parser add constructor

This commit is contained in:
Marvin Schlegel 2024-05-08 00:02:38 +02:00
parent 9e6f31479f
commit ea18431b77
2 changed files with 14 additions and 10 deletions

@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ testEmptyMethodWithParams = TestCase $
testClassWithMethodAndField = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with method and field" [Class "WithMethodAndField" [MethodDeclaration "void" "foo" [] (Block []), MethodDeclaration "int" "bar" [] (Block [])] [VariableDeclaration "int" "value" Nothing]] $
testClassWithConstructor = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect class with constructor" [Class "WithConstructor" [MethodDeclaration "WithConstructor" "<init>" [] (Block [])] []] $
tests = TestList [
@ -64,5 +67,6 @@ tests = TestList [

@ -119,15 +119,15 @@ modifier : PUBLIC { }
classtype : classorinterfacetype{ }
classbodydeclaration : classmemberdeclaration { $1 }
-- | constructordeclaration { FieldDecl $ VariableDeclaration "int" "a" Nothing } -- TODO
| constructordeclaration { $1 }
classorinterfacetype : name { $1 }
classmemberdeclaration : fielddeclaration { $1 }
| methoddeclaration { $1 }
constructordeclaration : constructordeclarator constructorbody { }
| modifiers constructordeclarator constructorbody { }
constructordeclaration : constructordeclarator constructorbody { case $1 of (classname, parameters) -> MethodDecl $ MethodDeclaration classname "<init>" parameters $2 }
| modifiers constructordeclarator constructorbody { case $2 of (classname, parameters) -> MethodDecl $ MethodDeclaration classname "<init>" parameters $3 }
fielddeclaration : type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON { FieldDecls $ map (convertDeclarator $1) $2 }
| modifiers type variabledeclarators SEMICOLON { FieldDecls $ map (convertDeclarator $2) $3 }
@ -137,13 +137,13 @@ methoddeclaration : methodheader methodbody { case $1 of (returnType, (name, par
block : LBRACKET RBRACKET { Block [] }
-- | LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { }
constructordeclarator : simplename LBRACE RBRACE { }
| simplename LBRACE formalparameterlist RBRACE { }
constructordeclarator : simplename LBRACE RBRACE { ($1, []) }
| simplename LBRACE formalparameterlist RBRACE { ($1, $3) }
constructorbody : LBRACKET RBRACKET { }
| LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation RBRACKET { }
| LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { }
| LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation blockstatements RBRACKET { }
constructorbody : LBRACKET RBRACKET { Block [] }
-- | LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation RBRACKET { }
-- | LBRACKET blockstatements RBRACKET { }
-- | LBRACKET explicitconstructorinvocation blockstatements RBRACKET { }
methodheader : type methoddeclarator { ($1, $2) }
| modifiers type methoddeclarator { ($2, $3) }