@ -15,17 +15,28 @@ compile-raupenpiler:
test: compile-javac compile-raupenpiler test-javac test-raupenpiler
# gleich wie bei raupenpiler, kann ich ohne funktionierenden Compiler nicht testen
# move the compiled class to the test/main folder
mv ../main/resources/output/CompilerInput.class .java/main/
cd .java/main/
# compile the test class
javac .java/
# run the test class
java .java/main.EndToEndTester
# clean output folders
rm -f ../main/resources/output/*.class
rm -f ./resources/output/javac/*.class
rm -f ./resources/output/raupenpiler/*.class
rm -f ./java/*.class
rm -f ../main/resources/output/*.class
# clean logs
rm -f ../main/resources/logs/*.log
# clean test/main folders from .class files for End-to-End tests
rm -f ./java/main/*.class
# clean javac output from featureTests
rm -f ./resources/input/featureTests/*.class
@ -78,8 +78,8 @@ Compiled Classfile
wenn beides erfolgreich
- Ergebnis vom eigenen Compiler mithilfe von main.TestCompilerOutput ausführen
- (Ergebnis von javac mithilfe von main.TestCompilerOutput ausführen)
- Ergebnis vom eigenen Compiler mithilfe von main.EndToEndTester ausführen
- (Ergebnis von javac mithilfe von main.EndToEndTester ausführen)
### Andis Tipps:
@ -89,4 +89,5 @@ wenn beides erfolgreich
- mvn package
- javac tester // tester compilen
- java tester // tester ausführen
- -> tester ist in unserem Fall
- -> tester ist in unserem Fall
- -> Hab ich alles umgesetzt
@ -3,18 +3,18 @@ package main;
* This class is used to test the output of the compiler.
* <p>Im gleichen Ordner wie diese Datei ( muss die selbst kompilierte CompilerInput.class Datei sein.
* <br><strong>Hinweis:</strong> Diese muss man also vom Ordner <code> main/resources/output </code> in diesen Ordner hier (test/java/main) rein kopieren. (bis es eine bessere Lösung gibt)</p>
* <p>Im gleichen Ordner wie diese Datei ( muss die selbst kompilierte CompilerInput.class Datei sein.
* <br><strong>Hinweis:</strong> Diese muss man also vom Ordner <code> main/resources/output </code> in diesen Ordner hier (test/java/main) rein kopieren. (bis es eine bessere Lösung gibt -> bin grad in der Make dran das alles hier automatisch zu machen)</p>
* <p>Die selbst kompilierte .class Datei wird dann hier drin geladen und eine Instanz von ihr erstellt, es können auch Methoden aufgerufen werden.
* <p>Diese Datei wird dann in <code> \src\test\java> </code> mit <code>javac .\</code> kompiliert und mit <code>java main.TestCompilerOutput</code> ausgeführt.
* <p>Diese Datei wird dann in <code> \src\test\java> </code> mit <code>javac .\</code> kompiliert und mit <code>java main.EndToEndTester</code> ausgeführt.
* Wenn unser Compiler funktioniert, sollten keine Errors kommen (sondern nur die Ausgaben, die wir in der Datei gemacht haben,
* oder Methoden, die wir hier aufrufen).</p>
* <p><strong>PROBLEM:</strong> Hier kommen Errors, was eigentlich heißt, dass der Compiler nicht funktioniert, der Test sollte eigentlich passen.
* <br><strong>DENN:</strong> Wenn ich statt unserem CompilerInput.class die CompilerInput.class von javac verwende (aus <code> src/test/resources/output/javac </code>), dann funktioniert es.</p>
public class TestCompilerOutput {
public class EndToEndTester {
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
// Try to load the class named "CompilerInput"
@ -3,71 +3,45 @@ package main;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertTrue;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class FailureTest {
private static final List<String> TEST_FILES = Arrays.asList(
* This test method checks if invalid Java files fail to compile as expected.
* It uses the JavaCompiler from the ToolProvider to compile the files.
* The test passes if all the files fail to compile.
public void invalidJavaFilesTest() {
public void areTestFilesActuallyFailTest() {
// Get the system Java compiler
JavaCompiler compiler = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
JavaCompiler javac = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
// Assert that the compiler is available
assertNotNull(compiler, "Java Compiler is not available");
assertNotNull(javac, "Java Compiler is not available");
// Iterate over the test files
for (String fileName : TEST_FILES) {
// Create a File object for the current file
File file = new File(fileName);
String directoryPath = "src/test/resources/input/failureTests";
File folder = new File(directoryPath);
// Try to compile the file and get the result
// The run method returns 0 if the compilation was successful, and non-zero otherwise
int result =, null, null, file.getPath());
if (folder.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = folder.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.endsWith(".java"));
// Assert that the compilation failed (i.e., the result is non-zero)
assertTrue(result != 0, "Expected compilation failure for " + fileName);
if (files != null) {
for (File file : files) {
// Try to compile the file and get the result
// The run method returns 0 if the compilation was successful, and non-zero otherwise
int result =, null, null, file.getPath());
// schmeißt John Fehler, wenn namen doppelt sind?
// Input: ParseTree mit genanntem Fehler
// Output: Fehlermeldung
void typedASTTest() throws IOException {
CharStream codeCharStream = null;
try {
codeCharStream = CharStreams.fromPath(Paths.get("src/main/test/resources/main/"));
Main.compileFile(codeCharStream, "src/main/test/resources/output");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.err.println("Error reading the file: " + e.getMessage());
// Assert that the compilation failed (i.e., the result is non-zero)
assertTrue(result != 0, "Expected compilation failure for " + file.getName());
} else {
System.out.println("No files found in the directory.");
} else {
System.out.println("The provided path is not a directory.");
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package main;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
public class FeatureTest {
* This test method checks if valid Java files compile successfully.
* It uses the JavaCompiler from the ToolProvider to compile the files.
* The test passes if all the files compile without errors.
public void areTestFilesActuallyValid() {
// Get the system Java compiler
JavaCompiler javac = ToolProvider.getSystemJavaCompiler();
// Assert that the compiler is available
assertNotNull(javac, "Java Compiler is not available");
String directoryPath = "src/test/resources/input/featureTests";
File folder = new File(directoryPath);
if (folder.isDirectory()) {
File[] files = folder.listFiles((dir, name) -> name.endsWith(".java"));
if (files != null) {
for (File file : files) {
// Try to compile the file and get the result
// The run method returns 0 if the compilation was successful, and non-zero otherwise
int result =, null, null, file.getPath());
// Assert that the compilation succeeded (i.e., the result is zero)
assertEquals(0, result, "Expected compilation success for " + file.getName());
} else {
System.out.println("No files found in the directory.");
} else {
System.out.println("The provided path is not a directory.");
@ -7,14 +7,14 @@ import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
* run: mvn test
* run every test: mvn test
* Nutzen dieser Klasse: Eigentlich nicht vorhanden, in der Main gibts nichts zu testen
public class MainTest {
void testEmptyClass() {
void test() {
CharStream codeCharStream = null;
try {
codeCharStream = CharStreams.fromPath(Paths.get("src/main/test/resources/"));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package parser;
import ast.ClassNode;
import ast.ProgramNode;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import parser.astBuilder.ASTBuilder;
import parser.generated.SimpleJavaLexer;
import parser.generated.SimpleJavaParser;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class AstBuilderTest {
public void astBuilderTest() {
// ---------------- Leere Klasse nachgebaut ----------------
ProgramNode expectedASTEmptyClass = new ProgramNode();
// public class Name {}
ClassNode nameClass = new ClassNode("public", "Name");
// ---------------- Leere Klasse erzeugt ----------------
// init
CharStream inputCharStream = CharStreams.fromString("public class Name {}");
SimpleJavaLexer lexer = new SimpleJavaLexer(inputCharStream);
CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
/* Parser -> Parsetree */
SimpleJavaParser parser = new SimpleJavaParser(tokenStream);
ParseTree parseTreeEmptyClass = parser.program(); // parse the input
/* AST builder -> AST */
ASTBuilder astBuilder = new ASTBuilder();
ProgramNode actualASTEmptyClass = (ProgramNode) new ASTBuilder().visit(parseTreeEmptyClass);
// ---------------- Vergleichen ----------------
String expectedASTasString = expectedASTEmptyClass.toString();
String actualASTasString = new ASTBuilder().visit(parseTreeEmptyClass).toString();
// Wie vergleiche ich das?
assertEquals(expectedASTasString, actualASTasString);
assertEquals(expectedASTEmptyClass, actualASTEmptyClass);
// ---------------- Alter CompilerInput nachgebaut ----------------
// ProgramNode startNode = new ProgramNode();
// public class CompilerInput {}
// ClassNode compilerInputClass = new ClassNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), "CompilerInput");
// public int a;
// compilerInputClass.addMember(new FieldNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT), "a"));
// public static int testMethod(char x) { return 0; }
/* compilerInputClass.addMember(
new MethodNode(
new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC),
new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT),
new ParameterListNode(List.of(new ParameterNode(new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.CHAR), "x"))),
List.of(new ReturnStatementNode(new LiteralNode(0)))
ClassNode testClass = new ClassNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), "Test");
new MethodNode(
new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC),
new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT),
new ParameterListNode(List.of(new ParameterNode(new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.CHAR), "x"), new ParameterNode(new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT), "a"))),
List.of(new ReturnStatementNode(new LiteralNode(0)))
// startNode.addClass(compilerInputClass);
// startNode.addClass(testClass);
@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
package parser;
import ast.ClassNode;
import ast.ProgramNode;
import ast.member.FieldNode;
import ast.member.MethodNode;
import ast.parameter.ParameterNode;
import ast.statement.ReturnStatementNode;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import parser.astBuilder.ASTBuilder;
import parser.generated.SimpleJavaLexer;
import parser.generated.SimpleJavaParser;
@ -19,41 +12,13 @@ import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import java.util.*;
public class ParserTest {
public void init() { // noch nicht benötigt
String inputFilePath = "src/main/resources/input/";
String outputDirectoryPath = "src/main/resources/output";
* This test method is used to test the scanner functionality of the SimpleJavaLexer.
* It creates a CharStream from a string representing a simple Java class declaration,
* and uses the SimpleJavaLexer to tokenize this input.
* It then compares the actual tokens and their types produced by the lexer to the expected tokens and their types.
public void scannerTest() {
// Create a CharStream from a string representing a simple Java class declaration
CharStream inputCharStream = CharStreams.fromString("public class Name {}");
// Use the SimpleJavaLexer to tokenize the input
SimpleJavaLexer lexer = new SimpleJavaLexer(inputCharStream);
CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
// Prepare the expected results
List<String> expectedTokens = Arrays.asList("public", "class", "Name", "{", "}", "<EOF>");
List<String> expectedTokenTypes = Arrays.asList("AccessModifier", "Class", "Identifier", "OpenCurlyBracket", "ClosedCurlyBracket", "EOF");
List<Token> actualTokens = tokenStream.getTokens();
// Compare the actual tokens and their types to the expected tokens and their types
assertEquals(expectedTokens.size(), actualTokens.size());
for (int i = 0; i < expectedTokens.size(); i++) {
assertEquals(expectedTokens.get(i), actualTokens.get(i).getText());
assertEquals(expectedTokenTypes.get(i), SimpleJavaLexer.VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(actualTokens.get(i).getType()));
public void parserTest() {
@ -83,80 +48,6 @@ public class ParserTest {
// assertEquals(expectedTreeStructure, actualTreeStructure);
public void astBuilderTest() {
// TODO: Implement this test method
// ---------------- Alter CompilerInput nachgebaut ----------------
// ProgramNode startNode = new ProgramNode();
// public class CompilerInput {}
// ClassNode compilerInputClass = new ClassNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), "CompilerInput");
// public int a;
// compilerInputClass.addMember(new FieldNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT), "a"));
// public static int testMethod(char x) { return 0; }
/* compilerInputClass.addMember(
new MethodNode(
new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC),
new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT),
new ParameterListNode(List.of(new ParameterNode(new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.CHAR), "x"))),
List.of(new ReturnStatementNode(new LiteralNode(0)))
ClassNode testClass = new ClassNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), "Test");
new MethodNode(
new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC),
new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT),
new ParameterListNode(List.of(new ParameterNode(new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.CHAR), "x"), new ParameterNode(new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT), "a"))),
List.of(new ReturnStatementNode(new LiteralNode(0)))
// startNode.addClass(compilerInputClass);
// startNode.addClass(testClass);
// ---------------- Leere Klasse nachgebaut ----------------
ProgramNode expectedASTEmptyClass = new ProgramNode();
// public class Name {}
ClassNode nameClass = new ClassNode("public", "Name");
// ---------------- Leere Klasse erzeugt ----------------
// init
CharStream inputCharStream = CharStreams.fromString("public class Name {}");
SimpleJavaLexer lexer = new SimpleJavaLexer(inputCharStream);
CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
/* Parser -> Parsetree */
SimpleJavaParser parser = new SimpleJavaParser(tokenStream);
ParseTree parseTreeEmptyClass = parser.program(); // parse the input
/* AST builder -> AST */
ASTBuilder astBuilder = new ASTBuilder();
ProgramNode actualASTEmptyClass = (ProgramNode) new ASTBuilder().visit(parseTreeEmptyClass);
// ---------------- Vergleichen ----------------
String expectedASTasString = expectedASTEmptyClass.toString();
String actualASTasString = new ASTBuilder().visit(parseTreeEmptyClass).toString();
// Wie vergleiche ich das?
assertEquals(expectedASTasString, actualASTasString);
assertEquals(expectedASTEmptyClass, actualASTEmptyClass);
// Helpers Variante 2.1
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package parser;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStreams;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CommonTokenStream;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import parser.generated.SimpleJavaLexer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals;
public class ScannerTest {
* This test method is used to test the scanner functionality of the SimpleJavaLexer.
* It creates a CharStream from a string representing a simple Java class declaration,
* and uses the SimpleJavaLexer to tokenize this input.
* It then compares the actual tokens and their types produced by the lexer to the expected tokens and their types.
public void scannerTest() {
// Create a CharStream from a string representing a simple Java class declaration
CharStream inputCharStream = CharStreams.fromString("public class Name {}");
// Use the SimpleJavaLexer to tokenize the input
SimpleJavaLexer lexer = new SimpleJavaLexer(inputCharStream);
CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
// Prepare the expected results
List<String> expectedTokens = Arrays.asList("public", "class", "Name", "{", "}", "<EOF>");
List<String> expectedTokenTypes = Arrays.asList("AccessModifier", "Class", "Identifier", "OpenCurlyBracket", "ClosedCurlyBracket", "EOF");
List<Token> actualTokens = tokenStream.getTokens();
// Compare the actual tokens and their types to the expected tokens and their types
assertEquals(expectedTokens.size(), actualTokens.size());
for (int i = 0; i < expectedTokens.size(); i++) {
assertEquals(expectedTokens.get(i), actualTokens.get(i).getText());
assertEquals(expectedTokenTypes.get(i), SimpleJavaLexer.VOCABULARY.getSymbolicName(actualTokens.get(i).getType()));
Reference in New Issue
Block a user