
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Holle 2023-06-13 16:33:54 +02:00
parent fe2b3accb3
commit bb0ee7d517
9 changed files with 1078 additions and 931 deletions

@ -20,18 +20,24 @@ class Pair<T, U> {
public class Iteration {
id(x) {
return x;
m1(x, y) {
var help;
help = m2(x, y);
var y2 = help.snd();
return new Pair<>(x,y2);
var x2 = id(x);
return new Pair<>(x2,y2);
m2(x,y) {
var help = m1(x, y);
var x2 = help.fst();
return new Pair<>(x2, y);
var y2 = id(y);
return new Pair<>(x2, y2);

@ -3,12 +3,10 @@ package de.dhbwstuttgart.target.generate;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.bytecode.FunNGenerator;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.environment.ByteArrayClassLoader;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.environment.IByteArrayClassLoader;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.parser.NullToken;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.*;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.factory.ASTFactory;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.statement.*;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.*;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.target.tree.*;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.target.tree.expression.TargetBlock;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.target.tree.expression.TargetExpression;
@ -41,814 +39,6 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
record Generics(JavaGenerics javaGenerics, TxGenerics txGenerics) {}
final class TxGenerics extends GenerateGenerics {
TxGenerics(ResultSet constraints) {
void generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced) {
eliminateInfima(result, referenced);
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, result);
void generics(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced) {
eliminateInfima(result, referenced);
eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(classOrInterface, result, referenced);
final class JavaGenerics extends GenerateGenerics {
JavaGenerics(ResultSet constraints) {
void generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced) {
eliminateCycles(result, referenced);
eliminateInfima(result, referenced);
equalizeTypeVariables(result, referenced);
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, result);
void generics(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced) {
eliminateCycles(result, referenced);
eliminateInfima(result, referenced);
equalizeTypeVariables(result, referenced);
eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(classOrInterface, result, referenced);
abstract class GenerateGenerics {
final Map<Method, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>>> computedGenericsOfMethods = new HashMap<>();
final Map<ClassOrInterface, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>>> computedGenericsOfClasses = new HashMap<>();
final Map<Method, Set<TypePlaceholder>> usedTPHsOfMethods = new HashMap<>();
final Map<Method, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>>> familyOfMethods = new HashMap<>();
final Set<PairTPHsmallerTPH> simplifiedConstraints = new HashSet<>();
final Map<TypePlaceholder, RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric> concreteTypes = new HashMap<>();
final Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality = new HashMap<>();
GenerateGenerics(ResultSet constraints) {
for (var constraint : constraints.results) {
if (constraint instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH p) {
} else if (constraint instanceof PairTPHEqualTPH p) {
equality.put(p.getLeft(), p.getRight());
} else if (constraint instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType p) {
concreteTypes.put(this.equality.getOrDefault(p.left, p.left), p.right);
System.out.println("Simplified constraints: " + simplifiedConstraints);
Set<TypePlaceholder> findTypeVariables(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type) {
var result = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
tph = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
if (concreteTypes.containsKey(tph)) {
return result;
} else if (type instanceof RefType refType) {
for (var t : refType.getParaList())
} else if (type instanceof ExtendsWildcardType wildcardType) {
} else if (type instanceof SuperWildcardType wildcardType) {
return result;
boolean containsRelation(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result, PairTPHsmallerTPH pair) {
// Check if both the right and the left are already part of a relation
var containsLeft = false;
for (var pair2 : result) {
if (pair2.getLeft().equals(pair.left)) {
containsLeft = true;
var containsRight = false;
for (var pair2 : result) {
if (pair2.getRight().equals(pair.right)) {
containsRight = true;
return containsLeft && containsRight;
void addToPairs(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, ResultPair<?, ?> pair) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH) {
input.removeIf(pair2 -> {
if (pair2 instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType) {
return pair2.getLeft().equals(pair.getLeft()) && pair2.getRight().equals(OBJECT);
return false;
} else if (input.stream().anyMatch(p -> p.getLeft().equals(pair.getLeft()))) {
void addToEquality(TypePlaceholder from, TypePlaceholder to, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced) {
for (var entry : new HashSet<>(equality.entrySet())) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(from)) {
equality.put(entry.getKey(), to);
equality.put(from, to);
static Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> transitiveClosure(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> generics) {
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> all = new HashSet<>(generics);
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> toAdd = new HashSet<>();
int sizeBefore;
do {
sizeBefore = all.size();
for (var g1 : all) {
for (var g2 : all) {
if (g1 instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH pair) {
if (g2.getLeft().equals(pair.getRight()) && g2.getRight() instanceof TypePlaceholder right)
toAdd.add(new PairTPHsmallerTPH(pair.left, right));
} while (sizeBefore < all.size());
return all;
private void methodFindConstraints(
ClassOrInterface owner, Method method,
Set<TypePlaceholder> typeVariables,
Set<TypePlaceholder> typeVariablesOfClass,
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result
) {
var userDefinedGenericsOfClass = userDefinedGenerics.get(owner);
// Type variables with bounds that are also type variables of the method
for (var typeVariable : new HashSet<>(typeVariables)) {
typeVariable = equality.getOrDefault(typeVariable, typeVariable);
if (classHasGeneric(userDefinedGenericsOfClass, typeVariablesOfClass, typeVariable))
for (var pair : simplifiedConstraints) {
var left = equality.getOrDefault(pair.left, pair.left);
var right = equality.getOrDefault(pair.right, pair.right);
if (left.equals(typeVariable) && typeVariables.contains(right)) {
addToPairs(result, new PairTPHsmallerTPH(left, right));
method.block.accept(new TracingStatementVisitor() {
private RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric superType = new Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(MethodCall methodCall) {
//Anfang es werden Paare von TPHs gespeichert, die bei den Generated Generics ueber die Methodengrenzen hinweg
//betrachtet werden muessen
//Definition 7.2 (Family of generated generics). T1 <. R1 <.^ R2 <. T2
Set<TypePlaceholder> T1s =
.stream().filter(x -> x instanceof TypePlaceholder)
.map(tph -> equality.getOrDefault(tph, (TypePlaceholder) tph))
Set<TypePlaceholder> T2s = new HashSet<>();
findTphs(superType, T2s);
System.out.println("T1s: " + T1s + " T2s: " + T2s);
superType = methodCall.receiverType;
for(int i = 0;i<methodCall.arglist.getArguments().size();i++){
superType = methodCall.signature.get(i);
if (methodCall.receiver instanceof ExpressionReceiver expressionReceiver) {
if (expressionReceiver.expr instanceof This) {
var optMethod = findMethod(owner, methodCall.name, methodCall.getArgumentList());
if (optMethod.isEmpty()) return;
var method = optMethod.get();
var generics = generics(owner, method);
// transitive and
var all = transitiveClosure(generics);
// reflexive
var toAdd = new HashSet<ResultPair<?, ?>>();
for (var generic : all) {
toAdd.add(new PairTPHsmallerTPH((TypePlaceholder) generic.getLeft(), (TypePlaceholder) generic.getLeft()));
HashSet<PairTPHsmallerTPH> newPairs = new HashSet<>();
// Loop from hell
for (var R1 : typeVariables) {
R1 = equality.getOrDefault(R1, R1);
if (typeVariablesOfClass.contains(R1)) continue;
for (var generic : all) if (generic instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH ptph) {
var l = equality.getOrDefault(ptph.left, ptph.left);
var r = equality.getOrDefault(ptph.right, ptph.right);
for (var pair : simplifiedConstraints) {
var l2 = equality.getOrDefault(pair.left, pair.left);
var r2 = equality.getOrDefault(pair.right, pair.right);
if (!(l2.equals(R1) && r2.equals(l)))
for (var R2 : typeVariables) {
R2 = equality.getOrDefault(R2, R2);
for (var pair2 : simplifiedConstraints) {
var l3 = equality.getOrDefault(pair2.left, pair2.left);
var r3 = equality.getOrDefault(pair2.right, pair2.right);
if (!(r3.equals(R2) && l3.equals(r)))
if (R1.equals(R2)) continue;
T2s = T2s.stream().map(tph -> equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
T1s = T1s.stream().map(tph -> equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
if (!T1s.contains(R1) || !T2s.contains(R2)) continue;
var newPair = new PairTPHsmallerTPH(R1, R2);
if (!containsRelation(result, newPair))
addToPairs(result, newPair);
continue outer;
public void visit(LambdaExpression lambdaExpression) {
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(Assign assign) {
superType = assign.rightSide.getType();
public void visit(BinaryExpr binary) {
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(Block block) {
for (var expr : block.statements) {
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(IfStmt ifStmt) {
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(Return aReturn) {
superType = aReturn.getType();
public void visit(WhileStmt whileStmt) {
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(ArgumentList arglist) {
for(int i = 0;i<arglist.getArguments().size();i++){
superType = arglist.getArguments().get(i).getType();
var closure = transitiveClosure((Set) simplifiedConstraints);
// Type variables with bounds that are also type variables of the class
for (var typeVariable : new HashSet<>(typeVariables)) {
typeVariable = equality.getOrDefault(typeVariable, typeVariable);
if (typeVariablesOfClass.contains(typeVariable)) continue;
var pairs = new HashSet<PairTPHsmallerTPH>();
for (var pair : closure) {
if (!(pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH ptph)) continue;
var left = equality.getOrDefault(ptph.left, ptph.left);
var right = equality.getOrDefault(ptph.right, ptph.right);
if (left.equals(typeVariable) && typeVariablesOfClass.contains(right)) {
pairs.add(new PairTPHsmallerTPH(left, right));
// Find the closest pair with the minimum amount of steps
PairTPHsmallerTPH minimalPair = null;
var minSteps = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (var pair : pairs) {
var left = pair.left;
var visited = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
var steps = 0;
while (!left.equals(pair.right)) {
var found = false;
for (var pair2 : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (left.equals(pair2.left) && !visited.contains(pair2.right)) {
left = pair2.right;
steps += 1;
found = true;
if (!found) break;
if (steps < minSteps) {
minSteps = steps;
minimalPair = pair;
if (minimalPair != null)
addToPairs(result, new PairTPHsmallerTPH(
equality.getOrDefault(minimalPair.left, minimalPair.left),
equality.getOrDefault(minimalPair.right, minimalPair.right)
// All unbounded type variables (bounds not in method)
for (var typeVariable : typeVariables) {
typeVariable = equality.getOrDefault(typeVariable, typeVariable);
if (classHasGeneric(userDefinedGenericsOfClass, typeVariablesOfClass, typeVariable))
for (var pair : result) {
if (pair.getLeft().equals(typeVariable))
continue outer;
addToPairs(result, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(typeVariable, OBJECT));
// All unbounded bounds
for (var pair : simplifiedConstraints) {
var r = equality.getOrDefault(pair.right, pair.right);
for (var pair2 : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (r.equals(equality.getOrDefault(pair2.left, pair2.left)))
continue outer;
if (!classHasGeneric(userDefinedGenericsOfClass, typeVariablesOfClass, r) && typeVariables.contains(r)) {
addToPairs(result, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(r, OBJECT));
private boolean classHasGeneric(Set<GenericTypeVar> userDefinedGenericsOfClass, Set<TypePlaceholder> typeVariablesOfClass, TypePlaceholder typeVariable) {
return typeVariablesOfClass.contains(typeVariable) || userDefinedGenericsOfClass.stream().anyMatch(g -> g.getName().equals(typeVariable.getName()));
private void methodFindTypeVariables(
Method method,
Set<TypePlaceholder> typeVariables
) {
if (!(method instanceof Constructor))
for (var arg : method.getParameterList().getFormalparalist()) {
method.block.accept(new TracingStatementVisitor() {
public void visit(LocalVarDecl localVarDecl) {
public void visit(MethodCall methodCall) {
abstract void generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method, Set<ResultPair<?,?>> result, Set<TypePlaceholder> javaTypeVariablesOfClass);
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> family(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method) {
if (familyOfMethods.containsKey(method))
return familyOfMethods.get(method);
var result = new HashSet<ResultPair<?, ?>>();
familyOfMethods.put(method, result);
var classGenerics = generics(owner);
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> typeVariablesOfClass = new HashSet<>();
for (var pair : classGenerics) {
typeVariablesOfClass.add((TypePlaceholder) pair.getLeft());
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> javaTypeVariables = new HashSet<>();
methodFindTypeVariables(method, javaTypeVariables);
methodFindConstraints(owner, method, javaTypeVariables, typeVariablesOfClass, result);
return result;
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method) {
if (computedGenericsOfMethods.containsKey(method))
return computedGenericsOfMethods.get(method);
var classGenerics = generics(owner);
HashSet<TypePlaceholder> typeVariablesOfClass = new HashSet<>();
for (var pair : classGenerics) {
typeVariablesOfClass.add((TypePlaceholder) pair.getLeft());
var result = new HashSet<>(family(owner, method));
computedGenericsOfMethods.put(method, result);
var referenced = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
var usedTphs = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
// For eliminating inner type variables we need to figure out which ones are actually used
for (var param : method.getParameterList().getFormalparalist()) {
generics(owner, method, result, referenced);
usedTPHsOfMethods.put(method, usedTphs);
addMissingObjectBounds(result, classGenerics, usedTphs);
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + method.name + ": " + result);
return result;
private void eliminateChain(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result, List<TypePlaceholder> chain) {
for (var pair : new HashSet<>(result)) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH ptph && chain.get(chain.size() - 1).equals(ptph.left)) {
if (chain.contains(ptph.right)) return;
var copy = new ArrayList<>(chain);
if (copy.size() > 2)
result.remove(new PairTPHsmallerTPH(chain.get(0), ptph.right));
eliminateChain(result, copy);
void eliminateTransitives(Set<ResultPair<?,?>> result) {
for (var pair : new HashSet<>(result)) if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH ptph) {
var first = ptph.left;
var chain = new ArrayList<TypePlaceholder>();
eliminateChain(result, chain);
void findAllBounds(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> generics, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
tph = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
var concreteType = concreteTypes.get(tph);
if (concreteType != null) {
findAllBounds(concreteType, generics, equality);
var found = false;
for (var rsp : simplifiedConstraints) {
var left = equality.getOrDefault(rsp.left, rsp.left);
var right = equality.getOrDefault(rsp.right, rsp.right);
if (left.equals(tph)) {
var pair = new PairTPHsmallerTPH(tph, right);
if (!generics.contains(pair)) {
addToPairs(generics, pair);
findAllBounds(right, generics, equality);
found = true;
if (!found)
addToPairs(generics, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(tph, OBJECT));
} else if (type instanceof RefType refType) {
refType.getParaList().forEach(t -> findAllBounds(t, generics, equality));
abstract void generics(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced);
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> generics(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface) {
if (computedGenericsOfClasses.containsKey(classOrInterface))
return computedGenericsOfClasses.get(classOrInterface);
Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> javaResult = new HashSet<>();
computedGenericsOfClasses.put(classOrInterface, javaResult);
for (var field : classOrInterface.getFieldDecl()) {
findAllBounds(field.getType(), javaResult, equality);
var referenced = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
generics(classOrInterface, javaResult, referenced);
var referencedByClass = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
for (var field : classOrInterface.getFieldDecl()) {
findTphs(field.getType(), referencedByClass);
addMissingObjectBounds(javaResult, null, referencedByClass);
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " Class " + classOrInterface.getClassName().getClassName() + ": " + javaResult);
return javaResult;
void addMissingObjectBounds(Set<ResultPair<?,?>> result, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> classGenerics, Set<TypePlaceholder> usedTphs) {
outer: for (var tph : usedTphs) {
tph = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
for (var p1 : new HashSet<>(result)) {
if (p1.getLeft().equals(tph)) continue outer;
TypePlaceholder finalTph = tph;
if (classGenerics == null || classGenerics.stream().noneMatch((pair) -> pair.getLeft().equals(finalTph)))
addToPairs(result, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(tph, OBJECT));
void equalizeTypeVariables(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced) {
for (var pair : new HashSet<>(input)) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH ptph && referenced.contains(ptph.left)) {
var chain = new ArrayList<TypePlaceholder>();
outer: while (true) {
var added = false;
for (var pair2 : input) {
if (pair2 instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH ptph2 && ptph2.left.equals(chain.get(chain.size() - 1))) {
if (chain.contains(ptph2.right)) break outer;
added = true;
if (!added) break;
var variance = chain.get(0).getVariance();
if (variance != 1) continue;
var index = 0;
for (var tph : chain) {
if (variance == 1 && tph.getVariance() == -1) {
variance = -1;
if (variance == -1 && tph.getVariance() == 1 && referenced.contains(tph)) {
if (variance == 1) continue;
var start = chain.get(0);
var prev = start;
for (var i = 1; i < index; i++) {
var cur = chain.get(i);
if (!referenced.contains(cur)) continue;
addToEquality(cur, start, referenced);
input.remove(new PairTPHsmallerTPH(prev, cur));
for (var pair2 : new HashSet<>(input)) {
// TODO Maybe this would be unnecessary if we were to add the = constraints later on
if (pair2 instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType && pair2.getLeft().equals(cur)) {
input.add(new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(start, pair2.getRight()));
prev = chain.get(i);
void findTphs(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Set<TypePlaceholder> tphs) {
if (type instanceof RefType refType) {
refType.getParaList().forEach(t -> findTphs(t, tphs));
} else if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
tph = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
var concreteType = concreteTypes.get(tph);
if (concreteType != null) {
findTphs(concreteType, tphs);
void eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced) {
for (var field : classOrInterface.getFieldDecl()) {
findTphs(field.getType(), referenced);
for (var method : classOrInterface.getMethods()) {
generics(classOrInterface, method);
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, input);
private void findChain(Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> output, TypePlaceholder start, TypePlaceholder end, Set<TypePlaceholder> chain) {
if (referenced.contains(end)) {
var pair = new PairTPHsmallerTPH(start, end);
var foundNext = false;
for (var pair : input) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH ptph && ptph.left.equals(end)) {
if (chain.contains(ptph.right)) return;
chain = new HashSet<>(chain);
findChain(referenced, input, output, start, ptph.right, chain);
foundNext = true;
if (!foundNext) {
output.add(new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(start, OBJECT));
void eliminateInnerTypeVariables(Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input) {
var output = new HashSet<ResultPair<?, ?>>();
for (var tph : referenced) {
for (var pair : input) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH pthp && pthp.left.equals(tph)) {
var chain = new HashSet<TypePlaceholder>();
findChain(referenced, input, output, tph, pthp.right, chain);
for (var pair : input) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType rtph) {
if (referenced.contains(rtph.left))
void eliminateCycles(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced) {
var cycles = findCycles(input);
for (var cycle : cycles) {
var newTph = TypePlaceholder.fresh(new NullToken());
var variance = cycle.get(0).getVariance();
for (var tph : cycle) {
if (tph.getVariance() != variance) {
variance = 0;
addToPairs(input, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(newTph, OBJECT));
cycle.add(cycle.get(0)); // Make it a complete cycle
for (var i = 0; i < cycle.size() - 1; i++) {
var left = cycle.get(i);
var right = cycle.get(i + 1);
var pair = new PairTPHsmallerTPH(left, right);
addToEquality(left, newTph, referenced);
void eliminateInfima(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input, Set<TypePlaceholder> referenced) {
var foundInfima = false;
do {
foundInfima = false;
for (var constraint : new HashSet<>(input)) {
var left = (TypePlaceholder) constraint.getLeft();
Set<PairTPHsmallerTPH> infima = new HashSet<>();
for (var pair : input) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH stph)
if (pair.getLeft().equals(constraint.getLeft()))
if (infima.size() > 1) {
foundInfima = true;
var newTph = TypePlaceholder.fresh(new NullToken());
var variance = infima.stream().findFirst().get().right.getVariance();
for (var pair : infima) {
if (pair.right.getVariance() != variance) {
variance = 0;
addToPairs(input, new PairTPHsmallerTPH(left, newTph));
for (var infimum : infima) {
addToEquality(infimum.right, newTph, referenced);
new HashSet<>(input).forEach(pair -> {
if (pair.getLeft().equals(infimum.right)) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH stph) {
if (!newTph.equals(stph.right))
addToPairs(input, new PairTPHsmallerTPH(newTph, stph.right));
} else if (pair instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType rtph) {
addToPairs(input, new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(newTph, rtph.getRight()));
} else if (pair.getRight().equals(infimum.right)) {
if (pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH stph) {
if (!newTph.equals(stph.left))
addToPairs(input, new PairTPHsmallerTPH(stph.left, newTph));
} while (foundInfima);
RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric getType(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type) {
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
if (equality.containsKey(tph)) {
return getType(equality.get(tph));
return concreteTypes.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
return type;
TargetType getTargetType(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric in) {
if (in instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
if (equality.containsKey(tph)) {
return getTargetType(equality.get(tph));
var type = concreteTypes.get(tph);
if (type == null) return new TargetGenericType(tph.getName());
return convert(type, this);
return convert(in, this);
protected IByteArrayClassLoader classLoader;
protected SourceFile sourceFile;
@ -862,100 +52,11 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
all = new ArrayList<>();
for (var set : resultSets) {
all.add(new Generics(new JavaGenerics(set), new TxGenerics(set)));
all.add(new Generics(new JavaGenerics(this, set), new TxGenerics(this, set)));
this.generics = all.get(0);
static Set<TypePlaceholder> allNodes(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input) {
return input.stream()
.filter(pair -> pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH)
.flatMap(pair -> Stream.of((TypePlaceholder) pair.getLeft(), (TypePlaceholder) pair.getRight())).collect(Collectors.toSet());
static Set<TypePlaceholder> outgoingEdgesOf(TypePlaceholder tph, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input) {
return input.stream()
.filter(pair -> pair instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH && pair.getLeft().equals(tph))
.map(pair -> (TypePlaceholder) pair.getRight()).collect(Collectors.toSet());
static boolean containsEdge(TypePlaceholder a, TypePlaceholder b, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input) {
return input.stream().anyMatch(pair -> pair.getLeft().equals(a) && pair.getRight().equals(b));
// Tiernan simple cycles algorithm
// Adapted from https://github.com/jgrapht/jgrapht/blob/master/jgrapht-core/src/main/java/org/jgrapht/alg/cycle/TiernanSimpleCycles.java
static Set<List<TypePlaceholder>> findCycles(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> input) {
Map<TypePlaceholder, Integer> indices = new HashMap<>();
List<TypePlaceholder> path = new ArrayList<>();
Set<TypePlaceholder> pathSet = new HashSet<>();
Map<TypePlaceholder, Set<TypePlaceholder>> blocked = new HashMap<>();
Set<List<TypePlaceholder>> cycles = new HashSet<>();
int index = 0;
for (var tph : allNodes(input)) {
blocked.put(tph, new HashSet<>());
indices.put(tph, index++);
var vertexIterator = allNodes(input).iterator();
if (!vertexIterator.hasNext()) return cycles;
TypePlaceholder startOfPath = null;
TypePlaceholder endOfPath = vertexIterator.next();
TypePlaceholder temp = null;
int endIndex = 0;
boolean extensionFound = false;
while (true) {
do {
extensionFound = false;
for (TypePlaceholder n : outgoingEdgesOf(endOfPath, input)) {
int cmp = indices.get(n).compareTo(indices.get(path.get(0)));
if ((cmp > 0) && !pathSet.contains(n) && !blocked.get(endOfPath).contains(n)) {
endOfPath = n;
extensionFound = true;
} while (extensionFound);
startOfPath = path.get(0);
if (containsEdge(endOfPath, startOfPath, input)) {
List<TypePlaceholder> cycle = new ArrayList<>(path);
if (path.size() > 1) {
endIndex = path.size() - 1;
temp = endOfPath;
endOfPath = path.get(endIndex);
if (vertexIterator.hasNext()) {
endOfPath = vertexIterator.next();
for (TypePlaceholder tph : blocked.keySet()) {
return cycles;
Optional<Method> findMethod(ClassOrInterface owner, String name, ArgumentList argumentList) {
return owner.getMethods().stream().filter(
m -> m.name.equals(name) && parameterEquals(m.getParameterList(), argumentList)
@ -979,12 +80,12 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
return true;
Set<TargetGeneric> convert(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> result, GenerateGenerics generics) {
Set<TargetGeneric> convert(Set<GenerateGenerics.Pair> result, GenerateGenerics generics) {
return result.stream().map(p -> {
if (p instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH pair) {
return new TargetGeneric(pair.left.getName(), convert(pair.right, generics));
} else if (p instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType pair) {
return new TargetGeneric(pair.left.getName(), convert(pair.right, generics));
if (p instanceof GenerateGenerics.PairLT pair) {
return new TargetGeneric(pair.left.resolve().getName(), convert(pair.right.resolve(), generics));
} else if (p instanceof GenerateGenerics.PairEQ pair) {
return new TargetGeneric(pair.left.resolve().getName(), convert(pair.right, generics));
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
@ -1012,6 +113,8 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
while (genericsIter.hasNext()) {
var next = genericsIter.next();
// TODO Support multiple bounds
javaGenerics.add(new TargetGeneric(next.getName(), convert(next.getBounds().get(0))));
} else {
this.userDefinedGenerics.put(input, new HashSet<>());
@ -1043,7 +146,7 @@ public class ASTToTargetAST {
return generics.stream().anyMatch(g -> g.name().equals(type.getParsedName()));
private Set<TargetGeneric> collectMethodGenerics(GenerateGenerics generateGenerics, Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> generics, Method input) {
private Set<TargetGeneric> collectMethodGenerics(GenerateGenerics generateGenerics, Set<GenerateGenerics.Pair> generics, Method input) {
var convertedGenerics = new HashSet<>(convert(generics, generateGenerics));
for (GenericTypeVar typeVar : input.getGenerics()) {

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.target.generate;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
public class CycleFinder {
private CycleFinder() {}
static Set<GenerateGenerics.TPH> allNodes(Set<? extends GenerateGenerics.Pair> input) {
return input.stream()
.flatMap(pair -> Stream.of(pair.left, pair.right)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
static Set<GenerateGenerics.TPH> outgoingEdgesOf(GenerateGenerics.TPH tph, Set<? extends GenerateGenerics.Pair> input) {
return input.stream()
.filter(pair -> pair.left.equals(tph))
.map(pair -> pair.right).collect(Collectors.toSet());
static boolean containsEdge(GenerateGenerics.TPH a, GenerateGenerics.TPH b, Set<? extends GenerateGenerics.Pair> input) {
return input.stream()
.anyMatch(pair -> pair.left.equals(a) && pair.right.equals(b));
// Tiernan simple cycles algorithm
// Adapted from https://github.com/jgrapht/jgrapht/blob/master/jgrapht-core/src/main/java/org/jgrapht/alg/cycle/TiernanSimpleCycles.java
static Set<List<GenerateGenerics.TPH>> findCycles(Set<? extends GenerateGenerics.Pair> input) {
Map<GenerateGenerics.TPH, Integer> indices = new HashMap<>();
List<GenerateGenerics.TPH> path = new ArrayList<>();
Set<GenerateGenerics.TPH> pathSet = new HashSet<>();
Map<GenerateGenerics.TPH, Set<GenerateGenerics.TPH>> blocked = new HashMap<>();
Set<List<GenerateGenerics.TPH>> cycles = new HashSet<>();
int index = 0;
for (var tph : allNodes(input)) {
blocked.put(tph, new HashSet<>());
indices.put(tph, index++);
var vertexIterator = allNodes(input).iterator();
if (!vertexIterator.hasNext()) return cycles;
GenerateGenerics.TPH startOfPath = null;
GenerateGenerics.TPH endOfPath = vertexIterator.next();
GenerateGenerics.TPH temp = null;
int endIndex = 0;
boolean extensionFound = false;
while (true) {
do {
extensionFound = false;
for (GenerateGenerics.TPH n : outgoingEdgesOf(endOfPath, input)) {
int cmp = indices.get(n).compareTo(indices.get(path.get(0)));
if ((cmp > 0) && !pathSet.contains(n) && !blocked.get(endOfPath).contains(n)) {
endOfPath = n;
extensionFound = true;
} while (extensionFound);
startOfPath = path.get(0);
if (containsEdge(endOfPath, startOfPath, input)) {
List<GenerateGenerics.TPH> cycle = new ArrayList<>(path);
if (path.size() > 1) {
endIndex = path.size() - 1;
temp = endOfPath;
endOfPath = path.get(endIndex);
if (vertexIterator.hasNext()) {
endOfPath = vertexIterator.next();
for (GenerateGenerics.TPH tph : blocked.keySet()) {
return cycles;

@ -0,0 +1,872 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.target.generate;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.parser.NullToken;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.ClassOrInterface;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.Constructor;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.GenericTypeVar;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.Method;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.statement.*;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.*;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.target.tree.type.TargetGenericType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.target.tree.type.TargetType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.PairTPHEqualTPH;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.PairTPHsmallerTPH;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.ResultSet;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
public abstract class GenerateGenerics {
private final ASTToTargetAST astToTargetAST;
public class TPH {
final TypePlaceholder wrap;
TPH(TypePlaceholder wrap) {
this.wrap = wrap;
public TypePlaceholder resolve() {
return equality.getOrDefault(wrap, wrap);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
TPH tph = (TPH) o;
return Objects.equals(resolve(), tph.resolve());
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(resolve());
public String toString() {
return resolve().getName();
public abstract class Pair {
public final TPH left;
Pair(TPH left) {
this.left = left;
public abstract RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric resolveRight();
public class PairLT extends Pair {
public final TPH right;
PairLT(TPH left, TPH right) {
this.right = right;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
PairLT pairLT = (PairLT) o;
return Objects.equals(right, pairLT.right) && Objects.equals(left, pairLT.left);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(right, left);
public RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric resolveRight() {
return right.resolve();
public String toString() {
return "(" + left + " < " + right + ")";
public class PairEQ extends Pair {
public final RefType right;
PairEQ(TPH left, RefType right) {
this.right = right;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
PairEQ pairLT = (PairEQ) o;
return Objects.equals(right, pairLT.right) && Objects.equals(left, pairLT.left);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(right, left);
public RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric resolveRight() {
return right;
public String toString() {
return "(" + left + " = " + right + ")";
final Map<Method, Set<Pair>> computedGenericsOfMethods = new HashMap<>();
final Map<ClassOrInterface, Set<Pair>> computedGenericsOfClasses = new HashMap<>();
final Map<Method, Set<TPH>> usedTPHsOfMethods = new HashMap<>();
final Map<Method, Set<Pair>> familyOfMethods = new HashMap<>();
final Set<PairLT> simplifiedConstraints = new HashSet<>();
final Map<TPH, RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric> concreteTypes = new HashMap<>();
final Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality = new HashMap<>();
GenerateGenerics(ASTToTargetAST astToTargetAST, ResultSet constraints) {
this.astToTargetAST = astToTargetAST;
for (var constraint : constraints.results) {
if (constraint instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH p) {
simplifiedConstraints.add(new PairLT(new TPH(p.left), new TPH(p.right)));
} else if (constraint instanceof PairTPHEqualTPH p) {
equality.put(p.getLeft(), p.getRight());
} else if (constraint instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType p) {
concreteTypes.put(new TPH(p.left), p.right);
System.out.println("Simplified constraints: " + simplifiedConstraints);
Set<TPH> findTypeVariables(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type) {
var result = new HashSet<TPH>();
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
var nTph = new TPH(tph);
if (concreteTypes.containsKey(nTph)) {
return result;
} else if (type instanceof RefType refType) {
for (var t : refType.getParaList())
} else if (type instanceof ExtendsWildcardType wildcardType) {
} else if (type instanceof SuperWildcardType wildcardType) {
return result;
boolean containsRelation(Set<Pair> result, PairLT pair) {
// Check if both the right and the left are already part of a relation
var containsLeft = false;
for (var pair2 : result) {
if (pair2.left.equals(pair.left)) {
containsLeft = true;
var containsRight = false;
for (var pair2 : result)
if (pair2 instanceof PairLT plt) {
if (plt.right.equals(pair.right)) {
containsRight = true;
return containsLeft && containsRight;
void addToPairs(Set<Pair> input, Pair pair) {
if (pair instanceof PairLT plt) {
input.removeIf(pair2 -> {
if (pair2 instanceof PairEQ peq) {
return peq.left.equals(plt.left) && peq.right.equals(ASTToTargetAST.OBJECT);
return false;
} else if (input.stream().anyMatch(p -> p.left.equals(pair.left))) {
void addToEquality(TypePlaceholder from, TypePlaceholder to, Set<TPH> referenced) {
for (var entry : new HashSet<>(equality.entrySet())) {
if (entry.getValue().equals(from)) {
equality.put(entry.getKey(), to);
equality.put(from, to);
referenced.remove(new TPH(from));
referenced.add(new TPH(to));
Set<Pair> transitiveClosure(Set<? extends Pair> generics) {
Set<Pair> all = new HashSet<>(generics);
Set<Pair> toAdd = new HashSet<>();
int sizeBefore;
do {
sizeBefore = all.size();
for (var g1 : all) {
for (var g2 : all) {
if (g1 instanceof PairLT pair && g2 instanceof PairLT pair2) {
if (pair2.left.equals(pair.right))
toAdd.add(new PairLT(pair.left, pair2.right));
} while (sizeBefore < all.size());
return all;
private void methodFindConstraints(
ClassOrInterface owner, Method method,
Set<TPH> typeVariables,
Set<TPH> typeVariablesOfClass,
Set<Pair> result
) {
var userDefinedGenericsOfClass = astToTargetAST.userDefinedGenerics.get(owner);
// Type variables with bounds that are also type variables of the method
for (var typeVariable : new HashSet<>(typeVariables)) {
if (classHasGeneric(userDefinedGenericsOfClass, typeVariablesOfClass, typeVariable))
for (var pair : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (pair.left.equals(typeVariable) && typeVariables.contains(pair.right)) {
addToPairs(result, new PairLT(pair.left, pair.right));
method.block.accept(new TracingStatementVisitor() {
private RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric superType = new de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(MethodCall methodCall) {
//Anfang es werden Paare von TPHs gespeichert, die bei den Generated Generics ueber die Methodengrenzen hinweg
//betrachtet werden muessen
//Definition 7.2 (Family of generated generics). T1 <. R1 <.^ R2 <. T2
Set<TPH> T1s =
Set<TPH> T2s = new HashSet<>();
findTphs(superType, T2s);
System.out.println("T1s: " + T1s + " T2s: " + T2s);
superType = methodCall.receiverType;
for (int i = 0; i < methodCall.arglist.getArguments().size(); i++) {
superType = methodCall.signature.get(i);
if (methodCall.receiver instanceof ExpressionReceiver expressionReceiver) {
if (expressionReceiver.expr instanceof This) {
var optMethod = astToTargetAST.findMethod(owner, methodCall.name, methodCall.getArgumentList());
if (optMethod.isEmpty()) return;
var method = optMethod.get();
var generics = generics(owner, method);
// transitive and
var all = transitiveClosure(generics);
// reflexive
var toAdd = new HashSet<Pair>();
for (var generic : all) {
toAdd.add(new PairLT(generic.left, generic.left));
HashSet<PairLT> newPairs = new HashSet<>();
// Loop from hell
for (var R1 : typeVariables) {
if (typeVariablesOfClass.contains(R1)) continue;
for (var generic : all)
if (generic instanceof PairLT ptph) {
for (var pair : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (!(pair.left.equals(R1) && pair.right.equals(ptph.left)))
for (var R2 : typeVariables) {
for (var pair2 : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (!(pair2.right.equals(R2) && pair2.left.equals(ptph.right)))
if (R1.equals(R2)) continue;
if (!T1s.contains(R1) || !T2s.contains(R2)) continue;
var newPair = new PairLT(R1, R2);
if (!containsRelation(result, newPair))
addToPairs(result, newPair);
continue outer;
public void visit(LambdaExpression lambdaExpression) {
superType = new de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(Assign assign) {
superType = assign.rightSide.getType();
public void visit(BinaryExpr binary) {
superType = new de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void(new NullToken());
superType = new de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(Block block) {
for (var expr : block.statements) {
superType = new de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(IfStmt ifStmt) {
superType = new de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void(new NullToken());
superType = new de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void(new NullToken());
superType = new de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(Return aReturn) {
superType = aReturn.getType();
public void visit(WhileStmt whileStmt) {
superType = new de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.Void(new NullToken());
superType = new Void(new NullToken());
public void visit(ArgumentList arglist) {
for (int i = 0; i < arglist.getArguments().size(); i++) {
superType = arglist.getArguments().get(i).getType();
var closure = transitiveClosure(simplifiedConstraints);
// Type variables with bounds that are also type variables of the class
for (var typeVariable : new HashSet<>(typeVariables)) {
if (typeVariablesOfClass.contains(typeVariable)) continue;
var pairs = new HashSet<PairLT>();
for (var pair : closure) {
if (!(pair instanceof PairLT ptph)) continue;
if (ptph.left.equals(typeVariable) && typeVariablesOfClass.contains(ptph.right)) {
pairs.add(new PairLT(ptph.left, ptph.right));
// Find the closest pair with the minimum amount of steps
PairLT minimalPair = null;
var minSteps = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
for (var pair : pairs) {
var left = pair.left;
var visited = new HashSet<TPH>();
var steps = 0;
while (!left.equals(pair.right)) {
var found = false;
for (var pair2 : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (left.equals(pair2.left) && !visited.contains(pair2.right)) {
left = pair2.right;
steps += 1;
found = true;
if (!found) break;
if (steps < minSteps) {
minSteps = steps;
minimalPair = pair;
if (minimalPair != null)
addToPairs(result, minimalPair);
// All unbounded type variables (bounds not in method)
for (var typeVariable : typeVariables) {
if (classHasGeneric(userDefinedGenericsOfClass, typeVariablesOfClass, typeVariable))
for (var pair : result) {
if (pair.left.equals(typeVariable))
continue outer;
addToPairs(result, new PairEQ(typeVariable, ASTToTargetAST.OBJECT));
// All unbounded bounds
for (var pair : simplifiedConstraints) {
for (var pair2 : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (pair.right.equals(pair2.left))
continue outer;
if (!classHasGeneric(userDefinedGenericsOfClass, typeVariablesOfClass, pair.right) && typeVariables.contains(pair.right)) {
addToPairs(result, new PairEQ(pair.right, ASTToTargetAST.OBJECT));
private boolean classHasGeneric(Set<GenericTypeVar> userDefinedGenericsOfClass, Set<TPH> typeVariablesOfClass, TPH typeVariable) {
return typeVariablesOfClass.contains(typeVariable) || userDefinedGenericsOfClass.stream().anyMatch(g -> g.getName().equals(typeVariable.resolve().getName()));
private void methodFindTypeVariables(
Method method,
Set<TPH> typeVariables
) {
if (!(method instanceof Constructor))
for (var arg : method.getParameterList().getFormalparalist()) {
method.block.accept(new TracingStatementVisitor() {
public void visit(LocalVarDecl localVarDecl) {
public void visit(MethodCall methodCall) {
abstract void generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method, Set<Pair> result, Set<TPH> javaTypeVariablesOfClass);
Set<Pair> family(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method) {
if (familyOfMethods.containsKey(method))
return familyOfMethods.get(method);
var result = new HashSet<Pair>();
familyOfMethods.put(method, result);
var classGenerics = generics(owner);
HashSet<TPH> typeVariablesOfClass = new HashSet<>();
for (var pair : classGenerics) {
HashSet<TPH> javaTypeVariables = new HashSet<>();
methodFindTypeVariables(method, javaTypeVariables);
methodFindConstraints(owner, method, javaTypeVariables, typeVariablesOfClass, result);
return result;
Set<Pair> generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method) {
if (computedGenericsOfMethods.containsKey(method))
return computedGenericsOfMethods.get(method);
var classGenerics = generics(owner);
HashSet<TPH> typeVariablesOfClass = new HashSet<>();
for (var pair : classGenerics) {
var result = new HashSet<>(family(owner, method));
computedGenericsOfMethods.put(method, result);
var referenced = new HashSet<TPH>();
var usedTphs = new HashSet<TPH>();
// For eliminating inner type variables we need to figure out which ones are actually used
for (var param : method.getParameterList().getFormalparalist()) {
generics(owner, method, result, referenced);
usedTPHsOfMethods.put(method, usedTphs);
addMissingObjectBounds(result, classGenerics, usedTphs);
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " " + method.name + ": " + result);
return result;
private void eliminateChain(Set<Pair> result, List<TPH> chain) {
for (var pair : new HashSet<>(result)) {
if (pair instanceof PairLT ptph && chain.get(chain.size() - 1).equals(ptph.left)) {
if (chain.contains(ptph.right)) return;
var copy = new ArrayList<>(chain);
if (copy.size() > 2)
result.remove(new PairLT(chain.get(0), ptph.right));
eliminateChain(result, copy);
void eliminateTransitives(Set<Pair> result) {
for (var pair : new HashSet<>(result))
if (pair instanceof PairLT ptph) {
var first = ptph.left;
var chain = new ArrayList<TPH>();
eliminateChain(result, chain);
void findAllBounds(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Set<Pair> generics) {
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
var nTph = new TPH(tph);
var concreteType = concreteTypes.get(nTph);
if (concreteType != null) {
findAllBounds(concreteType, generics);
var found = false;
for (var rsp : simplifiedConstraints) {
if (rsp.left.equals(nTph)) {
var pair = new PairLT(new TPH(tph), rsp.right);
if (!generics.contains(pair)) {
addToPairs(generics, pair);
findAllBounds(rsp.right.resolve(), generics);
found = true;
if (!found)
addToPairs(generics, new PairEQ(nTph, ASTToTargetAST.OBJECT));
} else if (type instanceof RefType refType) {
refType.getParaList().forEach(t -> findAllBounds(t, generics));
abstract void generics(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<Pair> result, Set<TPH> referenced);
Set<Pair> generics(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface) {
if (computedGenericsOfClasses.containsKey(classOrInterface))
return computedGenericsOfClasses.get(classOrInterface);
Set<Pair> javaResult = new HashSet<>();
computedGenericsOfClasses.put(classOrInterface, javaResult);
for (var field : classOrInterface.getFieldDecl()) {
findAllBounds(field.getType(), javaResult);
var referenced = new HashSet<TPH>();
generics(classOrInterface, javaResult, referenced);
var referencedByClass = new HashSet<TPH>();
for (var field : classOrInterface.getFieldDecl()) {
findTphs(field.getType(), referencedByClass);
addMissingObjectBounds(javaResult, null, referencedByClass);
System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " Class " + classOrInterface.getClassName().getClassName() + ": " + javaResult);
return javaResult;
void addMissingObjectBounds(Set<Pair> result, Set<Pair> classGenerics, Set<TPH> usedTphs) {
for (var tph : usedTphs) {
for (var p1 : new HashSet<>(result)) {
if (p1.left.equals(tph)) continue outer;
if (classGenerics == null || classGenerics.stream().noneMatch((pair) -> pair.left.equals(tph)))
addToPairs(result, new PairEQ(tph, ASTToTargetAST.OBJECT));
void equalizeTypeVariables(Set<Pair> input, Set<TPH> referenced) {
for (var pair : new HashSet<>(input)) {
if (pair instanceof PairLT ptph && referenced.contains(ptph.left)) {
var chain = new ArrayList<TPH>();
while (true) {
var added = false;
for (var pair2 : input) {
if (pair2 instanceof PairLT ptph2 && ptph2.left.equals(chain.get(chain.size() - 1))) {
if (chain.contains(ptph2.right)) break outer;
added = true;
if (!added) break;
var variance = chain.get(0).resolve().getVariance();
if (variance != 1) continue;
var index = 0;
for (var tph : chain) {
if (variance == 1 && tph.resolve().getVariance() == -1) {
variance = -1;
if (variance == -1 && tph.resolve().getVariance() == 1 && referenced.contains(tph)) {
if (variance == 1) continue;
var start = chain.get(0);
var prev = start;
for (var i = 1; i < index; i++) {
var cur = chain.get(i);
if (!referenced.contains(cur)) continue;
addToEquality(cur.wrap, start.resolve(), referenced);
TPH finalPrev = prev;
input.removeIf(p -> p.equals(new PairLT(finalPrev, cur)));
for (var pair2 : new HashSet<>(input)) {
// TODO Maybe this would be unnecessary if we were to add the = constraints later on
if (pair2 instanceof PairEQ peq && pair.left.equals(cur)) {
input.add(new PairEQ(start, peq.right));
prev = chain.get(i);
void findTphs(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type, Set<TPH> tphs) {
if (type instanceof RefType refType) {
refType.getParaList().forEach(t -> findTphs(t, tphs));
} else if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
tph = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
var concreteType = concreteTypes.get(new TPH(tph));
if (concreteType != null) {
findTphs(concreteType, tphs);
tphs.add(new TPH(tph));
void eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<Pair> input, Set<TPH> referenced) {
for (var field : classOrInterface.getFieldDecl()) {
findTphs(field.getType(), referenced);
for (var method : classOrInterface.getMethods()) {
generics(classOrInterface, method);
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, input);
private void findChain(Set<TPH> referenced, Set<Pair> input, Set<Pair> output, TPH start, TPH end, Set<TPH> chain) {
if (referenced.contains(end)) {
var pair = new PairLT(start, end);
var foundNext = false;
for (var pair : input) {
if (pair instanceof PairLT ptph && ptph.left.equals(end)) {
if (chain.contains(ptph.right)) return;
chain = new HashSet<>(chain);
findChain(referenced, input, output, start, ptph.right, chain);
foundNext = true;
if (!foundNext) {
output.add(new PairEQ(start, ASTToTargetAST.OBJECT));
void eliminateInnerTypeVariables(Set<TPH> referenced, Set<Pair> input) {
var output = new HashSet<Pair>();
for (var tph : referenced) {
for (var pair : input) {
if (pair instanceof PairLT pthp && pthp.left.equals(tph)) {
var chain = new HashSet<TPH>();
findChain(referenced, input, output, tph, pthp.right, chain);
for (var pair : input) {
if (pair instanceof PairEQ rtph) {
if (referenced.contains(rtph.left))
void eliminateCycles(Set<Pair> input, Set<TPH> referenced) {
var cycles = CycleFinder.findCycles(input);
for (var cycle : cycles) {
var newTph = TypePlaceholder.fresh(new NullToken());
var variance = cycle.get(0).resolve().getVariance();
for (var tph : cycle) {
if (tph.resolve().getVariance() != variance) {
variance = 0;
referenced.add(new TPH(newTph));
addToPairs(input, new PairEQ(new TPH(newTph), ASTToTargetAST.OBJECT));
cycle.add(cycle.get(0)); // Make it a complete cycle
for (var i = 0; i < cycle.size() - 1; i++) {
var left = cycle.get(i);
var right = cycle.get(i + 1);
var pair = new PairLT(left, right);
addToEquality(left.wrap, newTph, referenced);
void eliminateInfima(Set<Pair> input, Set<TPH> referenced) {
var foundInfima = false;
do {
foundInfima = false;
for (var constraint : new HashSet<>(input)) {
var left = constraint.left;
Set<PairLT> infima = new HashSet<>();
for (var pair : input) {
if (pair instanceof PairLT stph)
if (pair.left.wrap.equals(constraint.left.wrap))
if (infima.size() > 1) {
foundInfima = true;
var newTph = TypePlaceholder.fresh(new NullToken());
var variance = infima.stream().findFirst().get().right.resolve().getVariance();
for (var pair : infima) {
if (pair.right.resolve().getVariance() != variance) {
variance = 0;
addToPairs(input, new PairLT(left, new TPH(newTph)));
for (var infimum : infima) {
addToEquality(infimum.right.wrap, newTph, referenced);
new HashSet<>(input).forEach(pair -> {
if (pair.left.wrap.equals(infimum.right.wrap)) {
if (pair instanceof PairLT stph) {
if (!newTph.equals(stph.right.wrap))
addToPairs(input, new PairLT(new TPH(newTph), stph.right));
} else if (pair instanceof PairEQ rtph) {
addToPairs(input, new PairEQ(new TPH(newTph), rtph.right));
} else if (pair instanceof PairLT stph && stph.right.wrap.equals(infimum.right.wrap)) {
if (!newTph.equals(stph.left.wrap))
addToPairs(input, new PairLT(stph.left, new TPH(newTph)));
} while (foundInfima);
RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric getType(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric type) {
if (type instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
if (equality.containsKey(tph)) {
return getType(equality.get(tph));
return concreteTypes.getOrDefault(new TPH(tph), tph);
return type;
TargetType getTargetType(RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric in) {
if (in instanceof TypePlaceholder tph) {
if (equality.containsKey(tph)) {
return getTargetType(equality.get(tph));
var type = concreteTypes.get(new TPH(tph));
if (type == null) return new TargetGenericType(tph.getName());
return astToTargetAST.convert(type, this);
return astToTargetAST.convert(in, this);

@ -5,14 +5,13 @@ import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.Method;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.RefTypeOrTPHOrWildcardOrGeneric;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.TypePlaceholder;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.target.tree.type.TargetType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.ResultPair;
import java.util.*;
public class GenericsResult {
private final ASTToTargetAST.GenerateGenerics generics;
private final GenerateGenerics generics;
GenericsResult(ASTToTargetAST.GenerateGenerics generics) {
GenericsResult(GenerateGenerics generics) {
this.generics = generics;
@ -42,16 +41,16 @@ public class GenericsResult {
do {
bound = Optional.empty();
for (var pair : methodGenerics) {
if (pair.getLeft().equals(type)) {
type = resolve(pair.getRight());
if (pair.left.resolve().equals(type)) {
type = pair.resolveRight();
bound = Optional.of(new Bound(true, type));
if (bound.isEmpty()) {
for (var pair : classGenerics) {
if (pair.getLeft().equals(type)) {
type = resolve(pair.getRight());
if (pair.left.resolve().equals(type)) {
type = pair.resolveRight();
bound = Optional.of(new Bound(false, type));

@ -1,23 +1,24 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.target.generate;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.type.TypePlaceholder;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.PairTPHEqualTPH;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.PairTPHsmallerTPH;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.ResultPair;
import java.util.*;
public class GenericsResultSet extends AbstractSet<ResultPair<?, ?>> {
public class GenericsResultSet extends AbstractSet<GenerateGenerics.Pair> {
final Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> backing;
final Set<GenerateGenerics.Pair> backing;
final Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality;
public GenericsResultSet(Set<ResultPair<?, ?>> backing, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
public GenericsResultSet(Set<GenerateGenerics.Pair> backing, Map<TypePlaceholder, TypePlaceholder> equality) {
this.backing = backing == null ? new HashSet<>() : new HashSet<>(backing);
this.equality = equality;
public Iterator<ResultPair<?, ?>> iterator() {
public Iterator<GenerateGenerics.Pair> iterator() {
return backing.iterator();
@ -29,7 +30,14 @@ public class GenericsResultSet extends AbstractSet<ResultPair<?, ?>> {
public Optional<ResultPair<?, ?>> getResultPairFor(TypePlaceholder tph) {
var tph2 = equality.getOrDefault(tph, tph);
return this.stream().filter(pair -> {
return pair.getLeft().equals(tph2);
return pair.left.resolve().equals(tph2);
}).findFirst().map(pair -> {
ResultPair<?, ?> res = null;
if (pair instanceof GenerateGenerics.PairLT lt)
res = new PairTPHsmallerTPH(lt.left.resolve(), lt.right.resolve());
else if (pair instanceof GenerateGenerics.PairEQ eq)
res = new PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType(eq.left.resolve(), eq.right);
return res;

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.target.generate;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.ClassOrInterface;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.Method;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.ResultSet;
import java.util.Set;
final class JavaGenerics extends GenerateGenerics {
JavaGenerics(ASTToTargetAST astToTargetAST, ResultSet constraints) {
super(astToTargetAST, constraints);
void generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method, Set<Pair> result, Set<TPH> referenced) {
eliminateCycles(result, referenced);
eliminateInfima(result, referenced);
//equalizeTypeVariables(result, referenced);
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, result);
void generics(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<Pair> result, Set<TPH> referenced) {
eliminateCycles(result, referenced);
eliminateInfima(result, referenced);
eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(classOrInterface, result, referenced);
equalizeTypeVariables(result, referenced);

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package de.dhbwstuttgart.target.generate;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.ClassOrInterface;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.syntaxtree.Method;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.ResultSet;
import java.util.Set;
final class TxGenerics extends GenerateGenerics {
TxGenerics(ASTToTargetAST astToTargetAST, ResultSet constraints) {
super(astToTargetAST, constraints);
void generics(ClassOrInterface owner, Method method, Set<Pair> result, Set<TPH> referenced) {
eliminateInfima(result, referenced);
eliminateInnerTypeVariables(referenced, result);
void generics(ClassOrInterface classOrInterface, Set<Pair> result, Set<TPH> referenced) {
eliminateInfima(result, referenced);
eliminateInnerTypeVariablesOfClass(classOrInterface, result, referenced);

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.target.generate.GenerateGenerics;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.target.generate.GenericsResult;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.target.generate.GenericsResultSet;
import de.dhbwstuttgart.typeinference.result.*;
@ -89,10 +90,10 @@ public class TypeInsertFactory {
String insert = " <";
for (var genericInsertConstraint : constraints) {
if (genericInsertConstraint instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType peq) {
insert += peq.left.getName();
} else if (genericInsertConstraint instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH psm) {
insert += psm.left.getName() + " extends " + psm.right.getName();
if (genericInsertConstraint instanceof GenerateGenerics.PairEQ peq) {
insert += peq.left.resolve().getName();
} else if (genericInsertConstraint instanceof GenerateGenerics.PairLT psm) {
insert += psm.left.resolve().getName() + " extends " + psm.right.resolve().getName();
insert += ", ";
@ -115,10 +116,10 @@ public class TypeInsertFactory {
String insert = " <";
for (var genericInsertConstraint : classConstraints) {
if (genericInsertConstraint instanceof PairTPHequalRefTypeOrWildcardType peq) {
insert += peq.left.getName();
} else if (genericInsertConstraint instanceof PairTPHsmallerTPH psm) {
insert += psm.left.getName() + " extends " + psm.right.getName();
if (genericInsertConstraint instanceof GenerateGenerics.PairEQ peq) {
insert += peq.left.resolve().getName();
} else if (genericInsertConstraint instanceof GenerateGenerics.PairLT psm) {
insert += psm.left.resolve().getName() + " extends " + psm.right.resolve().getName();
insert += ", ";