Refactor BinaryOperations and add char operations

This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 123 additions and 119 deletions

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@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ exampleNameResolutionAssignment = Block [
StatementExpressionStatement (Assignment (BinaryOperation NameResolution (Reference "bob") (Reference "age")) (IntegerLiteral 30))
exampleCharIntOperation :: Expression
exampleCharIntOperation = BinaryOperation Addition (CharacterLiteral 'a') (IntegerLiteral 1)
testClasses :: [Class]
testClasses = [
Class "Person" [
@ -216,3 +219,10 @@ runTypeCheck = do
printResult "Result Name Resolution Assignment:" typedAssignment
) handleError
catch (do
print "====================================================================================="
evaluatedCharIntOperation <- evaluate (typeCheckExpression exampleCharIntOperation [] sampleClasses)
printSuccess "Type checking of char int operation completed successfully"
printResult "Result Char Int Operation:" evaluatedCharIntOperation
) handleError

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@ -52,129 +52,31 @@ typeCheckExpression (Reference id) symtab classes =
_ -> error $ "Ambiguous reference to field '" ++ id ++ "' in class '" ++ className ++ "'"
Nothing -> error $ "Class '" ++ className ++ "' not found for 'this'"
Nothing -> error $ "Context for 'this' not found in symbol table, unable to resolve '" ++ id ++ "'"
typeCheckExpression (BinaryOperation op expr1 expr2) symtab classes =
let expr1' = typeCheckExpression expr1 symtab classes
expr2' = typeCheckExpression expr2 symtab classes
type1 = getTypeFromExpr expr1'
type2 = getTypeFromExpr expr2'
resultType = resolveResultType type1 type2
in case op of
Addition ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Addition operation requires two operands of type int"
Subtraction ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Subtraction operation requires two operands of type int"
Multiplication ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Multiplication operation requires two operands of type int"
Division ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Division operation requires two operands of type int"
Modulo ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Modulus operation requires two operands of type int"
BitwiseAnd ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Bitwise AND operation requires two operands of type int"
BitwiseOr ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Bitwise OR operation requires two operands of type int"
BitwiseXor ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Bitwise XOR operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareLessThan ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Less than operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareLessOrEqual ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Less than or equal operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareGreaterThan ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Greater than operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareGreaterOrEqual ->
if type1 == "int" && type2 == "int"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Greater than or equal operation requires two operands of type int"
CompareEqual ->
if type1 == type2
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Equality operation requires two operands of the same type"
CompareNotEqual ->
if type1 == type2
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Inequality operation requires two operands of the same type"
And ->
if type1 == "boolean" && type2 == "boolean"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Logical AND operation requires two operands of type boolean"
Or ->
if type1 == "boolean" && type2 == "boolean"
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
error "Logical OR operation requires two operands of type boolean"
NameResolution ->
case (expr1', expr2) of
(TypedExpression objType (LocalVariable ident), Reference ident2) ->
case find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == objType) classes of
Just (Class _ _ fields) ->
let fieldTypes = [dt | VariableDeclaration dt id _ <- fields, id == ident2]
in case fieldTypes of
[resolvedType] -> TypedExpression resolvedType (BinaryOperation NameResolution expr1' (TypedExpression resolvedType (FieldVariable ident2)))
[] -> error $ "Field '" ++ ident2 ++ "' not found in class '" ++ objType ++ "'"
_ -> error $ "Ambiguous reference to field '" ++ ident ++ "' in class '" ++ objType ++ "'"
Nothing -> error $ "Class '" ++ objType ++ "' not found"
(TypedExpression objType (FieldVariable ident), Reference ident2) ->
case find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == objType) classes of
Just (Class _ _ fields) ->
let fieldTypes = [dt | VariableDeclaration dt id _ <- fields, id == ident2]
in case fieldTypes of
[resolvedType] -> TypedExpression resolvedType (BinaryOperation NameResolution expr1' (TypedExpression resolvedType (FieldVariable ident2)))
[] -> error $ "Field '" ++ ident2 ++ "' not found in class '" ++ objType ++ "'"
_ -> error $ "Ambiguous reference to field '" ++ ident ++ "' in class '" ++ objType ++ "'"
Nothing -> error $ "Class '" ++ objType ++ "' not found"
_ -> error "Name resolution requires object reference and field name"
Addition -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
Subtraction -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
Multiplication -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
Division -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
Modulo -> checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
BitwiseAnd -> checkBitwiseOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
BitwiseOr -> checkBitwiseOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
BitwiseXor -> checkBitwiseOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareLessThan -> checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareLessOrEqual -> checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareGreaterThan -> checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareGreaterOrEqual -> checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareEqual -> checkEqualityOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
CompareNotEqual -> checkEqualityOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
And -> checkLogicalOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
Or -> checkLogicalOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
NameResolution -> resolveNameResolution expr1' expr2 symtab classes
typeCheckExpression (UnaryOperation op expr) symtab classes =
let expr' = typeCheckExpression expr symtab classes
@ -187,11 +89,50 @@ typeCheckExpression (UnaryOperation op expr) symtab classes =
error "Logical NOT operation requires an operand of type boolean"
Minus ->
if type' == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (UnaryOperation op expr')
else if type' == "char"
TypedExpression "char" (UnaryOperation op expr')
error "Unary minus operation requires an operand of type int or char"
PostIncrement ->
if type' == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (UnaryOperation op expr')
else if type' == "char"
TypedExpression "char" (UnaryOperation op expr')
error "Unary minus operation requires an operand of type int"
error "Post-increment operation requires an operand of type int or char"
PostDecrement ->
if type' == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (UnaryOperation op expr')
else if type' == "char"
TypedExpression "char" (UnaryOperation op expr')
error "Post-decrement operation requires an operand of type int or char"
PreIncrement ->
if type' == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (UnaryOperation op expr')
else if type' == "char"
TypedExpression "char" (UnaryOperation op expr')
error "Pre-increment operation requires an operand of type int or char"
PreDecrement ->
if type' == "int"
TypedExpression "int" (UnaryOperation op expr')
else if type' == "char"
TypedExpression "char" (UnaryOperation op expr')
error "Pre-decrement operation requires an operand of type int or char"
typeCheckExpression (StatementExpressionExpression stmtExpr) symtab classes =
let stmtExpr' = typeCheckStatementExpression stmtExpr symtab classes
@ -329,7 +270,7 @@ typeCheckStatement (Return expr) symtab classes =
Nothing -> Nothing
in case expr' of
Just e' -> TypedStatement (getTypeFromExpr e') (Return (Just e'))
Nothing -> TypedStatement "Void" (Return Nothing)
Nothing -> TypedStatement "void" (Return Nothing)
typeCheckStatement (StatementExpressionStatement stmtExpr) symtab classes =
let stmtExpr' = typeCheckStatementExpression stmtExpr symtab classes
@ -359,3 +300,56 @@ lookupType id symtab =
case lookup id symtab of
Just t -> Just t
Nothing -> Nothing
resolveResultType :: DataType -> DataType -> DataType
resolveResultType "char" "char" = "char"
resolveResultType "int" "int" = "int"
resolveResultType "char" "int" = "int"
resolveResultType "int" "char" = "int"
resolveResultType t1 t2
| t1 == t2 = t1
| otherwise = error $ "Incompatible types: " ++ t1 ++ " and " ++ t2
checkArithmeticOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkArithmeticOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2 resultType
| (type1 == "int" || type1 == "char") && (type2 == "int" || type2 == "char") =
TypedExpression resultType (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Arithmetic operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of type int or char"
checkBitwiseOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkBitwiseOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
| type1 == "int" && type2 == "int" =
TypedExpression "int" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Bitwise operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of type int"
checkComparisonOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkComparisonOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
| (type1 == "int" || type1 == "char") && (type2 == "int" || type2 == "char") =
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Comparison operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of type int or char"
checkEqualityOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkEqualityOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
| type1 == type2 =
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Equality operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of the same type"
checkLogicalOperation :: BinaryOperator -> Expression -> Expression -> DataType -> DataType -> Expression
checkLogicalOperation op expr1' expr2' type1 type2
| type1 == "boolean" && type2 == "boolean" =
TypedExpression "boolean" (BinaryOperation op expr1' expr2')
| otherwise = error $ "Logical operation " ++ show op ++ " requires operands of type boolean"
resolveNameResolution :: Expression -> Expression -> [(Identifier, DataType)] -> [Class] -> Expression
resolveNameResolution expr1' (Reference ident2) symtab classes =
case getTypeFromExpr expr1' of
objType ->
case find (\(Class className _ _) -> className == objType) classes of
Just (Class _ _ fields) ->
let fieldTypes = [dt | VariableDeclaration dt id _ <- fields, id == ident2]
in case fieldTypes of
[resolvedType] -> TypedExpression resolvedType (BinaryOperation NameResolution expr1' (TypedExpression resolvedType (FieldVariable ident2)))
[] -> error $ "Field '" ++ ident2 ++ "' not found in class '" ++ objType ++ "'"
_ -> error $ "Ambiguous reference to field '" ++ ident2 ++ "' in class '" ++ objType ++ "'"
Nothing -> error $ "Class '" ++ objType ++ "' not found"
resolveNameResolution _ _ _ _ = error "Name resolution requires object reference and field name"