bytecode #6
@ -57,7 +57,6 @@ methodBuilder (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = l
methodAssembler :: ClassFileBuilder MethodDeclaration
methodAssembler (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input = let
methodConstantIndex = findMethodIndex input name
@ -73,7 +72,7 @@ methodAssembler (MethodDeclaration returntype name parameters statement) input =
assembledMethod = method {
memberAttributes = [
CodeAttribute {
attributeMaxStack = 420,
attributeMaxStack = fromIntegral $ maxStackDepth constants bytecode,
attributeMaxLocals = fromIntegral $ length aParamNames,
attributeCode = bytecode
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Data.Int
import Ast
import ByteCode.ClassFile
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, isJust)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32)
-- walks the name resolution chain. returns the innermost Just LocalVariable/FieldVariable or Nothing.
@ -39,10 +39,39 @@ methodDescriptorFromParamlist parameters returntype = let
++ ")"
++ datatypeDescriptor returntype
parseMethodType :: ([String], String) -> String -> ([String], String)
parseMethodType (params, returnType) ('(' : descriptor) = parseMethodType (params, returnType) descriptor
parseMethodType (params, returnType) ('I' : descriptor) = parseMethodType (params ++ ["I"], returnType) descriptor
parseMethodType (params, returnType) ('C' : descriptor) = parseMethodType (params ++ ["C"], returnType) descriptor
parseMethodType (params, returnType) ('B' : descriptor) = parseMethodType (params ++ ["B"], returnType) descriptor
parseMethodType (params, returnType) ('L' : descriptor) = let
typeLength = elemIndex ';' descriptor
in case typeLength of
Just length -> let
(typeName, semicolon : restOfDescriptor) = splitAt length descriptor
parseMethodType (params ++ [typeName], returnType) restOfDescriptor
Nothing -> error $ "unterminated class type in function signature: " ++ (show descriptor)
parseMethodType (params, _) (')' : descriptor) = (params, descriptor)
parseMethodType _ descriptor = error $ "expected start of type name (L, I, C, B) but got: " ++ descriptor
-- given a method index (constant pool index),
-- returns the full type of the method. (i.e (LSomething;II)V)
methodTypeFromIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> Int -> String
methodTypeFromIndex constants index = case constants!!(fromIntegral (index - 1)) of
MethodRefInfo _ nameAndTypeIndex -> case constants!!(fromIntegral (nameAndTypeIndex - 1)) of
NameAndTypeInfo _ typeIndex -> case constants!!(fromIntegral (typeIndex - 1)) of
Utf8Info typeLiteral -> typeLiteral
unexpectedElement -> error "Expected Utf8Info but got: " ++ show unexpectedElement
unexpectedElement -> error "Expected NameAndTypeInfo but got: " ++ show unexpectedElement
unexpectedElement -> error "Expected MethodRefInfo but got: " ++ show unexpectedElement
methodParametersFromIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> Int -> ([String], String)
methodParametersFromIndex constants index = parseMethodType ([], "V") (methodTypeFromIndex constants index)
memberInfoIsMethod :: [ConstantInfo] -> MemberInfo -> Bool
memberInfoIsMethod constants info = elem '(' (memberInfoDescriptor constants info)
datatypeDescriptor :: String -> String
datatypeDescriptor "void" = "V"
datatypeDescriptor "int" = "I"
@ -100,6 +129,18 @@ comparisonOperation CompareLessOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmple branchLoc
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterThan branchLocation = Opif_icmpgt branchLocation
comparisonOperation CompareGreaterOrEqual branchLocation = Opif_icmpge branchLocation
comparisonOffset :: Operation -> Maybe Int
comparisonOffset (Opif_icmpeq offset) = Just $ fromIntegral offset
comparisonOffset (Opif_icmpne offset) = Just $ fromIntegral offset
comparisonOffset (Opif_icmplt offset) = Just $ fromIntegral offset
comparisonOffset (Opif_icmple offset) = Just $ fromIntegral offset
comparisonOffset (Opif_icmpgt offset) = Just $ fromIntegral offset
comparisonOffset (Opif_icmpge offset) = Just $ fromIntegral offset
comparisonOffset anything_else = Nothing
isComparisonOperation :: Operation -> Bool
isComparisonOperation op = isJust (comparisonOffset op)
findFieldIndex :: [ConstantInfo] -> String -> Maybe Int
findFieldIndex constants name = let
fieldRefNameInfos = [
@ -243,3 +284,54 @@ injectFieldInitializers classname vars pre = let
MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" params (TypedStatement "void" (Block statements)) -> MethodDeclaration "void" "<init>" params (TypedStatement "void" (Block (initializers ++ statements)))
otherwise -> method
) pre
-- effect of one instruction/operation on the stack
operationStackCost :: [ConstantInfo] -> Operation -> Int
operationStackCost constants Opiadd = -1
operationStackCost constants Opisub = -1
operationStackCost constants Opimul = -1
operationStackCost constants Opidiv = -1
operationStackCost constants Opirem = -1
operationStackCost constants Opiand = -1
operationStackCost constants Opior = -1
operationStackCost constants Opixor = -1
operationStackCost constants Opineg = 0
operationStackCost constants Opdup = 1
operationStackCost constants (Opnew _) = 1
operationStackCost constants (Opif_icmplt _) = -2
operationStackCost constants (Opif_icmple _) = -2
operationStackCost constants (Opif_icmpgt _) = -2
operationStackCost constants (Opif_icmpge _) = -2
operationStackCost constants (Opif_icmpeq _) = -2
operationStackCost constants (Opif_icmpne _) = -2
operationStackCost constants Opaconst_null = 1
operationStackCost constants Opreturn = 0
operationStackCost constants Opireturn = -1
operationStackCost constants Opareturn = -1
operationStackCost constants Opdup_x1 = 1
operationStackCost constants Oppop = -1
operationStackCost constants (Opinvokespecial idx) = let
(params, returnType) = methodParametersFromIndex constants (fromIntegral idx)
in (length params + 1) - (fromEnum (returnType /= "V"))
operationStackCost constants (Opinvokevirtual idx) = let
(params, returnType) = methodParametersFromIndex constants (fromIntegral idx)
in (length params + 1) - (fromEnum (returnType /= "V"))
operationStackCost constants (Opgoto _) = 0
operationStackCost constants (Opsipush _) = 1
operationStackCost constants (Opldc_w _) = 1
operationStackCost constants (Opaload _) = 1
operationStackCost constants (Opiload _) = 1
operationStackCost constants (Opastore _) = -1
operationStackCost constants (Opistore _) = -1
operationStackCost constants (Opputfield _) = -2
operationStackCost constants (Opgetfield _) = -1
simulateStackOperation :: [ConstantInfo] -> Operation -> (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
simulateStackOperation constants op (cd, md) = let
depth = cd + operationStackCost constants op
in if depth < 0
then error ("Consuming value off of empty stack: " ++ show op)
else (depth, max depth md)
maxStackDepth :: [ConstantInfo] -> [Operation] -> Int
maxStackDepth constants ops = snd $ foldr (simulateStackOperation constants) (0, 0) (reverse ops)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user