieldsClassAndNT = [
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral classIndex - 1), constants!!(fromIntegral nameTypeIndex - 1))
| (index, FieldRefInfo classIndex nameTypeIndex) <- (zip [1..] constants)
] ++ [
(index, constants!!(fromIntegral classIndex - 1), constants!!(fromIntegral nameTypeIndex - 1))
| (index, MethodRefInfo classIndex nameTypeIndex) <- (zip [1..] constants)
fieldsClassNameType = map (\(index, nameInfo, nameTypeInfo) -> case (nameInfo, nameTypeInfo) of
(ClassInfo nameIndex, NameAndTypeInfo fnameIndex ftypeIndex) -> (index, (constants!!(fromIntegral nameIndex - 1), constants!!(fromIntegral fnameIndex - 1), constants!!(fromIntegral ftypeIndex - 1)))
something_else -> error ("Expected Class and NameType info, but got: " ++ show nameInfo ++ " and " ++ show nameTypeInfo))
fieldsResolved = map (\(index, (nameInfo, fnameInfo, ftypeInfo)) -> case (nameInfo, fnameInfo, ftypeInfo) of
(Utf8Info cname, Utf8Info fname, Utf8Info ftype) -> (index, (cname, fname, ftype))
something_else -> error("Expected UTF8Infos but got " ++ show something_else))
-- same as findClassIndex, but inserts a new entry into constant pool if not existing
getClassIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> ([ConstantInfo], Int)
getClassIndex constants name = case findClassIndex constants name of
Just index -> (constants, index)
Nothing -> (constants ++ [ClassInfo (fromIntegral (length constants)), Utf8Info name], fromIntegral (length constants))
-- get the index for a field within a class, creating it if it does not exist.
getFieldIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> (String, String, String) -> ([ConstantInfo], Int)
getFieldIndex constants (cname, fname, ftype) = case findMemberIndex constants (cname, fname, ftype) of
Just index -> (constants, index)
Nothing -> let
(constantsWithClass, classIndex) = getClassIndex constants cname
baseIndex = 1 + length constantsWithClass
(constantsWithClass ++ [
FieldRefInfo (fromIntegral classIndex) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info fname,
Utf8Info (datatypeDescriptor ftype)
], baseIndex)
getMethodIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> (String, String, String) -> ([ConstantInfo], Int)
getMethodIndex constants (cname, mname, mtype) = case findMemberIndex constants (cname, mname, mtype) of
Just index -> (constants, index)
Nothing -> let
(constantsWithClass, classIndex) = getClassIndex constants cname
baseIndex = 1 + length constantsWithClass
(constantsWithClass ++ [
MethodRefInfo (fromIntegral classIndex) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info mname,
Utf8Info mtype
], baseIndex)
findMemberIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> (String, String, String) -> Maybe Int
findMemberIndex constants (cname, fname, ftype) = let
allMembers = getKnownMembers constants
desiredMember = find (\(index, (c, f, ft)) -> (c, f, ft) == (cname, fname, ftype)) allMembers
fmap (\(index, _) -> index) desiredMember
injectDefaultConstructor :: [MethodDeclaration] -> [MethodDeclaration]
injectDefaultConstructor pre
| any (\(MethodDeclaration _ name _ _) -> name == "<init>") pre = pre
| otherwise = pre ++ [MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" [] (TypedStatement "void" (Block []))]
injectFieldInitializers :: String -> [VariableDeclaration] -> [MethodDeclaration] -> [MethodDeclaration]
injectFieldInitializers classname vars pre = let
initializers = mapMaybe (\(variable) -> case variable of
VariableDeclaration dtype name (Just initializer) -> Just (
TypedStatement dtype (
StatementExpressionStatement (
TypedStatementExpression dtype (
(TypedExpression dtype (BinaryOperation NameResolution (TypedExpression classname (LocalVariable "this")) (TypedExpression dtype (FieldVariable name))))
otherwise -> Nothing
) vars
map (\(method) -> case method of
MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" params (TypedStatement "void" (Block statements)) -> MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" params (TypedStatement "void" (Block (initializers ++ statements)))
otherwise -> method
) pre
Reference in New Issue
Block a user