implemented UnifyResultModelParallel

This commit is contained in:
NoName11234 2024-02-19 17:58:52 +01:00
parent c1aebaf1f5
commit 7296e3de44
4 changed files with 24 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ public class JavaTXCompiler {
* }
public UnifyResultModel typeInferenceAsync(UnifyResultListener resultListener, Writer logFile)
public UnifyResultModelParallel typeInferenceAsync(UnifyResultListener resultListener, Writer logFile)
throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
List<ClassOrInterface> allClasses = new ArrayList<>();// environment.getAllAvailableClasses();
// Alle Importierten Klassen in allen geparsten Sourcefiles kommen ins FC
@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ public class JavaTXCompiler {
final ConstraintSet<Pair> cons = getConstraints();
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> results = new HashSet<>();
UnifyResultModel urm = null;
UnifyResultModelParallel urm = null;
// urm.addUnifyResultListener(resultListener);
try {
logFile = logFile == null
@ -390,7 +390,7 @@ public class JavaTXCompiler {
: logFile;
IFiniteClosure finiteClosure = UnifyTypeFactory.generateFC(allClasses, logFile, classLoader);
urm = new UnifyResultModel(cons, finiteClosure);
urm = new UnifyResultModelParallel(cons, finiteClosure);
ConstraintSet<UnifyPair> unifyCons = UnifyTypeFactory.convert(cons);
@ -720,7 +720,7 @@ public class JavaTXCompiler {
if (resultmodel) {
/* UnifyResultModel Anfang */
UnifyResultModel urm = new UnifyResultModel(cons, finiteClosure);
UnifyResultModelParallel urm = new UnifyResultModelParallel(cons, finiteClosure);
UnifyResultListenerImpl li = new UnifyResultListenerImpl();
unify.unifyParallel(unifyCons.getUndConstraints(), oderConstraints, finiteClosure, logFile, log, urm,
@ -738,7 +738,7 @@ public class JavaTXCompiler {
// oderConstraints, finiteClosure, logFile, log, new UnifyResultModel(cons,
// finiteClosure));
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> result = unify.unifyOderConstraints(unifyCons.getUndConstraints(), oderConstraints,
finiteClosure, logFile, log, new UnifyResultModel(cons, finiteClosure), usedTasks);
finiteClosure, logFile, log, new UnifyResultModelParallel(cons, finiteClosure), usedTasks);
System.out.println("RESULT: " + result);
logFile.write("RES: " + result.toString() + "\n");

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@ -23,10 +23,11 @@ public class TypeUnify {
* @param cons
* @return
public Set<Set<UnifyPair>> unify(Set<UnifyPair> undConstrains, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, Writer logFile, Boolean log, UnifyResultModel ret, UnifyTaskModelParallel taskModel) {
public Set<Set<UnifyPair>> unify(Set<UnifyPair> undConstrains, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, Writer logFile, Boolean log, UnifyResultModelParallel resultModel, UnifyTaskModelParallel taskModel) {
ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, null, true);
TypeUnifyTask unifyTask = new TypeUnifyTask(undConstrains, oderConstraints, fc, true, new WriterActiveObject(logFile, pool), log, 0, ret, pool);
TypeUnifyTask unifyTask = new TypeUnifyTask(undConstrains, oderConstraints, fc, true, new WriterActiveObject(logFile, pool), log, 0, resultModel, pool);
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> res = unifyTask.join();
try {
@ -50,12 +51,13 @@ public class TypeUnify {
* @param ret
* @return
public UnifyResultModel unifyAsync(Set<UnifyPair> undConstrains, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, Writer logFile, Boolean log, UnifyResultModel ret, UnifyTaskModelParallel taskModel) {
public UnifyResultModelParallel unifyAsync(Set<UnifyPair> undConstrains, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, Writer logFile, Boolean log, UnifyResultModelParallel resultModel, UnifyTaskModelParallel taskModel) {
ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, null, true);
TypeUnifyTask unifyTask = new TypeUnifyTask(undConstrains, oderConstraints, fc, true, new WriterActiveObject(logFile, pool), log, 0, ret, pool);
TypeUnifyTask unifyTask = new TypeUnifyTask(undConstrains, oderConstraints, fc, true, new WriterActiveObject(logFile, pool), log, 0, resultModel, pool);
return ret;
return resultModel;
@ -69,11 +71,12 @@ public class TypeUnify {
* @param ret
* @return
public UnifyResultModel unifyParallel(Set<UnifyPair> undConstrains, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, Writer logFile, Boolean log, UnifyResultModel ret, UnifyTaskModelParallel taskModel) {
public UnifyResultModelParallel unifyParallel(Set<UnifyPair> undConstrains, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, Writer logFile, Boolean log, UnifyResultModelParallel resultModel, UnifyTaskModelParallel taskModel) {
ForkJoinPool pool = new ForkJoinPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), ForkJoinPool.defaultForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory, null, true);
TypeUnifyTask unifyTask = //new TypeUnifyTask(undConstrains, oderConstraints, fc, true, logFile, log, 0, ret, usedTasks);
new TypeUnifyTask(undConstrains, oderConstraints, fc, true, new WriterActiveObject(logFile, pool), log, 0, ret, pool, statistics);
new TypeUnifyTask(undConstrains, oderConstraints, fc, true, new WriterActiveObject(logFile, pool), log, 0, resultModel, pool, statistics);
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> res = unifyTask.join();
@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ public class TypeUnify {
catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("no log-File");
return ret;
return resultModel;
@ -107,8 +110,9 @@ public class TypeUnify {
* @param cons
* @return
public Set<Set<UnifyPair>> unifyOderConstraints(Set<UnifyPair> undConstrains, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, Writer logFile, Boolean log, UnifyResultModel ret, UnifyTaskModelParallel taskModel) {
TypeUnifyTask unifyTask = new TypeUnifyTask(undConstrains, oderConstraints, fc, false, new WriterActiveObject(logFile, ForkJoinPool.commonPool()), log, 0, ret, ForkJoinPool.commonPool());
public Set<Set<UnifyPair>> unifyOderConstraints(Set<UnifyPair> undConstrains, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, Writer logFile, Boolean log, UnifyResultModelParallel resultModel, UnifyTaskModelParallel taskModel) {
TypeUnifyTask unifyTask = new TypeUnifyTask(undConstrains, oderConstraints, fc, false, new WriterActiveObject(logFile, ForkJoinPool.commonPool()), log, 0, resultModel, ForkJoinPool.commonPool());
unifyTask.statisticsFile = statistics;
Set<Set<UnifyPair>> res = unifyTask.compute();
try {

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@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ public class TypeUnify2Task extends TypeUnifyTask {
TypeUnify2Task(Set<Set<UnifyPair>> setToFlatten, Set<UnifyPair> eq,
List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints,
Set<UnifyPair> nextSetElement,
IFiniteClosure fc, boolean parallel, WriterActiveObject logFile, Boolean log, int rekTiefe, UnifyResultModel urm,
IFiniteClosure fc, boolean parallel, WriterActiveObject logFile, Boolean log, int rekTiefe, UnifyResultModelParallel urm,
Set<UnifyPair> methodSignatureConstraintUebergabe, ForkJoinPool pool, Writer statistics) {
this(setToFlatten, eq, oderConstraints, nextSetElement, fc, parallel, logFile, log, rekTiefe, urm, methodSignatureConstraintUebergabe, pool );
public TypeUnify2Task(Set<Set<UnifyPair>> setToFlatten, Set<UnifyPair> eq, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, Set<UnifyPair> nextSetElement, IFiniteClosure fc, boolean parallel, WriterActiveObject logFile, Boolean log, int rekTiefe, UnifyResultModel urm, Set<UnifyPair> methodSignatureConstraintUebergabe, ForkJoinPool pool) {
public TypeUnify2Task(Set<Set<UnifyPair>> setToFlatten, Set<UnifyPair> eq, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, Set<UnifyPair> nextSetElement, IFiniteClosure fc, boolean parallel, WriterActiveObject logFile, Boolean log, int rekTiefe, UnifyResultModelParallel urm, Set<UnifyPair> methodSignatureConstraintUebergabe, ForkJoinPool pool) {
super(eq, oderConstraints, fc, parallel, logFile, log, rekTiefe, urm, pool);
this.setToFlatten = setToFlatten;
this.nextSetElement = nextSetElement;

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class TypeUnifyTask extends RecursiveTask<Set<Set<UnifyPair>>> {
* Fuer die Threads
UnifyResultModel urm;
protected UnifyResultModelParallel urm;
protected static int noOfThread = 0;
private static int totalnoOfThread = 0;
int thNo;
@ -146,11 +146,11 @@ public class TypeUnifyTask extends RecursiveTask<Set<Set<UnifyPair>>> {
public TypeUnifyTask(Set<UnifyPair> eq, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, boolean parallel, WriterActiveObject logFile, Boolean log, int rekTiefe, UnifyResultModel urm, ForkJoinPool pool, Writer statisticsFile) {
public TypeUnifyTask(Set<UnifyPair> eq, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, boolean parallel, WriterActiveObject logFile, Boolean log, int rekTiefe, UnifyResultModelParallel urm, ForkJoinPool pool, Writer statisticsFile) {
this(eq,oderConstraints, fc, parallel, logFile, log, rekTiefe, urm, pool);
this.statisticsFile = statisticsFile;
public TypeUnifyTask(Set<UnifyPair> eq, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, boolean parallel, WriterActiveObject logFile, Boolean log, int rekTiefe, UnifyResultModel urm, ForkJoinPool pool) {
public TypeUnifyTask(Set<UnifyPair> eq, List<Set<Constraint<UnifyPair>>> oderConstraints, IFiniteClosure fc, boolean parallel, WriterActiveObject logFile, Boolean log, int rekTiefe, UnifyResultModelParallel urm, ForkJoinPool pool) {
this.eq = eq;
//this.oderConstraints = -> -> new HashSet<>(y)).collect(Collectors.toSet(HashSet::new))).collect(Collectors.toList(ArrayList::new));
this.oderConstraintsField = oderConstraints; /*.stream().map(x -> {