Compare commits
No commits in common. "94ed7b5056edfe4aeeec8d9f64b2b3e1a198128e" and "86aa87515bfeb396fbcfbda6fe6946b2260e1f1c" have entirely different histories.
@ -15,7 +15,6 @@ public class Main {
TestMultipleClasses multipleClasses = new TestMultipleClasses();
TestMultipleClasses multipleClasses = new TestMultipleClasses();
TestRecursion recursion = new TestRecursion(10);
TestRecursion recursion = new TestRecursion(10);
TestMalicious malicious = new TestMalicious();
TestMalicious malicious = new TestMalicious();
TestLoop loop = new TestLoop();
// constructing a basic class works
// constructing a basic class works
assert empty != null;
assert empty != null;
@ -33,7 +32,6 @@ public class Main {
assert recursion.child.child.child.child.child.value == 5;
assert recursion.child.child.child.child.child.value == 5;
// self-referencing methods work.
// self-referencing methods work.
assert recursion.fibonacci(15) == 610;
assert recursion.fibonacci(15) == 610;
assert loop.factorial(5) == 120;
// intentionally dodgy expressions work
// intentionally dodgy expressions work
assert malicious.assignNegativeIncrement(42) == -42;
assert malicious.assignNegativeIncrement(42) == -42;
assert malicious.tripleAddition(1, 2, 3) == 6;
assert malicious.tripleAddition(1, 2, 3) == 6;
@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
public class TestLoop {
public int factorial(int n)
int tally = 1;
for(int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
tally *= i;
return tally;
@ -238,40 +238,6 @@ testStatementPreIncrement = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect increment" [StatementExpressionStatement $ PostIncrement $ Reference "a"] $
assertEqual "expect increment" [StatementExpressionStatement $ PostIncrement $ Reference "a"] $
testForLoop = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect for loop" [Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "i" (Just (IntegerLiteral 0))),
While (BinaryOperation CompareLessThan (Reference "i") (IntegerLiteral 3)) (Block [Block [], StatementExpressionStatement (PostIncrement (Reference "i"))])
]] $
testForLoopExpressionlistInInit = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect expressionlist in init part of for loop" [Block [
StatementExpressionStatement (PostIncrement (Reference "i")),
While (BinaryOperation CompareLessThan (Reference "i") (IntegerLiteral 3)) (Block [Block [], StatementExpressionStatement (PostIncrement (Reference "i"))])
]] $
testForLoopMultipleUpdateExpressions = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect for loop with multiple update statements" [Block [
LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration "int" "i" (Just (IntegerLiteral 0))),
While (BinaryOperation CompareLessThan (Reference "i") (IntegerLiteral 3)) (Block [Block [], StatementExpressionStatement (PostIncrement (Reference "i")), StatementExpressionStatement (PostIncrement (Reference "k"))])
]] $
testForLoopEmptyFirstPart = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect for loop with empty init part" [Block [
While (BinaryOperation CompareLessThan (Reference "i") (IntegerLiteral 3)) (Block [Block [], StatementExpressionStatement (PostIncrement (Reference "i"))])
]] $
testForLoopEmtpySecondPart = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect for loop with empty expresion part" [Block [
While (BooleanLiteral True) (Block [Block [], StatementExpressionStatement (PostIncrement (Reference "i"))])
]] $
testForLoopEmtpy = TestCase $
assertEqual "expect empty for loop" [Block [While (BooleanLiteral True) (Block [Block []])]] $
tests = TestList [
tests = TestList [
@ -342,11 +308,5 @@ tests = TestList [
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Die Bytecodegenerierung ist letztendlich eine zweistufige Transformation:
`Getypter AST -> [ClassFile] -> [[Word8]]`
`Getypter AST -> [ClassFile] -> [[Word8]]`
Vom AST, der bereits den Typcheck durchlaufen hat, wird zunächst eine Abbildung in die einzelnen ClassFiles vorgenommen. Diese ClassFiles werden anschließend in deren Byte-Repräsentation serialisiert.
Vom AST, der bereits den Typcheck durchlaufen hat, wird zunächst eine Abbildung in die einzelnen ClassFiles vorgenommen. Diese ClassFiles werden anschließend in deren Byte-Repräsentation serialisiert. Dieser Teil der Aufgabenstellung wurde gemeinsam von Christian Brier und Matthias Raba umgesetzt.
## Codegenerierung
## Codegenerierung
@ -77,7 +77,3 @@ instance Serializable Operation where
Die Struktur ClassFile ruft für deren Kinder rekursiv diese `serialize` Funktion auf und konkateniert die Ergebnisse. Am Ende bleibt eine flache Word8-Liste übrig, die Serialisierung ist damit abgeschlossen. Da der Typecheck sicherstellt, dass alle referenzierten Methoden/Felder gültig sind, kann die Übersetzung der einzelnen Klassen voneinander unabhängig geschehen.
Die Struktur ClassFile ruft für deren Kinder rekursiv diese `serialize` Funktion auf und konkateniert die Ergebnisse. Am Ende bleibt eine flache Word8-Liste übrig, die Serialisierung ist damit abgeschlossen. Da der Typecheck sicherstellt, dass alle referenzierten Methoden/Felder gültig sind, kann die Übersetzung der einzelnen Klassen voneinander unabhängig geschehen.
## Aufgabenteilung
Die Bytecodegenerierung wurde von Matthias Raba und Christian Brier im Stile des Pair Programmings zu zweit erarbeitet. Durch bisher gute Erfahrungen in vorherigen Projekten, sowie dem Interesse, alle Teile der Bytecodegenerierung zu sehen, wurde diese Programmierungsform als die Beste ausgewählt. Insgesamt lief die Implementierungsphase wie geplant und ohne weitere Komplikationen ab.
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ type Identifier = String
data ParameterDeclaration = ParameterDeclaration DataType Identifier deriving (Show, Eq)
data ParameterDeclaration = ParameterDeclaration DataType Identifier deriving (Show, Eq)
data VariableDeclaration = VariableDeclaration DataType Identifier (Maybe Expression) deriving (Show, Eq)
data VariableDeclaration = VariableDeclaration DataType Identifier (Maybe Expression) deriving (Show, Eq)
data MethodDeclaration = MethodDeclaration DataType Identifier [ParameterDeclaration] Statement deriving (Show, Eq)
data Class = Class DataType [MethodDeclaration] [VariableDeclaration] deriving (Show, Eq)
data Class = Class DataType [MethodDeclaration] [VariableDeclaration] deriving (Show, Eq)
data MethodDeclaration = MethodDeclaration DataType Identifier [ParameterDeclaration] Statement deriving (Show, Eq)
data Statement
data Statement
= If Expression Statement (Maybe Statement)
= If Expression Statement (Maybe Statement)
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ data StatementExpression
= Assignment Expression Expression
= Assignment Expression Expression
| ConstructorCall DataType [Expression]
| ConstructorCall DataType [Expression]
| MethodCall Expression Identifier [Expression]
| MethodCall Expression Identifier [Expression]
| TypedStatementExpression DataType StatementExpression
| PostIncrement Expression
| PostIncrement Expression
| PostDecrement Expression
| PostDecrement Expression
| PreIncrement Expression
| PreIncrement Expression
| PreDecrement Expression
| PreDecrement Expression
| TypedStatementExpression DataType StatementExpression
deriving (Show, Eq)
deriving (Show, Eq)
data BinaryOperator
data BinaryOperator
@ -221,26 +221,26 @@ assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (Block statements))
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement dtype (If expr if_stmt else_stmt)) = let
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement dtype (If expr if_stmt else_stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_ifa, ops_ifa, lvars_ifa) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) if_stmt
(constants_ifa, ops_ifa, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) if_stmt
(constants_elsea, ops_elsea, _) = case else_stmt of
(constants_elsea, ops_elsea, _) = case else_stmt of
Nothing -> (constants_ifa, [], lvars_ifa)
Nothing -> (constants_ifa, [], lvars)
Just stmt -> assembleStatement (constants_ifa, [], lvars_ifa) stmt
Just stmt -> assembleStatement (constants_ifa, [], lvars) stmt
-- +6 because we insert 2 gotos, one for if, one for else
-- +6 because we insert 2 gotos, one for if, one for else
if_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_ifa)
if_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_ifa)
-- +3 because we need to account for the goto in the if statement.
-- +3 because we need to account for the goto in the if statement.
else_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_elsea)
else_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_elsea)
in case dtype of
in case dtype of
"void" -> (constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq (if_length + 6)] ++ ops_ifa ++ [Opgoto (else_length + 3)] ++ ops_elsea, lvars_ifa)
"void" -> (constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq (if_length + 6)] ++ ops_ifa ++ [Opgoto (else_length + 3)] ++ ops_elsea, lvars)
_ -> (constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq (if_length + 3)] ++ ops_ifa ++ ops_elsea, lvars_ifa)
_ -> (constants_ifa, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq (if_length + 3)] ++ ops_ifa ++ ops_elsea, lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (While expr stmt)) = let
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (While expr stmt)) = let
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_cmp, ops_cmp, _) = assembleExpression (constants, [], lvars) expr
(constants_stmta, ops_stmta, lvars_stmta) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) stmt
(constants_stmta, ops_stmta, _) = assembleStatement (constants_cmp, [], lvars) stmt
-- +3 because we insert 2 gotos, one for the comparison, one for the goto back to the comparison
-- +3 because we insert 2 gotos, one for the comparison, one for the goto back to the comparison
stmt_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_stmta) + 6
stmt_length = sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_stmta) + 6
entire_length = stmt_length + sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_cmp)
entire_length = stmt_length + sum (map opcodeEncodingLength ops_cmp)
(constants_stmta, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq stmt_length] ++ ops_stmta ++ [Opgoto (-entire_length)], lvars_stmta)
(constants_stmta, ops ++ ops_cmp ++ [Opsipush 0, Opif_icmpeq stmt_length] ++ ops_stmta ++ [Opgoto (-entire_length)], lvars)
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dtype name expr))) = let
assembleStatement (constants, ops, lvars) (TypedStatement _ (LocalVariableDeclaration (VariableDeclaration dtype name expr))) = let
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
isPrimitive = elem dtype ["char", "boolean", "int"]
@ -96,7 +96,40 @@ className classFile = let
opcodeEncodingLength :: Operation -> Word16
opcodeEncodingLength :: Operation -> Word16
opcodeEncodingLength op = fromIntegral . length . serialize $ op
opcodeEncodingLength Opiadd = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opisub = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opimul = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opidiv = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opirem = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opiand = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opior = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opixor = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opineg = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opdup = 1
opcodeEncodingLength (Opnew _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmplt _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmple _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpgt _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpge _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpeq _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opif_icmpne _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength Opaconst_null = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opreturn = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opireturn = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opareturn = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Opdup_x1 = 1
opcodeEncodingLength Oppop = 1
opcodeEncodingLength (Opinvokespecial _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opinvokevirtual _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opgoto _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opsipush _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opldc_w _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opaload _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opiload _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opastore _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opistore _) = 4
opcodeEncodingLength (Opputfield _) = 3
opcodeEncodingLength (Opgetfield _) = 3
class Serializable a where
class Serializable a where
serialize :: a -> [Word8]
serialize :: a -> [Word8]
@ -279,14 +279,14 @@ operationStackCost constants (Opiload _) = 1
operationStackCost constants (Opastore _) = -1
operationStackCost constants (Opastore _) = -1
operationStackCost constants (Opistore _) = -1
operationStackCost constants (Opistore _) = -1
operationStackCost constants (Opputfield _) = -2
operationStackCost constants (Opputfield _) = -2
operationStackCost constants (Opgetfield _) = 0
operationStackCost constants (Opgetfield _) = -1
simulateStackOperation :: (Int, Int) -> [ConstantInfo] -> Operation -> (Int, Int)
simulateStackOperation :: [ConstantInfo] -> Operation -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
simulateStackOperation (cd, md) constants op = let
simulateStackOperation constants op (cd, md) = let
depth = cd + operationStackCost constants op
depth = cd + operationStackCost constants op
in if depth < 0
in if depth < 0
then error ("Consuming value off of empty stack: " ++ show op)
then error ("Consuming value off of empty stack: " ++ show op)
else (depth, max depth md)
else (depth, max depth md)
maxStackDepth :: [ConstantInfo] -> [Operation] -> Int
maxStackDepth :: [ConstantInfo] -> [Operation] -> Int
maxStackDepth constants ops = snd $ foldl (`simulateStackOperation` constants) (0, 0) ops
maxStackDepth constants ops = snd $ foldr (simulateStackOperation constants) (0, 0) (reverse ops)
@ -75,7 +75,6 @@ import Parser.Lexer
compilationunit : typedeclarations { $1 }
compilationunit : typedeclarations { $1 }
@ -205,7 +204,6 @@ statement : statementwithouttrailingsubstatement{ $1 } -- statement retu
| ifthenstatement { [$1] }
| ifthenstatement { [$1] }
| ifthenelsestatement { [$1] }
| ifthenelsestatement { [$1] }
| whilestatement { [$1] }
| whilestatement { [$1] }
| forstatement { [$1] }
expression : assignmentexpression { $1 }
expression : assignmentexpression { $1 }
@ -226,21 +224,6 @@ ifthenelsestatement : IF LBRACE expression RBRACE statementnoshortif ELSE state
whilestatement : WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE statement { While $3 (Block $5) }
whilestatement : WHILE LBRACE expression RBRACE statement { While $3 (Block $5) }
forstatement : FOR LBRACE forinit optionalexpression forupdate statement { Block ($3 ++ [While ($4) (Block ($6 ++ $5))]) }
forinit : statementexpressionlist SEMICOLON { $1 }
| localvariabledeclaration SEMICOLON { $1 }
| SEMICOLON { [] }
optionalexpression : expression SEMICOLON { $1 }
| SEMICOLON { BooleanLiteral True }
forupdate : statementexpressionlist RBRACE { $1 }
| RBRACE { [] }
statementexpressionlist : statementexpression { [StatementExpressionStatement $1] }
| statementexpressionlist COMMA statementexpression { $1 ++ [StatementExpressionStatement $3] }
assignmentexpression : conditionalexpression { $1 }
assignmentexpression : conditionalexpression { $1 }
| assignment { StatementExpressionExpression $1 }
| assignment { StatementExpressionExpression $1 }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user