# Makefile ### IntelliJs play buttons do not work. Run in "src/test" folder with "make" command to run all ### Or run only parts with "make compile-javac", "make delete" etc. all: delete compile-javac compile-raupenpiler compile-javac: javac -d .\resources\output\javac .\resources\CompilerInput.java compile-raupenpiler: ## funktioniert bisher nicht, das will die Klasse nicht laden, der traditionelle Weg findet externe Libraries (antlr) nicht, maven hat andere Probleme ## Unseren Compiler also erstmal händisch starten: main.java/Main.java #javac -d ./resources/output/raupenpiler -cp ../main/java;../../.lib/antlr-4.12.0-complete.jar ../main/java/Main.java #java -cp ./resources/output/raupenpiler Main #mvn -f ../../ compile #mvn -f ../../ exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="Main" delete: rm -f ./resources/output/javac/*.class rm -f ./resources/output/raupenpiler/*.class rm -f ./java/*.class rm -f ../main/resources/classFileOutput/*.class