Working pipeline for whole compiler
This commit is contained in:
@ -107,10 +107,12 @@ testBasicConstantPool = TestCase $ assertEqual "basic constant pool" expectedCla
testFields = TestCase $ assertEqual "fields in constant pool" expectedClassWithFields $ classBuilder classWithFields emptyClassFile
testFields = TestCase $ assertEqual "fields in constant pool" expectedClassWithFields $ classBuilder classWithFields emptyClassFile
testMethodDescriptor = TestCase $ assertEqual "method descriptor" "(II)I" (methodDescriptor method)
testMethodDescriptor = TestCase $ assertEqual "method descriptor" "(II)I" (methodDescriptor method)
testMethodAssembly = TestCase $ assertEqual "method assembly" expectedClassWithMethod (classBuilder classWithMethod emptyClassFile)
testMethodAssembly = TestCase $ assertEqual "method assembly" expectedClassWithMethod (classBuilder classWithMethod emptyClassFile)
testFindMethodIndex = TestCase $ assertEqual "find method" (Just 0) (findMethodIndex expectedClassWithMethod "add_two_numbers")
tests = TestList [
tests = TestList [
TestLabel "Basic constant pool" testBasicConstantPool,
TestLabel "Basic constant pool" testBasicConstantPool,
TestLabel "Fields constant pool" testFields,
TestLabel "Fields constant pool" testFields,
TestLabel "Method descriptor building" testMethodDescriptor,
TestLabel "Method descriptor building" testMethodDescriptor,
TestLabel "Method assembly" testMethodAssembly
TestLabel "Method assembly" testMethodAssembly,
TestLabel "Find method by name" testFindMethodIndex
@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ instance Serializable Attribute where
++ unpackWord16 0 -- attributes_count
++ unpackWord16 0 -- attributes_count
instance Serializable ClassFile where
instance Serializable ClassFile where
serialize classfile = unpackWord32 0xC0FEBABE -- magic
serialize classfile = unpackWord32 0xCAFEBABE -- magic
++ unpackWord16 0 -- minor version
++ unpackWord16 0 -- minor version
++ unpackWord16 49 -- major version
++ unpackWord16 49 -- major version
++ unpackWord16 (fromIntegral (1 + length (constantPool classfile))) -- constant pool count
++ unpackWord16 (fromIntegral (1 + length (constantPool classfile))) -- constant pool count
@ -3,12 +3,17 @@ module ByteCode.ClassFile.Generator(
) where
) where
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.Constants
import ByteCode.ClassFile (ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..))
import ByteCode.ClassFile (ClassFile (..), ConstantInfo (..), MemberInfo(..), Operation(..), Attribute(..))
import Ast
import Ast
import Data.Char
import Data.Char
import Data.List
type ClassFileBuilder a = a -> ClassFile -> ClassFile
type ClassFileBuilder a = a -> ClassFile -> ClassFile
@ -28,6 +33,39 @@ methodParameterDescriptor "char" = "C"
methodParameterDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
methodParameterDescriptor "boolean" = "B"
methodParameterDescriptor x = "L" ++ x ++ ";"
methodParameterDescriptor x = "L" ++ x ++ ";"
memberInfoIsMethod :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> Bool
memberInfoIsMethod constants info = elem '(' (memberInfoDescriptor constants info)
findMethodIndex :: ClassFile -> String -> Maybe Int
findMethodIndex classFile name = let
constants = constantPool classFile
findIndex (\method -> ((memberInfoIsMethod constants method) && (memberInfoName constants method) == name)) (methods classFile)
memberInfoDescriptor :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoDescriptor constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = _,
memberDescriptorIndex = descriptorIndex,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
descriptor = constants!!((fromIntegral descriptorIndex) - 1)
in case descriptor of
Utf8Info descriptorText -> descriptorText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show descriptorIndex)
memberInfoName :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> String
memberInfoName constants MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = _,
memberNameIndex = nameIndex,
memberDescriptorIndex = _,
memberAttributes = _ } = let
name = constants!!((fromIntegral nameIndex) - 1)
in case name of
Utf8Info nameText -> nameText
_ -> ("Invalid Item at Constant pool index " ++ show nameIndex)
methodDescriptor :: MethodDeclaration -> String
methodDescriptor :: MethodDeclaration -> String
methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype _ parameters _) = let
methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype _ parameters _) = let
parameter_types = [datatype | ParameterDeclaration datatype _ <- parameters]
parameter_types = [datatype | ParameterDeclaration datatype _ <- parameters]
@ -37,6 +75,7 @@ methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype _ parameters _) = let
++ ")"
++ ")"
++ datatypeDescriptor returntype
++ datatypeDescriptor returntype
classBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder Class
classBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder Class
classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
baseConstants = [
baseConstants = [
@ -58,8 +97,12 @@ classBuilder (Class name methods fields) _ = let
methods = [],
methods = [],
attributes = []
attributes = []
classFileWithFields = foldr fieldBuilder nakedClassFile fields
classFileWithMethods = foldr methodBuilder classFileWithFields methods
classFileWithAssembledMethods = foldr methodAssembler classFileWithMethods methods
foldr methodBuilder (foldr fieldBuilder nakedClassFile fields) methods
@ -88,30 +131,43 @@ methodBuilder :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodBuilder (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
methodBuilder (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
baseIndex = 1 + length (constantPool input)
constants = [
constants = [
FieldRefInfo (fromIntegral (thisClass input)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
NameAndTypeInfo (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)) (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info name,
Utf8Info (methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters (Block [])))
Utf8Info (methodDescriptor (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters (Block [])))
--code = assembleByteCode statement
method = MemberInfo {
method = MemberInfo {
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberAccessFlags = accessPublic,
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 2)),
memberNameIndex = (fromIntegral baseIndex),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 3)),
memberDescriptorIndex = (fromIntegral (baseIndex + 1)),
memberAttributes = [
memberAttributes = [
CodeAttribute {
CodeAttribute {
attributeMaxStack = 420,
attributeMaxStack = 420,
attributeMaxLocals = 420,
attributeMaxLocals = 420,
attributeCode = [Opiadd]
attributeCode = [Opreturn]
input {
input {
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
constantPool = (constantPool input) ++ constants,
methods = (fields input) ++ [method]
methods = (methods input) ++ [method]
methodAssembler :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodAssembler (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
code = CodeAttribute {
attributeMaxStack = 420,
attributeMaxLocals = 420,
attributeCode = [Opiadd]
--methodConstantIndex =
type Assembler a = a -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation]) -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation])
type Assembler a = a -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation]) -> ([ConstantInfo], [Operation])
returnOperation :: DataType -> Operation
returnOperation :: DataType -> Operation
@ -2,7 +2,16 @@ module Main where
import Example
import Example
import Typecheck
import Typecheck
import Parser.Lexer (alexScanTokens)
import Parser.JavaParser
import ByteCode.ClassFile.Generator
import ByteCode.ClassFile
import Data.ByteString (pack, writeFile)
main = do
main = do
let untypedAST = parse $ alexScanTokens "class Testklasse {int a; int b; void something(){} void something_else(){} Testklasse(){}}"
let typedAST = head (typeCheckCompilationUnit untypedAST)
let abstractClassFile = classBuilder typedAST emptyClassFile
let assembledClassFile = pack (serialize abstractClassFile)
Data.ByteString.writeFile "Testklasse.class" assembledClassFile
Reference in New Issue
Block a user