/* [The "BSD licence"] Copyright (c) 2013 Terence Parr, Sam Harwell Copyright (c) 2017 Ivan Kochurkin (upgrade to Java 8) Copyright (c) 2021 Michał Lorek (upgrade to Java 11) Copyright (c) 2022 Michał Lorek (upgrade to Java 17) All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ parser grammar Java17Parser; options { tokenVocab=Java17Lexer; } sourceFile : packageDeclaration? importDeclaration* classOrInterface* # srcfile | moduleDeclaration EOF # moduledecl ; packageDeclaration : annotation* PACKAGE qualifiedName ';' ; importDeclaration : IMPORT STATIC? qualifiedName ('.' '*')? ';' ; classOrInterface : classOrInterfaceModifier* (classDeclaration | enumDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration | annotationTypeDeclaration | recordDeclaration) # classorinterfacedecl | ';' # noclassorinterface ; modifier : classOrInterfaceModifier | NATIVE | SYNCHRONIZED | TRANSIENT | VOLATILE ; classOrInterfaceModifier : annotation | PUBLIC | PROTECTED | PRIVATE | STATIC | ABSTRACT | FINAL // FINAL for class only -- does not apply to interfaces | STRICTFP | SEALED // Java17 | NON_SEALED // Java17 ; variableModifier : FINAL # finalvarmod | annotation # annotationvarmod ; classDeclaration : CLASS identifier genericDeclarationList? (EXTENDS typeType)? (IMPLEMENTS typeList)? (PERMITS typeList)? // Java17 classBody ; genericDeclarationList : '<' genericTypeVar (',' genericTypeVar)* '>' ; genericTypeVar : annotation* identifier ((EXTENDS | IMPLEMENTS) annotation* typeBound)? ; typeBound : typeType ('&' typeType)* ; enumDeclaration : ENUM identifier (IMPLEMENTS typeList)? '{' enumConstants? ','? enumBodyDeclarations? '}' ; enumConstants : enumConstant (',' enumConstant)* ; enumConstant : annotation* identifier arguments? classBody? ; enumBodyDeclarations : ';' classBodyDeclaration* ; interfaceDeclaration : INTERFACE identifier genericDeclarationList? (EXTENDS typeList)? (PERMITS typeList)? interfaceBody ; classBody : '{' classBodyDeclaration* '}' ; interfaceBody : '{' interfaceBodyDeclaration* '}' ; classBodyDeclaration : ';' # emptyclassbody | STATIC? block # classblock | modifier* memberDeclaration # memberdecl ; memberDeclaration : classOrInterface # memberclassorinterface | fieldDeclaration # memberfield | method # membermethod | constructor # memberconstructor ; method : methodDeclaration # methoddecl | genericMethodDeclaration # genericmethod ; /* We use rule this even for void methods which cannot have [] after parameters. This simplifies grammar and we can consider void to be a type, which renders the [] matching as a context-sensitive issue or a semantic check for invalid return type after parsing. */ methodDeclaration : methodHeader (THROWS exceptionList)? methodBody ; methodHeader : refType? identifier formalParameters ('[' ']')* ; methodBody : block # methodblock | ';' # emptymethod ; refType : typeType # refType2 | VOID # refvoid ; genericMethodDeclaration : genericDeclarationList methodDeclaration ; constructor : genericConstructorDeclaration # genericconstructor | constructorDeclaration # constructordecl ; genericConstructorDeclaration : genericDeclarationList constructorDeclaration ; constructorDeclaration : identifier formalParameters (THROWS exceptionList)? constructorBody=block ; fieldDeclaration : typeType? variableDeclarators ';' ; interfaceBodyDeclaration : modifier* interfaceMemberDeclaration # interfacemember | ';' # emptyinterface ; interfaceMemberDeclaration : constDeclaration # interfaceconst | interfaceMethodDeclaration # interfacemethod | genericInterfaceMethodDeclaration # genericinterfacemethod | classOrInterface # subclassorinterface ; constDeclaration : typeType? constantDeclarator (',' constantDeclarator)* ';' ; constantDeclarator : identifier ('[' ']')* '=' variableInitializer ; // Early versions of Java allows brackets after the method name, eg. // public int[] return2DArray() [] { ... } // is the same as // public int[][] return2DArray() { ... } interfaceMethodDeclaration : interfaceMethodModifier* interfaceCommonBodyDeclaration ; // Java8 interfaceMethodModifier : annotation | PUBLIC | ABSTRACT | DEFAULT | STATIC | STRICTFP ; genericInterfaceMethodDeclaration : interfaceMethodModifier* genericDeclarationList interfaceCommonBodyDeclaration ; interfaceCommonBodyDeclaration : annotation* refType? identifier formalParameters ('[' ']')* (THROWS exceptionList)? methodBody ; variableDeclarators : variableDeclarator (',' variableDeclarator)* ; variableDeclarator : variableDeclaratorId ('=' variableInitializer)? ; variableDeclaratorId : identifier ('[' ']')* ; variableInitializer : arrayInitializer | expression ; arrayInitializer : '{' (variableInitializer (',' variableInitializer)* (',')? )? '}' ; classOrInterfaceType : (identifier typeArguments? '.')* typeIdentifier typeArguments? ; typeArgument : typeType | wildcardType ; wildcardType : annotation* '?' (extendsWildcardType | superWildcardType)? ; extendsWildcardType : EXTENDS typeType ; superWildcardType : SUPER typeType ; qualifiedNameList : qualifiedName (',' qualifiedName)* ; exceptionList : qualifiedNameList ; formalParameters : '(' ( receiverParameter? | receiverParameter (',' formalParameterList)? | formalParameterList? ) ')' ; receiverParameter : typeType? (identifier '.')* THIS ; formalParameterList : formalParameter (',' formalParameter)* (',' lastFormalParameter)? | lastFormalParameter ; formalParameter : variableModifier* typeType? variableDeclaratorId | pattern // Pattern matching for Methods ; lastFormalParameter : variableModifier* typeType? annotation* '...' variableDeclaratorId ; // local variable type inference lambdaLVTIList : lambdaLVTIParameter (',' lambdaLVTIParameter)* ; lambdaLVTIParameter : variableModifier* VAR identifier ; qualifiedName : identifier ('.' identifier)* ; literal : integerLiteral # intLiteral | floatLiteral # fltLiteral | CHAR_LITERAL # charLiteral | STRING_LITERAL # stringLiteral | BOOL_LITERAL # boolLiteral | NULL_LITERAL # nullLiteral | TEXT_BLOCK # textBlock // Java17 ; integerLiteral : DECIMAL_LITERAL | HEX_LITERAL | OCT_LITERAL | BINARY_LITERAL ; floatLiteral : FLOAT_LITERAL | HEX_FLOAT_LITERAL ; // ANNOTATIONS altAnnotationQualifiedName : (identifier DOT)* '@' identifier ; annotation : ('@' qualifiedName | altAnnotationQualifiedName) ('(' ( elementValuePairs | elementValue )? ')')? ; elementValuePairs : elementValuePair (',' elementValuePair)* ; elementValuePair : identifier '=' elementValue ; elementValue : expression | annotation | elementValueArrayInitializer ; elementValueArrayInitializer : '{' (elementValue (',' elementValue)*)? (',')? '}' ; annotationTypeDeclaration : '@' INTERFACE identifier annotationTypeBody ; annotationTypeBody : '{' (annotationTypeElementDeclaration)* '}' ; annotationTypeElementDeclaration : modifier* annotationTypeElementRest | ';' // this is not allowed by the grammar, but apparently allowed by the actual compiler ; annotationTypeElementRest : typeType annotationMethodOrConstantRest ';' | classOrInterface ';'? ; annotationMethodOrConstantRest : annotationMethodRest | annotationConstantRest ; annotationMethodRest : identifier '(' ')' defaultValue? ; annotationConstantRest : variableDeclarators ; defaultValue : DEFAULT elementValue ; // MODULES - Java9 moduleDeclaration : OPEN? MODULE qualifiedName moduleBody ; moduleBody : '{' moduleDirective* '}' ; moduleDirective : REQUIRES requiresModifier* qualifiedName ';' | EXPORTS qualifiedName (TO qualifiedName)? ';' | OPENS qualifiedName (TO qualifiedName)? ';' | USES qualifiedName ';' | PROVIDES qualifiedName WITH qualifiedName ';' ; requiresModifier : TRANSITIVE | STATIC ; // RECORDS - Java 17 recordDeclaration : RECORD identifier genericDeclarationList? recordHeader (IMPLEMENTS typeList)? recordBody ; recordHeader : '(' recordComponentList? ')' ; recordComponentList : recordComponent (',' recordComponent)* ; recordComponent : typeType? identifier ; recordBody : '{' classBodyDeclaration* '}' ; // STATEMENTS / BLOCKS block : '{' blockStatement* '}' ; blockStatement : localVariableDeclaration ';' | localTypeDeclaration | statement ; localVariableDeclaration : variableModifier* (VAR | typeType) variableDeclarators ; identifier : IDENTIFIER | MODULE | OPEN | REQUIRES | EXPORTS | OPENS | TO | USES | PROVIDES | WITH | TRANSITIVE | YIELD | SEALED | PERMITS | RECORD | VAR ; typeIdentifier // Identifiers that are not restricted for type declarations : IDENTIFIER | MODULE | OPEN | REQUIRES | EXPORTS | OPENS | TO | USES | PROVIDES | WITH | TRANSITIVE | SEALED | PERMITS | RECORD ; localTypeDeclaration : classOrInterfaceModifier* (classDeclaration | interfaceDeclaration | recordDeclaration) | ';' ; statement : blockLabel=block #blockstmt | ASSERT expression (':' expression)? ';' #assertstmt | IF parExpression statement (ELSE statement)? #conditionalstmt | FOR '(' forControl ')' statement #forloop | WHILE parExpression statement #whileloop | DO statement WHILE parExpression ';' #dowhileloop | TRY block (catchClause+ finallyBlock? | finallyBlock) #trycatchblock | TRY resourceSpecification block catchClause* finallyBlock? #trycatchresource | SWITCH parExpression '{' switchBlockStatementGroup* switchLabel* '}' #switchstmt | SYNCHRONIZED parExpression block #synchronizedstmt | RETURN expression? ';' #returnstmt | THROW expression ';' #throwstmt | BREAK identifier? ';' #breakstmt | CONTINUE identifier? ';' #continuestmt | YIELD expression ';' #yieldstmt // Java17 | SEMI #semistmt | statementExpression=expression ';' #stmtexpression | identifierLabel=identifier ':' statement #labeledstmt ; catchClause : CATCH '(' variableModifier* catchType? identifier ')' block ; catchType : qualifiedName ('|' qualifiedName)* ; finallyBlock : FINALLY block ; resourceSpecification : '(' resources ';'? ')' ; resources : resource (';' resource)* ; resource : variableModifier* ( classOrInterfaceType? variableDeclaratorId | VAR identifier ) '=' expression | identifier ; /** Matches cases then statements, both of which are mandatory. * To handle empty cases at the end, we add switchLabel* to statement. */ switchBlockStatementGroup : switchLabel+ blockStatement+ ; switchLabel : CASE constantExpression=expression ':' #switchLabelConst | CASE enumConstantName=IDENTIFIER ':' #switchLabelEnum | CASE pattern ':' #switchLabelPattern | DEFAULT ':' #switchLabelDefault ; forControl : enhancedForControl | forInit? ';' expression? ';' forUpdate=expressionList? ; forInit : localVariableDeclaration | expressionList ; enhancedForControl : variableModifier* (typeType? | VAR) variableDeclaratorId ':' expression ; // EXPRESSIONS parExpression : '(' expression ')' ; expressionList : expression (',' expression)* ; methodCall : identifier '(' expressionList? ')' | THIS '(' expressionList? ')' | SUPER '(' expressionList? ')' ; expression : primary #primaryExpression2 | expression bop='.' ( identifier | methodCall | THIS | NEW nonWildcardTypeArguments? innerCreator | SUPER superSuffix | explicitGenericInvocation ) # dottedexpression | expression '[' expression ']' #arrayaccessexpression | methodCall #methodcallexpression | NEW creator #newinstanceexpression | '(' annotation* typeType ('&' typeType)* ')' expression #castexpression | expression postfix=('++' | '--') #postfixexpression | prefix=('+'|'-'|'++'|'--'|'~'|'!') expression #prefixexpression | expression bop=('*'|'/'|'%') expression #mathmuldivmodexpression | expression bop=('+'|'-') expression #mathaddsubexpression | expression ('<' '<' | '>' '>' '>' | '>' '>') expression #shiftexpression | expression bop=('<=' | '>=' | '>' | '<') expression #relationalexpression | expression bop=INSTANCEOF (typeType | pattern) #instanceofexpression | expression bop=('==' | '!=') expression #equalityexpression | expression bop='&' expression #bitwiseandexpression | expression bop='^' expression #bitwisexorexpression | expression bop='|' expression #bitwiseorexpression | expression bop='&&' expression #andexpression | expression bop='||' expression #orexpression | <assoc=right> expression bop='?' expression ':' expression #conditionalassignexpression | <assoc=right> expression bop=('=' | '+=' | '-=' | '*=' | '/=' | '&=' | '|=' | '^=' | '>>=' | '>>>=' | '<<=' | '%=') expression #assignexpression | lambdaExpression #lambdaExpression2 // Java8 | switchExpression #switchExpression2 // Java17 // Java 8 methodReference | expression '::' typeArguments? identifier #methodreferenceexpression | typeType '::' (typeArguments? identifier | NEW) #methodorcreatorreferenceexpression | classType '::' typeArguments? NEW #creatorreferenceexpression ; // Java17 pattern : primaryPattern #pPattern | guardedPattern #gPattern ; primaryPattern : typePattern #tPattern | recordPattern #rPattern | '(' pattern ')' #enclosedPattern ; recordPattern : typeType recordStructurePattern identifier? ; typePattern : variableModifier* typeType identifier ; recordStructurePattern : '(' recordComponentPatternList? ')' ; recordComponentPatternElement : pattern | identifier ; recordComponentPatternList : pattern (',' pattern)* ; // Java8 lambdaExpression : lambdaParameters '->' lambdaBody ; // Java8 lambdaParameters : identifier | '(' formalParameterList? ')' | '(' identifier (',' identifier)* ')' | '(' lambdaLVTIList? ')' ; // Java8 lambdaBody : expression | block ; primary : '(' expression ')' # primaryExpression | THIS # primaryThis | SUPER # primarySuper | literal # primaryLiteral | identifier # primaryIdentifier | refType '.' CLASS # primaryClassref | nonWildcardTypeArguments (explicitGenericInvocationSuffix | THIS arguments) # primaryInvocation ; // Java17 switchExpression : SWITCH parExpression '{' switchLabeledRule* '}' ; // Java17 switchLabeledRule : switchLabelCase switchRuleOutcome ; switchLabelCase : CASE expressionList (ARROW | COLON) #labeledRuleExprList | CASE NULL_LITERAL (ARROW | COLON) #labeledRuleNull | CASE pattern (ARROW | COLON) #labeledRulePattern | DEFAULT (ARROW | COLON) #labeledRuleDefault ; // Java20 guardedPattern : primaryPattern WITH expression ; // Java17 switchRuleOutcome : block | expression ';' ; classType : (classOrInterfaceType '.')? annotation* identifier typeArguments? ; creator : nonWildcardTypeArguments createdName classCreatorRest | createdName (arrayCreatorRest | classCreatorRest) ; createdName : identifier typeArgumentsOrDiamond? | primitiveType ; innerCreator : identifier nonWildcardTypeArgumentsOrDiamond? classCreatorRest ; arrayCreatorRest : '[' (']' ('[' ']')* arrayInitializer | expression ']' ('[' expression ']')* ('[' ']')*) ; classCreatorRest : arguments classBody? ; explicitGenericInvocation : nonWildcardTypeArguments explicitGenericInvocationSuffix ; typeArgumentsOrDiamond : '<' '>' | typeArguments ; nonWildcardTypeArgumentsOrDiamond : '<' '>' | nonWildcardTypeArguments ; nonWildcardTypeArguments : '<' typeList '>' ; typeList : typeType (',' typeType)* ; typeType : annotation* (classOrInterfaceType | primitiveType) (annotation* '[' ']')* ; primitiveType : BOOLEAN | CHAR | BYTE | SHORT | INT | LONG | FLOAT | DOUBLE ; typeArguments : '<' typeArgument (',' typeArgument)* '>' ; superSuffix : arguments | '.' typeArguments? identifier arguments? ; explicitGenericInvocationSuffix : SUPER superSuffix | identifier arguments ; arguments : '(' expressionList? ')' ;