@ -1,18 +1,11 @@
package parser;
import ast.BlockNode;
import ast.ClassNode;
import ast.LiteralNode;
import ast.ProgramNode;
import ast.expression.ExpressionNode;
import ast.member.FieldNode;
import ast.member.MemberNode;
import ast.member.MethodNode;
import ast.parameter.ParameterListNode;
import ast.parameter.ParameterNode;
import ast.statement.ReturnStatementNode;
import ast.statement.StatementNode;
import ast.type.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.*;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
@ -49,9 +42,9 @@ public class ParserTest {
// Prepare the expected results
List<Token> actualTokens = tokenStream.getTokens();
List<String> expectedTokens = Arrays.asList("public", "class", "Name", "{", "}", "<EOF>");
List<String> expectedTokenTypes = Arrays.asList(null, null, "IDENTIFIER", null, null, "EOF");
List<String> expectedTokenTypes = Arrays.asList("AccessModifier", "Class", "Identifier", "OpenCurlyBracket", "ClosedCurlyBracket", "EOF");
List<Token> actualTokens = tokenStream.getTokens();
// Compare the actual tokens and their types to the expected tokens and their types
assertEquals(expectedTokens.size(), actualTokens.size());
@ -76,33 +69,32 @@ public class ParserTest {
ParseTree parseTree = parser.program(); // parse the input
//Variante 1 (geht)
String expectedParseTreeAsString = "(program (classDeclaration public class Name { }))";
String actualParseTreeAsString = parseTree.toStringTree(parser);
String expectedParseTreeAsString = "(program (classDeclaration (accessType public) class Name { }))";
assertEquals(actualParseTreeAsString, expectedParseTreeAsString);
assertEquals(expectedParseTreeAsString, actualParseTreeAsString);
// Variante 2 (geht nicht)
// - Sollte es gehen und es liegt am Parser? (keine Ahnung) -> Bitte Fehler (actual und expected) durchlesen
Map<String, Object> actualTreeStructure = buildTreeStructure(parseTree, parser);
// ist die Methode parseStringToTree() korrekt? -> (glaub nicht)
Map<String, Object> expectedTreeStructure = parseStringToTree(expectedParseTreeAsString);
Map<String, Object> actualTreeStructure = buildTreeStructure(parseTree, parser);
assertEquals(actualTreeStructure, expectedTreeStructure);
// assertEquals(expectedTreeStructure, actualTreeStructure);
public void astBuilderTest() {
// TODO: Implement this test method
// ---------------- Aktuellen CompilerInput nachbauen ----------------
ProgramNode startNode = new ProgramNode();
// ---------------- Alter CompilerInput nachgebaut ----------------
// ProgramNode startNode = new ProgramNode();
// public class CompilerInput {}
ClassNode compilerInputClass = new ClassNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), "CompilerInput");
// ClassNode compilerInputClass = new ClassNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), "CompilerInput");
// public int a;
compilerInputClass.addMember(new FieldNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT), "a"));
// compilerInputClass.addMember(new FieldNode(new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC), new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT), "a"));
// public static int testMethod(char x) { return 0; }
/* compilerInputClass.addMember(
new MethodNode(
new AccessTypeNode(EnumAccessTypeNode.PUBLIC),
new BaseTypeNode(EnumTypeNode.INT),
@ -122,28 +114,48 @@ public class ParserTest {
// ---------------- Aktuellen CompilerInput nachbauen ----------------
// startNode.addClass(compilerInputClass);
// startNode.addClass(testClass);
// ---------------- Leere Klasse nachgebaut ----------------
ProgramNode expectedASTEmptyClass = new ProgramNode();
// public class Name {}
ClassNode nameClass = new ClassNode("public", "Name");
// ---------------- Leere Klasse erzeugt ----------------
// init
CharStream inputCharStream = CharStreams.fromString("public class Name {}");
SimpleJavaLexer lexer = new SimpleJavaLexer(inputCharStream);
CommonTokenStream tokenStream = new CommonTokenStream(lexer);
/* Parser -> Parsetree */
SimpleJavaParser parser = new SimpleJavaParser(tokenStream);
ParseTree parseTreeEmptyClass = parser.program(); // parse the input
/* AST builder -> AST */
ASTBuilder astBuilder = new ASTBuilder();
// ProgramNode abstractSyntaxTree = (ProgramNode) astBuilder.visit(parseTree);
ProgramNode actualASTEmptyClass = (ProgramNode) new ASTBuilder().visit(parseTreeEmptyClass);
//String actualASTasString = new ASTBuilder().visit(parseTree).toString();
// ProgramNode actualAST = new ASTBuilder().visit(parseTree);
// ProgramNode expectedAST = new ProgramNode();
// expectedAST.add(new ProgramNode.ClassNode("Name", new ProgramNode()));
// ---------------- Vergleichen ----------------
String expectedASTasString = expectedASTEmptyClass.toString();
String actualASTasString = new ASTBuilder().visit(parseTreeEmptyClass).toString();
// Wie vergleiche ich das?
assertEquals(expectedASTasString, actualASTasString);
assertEquals(expectedASTEmptyClass, actualASTEmptyClass);
@ -196,7 +208,7 @@ public class ParserTest {
for (char ch : input.toCharArray()) {
if (ch == '(') {
if (depth == 0) {
if (currentToken.length() > 0) {
if (!currentToken.isEmpty()) {
node.put("node", currentToken.toString().trim());
@ -213,7 +225,7 @@ public class ParserTest {
} else if (Character.isWhitespace(ch) && depth == 0) {
if (currentToken.length() > 0) {
if (!currentToken.isEmpty()) {
node.put("node", currentToken.toString().trim());
@ -222,7 +234,7 @@ public class ParserTest {
if (currentToken.length() > 0) {
if (!currentToken.isEmpty()) {
node.put("node", currentToken.toString().trim());