add program tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ import Typecheck
import Control.Exception (catch, evaluate, SomeException, displayException)
import Control.Exception.Base
import System.IO (stderr, hPutStrLn)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
green, red, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white :: String -> String
green str = "\x1b[32m" ++ str ++ "\x1b[0m"
@ -90,6 +92,33 @@ exampleMethodCallAndAssignmentFail = Block [
StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment "a" (Reference "age"))
testClasses :: [Class]
testClasses = [
Class "Person" [
MethodDeclaration "Person" "Person" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "initialAge"]
(Block [
Return (Just (Reference "this"))
MethodDeclaration "void" "setAge" [ParameterDeclaration "int" "newAge"]
(Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "age" (Just (Reference "newAge")))
MethodDeclaration "int" "getAge" []
(Return (Just (Reference "age")))
] [
VariableDeclaration "int" "age" Nothing -- initially unassigned
Class "Main" [
MethodDeclaration "int" "main" []
(Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "Person" "bob" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (ConstructorCall "Person" [IntegerLiteral 25])))),
StatementExpressionStatement (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "setAge" [IntegerLiteral 30]),
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "bobAge" (Just (StatementExpressionExpression (MethodCall (Reference "bob") "getAge" [])))),
Return (Just (Reference "bobAge"))
] []
runTypeCheck :: IO ()
runTypeCheck = do
catch (do
@ -147,7 +176,7 @@ runTypeCheck = do
printSuccess "Type checking of method call and assignment completed successfully"
printResult "Result Method Call and Assignment:" evaluatedMethodCallAndAssignment
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedMethodCallAndAssignmentFail <- evaluate (typeCheckStatement exampleMethodCallAndAssignmentFail [] sampleClasses)
@ -155,3 +184,20 @@ runTypeCheck = do
printResult "Result Method Call and Assignment:" evaluatedMethodCallAndAssignmentFail
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
let mainClass = fromJust $ find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == "Main") testClasses
case mainClass of
Class _ [mainMethod] _ -> do
let result = typeCheckMethodDeclaration mainMethod [] testClasses
printSuccess "Full program type checking completed successfully."
printResult "Main method result:" result
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
let typedProgram = typeCheckCompilationUnit testClasses
printSuccess "Type checking of Program completed successfully"
printResult "Typed Program:" typedProgram
) handleError
Reference in New Issue
Block a user