%!TEX root = ./main.tex %%************************************************************** %% %% DHBW Heidenheim - Template for Bachelor Thesis %% %% Bevor usisng this template please have a look at the REAMDME.md file %% %%************************************************************** \input{ads/header} \input{content/glossary} \begin{document} % Cover \begin{spacing}{1} \input{ads/cover} \end{spacing} \newpage \pagenumbering{Roman} % Restriction notices %\ifDocType{T2\_3100}{% % % no restricition notices for semester paper %}{% % \input{ads/restrictionNotices} % \newpage %}% % Declaration \input{ads/declaration} \newpage % Abstract \input{content/abstract} \newpage % only page number in footer \pagestyle{plain} % space bevore chapter headline \RedeclareSectionCommand[beforeskip=\chapterMargin]{chapter} % Contents \begin{spacing}{1.1} \begingroup % set subchapter depth \setcounter{tocdepth}{2} \tableofcontents \clearpage \endgroup \end{spacing} \newpage % Acronyms \cleardoublepage \input{content/acronyms} % List of Figures \cleardoublepage \listoffigures %List of Tables \cleardoublepage \listoftables % List of Listings \cleardoublepage \lstlistoflistings \cleardoublepage \pagenumbering{arabic} \pagestyle{headings} %Content \foreach \i in {01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,...,99} {% \edef\FileName{content/chapter/\i .tex}% \IfFileExists{\FileName}{% \input{\FileName} } {% % No chapter available } } \clearpage % Bibilography \cleardoublepage \printbibliography % Glossar \cleardoublepage \printglossary[style=altlist,title=\glossaryPhrase] \input{content/glossary} % Appendix \clearpage \appendix \input{content/appendix} \end{document}