package; import de.dhbwstuttgart.parser.scope.JavaClassName; import; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public interface TargetStructure { int modifiers(); JavaClassName qualifiedName(); TargetType superType(); Set generics(); Set txGenerics(); List implementingInterfaces(); List constructors(); TargetMethod staticConstructor(); List fields(); List methods(); default String getName() { return qualifiedName().toString().replaceAll("\\.", "/"); } // These methods are only meant to be used for test cases, a Class record should be immutable! default void addMethod(int access, String name, Set generics, List parameterTypes, TargetType returnType, TargetBlock block) { this.methods().add(new TargetMethod(access, name, block, new TargetMethod.Signature(generics, parameterTypes, returnType), null)); } default void addMethod(int access, String name, List parameterTypes, TargetType returnType, TargetBlock block) { addMethod(access, name, Set.of(), parameterTypes, returnType, block); } default void addConstructor(int access, Set generics, List paramterTypes, TargetBlock block) { this.constructors().add(new TargetConstructor(access, generics, Set.of(), paramterTypes, List.of(), block, null)); } default void addConstructor(int access, List paramterTypes, TargetBlock block) { addConstructor(access, Set.of(), paramterTypes, block); } }