Umstellung auf MPair beginnen

This commit is contained in:
JanUlrich 2016-03-24 11:57:17 +01:00
parent f788b74f26
commit 1e9d0517f2
29 changed files with 559 additions and 5454 deletions

@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.exceptions.DebugException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.exceptions.NotImplementedException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.exceptions.TypeinferenceException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.typedeployment.TypeInsertPoint;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.FC_TTO;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.Unify;
import org.apache.commons.bcel6.generic.*;
@ -625,7 +624,7 @@ public class Class extends GTVDeclarationContext implements AClassOrInterface, I
// ino.end
// ino.method.TRProg.23110.definition
public ConstraintsSet typeReconstruction(FC_TTO supportData, TypeAssumptions globalAssumptions)
public ConstraintsSet typeReconstruction(TypeAssumptions globalAssumptions)
// ino.end
// ino.method.TRProg.23110.body
@ -637,8 +636,7 @@ public class Class extends GTVDeclarationContext implements AClassOrInterface, I
inferencelog.info("Rufe TRStart()...", Section.TYPEINFERENCE);
typinferenzLog.debug("Erstellte FiniteClosure: "+supportData, Section.TYPEINFERENCE);
// Ab hier ...
// @author A10023 - Andreas Stadelmeier:

@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.function.Function;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
@ -23,6 +25,7 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.myexception.JVMCodeException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.myexception.SCClassException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.myexception.SCException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.parser.JavaClassName;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.factory.UnifyTypeFactory;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.misc.DeclId;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.misc.UsedId;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.modifier.Modifiers;
@ -37,6 +40,7 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.ByteCodeResult;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.ConstraintsSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.FunNInterface;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.FunNMethod;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.KomplexeMenge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Pair;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.ResultSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.TypeinferenceResultSet;
@ -48,18 +52,14 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.assumptions.ParameterAssumption;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.assumptions.TypeAssumptions;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.exceptions.DebugException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.exceptions.TypeinferenceException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.FC_TTO;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.Unifier;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.Unify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.FiniteClosure;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair;
// ino.class.SourceFile.21355.declaration
public class SourceFile
extends SyntaxTreeNode
// ino.end
// ino.class.SourceFile.21355.body
// ino.attribute.LOAD_BASIC_ASSUMPTIONS_FROM_JRE.21358.decldescription type=javadoc
@ -170,17 +170,13 @@ public class SourceFile
this.KlassenVektor = classDefinitions;
// ino.attribute.imports.21382.decldescription type=javadoc
* HOTI 4.5.06
* Beinhaltet alle Imports des aktuell geparsten Files
* in Form einer UsedId
// ino.end
// ino.attribute.imports.21382.declaration
private ImportDeclarations imports=new ImportDeclarations();
// ino.end
// ino.attribute.baseTypeTranslationTable.21385.decldescription type=javadoc
* Table zum Übersetzen der nicht implementierten Base-Types:
* Überall im Compiler wird statt bspw. int Integer verwendet
@ -189,24 +185,13 @@ public class SourceFile
* der JRE gelieferten Base-Typen (int,char, etc) und die Objekt-
* Typen umwandeln nnen
// ino.end
// ino.attribute.baseTypeTranslationTable.21385.declaration
private Hashtable<String,String> baseTypeTranslationTable;
// ino.end
// ino.method.addElement.21394.defdescription type=javadoc
* Fuegt ein neues Element (Interface oder Klasse) hinzu.
* @param c
// ino.end
// ino.method.addElement.21394.definition
public void addElement(AClassOrInterface e)
// ino.end
// ino.method.addElement.21394.body
if (e instanceof Class) {
KlassenVektor.addElement((Class) e);
@ -214,447 +199,8 @@ public class SourceFile
InterfaceVektor.addElement((Interface) e);
// ino.end
// ino.method.codegen.21397.defdescription type=javadoc
* Startet die Bytecodegenerierung fuer alle in der Datei
* enthaltenen Klassen und Interfaces.
// ino.end
// ino.method.codegen.21397.definition
public Menge<ClassFile> codegen(ResultSet result)
throws JVMCodeException
// ino.end
// ino.method.codegen.21397.body
Menge<ClassFile> ret = new Menge<ClassFile>();
codegenlog.info("Anzahl der Interfaces: "
+ Integer.toString(InterfaceVektor.size()));
for(int i = 0; i < InterfaceVektor.size(); i++) {
codegenlog.info("Anzahl der Klassen: "
+ Integer.toString(KlassenVektor.size()));
for(int i = 0; i < KlassenVektor.size(); i++) {
return ret;
// ino.end
// ino.method.createPairFromClassAndSuperclass.21400.defdescription type=javadoc
* Erstellt ein Typ-Paar, welches im 1. Durchlauf in die Menge der Finite Closure
* aufgenommen wird Input: Klassenname, Name der Superklasse, ParameterDerKlasse,
* Parameter der Superklasse
* @return
// ino.end
// ino.method.createPairFromClassAndSuperclass.21400.definition
private Pair createPairFromClassAndSuperclass(Class baseClass, Type superclass, Menge classParaOrg, Menge superclassParaOrg, TypeAssumptions ass)
// ino.end
// ino.method.createPairFromClassAndSuperclass.21400.body
// Paar erstellen
if(classParaOrg!=null && classParaOrg.size()==0){
if(superclassParaOrg!=null && superclassParaOrg.size()==0){
Pair P = new Pair(
new RefType( className.toString(), classParaOrg,-1),
new RefType( superclassName.toString(), superclassParaOrg,-1)
Pair P = new Pair(baseClass.getType().TYPE(ass, baseClass), superclass.TYPE(ass, baseClass));
//PL 04-12-29 freshe Variablen ANFANG
RefType r1 = (RefType)P.getTA1Copy();
RefType r2 = (RefType)P.getTA2Copy();
r1 = (RefType) r1.TYPE(ass, baseClass);
r2 = (RefType) r2.TYPE(ass, baseClass);
// #JB# 05.04.2005
// ###########################################################
Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type> substHash = new Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type>(); //fuer jedes Paar komplett neue Variablen
Unify.varSubst(r1, substHash);
Unify.varSubst(r2, substHash);
// ###########################################################
P = new Pair(r1, r2);
//PL 04-12-29 freshe Variablen ENDE
// gleiches Paar aufnehmen
//vFC.add( new Pair( P.getTA1Copy(), P.getTA1Copy() ) );
// ino.end
// ino.method.makeFC.21403.defdescription type=javadoc
* Erstellt die Finite Closure
* @return FC_TTO-Object, welches die Finite Closure repräsentiert
public FC_TTO makeFC( TypeAssumptions ass )
// Menge FC bilden
Menge<Pair> vFC = new Menge<Pair>(); // Menge FC
TypeAssumptions globalAssumptions = this.makeBasicAssumptionsFromJRE(imports, false);
// 1. Menge <= in FC aufnehmen --> Iteration ueber alle Klassen
Menge<Type> ignoreTypes = new Menge<>(); //Enthält die Typen, welche nicht in der FC als Supertypen enthalten sein sollen.
ignoreTypes.add(new RefType("Long",null,-1).TYPE(globalAssumptions, parent));
ignoreTypes.add(new RefType("Float",null,-1).TYPE(globalAssumptions, parent));
ignoreTypes.add(new RefType("Double",null,-1).TYPE(globalAssumptions, parent));
ignoreTypes.add(new RefType("String",null,-1).TYPE(globalAssumptions, parent));
ignoreTypes.add(new RefType("Integer",null,-1).TYPE(globalAssumptions, parent));
ignoreTypes.add(new RefType("Object",null,-1).TYPE(globalAssumptions, parent));
Menge<Class> basicAssumptionsClassMenge = new Menge<>(); //die Klassen aus den BasicAssumptions und den Importierten Klassen
for(ClassAssumption cAss : ass.getClassAssumptions()){
Type t1 = cAss.getAssumedClass().getType();
Type t2 = cAss.getAssumedClass().getSuperClass();
if(t2 != null){
Pair p = new Pair(t1, t2);
//System.out.println("FCPair: "+p);
if(! t1.equals(t2)){//Um FC_TTO darf kein T <. T stehen.
Type superTypeFromAssumptions = ass.getTypeFor(t2, t2); //In den Assumptions den SuperTyp nachschlagen
if(superTypeFromAssumptions != null && ! ignoreTypes.contains(superTypeFromAssumptions)){//Die Superklasse eines Typs nur anfügen, wenn er auch in den Assumptions vorkommt.
basicAssumptionsClassMenge.add(cAss.getAssumedClass());//Klasse ohne die Superklasse anfügen
//System.out.println("Wurde nicht aufgenommen");
for( int i = 0; i < KlassenVektor.size(); i++ )
Class tempKlasse = KlassenVektor.elementAt(i);
inferencelog.debug("Verarbeite "+tempKlasse.getName(), Section.TYPEINFERENCE);
//TODO: SuperKlasse erstellen, dies sollte am besten beim Konstruktoraufruf von Class geschehen. Diese kann dann mit getSuperClass abgefragt werden.
if( tempKlasse.superclassid != null ) { // Klasse hat Superklasse
Pair P=createPairFromClassAndSuperclass(tempKlasse,tempKlasse.getSuperClass(),tempKlasse.get_ParaList(),tempKlasse.superclassid.get_ParaList(), globalAssumptions);
vFC.add( P );
Iterator<Type> interfaceIterator=tempKlasse.getSuperInterfaces().iterator();
RefType intf=(RefType) interfaceIterator.next();
Pair P=createPairFromClassAndSuperclass(tempKlasse,intf,tempKlasse.get_ParaList(),intf.get_ParaList(),globalAssumptions);
vFC.add( P );
} // Schleifenende durch Klassenvektor
for(int i=0; i<InterfaceVektor.size();i++){
Interface intf= InterfaceVektor.get(i);
Iterator<Type> interfaceIterator=intf.getSuperInterfaces().iterator();
RefType superintf=(RefType) interfaceIterator.next();
Pair P=createPairFromClassAndSuperclass(intf,superintf,intf.getParaList(), superintf.get_ParaList(),globalAssumptions);
vFC.add( P );
Menge tto = (Menge)vFC.clone();
Unify.printMenge( "FC", vFC, 6 );
/* z.B.
Menge FC = {
(Vektor< A >, Vektor< A >),
(Vektor< A >, AbstractList< A >),
(Matrix< A >, Matrix< A >),
(Matrix< A >, Vektor< Vektor< A > >),
(ExMatrix< A >, ExMatrix< A >),
(ExMatrix< A >, Matrix< A >) }
Menge FC = {
(BB< A >, BB< A >),
(BB< A >, CC< A >),
(AA< A, B >, AA< A, B >),
(AA< A, B >, BB< DD< B, A > >) }
// 2. Regel 2 der Huellendefinition "eingeschraenkt" anwenden
// d.h. sinnvolle Substitutionen suchen (nicht alle)
boolean bPaarHinzu = true;
while( bPaarHinzu )
bPaarHinzu = false; //PL 04-12-29 nur wenn hinzugefuegt auf true setzen
// konkret: rechte Seite von FC nach Typkonstruktoren in der Parameterliste durchsuchen
for( int n = 0; n < vFC.size(); n++ )
// Elemente in FC ¯Â¿Â½nnen nur Pair's sein --> Cast ohne Abfrage
Pair PTypKonst = vFC.elementAt(n);
// Parameter des rechten Typausdrucks des betrachteten Paars extrahieren
Menge<Type> vPara = ((RefType)(PTypKonst.TA2)).get_ParaList();
Integer Subst = null; // Substitution
int nSubstStelle = 0;
inferencelog.debug("nSubstStelleStart" + nSubstStelle + " " + n, Section.FINITECLOSURE);
// Parameter durchlaufen und nach Typkonstruktor suchen
// #JB# 17.05.2005
// ###########################################################
// ###########################################################
for( ; nSubstStelle < vPara.size(); nSubstStelle++ )
inferencelog.debug("nSubstStelle" + nSubstStelle, Section.FINITECLOSURE);
if( vPara.elementAt(nSubstStelle) instanceof RefType && ((RefType)vPara.elementAt(nSubstStelle)).get_ParaList() != null )
// Typkonstruktor gefunden -> wird nun als Substitution verwendet
Subst = 1;//new RefType( (RefType)vPara.elementAt(nSubstStelle) ,-1);
inferencelog.debug( "Ausgangstyp:" + ((RefType)PTypKonst.TA2).getName() , Section.FINITECLOSURE);
inferencelog.debug( "RefType = " + ((RefType)vPara.elementAt(nSubstStelle)).getName() , Section.FINITECLOSURE);
break; // Einschraenkung - nur fuer ein RefType wird eine Substitution gesucht
// ###########################################################
// ###########################################################
if( Subst != null )
// Rechter Typ hat einen Typkonstruktor --> sinvolles neues Paar bilden
// d.h. Rechter Typ auf linker Paarseite suchen
// System.out.println("Subststelle = " + nSubstStelle );
for( int t = 0; t < vFC.size(); t++ )
Pair PSuchen = vFC.elementAt(t);
if( ((RefType)(PTypKonst.TA2)).getTypeName().equals( ((RefType)PSuchen.TA1).getTypeName() ) )
inferencelog.debug(" gefundener Typ links: " + ((RefType)(PSuchen.TA1)).getName(), Section.FINITECLOSURE );
inferencelog.debug(" gefundener Typ rechts: " + ((RefType)(PSuchen.TA2)).getName() , Section.FINITECLOSURE);
// Paar gefunden, das als linken Typ den gleichen Typen enth�lt, der als Parameter einen Typkonstruktor hat
// Substitution
//Pair P = new Pair( PSuchen.getTA1Copy( ), PSuchen.getTA2Copy( ) );
//linker Typterm bleibt gleich
//rechter Typterm wird aussen auf den Supertyp gesetzt.
//restliches FC erfolgt ueber die Transitivitaet
//siehe im unteren Teil
Pair P = new Pair( PTypKonst.getTA1Copy( ), PSuchen.getTA2Copy( ) );
// System.out.println(" Subst " + Subst.getName() );
// System.out.println(" Vor: P = " + P.toString() + P.TA1 );
// System.out.println(" Vor: PSuchen = " + PSuchen.toString() + PSuchen.TA1 );
// Parameter, der substituiert wird, sollte TV sein ???
//TypePlaceholder TV = null;
// if( ((RefType)P.TA1).isTV( nSubstStelle ) )
// try
// {
// TV = new TypePlaceholder( ((RefType)P.TA1).getParaN( nSubstStelle ) );
// }
// catch( Exception E )
// {
// continue;
// }
// else
// continue;
//es werden alle Parameter in einem Typeterm, der
//der Argumente hat ersetzt PL 04-12-28
Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type> hts = new Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type>();
//for(int u = nSubstStelle; u < vPara.size(); u++) {
for(int u = 0; u < vPara.size(); u++) {
try {
// #JB# 05.04.2005
// ###########################################################
//TV = new TypePlaceholder( ((RefType)PSuchen.TA1).getParaN(u) );
//System.out.println("TV_Name: " + u + TV.Type2String());
// ###########################################################
inferencelog.debug("Typterm_Name: " + vPara.elementAt(u), Section.FINITECLOSURE);
inferencelog.debug("Typterm_Name: " + ((Type)vPara.elementAt(u)).Type2String(), Section.FINITECLOSURE);
hts.put(new JavaClassName(((RefType)PSuchen.TA1).getParaN(u)), vPara.elementAt(u));
catch( Exception E ) {
inferencelog.error(E.getMessage(), Section.FINITECLOSURE);
//FIXME Throw Exception or Error instead of exiting!
// Subst( P,
// 2,
// TV,
// new RefType( (RefType)vPara.elementAt(u) ),
// false ); // rechte Seite substituieren
//Es genuegt die rechte Seite zu substituieren, da
//die linke Seite ein Typterm ausschlie�lich mit
//Typvariablen ist
//Unify.SubstHashtableGeneric(((RefType)P.TA1), hts); //funktioniert nicht
Unify.SubstHashtableGeneric(((RefType)P.TA2), hts); //funktioniert nicht
// System.out.println(" TV!!!= " + TV.getName() );
//Subst( P, 1, TV, Subst, false ); // linke Seite substituieren
//Subst( P, 2, TV, Subst, false ); // rechte Seite substituieren
// System.out.println(" nach Subst: P = " + P.toString() );
// System.out.println(" Nach: PSuchen = " + PSuchen.toString() );
// System.out.println(" Nach: " + P.toString() );
// Paar einfuegen, falls noch nicht vorhanden
// System.out.println("Paar alt:" + PSuchen.toString() );
// System.out.println("Paar neu:" + P.toString() );
if( !P.isInMenge( vFC ) )
vFC.add( P );
Unify.printMenge( "FC", vFC, 6 );
bPaarHinzu = true;
//PL 04-12-29
// else //unnoetig, da am Anfang bereits false gesetzt
// {
// bPaarHinzu = false;
// }
} // end if: Substitution gefunden???
} // end for: Typkonstruktor suchen
// Transitivitaet berechnen
for( int u = 0; u < vFC.size(); u++ )
Pair PTemp = vFC.elementAt(u);
// falls rechtes Paar = RefType
if( PTemp.TA2 instanceof RefType )
RefType R = (RefType)PTemp.TA2;
// rechte Seite auf linker Seite suchen
for( int e = 0; e < vFC.size(); e++ )
Pair PSuch = vFC.elementAt(e);
// als linke Paarseite theortisch nur RefType's moeglich --> Cast
RefType RSuch = (RefType)PSuch.TA1;
//if( R.getName().equals(RSuch.getName()) )
if (R.is_Equiv(RSuch, new Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type>())) //eingefuegt PL 05-01-07
// Paar einfuegen, falls noch nicht vorhanden
RefType L1 = (RefType)PTemp.getTA1Copy();
RefType L2 = (RefType)PTemp.getTA2Copy();
RefType R1 = (RefType)PSuch.getTA1Copy();
RefType R2 = (RefType)PSuch.getTA2Copy();
//zunaechst Variablen disjunkt machen ANFANG
// #JB# 05.04.2005
// ###########################################################
Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type> substHash1 = new Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type>();
Unify.varSubst(L1, substHash1);
Unify.varSubst(L2, substHash1);
Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type> substHash2 = new Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type>();
Unify.varSubst(R1, substHash2);
Unify.varSubst(R2, substHash2);
// ###########################################################
//zunaechst Variablen disjunkt machen ENDE
//Variablen so umbennen, dass transitiver Abschluss richtige
//Namen hat ANFANG
// #JB# 05.04.2005
// ###########################################################
Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type> h = new Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type>();
L2.Equiv2Equal(R1, h);
Hashtable<JavaClassName,Type> substHash3 = h;
Unify.varSubst(L1, substHash3);
Unify.varSubst(R2, substHash3);
// ###########################################################
//Variablen so umbennen, dass transitiver Abschluss richitge
//Namen hat ENDE
//Pair P = new Pair( (RefType)PTemp.TA1, (RefType)PSuch.TA2 );
Pair P = new Pair(L1, R2);
if( !P.isInMenge( vFC ) )
vFC.add( P );
bPaarHinzu = true;
bPaarHinzu = false;
} // end for: linke Seite suchen
} // end if: Element ist RefType
} // end for: Transitivit�ten berechnen
// 05-01-07
} // Ende WHILE
/* z.B.
Menge nach trans: FC = {
(Vektor< A >, Vektor< A >),
(Vektor< A >, AbstractList< A >),
(Matrix< A >, Matrix< A >),
(Matrix< A >, Vektor< Vektor< A > >),
(ExMatrix< A >, ExMatrix< A >),
(ExMatrix< A >, Matrix< A >),
(Vektor< Vektor< A > >, Vektor< Vektor< A > >),
(Vektor< Vektor< A > >, AbstractList< Vektor< A > >),
(Matrix< A >, AbstractList< Vektor< A > >),
(ExMatrix< A >, Vektor< Vektor< A > >),
(ExMatrix< A >, AbstractList< Vektor< A > >) }
Menge nach trans: FC = {
(BB< A >, BB< A >),
(BB< A >, CC< A >),
(AA< A, B >, AA< A, B >),
(AA< A, B >, BB< DD< B, A > >),
(BB< DD< B, A > >, BB< DD< B, A > >),
(BB< DD< B, A > >, CC< DD< B, A > >),
(AA< A, B >, CC< DD< B, A > >) }
******************************* */
// printMenge( "nach trans: FC", vFC, 6 );
Menge<Class> KlassenVektorunImportierteKlassen = new Menge<>();
FC_TTO fctto = new FC_TTO(vFC, tto, KlassenVektorunImportierteKlassen);
return fctto;
public TypeAssumptions getPublicFieldAssumptions(){
TypeAssumptions publicAssumptions = new TypeAssumptions(null);
//Alle PublicAssumptions der in dieser SourceFile enthaltenen Klassen sammeln:
for(Class klasse : KlassenVektor){
return publicAssumptions;
// TypeReconstructionAlgorithmus
@ -691,24 +237,32 @@ public class SourceFile
typinferenzLog.debug("Von JRE erstellte Assumptions: "+importAssumptions, Section.TYPEINFERENCE);
//FiniteClosure generieren:
FC_TTO finiteClosure = this.makeFC(globalAssumptions);
FiniteClosure finiteClosure = UnifyTypeFactory.generateFC(globalAssumptions);
typinferenzLog.debug("FiniteClosure: \n"+finiteClosure, Section.TYPEINFERENCE);
ConstraintsSet oderConstraints = new ConstraintsSet();
//Alle Constraints der in dieser SourceFile enthaltenen Klassen sammeln:
for(Class klasse : KlassenVektor){
oderConstraints.add(klasse.typeReconstruction(finiteClosure, globalAssumptions));
* Paare in MPairs umwandeln
* (Wird zunächst mal weggelassen. Constraints werden erst beim Unifizieren umgewandelt
//Karthesisches Produkt bilden:
//UnmÃgliche ConstraintsSets aussortieren durch Unifizierung
Unifier unifier = (pairs)->{
Function<Menge<Pair>,Menge<Menge<Pair>>> unifier = (pairs)->{
Menge<Menge<Pair>> retValue = new Menge<>();
retValue = Unify.unify(pairs, finiteClosure);
Set<MPair> convertPairs = UnifyTypeFactory.convert(pairs);
Set<Set<MPair>> unifiedPairs = new Unify().unify(convertPairs, finiteClosure);
return retValue;};
@ -716,17 +270,17 @@ public class SourceFile
typinferenzLog.debug("Übriggebliebene Konstraints:\n"+oderConstraints+"\n", Section.TYPEINFERENCE);
//Die Constraints in Pair's umwandeln (Karthesisches Produkt bilden):
Menge<Menge<Pair>> xConstraints = oderConstraints.cartesianProduct();
Set<Set<Pair>> xConstraints = oderConstraints.cartesianProduct();
typinferenzLog.debug("Karthesisches Produkt der Constraints: "+xConstraints, Section.TYPEINFERENCE);
// Unifizierung der Constraints:
boolean unifyFail = true;
for(Menge<Pair> constraints : xConstraints){
for(Set<Pair> constraints : xConstraints){
//Alle durch das Karthesische Produkt entstandenen glichkeiten durchgehen:
Menge<Menge<Pair>> result = new Menge<Menge<Pair>>();
@ -741,7 +295,7 @@ public class SourceFile
//Erst die Unifizierung erstellen:
Menge<Pair> constraintsClone = (Menge<Pair>)constraints.clone();
Menge<MPair> constraintsClone = (Menge<MPair>)constraints.clone();
//IDEE: Man bildet Zusammenhangskomponenten von Paaren, die gemeinsame Variablen haben
// und unifizert nur die Zusammenhangskomponenten in Schritten 1 - 5
@ -762,17 +316,17 @@ public class SourceFile
//Schritt 3: Umwandlung der Indizes in die zugehoerigen Elemente
// In streamconstraintsclone sind die Mengen von Paar enthalten die unifiziert werden muessen
Stream<Menge<Pair>> streamconstraintsclone = indexeset.stream().map(x -> x.stream()
Stream<Menge<MPair>> streamconstraintsclone = indexeset.stream().map(x -> x.stream()
.map(i -> constraintsClone.elementAt(i))
.<Menge<Pair>>collect(Menge::new, Menge::add, Menge::addAll));
.<Menge<MPair>>collect(Menge::new, Menge::add, Menge::addAll));
//Menge<Menge<Pair>> vecconstraintsclone = streamconstraintsclone.collect(Menge::new, Menge::add, Menge::addAll);
//Schritt 4: Unifikation
Menge<Menge<Menge<Pair>>> vecunifyResult =
Set<Set<Set<MPair>>> vecunifyResult =
//streamconstraintsclone.map(x -> Unify.unify(x, finiteClosure)).collect(Menge::new, Menge::add, Menge::addAll);
streamconstraintsclone.map(x ->
{ Menge<Menge<Pair>> z = Unify.unify(x, finiteClosure);
{ Set<Set<MPair>> z = new Unify().unify(x, finiteClosure);
return z;
).collect(Menge::new, Menge::add, Menge::addAll);
@ -785,19 +339,19 @@ public class SourceFile
//Schritt 5: Bildung des cartesischen Produkts
//sollte wieder entfernt werden: Weiterarbeit mit:
//[[x_1 -> t_1, x_2 -> t2], [x_1 -> t'_1, x_2 -> t'_2]] x ... x [[x_n -> t_1n], [x_n -> t2n], [x_n -> t3n]]
Menge<Menge<Pair>> cardprodret_start = new Menge<>();
Set<Set<Pair>> cardprodret_start = new Menge<>();
cardprodret_start.add(new Menge<Pair>());
//cart. Produkt mit Linkverschiebung
Menge<Menge<Pair>> unifyResult = vecunifyResult.stream().reduce(cardprodret_start, (x, y) -> {
Menge<Menge<Pair>> cardprodret= new Menge<>();
Set<Set<Pair>> unifyResult = vecunifyResult.stream().reduce(cardprodret_start, (x, y) -> {
Set<Set<Pair>> cardprodret= new Menge<>();
if (y.size() > 0) {
//Menge<Menge<Pair>> cardprodretold = x;
//cardprodret = new Menge<>();
for(int j = 0; j < x.size(); j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < y.size(); k++){
Menge<Pair> help = new Menge<>();
Set<Pair> help = new Menge<>();

@ -11,7 +11,11 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.SuperWildcardType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Type;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.TypePlaceholder;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.WildcardType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.KomplexeMenge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.OderMenge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Pair;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.UndMenge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.assumptions.ClassAssumption;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.assumptions.TypeAssumptions;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.ExtendsType;
@ -24,7 +28,7 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.TypeParams;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.UnifyType;
public class UnifyTypeFactory {
public static FiniteClosure generateFC(TypeAssumptions fromAss){
HashSet<MPair> pairs = new HashSet<>();
for(ClassAssumption cAss : fromAss.getClassAssumptions()){
@ -44,7 +48,7 @@ public class UnifyTypeFactory {
public static UnifyType convert(Type t){
//Es wurde versucht ein Typ umzuwandeln, welcher noch nicht von der Factory abgedeckt ist
if(t instanceof GenericTypeVar){
if(t instanceof GenericTypeVar){ //WTF ?
return UnifyTypeFactory.convert((GenericTypeVar)t);
System.out.println("Der Typ "+t+" kann nicht umgewandelt werden");
@ -80,4 +84,12 @@ public class UnifyTypeFactory {
public static UnifyType convert(GenericTypeVar t){
return new SimpleType(t.get_Name());
public static UndMenge<MPair> convert(UndMenge<Pair> constraints) {
return null;
public static OderMenge<MPair> convert(OderMenge<Pair> constraints) {
return null;

@ -22,10 +22,6 @@ public class Unify_FC_TTO_Builder {
fc.add(new Pair(t1, t2));
public FC_TTO Get_FC_TTO() {
return new FC_TTO(fc, (Menge<?>) fc.clone(), classes);
public void clear() {
fc = new Menge<Pair>();
classes = new Menge<Class>();

@ -29,8 +29,6 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.TypeinferenceResultSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.TypeinferenceResults;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.assumptions.TypeAssumptions;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.exceptions.TypeinferenceException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.CSubstitutionGenVar;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.CSubstitutionSet;
@ -182,41 +180,6 @@ public class RefType extends ObjectType implements IMatchable
return name + "<"+para + " >" ;
// ino.end
* Wandelt die Parameter des RefTypes in TPHs um, sofern es sich um Generische Variablen handelt.
* @return
// ino.method.GenericTypeVar2TypePlaceholder.26652.definition
public CSubstitutionSet GenericTypeVar2TypePlaceholder ()
// ino.end
// ino.method.GenericTypeVar2TypePlaceholder.26652.body
//throw new NotImplementedException();
CSubstitutionSet sub = new CSubstitutionSet();
if(parameter != null)
for (int i = 0; i < parameter.size(); i++)
if (parameter.elementAt(i) instanceof GenericTypeVar)
TypePlaceholder tlv = TypePlaceholder.fresh(null);
sub.addElement(new CSubstitutionGenVar((GenericTypeVar)parameter.elementAt(i), tlv));
parameter.set(i, tlv);
if (parameter.elementAt(i) instanceof RefType)
CSubstitutionSet parasub = ((RefType)parameter.elementAt(i)).GenericTypeVar2TypePlaceholder();
sub.addAll(parasub); //korrigiert PL 07=07=29
return sub;
// ino.end
* Wandelt die Parameter des RefTypes in TPHs um, sofern es sich um Generische Variablen handelt.

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.logger.Logger;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.logger.*;
@ -57,12 +58,12 @@ public class ConstraintsSet extends UndMenge<Pair> implements Iterable<OderConst
Menge<Pair> undConstraintsUndPairs = new Menge<>();
Set<Pair> undConstraintsUndPairs = new Menge<>();
log.debug("Versuche Pairs auszusondern:\n"+pairs, Section.TYPEINFERENCE);
log.debug("Unifiziere:\n"+undConstraintsUndPairs, Section.TYPEINFERENCE);
Menge<Menge<Pair>> unifyResult = unifier.apply(undConstraintsUndPairs);
Set<Set<Pair>> unifyResult = unifier.apply(undConstraintsUndPairs);
return unifyResult;

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference;
import java.util.Set;
public interface KomplexeMenge<A>{
Menge<? extends KomplexeMenge<A>> getSet();
Menge<Menge<A>> cartesianProduct();
Set<? extends KomplexeMenge<A>> getSet();
Set<Set<A>> cartesianProduct();

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.logger.Logger;
@ -10,7 +11,7 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.TypePlaceholder;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.Unifier;
public class OderConstraint extends OderMenge<Pair>{
private Menge<UndConstraint> oderConstraintPairs;
private Set<UndConstraint> oderConstraintPairs;
private final static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(OderConstraint.class.getName());
@ -70,7 +71,7 @@ public class OderConstraint extends OderMenge<Pair>{
return ret+"]";
public Vector<UndConstraint> getUndConstraints() {
public Set<UndConstraint> getUndConstraints() {
return this.oderConstraintPairs;
Vector<UndConstraint> ret = new Vector<UndConstraint>();
@ -91,9 +92,9 @@ public class OderConstraint extends OderMenge<Pair>{
* @param unifier - Wird für die Unifizierung benutzt
void filterWrongConstraints(Unifier unifier) {
Menge<UndConstraint> filteredConstraints = new Menge<>();
Set<UndConstraint> filteredConstraints = new Menge<>();
for(UndConstraint cons : this.getUndConstraints()){
Menge<Menge<Pair>> unifierResult = unifier.apply(cons.getConstraintPairs());
Set<Set<Pair>> unifierResult = unifier.apply(cons.getConstraintPairs());
@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ public class OderConstraint extends OderMenge<Pair>{
public Menge<? extends KomplexeMenge<Pair>> getSet() {
public Set<? extends KomplexeMenge<Pair>> getSet() {
return this.oderConstraintPairs;

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.logger.Logger;
@ -13,11 +14,11 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.Unifier;
public abstract class OderMenge<A> implements KomplexeMenge<A>{
public abstract Menge<? extends KomplexeMenge<A>> getSet();
public abstract Set<? extends KomplexeMenge<A>> getSet();
public Menge<Menge<A>> cartesianProduct() {
Menge<Menge<A>> ret = new Menge<>();
public Set<Set<A>> cartesianProduct() {
Set<Set<A>> ret = new Menge<>();
for(KomplexeMenge<A> km : this.getSet()){

@ -3,24 +3,25 @@ package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.Unify;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
//import com.rits.cloning.Cloner;
public abstract class UndMenge<A extends DeepCloneable> implements KomplexeMenge<A>{
public abstract class UndMenge<A> implements KomplexeMenge<A>{
public abstract Menge<? extends KomplexeMenge<A>> getSet();
public Menge<Menge<A>> cartesianProduct() {
Menge<Menge<A>> ret = null;
public Set<Set<A>> cartesianProduct() {
Set<Set<A>> ret = null;
//Cloner cloner = new Cloner();
for(KomplexeMenge<A> km : this.getSet()){
if(ret == null){
ret = km.cartesianProduct();
Menge<Menge<A>> cartesianProduct = new Menge<>();
for(Menge<A> r : ret)for(Menge<A> m : km.cartesianProduct()){ //¼r jedes Element aus dem Karthesischen Produkt:
Menge<A> undElement = new Menge<A>();
Set<Set<A>> cartesianProduct = new Menge<>();
for(Set<A> r : ret)for(Set<A> m : km.cartesianProduct()){ //¼r jedes Element aus dem Karthesischen Produkt:
Set<A> undElement = new Menge<A>();
@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ public abstract class UndMenge<A extends DeepCloneable> implements KomplexeMenge
ret = cartesianProduct;
if(ret == null)return new Menge<Menge<A>>();
if(ret == null)return new Menge<>();
return ret;

@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
// ino.module.CSet.8698.package
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
// ino.end
// ino.module.CSet.8698.import
import java.util.Iterator;
// ino.end
// ino.class.CSet.27435.description type=javadoc
* @author Jrg Buerle
* @version $date
// ino.end
// ino.class.CSet.27435.declaration
public abstract class CSet<E> implements Iterable<E>
// ino.end
// ino.class.CSet.27435.body
// ino.method.addElement.27438.declaration
public abstract void addElement(E element);
// ino.end
// ino.method.removeElement.27441.declaration
public abstract void removeElement(E element);
// ino.end
// ino.method.unite.27444.declaration
public abstract void unite(CSet<E> anotherSet);
// ino.end
// ino.method.subtract.27447.declaration
public abstract void subtract(CSet<E> anotherSet);
// ino.end
// ino.method.shallowCopy.27450.declaration
public abstract CSet<E> shallowCopy();
// ino.end
// ino.method.deepCopy.27453.declaration
public abstract CSet<E> deepCopy();
// ino.end
// ino.method.contains.27456.declaration
public abstract boolean contains(E element);
// ino.end
// ino.method.getCardinality.27459.declaration
public abstract int getCardinality();
// ino.end
// ino.method.getIterator.27462.declaration
public abstract Iterator<E> getIterator();
// ino.end
// ino.method.equals.27465.declaration
public abstract boolean equals(Object obj);
// ino.end
// ino.method.toString.27468.definition
public String toString()
// ino.end
// ino.method.toString.27468.body
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
sb.append("Set {\n");
Iterator<E> it = this.getIterator();
sb.delete(sb.length()-2, sb.length()-1);
return sb.toString();
// ino.end
// ino.end

@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
// ino.module.CSubstitution.8685.package
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
// ino.end
// ino.module.CSubstitution.8685.import
import java.util.Iterator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.logger.Logger;
// ino.end
import de.dhbwstuttgart.myexception.CTypeReconstructionException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.GenericTypeVar;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.RefType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Type;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.TypePlaceholder;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Pair;
// ino.class.CSubstitution.27003.description type=javadoc
* Implementierung einer Typsubstitution. Bildet eine zu ersetzende
* <code>TypePlaceholder</code> auf einen Substitutions-Typ ab. Instanzen dieser
* Klasse werden in der Regel aus
* <code>Pair</code>-Objekten erzeugt.
* @author ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle
* @version $Date: 2006/07/10 11:27:04 $
// ino.end
// ino.class.CSubstitution.27003.declaration
public class CSubstitution
// ino.end
// ino.class.CSubstitution.27003.body
// ino.attribute.m_TypeVar.27006.declaration
private TypePlaceholder m_TypeVar = null;
// ino.end
// ino.attribute.m_Type.27009.declaration
protected Type m_Type = null;
// ino.end
// ino.attribute.inferencelog.27012.declaration
protected static Logger inferencelog = Logger.getLogger("inference");
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitution.27015.definition
public CSubstitution()
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitution.27015.body
this(null, null);
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitution.27018.definition
public CSubstitution(TypePlaceholder typeVar, Type type)
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitution.27018.body
m_TypeVar = typeVar;
m_Type = type;
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitution.27021.definition
public CSubstitution(Pair unifier)
throws CTypeReconstructionException
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitution.27021.body
if(!(unifier.TA1 instanceof TypePlaceholder)){
throw new CTypeReconstructionException("Unifier enth�lt keinen Typeplaceholder",unifier.TA1);
m_TypeVar = (TypePlaceholder)unifier.TA1;
m_Type = unifier.TA2;
// ino.end
// ino.method.getType.27024.defdescription type=javadoc
* Author: ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle<br/>
* @return Returns the Type.
// ino.end
// ino.method.getType.27024.definition
public Type getType()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getType.27024.body
return m_Type;
// ino.end
// ino.method.setType.27027.defdescription type=javadoc
* Author: ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle<br/>
* @param type The Type to set.
// ino.end
// ino.method.setType.27027.definition
public void setType(Type type)
// ino.end
// ino.method.setType.27027.body
m_Type = type;
// ino.end
// ino.method.getTypeVar.27030.defdescription type=javadoc
* Author: ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle<br/>
* @return Returns the TypeVar.
// ino.end
// ino.method.getTypeVar.27030.definition
public Type getTypeVar()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getTypeVar.27030.body
return this.m_TypeVar;
// ino.end
// ino.method.setTypeVar.27033.defdescription type=javadoc
* Author: ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle<br/>
* @param typeVar The TypeVar to set.
// ino.end
// ino.method.setTypeVar.27033.definition
public void setTypeVar(TypePlaceholder typeVar)
// ino.end
// ino.method.setTypeVar.27033.body
m_TypeVar = typeVar;
// ino.end
// ino.method.equals.27036.definition
public boolean equals(Object obj)
// ino.end
// ino.method.equals.27036.body
if(obj instanceof CSubstitution){
CSubstitution sub = (CSubstitution)obj;
boolean ret = true;
ret &= (m_TypeVar.equals(sub.m_TypeVar));
ret &= (m_Type.equals(sub.m_Type));
return ret;
return false;
// ino.end
// ino.method.toString.27039.definition
public String toString()
// ino.end
// ino.method.toString.27039.body
//return m_TypeVar.getName() +" --> "+m_Type.getName();
return m_TypeVar.toString() +" --> "+m_Type.toString();
// ino.end
// ino.method.clone.27042.definition
public CSubstitution clone()
// ino.end
// ino.method.clone.27042.body
CSubstitution copy = new CSubstitution(m_TypeVar.clone(), m_Type.clone());
return copy;
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyUnifier.27048.defdescription type=javadoc
* Wendet den Unifier auf die rechte Seite dieser Substitution an.
* <br/>Author: ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle
* @param unifier
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyUnifier.27048.definition
public void applyUnifier(CSubstitutionSet unifier)
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyUnifier.27048.body
Iterator pairIt = unifier.getIterator();
CSubstitution subst = (CSubstitution)pairIt.next();
//korrigiert PL 05-07-31 das erste duerfte doch richtig sein.
//subst.setType(this.applySubstitution(subst.getType(), subst));
this.setType(this.applySubstitution(this.getType(), subst));
// ino.end
// ino.method.applySubstitution.27051.defdescription type=javadoc
* Wendet die �bergebene Substitution rekursiv auf den �bergebenen Typ an.
* <br/>Author: ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle
* @param type Der zu untersuchende Typ
* @param unifierSub Die anzuwendende Substitution
* @return Den ermittelnden Typ
// ino.end
// ino.method.applySubstitution.27051.definition
private Type applySubstitution(Type type, CSubstitution unifierSub)
// ino.end
// ino.method.applySubstitution.27051.body
if(type instanceof TypePlaceholder){
return unifierSub.getType();
else if(type instanceof GenericTypeVar){
return unifierSub.getType();
else if(type instanceof RefType){
Menge<Type> paras = ((RefType)type).get_ParaList();
if(paras != null){
for(int i=0; i<paras.size(); i++){
paras.setElementAt(this.applySubstitution((Type)paras.elementAt(i), unifierSub), i);
return type;
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyThisSubstitution.27054.definition
public Type applyThisSubstitution(Type type)
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyThisSubstitution.27054.body
return applySubstitution(type, this);
// ino.end
// ino.end

@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
// ino.module.CSubstitutionGenVar.8686.package
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.GenericTypeVar;
// ino.end
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Type;
// ino.class.CSubstitutionGenVar.27057.description type=javadoc
* Implementierung einer Typsubstitution der GenVar. Bildet eine zu ersetzende
* <code>TypePlaceholder</code> auf einen Substitutions-Typ ab. Instanzen dieser
* Klasse werden in der Regel aus
* <code>Pair</code>-Objekten erzeugt.
* @author Martin Pl�micke
* @version $Date: 2006/06/13 10:37:32 $
// ino.end
// ino.class.CSubstitutionGenVar.27057.declaration
public class CSubstitutionGenVar extends CSubstitution
// ino.end
// ino.class.CSubstitutionGenVar.27057.body
// ino.attribute.m_TypeVar.27061.declaration
private GenericTypeVar m_TypeVar = null;
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitutionGenVar.27064.definition
public CSubstitutionGenVar()
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitutionGenVar.27064.body
this(null, null);
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitutionGenVar.27067.definition
public CSubstitutionGenVar(GenericTypeVar typeVar, Type type)
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitutionGenVar.27067.body
m_TypeVar = typeVar;
m_Type = type;
// ino.end
// ino.method.getTypeVar.27070.defdescription type=javadoc
* Author: ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle<br/>
* @return Returns the TypeVar.
// ino.end
// ino.method.getTypeVar.27070.definition
public Type getTypeVar()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getTypeVar.27070.body
return this.m_TypeVar;
// ino.end
// ino.method.toString.27073.definition
public String toString()
// ino.end
// ino.method.toString.27073.body
return this.m_TypeVar.getName() +" --> "+this.m_Type.getName();
// ino.end
// ino.end

@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
// ino.module.CSubstitutionSet.8699.package
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
// ino.end
// ino.module.CSubstitutionSet.8699.import
import java.util.Iterator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.myexception.CTypeReconstructionException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Type;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Pair;
// ino.class.CSubstitutionSet.27471.description type=javadoc
* @author ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle
* @version $Date: 2013/03/27 18:29:34 $
// ino.end
// ino.class.CSubstitutionSet.27471.declaration
public class CSubstitutionSet extends CVectorSet<CSubstitution>
// ino.end
// ino.class.CSubstitutionSet.27471.body
// ino.method.CSubstitutionSet.27475.definition
public CSubstitutionSet()
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitutionSet.27475.body
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitutionSet.27478.definition
public CSubstitutionSet(Menge<Pair> unifiers)
throws CTypeReconstructionException
// ino.end
// ino.method.CSubstitutionSet.27478.body
for(int i=0; i<unifiers.size(); i++){
this.addElement(new CSubstitution(unifiers.elementAt(i)));
// ino.end
// ino.method.shallowCopy.27481.definition
public CSubstitutionSet shallowCopy()
// ino.end
// ino.method.shallowCopy.27481.body
CSubstitutionSet copy = new CSubstitutionSet();
return copy;
// ino.end
// ino.method.deepCopy.27484.definition
public CSubstitutionSet deepCopy()
// ino.end
// ino.method.deepCopy.27484.body
CSubstitutionSet copy = new CSubstitutionSet();
Iterator<CSubstitution> substIter = this.getIterator();
return copy;
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyUnifier.27487.defdescription type=javadoc
* Wendet den Unifier auf die rechten Seiten alle Substitutionen an.
* <br/>Author: ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle
* @param unifier
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyUnifier.27487.definition
public void applyUnifier(CSubstitutionSet unifier)
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyUnifier.27487.body
Iterator<CSubstitution> substIt = this.getIterator();
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyThisSubstitutionSet.27490.definition
public Type applyThisSubstitutionSet(Type type)
// ino.end
// ino.method.applyThisSubstitutionSet.27490.body
Iterator<CSubstitution> substIt = this.getIterator();
Type ty = type;
while(substIt.hasNext()) {
ty = substIt.next().applyThisSubstitution(ty);
return ty;
// ino.end
public Iterator<CSubstitution> iterator() {
return this.getIterator();
// ino.end

@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
// ino.module.CMengeSet.8702.package
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
// ino.end
// ino.module.CMengeSet.8702.import
import java.util.Iterator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
// ino.end
// ino.class.CMengeSet.27519.description type=javadoc
* @author ¯Â¿Â½rg ¯Â¿Â½uerle
* @version $Date: 2013/02/07 05:08:51 $
// ino.end
// ino.class.CMengeSet.27519.declaration
public abstract class CVectorSet<E> extends CSet<E>
// ino.end
// ino.class.CMengeSet.27519.body
// ino.attribute.m_Elements.27523.declaration
private Menge<E> m_Elements = null;
// ino.end
// ino.method.CMengeSet.27526.definition
public CVectorSet()
// ino.end
// ino.method.CMengeSet.27526.body
m_Elements = new Menge<E>();
// ino.end
// ino.method.addElement.27529.definition
public void addElement(E element)
// ino.end
// ino.method.addElement.27529.body
// ino.end
// ino.method.removeElement.27532.definition
public void removeElement(E element)
// ino.end
// ino.method.removeElement.27532.body
// ino.end
public void addAll( CVectorSet<E> set )
for( int i=0;i<set.getCardinality(); i++ ){
// ino.method.getIterator.27535.definition
public Iterator<E> getIterator()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getIterator.27535.body
return m_Elements.iterator();
// ino.end
// ino.method.getMenge.27538.definition
public Menge<E> getMenge()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getMenge.27538.body
return m_Elements;
// ino.end
// ino.method.setMenge.27541.definition
public void setMenge(Menge<E> elements)
// ino.end
// ino.method.setMenge.27541.body
m_Elements = elements;
// ino.end
* ¼gt ein CMengeSet an!
* Es handelt sich um eine Vereinigung (es werden keine bereits vorhandenen Elemente übernommen)
* @param anotherSet Das hinzuzufügende CMengeSet (CSet wird ignoriert)
// ino.method.unite.27544.definition
public void unite(CSet<E> anotherSet)
// ino.end
// ino.method.unite.27544.body
if(!(anotherSet instanceof CVectorSet)){
CVectorSet<E> MengeSet = (CVectorSet<E>)anotherSet;
// Elemente der anderen Menge hinzuf�gen:
Iterator<E> it = MengeSet.getIterator();
E elem = it.next();
// ino.end
// ino.method.subtract.27547.definition
public void subtract(CSet<E> anotherSet)
// ino.end
// ino.method.subtract.27547.body
if(!(anotherSet instanceof CVectorSet)){
CVectorSet<E> MengeSet = (CVectorSet<E>)anotherSet;
// Elemente der anderen Menge entfernen:
// ino.end
// ino.method.contains.27550.definition
public boolean contains(E element)
// ino.end
// ino.method.contains.27550.body
return m_Elements.contains(element);
// ino.end
// ino.method.equals.27553.definition
public boolean equals(Object obj)
// ino.end
// ino.method.equals.27553.body
if(obj instanceof CVectorSet){
CVectorSet tripSet= (CVectorSet)obj;
boolean ret = true;
ret &= (m_Elements.containsAll(tripSet.m_Elements));
ret &= (tripSet.m_Elements.containsAll(m_Elements));
return ret;
return false;
// ino.end
// ino.method.getCardinality.27556.definition
public int getCardinality()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getCardinality.27556.body
return m_Elements.size();
// ino.end
// ino.end

@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
// ino.module.FC_TTO.8719.package
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
// ino.end
// ino.module.FC_TTO.8719.import
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.Class;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Pair;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.assumptions.TypeAssumptions;
// ino.class.FC_TTO.28013.description type=javadoc
* Hilfsklasse ¯Â¿Â½r den Unifizierungsalgorithmus
* @author Martin Pl�micke
* @version $Date: 2013/05/12 14:00:05 $
// ino.end
// ino.class.FC_TTO.28013.declaration
public class FC_TTO
// ino.end
// ino.class.FC_TTO.28013.body
// ino.attribute.FC.28016.declaration
Menge<Pair> FC;
// ino.end
// ino.attribute.TTO.28019.declaration
Menge TTO;
// ino.end
Menge<Class> CLASSVEC;
// ino.method.FC_TTO.28022.definition
public FC_TTO(Menge<Pair> fc, Menge tto, Menge<Class> classv)
// ino.end
// ino.method.FC_TTO.28022.body
this.FC = fc;
this.TTO = tto;
this.CLASSVEC = classv;
// ino.end
// ino.method.getFC.28025.definition
public Menge<Pair> getFC()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getFC.28025.body
return FC;
// ino.end
// ino.method.getTTO.28028.definition
public Menge getTTO()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getTTO.28028.body
return TTO;
// ino.end
public Menge<Class> getClasses()
return CLASSVEC;
public String toString(){
return "FC: "+getFC()+"\nTTO: "+getTTO()+"\nCLASSVEC: "+getClasses();
public void generateFullyNamedTypes(TypeAssumptions ass) {
for(Pair p : this.FC){
p.TA1 = p.TA1.TYPE(ass, p.TA1.getParent());//ass.getTypeFor(p.TA1, p.TA1.getParent()).getType();
p.TA2 = p.TA2.TYPE(ass, p.TA2.getParent());//ass.getTypeFor(p.TA2, p.TA2.getParent()).getType();
// ino.end

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unifynew;
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
// ino.module.MUB.8720.package
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
// ino.end
// ino.module.MUB.8720.import
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Type;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Pair;
// ino.class.MUB.28031.declaration
public class MUB
// ino.end
// ino.class.MUB.28031.body
// ino.attribute.Mub.28034.declaration
Menge<? extends Type> Mub;
// ino.end
// ino.attribute.sigma.28037.declaration
Menge<Pair> sigma;
// ino.end
// ino.method.MUB.28040.definition
MUB(Menge<? extends Type> M, Menge<Pair> s)
// ino.end
// ino.method.MUB.28040.body
Mub = M;
sigma = s;
// ino.end
// ino.method.getUnifier.28043.definition
public Menge<Pair> getUnifier()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getUnifier.28043.body
return sigma;
// ino.end
// ino.method.getMub.28046.definition
public Menge<? extends Type> getMub()
// ino.end
// ino.method.getMub.28046.body
return Mub;
// ino.end
// ino.end

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unifynew;
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unifynew;
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.ConstraintsSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Pair;
public class ParallelUnify {
public ParallelUnify(ConstraintsSet constraints){
private CartesianProduct parallelCartProd(){
return null;
private UnifyResult parallelUnify(Menge<Pair> pairs, FC_TTO fc){
UnifyResult ret = new UnifyResult();
return ret;
public UnifyResult unify(){
UnifyResult ret = new UnifyResult();
return ret;
class ParallelConstraintSet extends ConstraintsSet{
Stream parallelGetConstraints(){
return null;
class UnifyResult{
class CartesianProduct{

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unifynew;
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Pair;
public interface Unifier {
public Menge<Menge<Pair>> apply (Menge<Pair> E);

src/de/dhbwstuttgart/typeinference/unify/Unify.java Executable file → Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.MartelliMontanariUnify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IFiniteClosure;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IUnify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair.PairOperator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unifynew.MartelliMontanariUnify;
public class FiniteClosure implements IFiniteClosure {

@ -1,480 +0,0 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unifynew;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Menge;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.Pair;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.exceptions.NotImplementedException;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IFiniteClosure;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IRuleSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.ISetOperations;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IUnify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.ExtendsType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.PlaceholderType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.SuperType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.UnifyType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair.PairOperator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.TypeParams;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.Unifier;
* Implementation of the type unification algorithm
* @author Florian Steurer
public class Unify {
public Set<Set<MPair>> unify(Set<MPair> eq, IFiniteClosure fc) {
* Step 1: Repeated application of reduce, adapt, erase, swap
Set<MPair> eq0 = applyTypeUnificationRules(eq, fc);
* Step 2 and 3: Create a subset eq1s of pairs where both sides are TPH and eq2s of the other pairs
Set<MPair> eq1s = new HashSet<>();
Set<MPair> eq2s = new HashSet<>();
splitEq(eq0, eq1s, eq2s);
* Step 4: Create possible typings
* "Manche Autoren identifizieren die Paare (a, (b,c)) und ((a,b),c)
* mit dem geordneten Tripel (a,b,c), wodurch das kartesische Produkt auch assoziativ wird." - Wikipedia
// There are up to 10 toplevel set. 8 of 10 are the result of the
// cartesian product of the sets created by pattern matching.
List<Set<Set<MPair>>> topLevelSets = new ArrayList<>();
if(eq1s.size() != 0) {
Set<Set<MPair>> wrap = new HashSet<>();
topLevelSets.add(wrap); // Add Eq1'
// Add the set of [a =. Theta | (a=. Theta) in Eq2']
Set<MPair> bufferSet = eq2s.stream()
.filter(x -> x.getPairOp() == PairOperator.EQUALSDOT && x.getLhsType() instanceof PlaceholderType)
if(bufferSet.size() != 0) {
Set<Set<MPair>> wrap = new HashSet<>();
// Sets that originate from pair pattern matching
// Sets of the "second level"
Set<Set<Set<MPair>>> secondLevelSets = calculatePairSets(eq2s, fc);
/* Up to here, no cartesian products are calculated.
* filters for pairs and sets can be applied here */
ISetOperations setOps = new GuavaSetOperations();
// Sub cartesian products of the second level (pattern matched) sets
for(Set<Set<MPair>> secondLevelSet : secondLevelSets) {
List<Set<MPair>> secondLevelSetList = new ArrayList<>(secondLevelSet);
.stream().map(x -> new HashSet<>(x))
// Cartesian product over all (up to 10) top level sets
Set<Set<Set<MPair>>> eqPrimeSet = setOps.cartesianProduct(topLevelSets)
.stream().map(x -> new HashSet<>(x))
* Step 5: Substitution
* TODO hier das ergebnis schonh flach machen? (wird im unify old (glaub ich) so gemacht)
Set<Set<MPair>> eqPrimeSetFlat = new HashSet<>();
for(Set<Set<MPair>> setToFlatten : eqPrimeSet) {
Set<MPair> buffer = new HashSet<>();
setToFlatten.stream().forEach(x -> buffer.addAll(x));
IRuleSet rules = new RuleSet(fc);
Set<Set<MPair>> changed = new HashSet<>();
Set<Set<MPair>> eqPrimePrimeSet = new HashSet<>();
for(Set<MPair> eqPrime : eqPrimeSetFlat) {
Optional<Set<MPair>> eqPrimePrime = rules.subst(eqPrime);
* Step 6 a) Restart for pairs where subst was applied
* b) Build the union over everything
for(Set<MPair> eqss : changed) {
eqPrimePrimeSet.addAll(this.unify(eqss, fc));
* Step 7: Filter result for solved pairs
return eqPrimePrimeSet;
protected Set<MPair> applyTypeUnificationRules(Set<MPair> eq, IFiniteClosure fc) {
* Rule Application Strategy:
* 1. Swap all pairs and erase all erasable pairs
* 2. Apply all possible rules to a single pair, then move it to the result set.
* Iterating over pairs first, then iterating over rules prevents the application
* of rules to a "finished" pair over and over.
* 2.1 Apply all rules repeatedly except for erase rules. If
* the application of a rule creates new pairs, check immediately
* against the erase rules.
LinkedHashSet<MPair> targetSet = new LinkedHashSet<MPair>();
LinkedList<MPair> eqQueue = new LinkedList<>();
IRuleSet rules = new RuleSet(fc);
* Swap all pairs and erase all erasable pairs
eq.forEach(x -> swapAddOrErase(x, rules, eqQueue));
* Apply rules until the queue is empty
while(!eqQueue.isEmpty()) {
MPair pair = eqQueue.pollFirst();
// ReduceUp, ReduceLow, ReduceUpLow
Optional<MPair> opt = rules.reduceUpLow(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceLow(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.reduceUp(pair);
// One of the rules has been applied
if(opt.isPresent()) {
swapAddOrErase(opt.get(), rules, eqQueue);
// Reduce1, Reduce2, ReduceExt, ReduceSup, ReduceEq
Optional<Set<MPair>> optSet = rules.reduce1(pair);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduce2(pair);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduceExt(pair);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduceSup(pair);
optSet = optSet.isPresent() ? optSet : rules.reduceEq(pair);
// One of the rules has been applied
if(optSet.isPresent()) {
optSet.get().forEach(x -> swapAddOrErase(x, rules, eqQueue));
// Adapt, AdaptExt, AdaptSup
opt = rules.adapt(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.adaptExt(pair);
opt = opt.isPresent() ? opt : rules.adaptSup(pair);
// One of the rules has been applied
if(opt.isPresent()) {
swapAddOrErase(opt.get(), rules, eqQueue);
// None of the rules has been applied
return targetSet;
protected void swapAddOrErase(MPair pair, IRuleSet rules, Collection<MPair> collection) {
Optional<MPair> opt = rules.swap(pair);
MPair pair2 = opt.isPresent() ? opt.get() : pair;
if(rules.erase1(pair2) || rules.erase3(pair2) || rules.erase2(pair2))
protected void splitEq(Set<MPair> eq, Set<MPair> eq1s, Set<MPair> eq2s) {
for(MPair pair : eq)
if(pair.getLhsType() instanceof PlaceholderType && pair.getRhsType() instanceof PlaceholderType)
protected Set<Set<Set<MPair>>> calculatePairSets(Set<MPair> eq2s, IFiniteClosure fc) {
List<Set<Set<MPair>>> result = new ArrayList<>();
// Init all 8 cases
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
result.add(new HashSet<>());
for(MPair pair : eq2s) {
PairOperator pairOp = pair.getPairOp();
UnifyType lhsType = pair.getLhsType();
UnifyType rhsType = pair.getRhsType();
// Case 1: (a <. Theta')
if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOT && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.get(0).add(unifyCase1((PlaceholderType) pair.getLhsType(), pair.getRhsType(), fc));
// Case 2: (a <.? ? ext Theta')
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType && rhsType instanceof ExtendsType)
result.get(1).add(unifyCase2((PlaceholderType) pair.getLhsType(), (ExtendsType) pair.getRhsType(), fc));
// Case 3: (a <.? ? sup Theta')
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType && rhsType instanceof SuperType)
result.get(2).add(unifyCase3((PlaceholderType) lhsType, (SuperType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 4: (a <.? Theta')
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.get(3).add(unifyCase4((PlaceholderType) lhsType, rhsType, fc));
// Case 5: (Theta <. a)
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOT && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.get(4).add(unifyCase5(lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 6: (? ext Theta <.? a)
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof ExtendsType && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.get(5).add(unifyCase6((ExtendsType) lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 7: (? sup Theta <.? a)
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && lhsType instanceof SuperType && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.get(6).add(unifyCase7((SuperType) lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
// Case 8: (Theta <.? a)
else if(pairOp == PairOperator.SMALLERDOTWC && rhsType instanceof PlaceholderType)
result.get(7).add(unifyCase8(lhsType, (PlaceholderType) rhsType, fc));
return result.stream().filter(x -> x.size() > 0).collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
protected Set<MPair> unifyCase1(PlaceholderType a, UnifyType thetaPrime, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
IUnify unify = new MartelliMontanariUnify();
Set<UnifyType> cs = fc.getAllTypesByName(thetaPrime.getName());
for(UnifyType c : cs) {
// Wenn die fc nach spezifikation funktioniert ist das hier nicht mehr nötig?
Set<UnifyType> thetaQs = fc.smaller(c).stream().filter(x -> x.getTypeParams().arePlaceholders()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
thetaQs.add(c); // reflexive
Set<UnifyType> thetaQPrimes = new HashSet<>();
TypeParams cParams = c.getTypeParams();
if(cParams.size() == 0)
else {
ArrayList<Set<UnifyType>> candidateParams = new ArrayList<>();
for(UnifyType param : cParams)
for(TypeParams tp : permuteParams(candidateParams))
for(UnifyType tqp : thetaQPrimes) {
Optional<Unifier> opt = unify.unify(tqp, thetaPrime);
if (!opt.isPresent())
Unifier unifier = opt.get();
Set<Entry<PlaceholderType, UnifyType>> substitutions = unifier.getSubstitutions();
for (Entry<PlaceholderType, UnifyType> sigma : substitutions)
result.add(new MPair(sigma.getKey(), sigma.getValue(), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
for (UnifyType tq : thetaQs) {
Set<UnifyType> smaller = fc.smaller(unifier.apply(tq));
smaller.stream().map(x -> new MPair(a, x, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT))
.forEach(x -> result.add(x));
return result;
protected Set<MPair> unifyCase2(PlaceholderType a, ExtendsType extThetaPrime, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
IUnify unify = new MartelliMontanariUnify();
UnifyType thetaPrime = extThetaPrime.getExtendedType();
Set<UnifyType> cs = fc.getAllTypesByName(thetaPrime.getName());
for(UnifyType c : cs) {
// Wenn die fc nach spezifikation funktioniert ist das hier nicht mehr nötig?
Set<UnifyType> thetaQs = fc.smaller(c).stream().filter(x -> x.getTypeParams().arePlaceholders()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
thetaQs.add(c); // reflexive
Set<UnifyType> thetaQPrimes = new HashSet<>();
TypeParams cParams = c.getTypeParams();
if(cParams.size() == 0)
else {
ArrayList<Set<UnifyType>> candidateParams = new ArrayList<>();
for(UnifyType param : cParams)
for(TypeParams tp : permuteParams(candidateParams))
for(UnifyType tqp : thetaQPrimes) {
Optional<Unifier> opt = unify.unify(tqp, thetaPrime);
if (!opt.isPresent())
Unifier unifier = opt.get();
Set<Entry<PlaceholderType, UnifyType>> substitutions = unifier.getSubstitutions();
for (Entry<PlaceholderType, UnifyType> sigma : substitutions)
result.add(new MPair(sigma.getKey(), sigma.getValue(), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
for (UnifyType tq : thetaQs) {
ExtendsType extTq = new ExtendsType(tq);
Set<UnifyType> smaller = fc.smaller(unifier.apply(extTq));
smaller.stream().map(x -> new MPair(a, x, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT))
.forEach(x -> result.add(x));
return result;
protected Set<MPair> unifyCase3(PlaceholderType a, SuperType subThetaPrime, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
for(UnifyType theta : fc.smArg(subThetaPrime))
result.add(new MPair(a, theta, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
return result;
protected Set<MPair> unifyCase4(PlaceholderType a, UnifyType thetaPrime, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
result.add(new MPair(a, thetaPrime, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
return result;
protected Set<MPair> unifyCase5(UnifyType theta, PlaceholderType a, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
for(UnifyType thetaS : fc.greater(theta))
result.add(new MPair(a, thetaS, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
return result;
protected Set<MPair> unifyCase6(ExtendsType extTheta, PlaceholderType a, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
for(UnifyType thetaS : fc.grArg(extTheta))
result.add(new MPair(a, thetaS, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
return result;
protected Set<MPair> unifyCase7(SuperType supTheta, PlaceholderType a, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
IUnify unify = new MartelliMontanariUnify();
UnifyType theta = supTheta.getSuperedType();
Set<UnifyType> cs = fc.getAllTypesByName(theta.getName());
for(UnifyType c : cs) {
// Wenn die fc nach spezifikation funktioniert ist das hier nicht mehr nötig?
Set<UnifyType> thetaQs = fc.smaller(c).stream().filter(x -> x.getTypeParams().arePlaceholders()).collect(Collectors.toCollection(HashSet::new));
thetaQs.add(c); // reflexive
Set<UnifyType> thetaQPrimes = new HashSet<>();
TypeParams cParams = c.getTypeParams();
if(cParams.size() == 0)
else {
ArrayList<Set<UnifyType>> candidateParams = new ArrayList<>();
for(UnifyType param : cParams)
for(TypeParams tp : permuteParams(candidateParams))
for(UnifyType tqp : thetaQPrimes) {
Optional<Unifier> opt = unify.unify(tqp, theta);
if (!opt.isPresent())
Unifier unifier = opt.get();
Set<Entry<PlaceholderType, UnifyType>> substitutions = unifier.getSubstitutions();
for (Entry<PlaceholderType, UnifyType> sigma : substitutions)
result.add(new MPair(sigma.getKey(), sigma.getValue(), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
for (UnifyType tq : thetaQs) {
Set<UnifyType> smaller = fc.smaller(unifier.apply(tq));
smaller.stream().map(x -> new MPair(a, new SuperType(x), PairOperator.EQUALSDOT))
.forEach(x -> result.add(x));
return result;
protected Set<MPair> unifyCase8(UnifyType theta, PlaceholderType a, IFiniteClosure fc) {
Set<MPair> result = new HashSet<>();
for(UnifyType thetaS : fc.grArg(theta))
result.add(new MPair(a, thetaS, PairOperator.EQUALSDOT));
return result;
protected Set<TypeParams> permuteParams(ArrayList<Set<UnifyType>> candidates) {
Set<TypeParams> result = new HashSet<>();
permuteParams(candidates, 0, result, new UnifyType[candidates.size()]);
return result;
private void permuteParams(ArrayList<Set<UnifyType>> candidates, int idx, Set<TypeParams> result, UnifyType[] current) {
if(candidates.size() == idx) {
result.add(new TypeParams(Arrays.copyOf(current, current.length)));
Set<UnifyType> localCandidates = candidates.get(idx);
for(UnifyType t : localCandidates) {
current[idx] = t;
permuteParams(candidates, idx+1, result, current);

@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.RuleSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IRuleSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.ExtendsType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.SimpleType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.SuperType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair.PairOperator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unifynew.RuleSet;
public class RuleSetTest {

@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.MartelliMontanariUnify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IUnify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.UnifyType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair.PairOperator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unifynew.MartelliMontanariUnify;
public class StandardUnifyTest {

@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import java.util.Set;
import org.junit.Test;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.Unify;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.interfaces.IFiniteClosure;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.MPair.PairOperator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.UnifyType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unify.model.TypeParams;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.unifynew.Unify;
public class UnifyTest extends Unify {