Added stuff for präsi

This commit is contained in:
ahmad 2024-07-05 11:42:40 +02:00
parent f63df782bc
commit dfe24f4a4b

View File

@ -215,6 +215,697 @@ While -[#008200,dashed]u-^ Statement
## TypedAST
<Transform :scale="1">
!theme plain
top to bottom direction
skinparam linetype ortho
class TypedAssignment {
+ TypedAssignment(TypedExpression, TypedFieldVarAccess, Type):
+ TypedAssignment(TypedProgram, Assignment):
- location: TypedFieldVarAccess
- type: Type
- value: TypedExpression
+ toString(): String
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
- convertToTypedAssignment(TypedProgram, Assignment): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
- getTypeFromConstructorOrField(TypedConstructor, String, TypedClass): Type
- getOwnerChain(MethodContext): void
- getTypeLeft(TypedProgram): Type
- getTypeFromMethodOrField(TypedMethod, String, TypedClass): Type
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
location: TypedFieldVarAccess
value: TypedExpression
type: Type
class TypedBinary {
+ TypedBinary(TypedExpression, Operator, TypedExpression, Type):
+ TypedBinary():
+ TypedBinary(TypedProgram, Binary):
- left: TypedExpression
- right: TypedExpression
- type: Type
- op: Operator
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ toString(): String
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
- convertToTypedBinary(TypedProgram, Binary): void
left: TypedExpression
type: Type
op: Operator
right: TypedExpression
class TypedBlock {
+ TypedBlock(List<TypedLocalVariable>, List<TypedStatement>, Type):
+ TypedBlock():
+ TypedBlock(List<TypedLocalVariable>, List<TypedStatement>):
+ TypedBlock(TypedProgram, Block):
- type: Type
- vars: List<TypedLocalVariable>
- stmts: List<TypedStatement>
+ toString(): String
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
# canEqual(Object): boolean
- clearLocalVariable(TypedProgram): void
- convertToTypedBlock(TypedProgram, Block): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
stmts: List<TypedStatement>
vars: List<TypedLocalVariable>
type: Type
class TypedBoolLiteral {
+ TypedBoolLiteral(Boolean, Type):
+ TypedBoolLiteral():
+ TypedBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral):
- type: Type
- value: Boolean
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
- convertToTypedBoolLiteral(BoolLiteral): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
value: Boolean
type: Type
class TypedBreak {
+ TypedBreak():
- type: Type
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
type: Type
class TypedCharLiteral {
+ TypedCharLiteral(char, Type):
+ TypedCharLiteral(CharLiteral):
- value: char
- type: Type
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
- convertToCharLiteral(CharLiteral): void
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
value: char
type: Type
class TypedClass {
+ TypedClass(String, List<TypedDeclaration>, List<TypedMethod>, List<TypedConstructor>, TypedMain, TypedMethod, TypedConstructor, Type, boolean):
+ TypedClass():
+ TypedClass(String, List<TypedDeclaration>, List<TypedMethod>, List<TypedConstructor>, TypedMain, TypedMethod, TypedConstructor, Type):
+ TypedClass(Class):
- typedMethods: List<TypedMethod>
- typedConstructors: List<TypedConstructor>
- currentMethod: TypedMethod
- isMainCurrentMethod: boolean
- className: String
- typedMain: TypedMain
- type: Type
- currentConstructor: TypedConstructor
- typedDeclarations: List<TypedDeclaration>
+ isParameterNameInCurrentConstructor(String): boolean
+ codeGenClassWriter(): ClassWriter
+ toString(): String
+ hashCode(): int
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ isParameterWitNameInCurrentMethod(String): boolean
+ exitCurrentConstructor(): void
+ isMethodOfCurrentClass(String): boolean
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ getFieldType(String): Type
+ getMethodType(String): Type
+ getParameterTypeInCurrentConstructor(String): Type
+ enterCurrentMethod(TypedMethod): void
+ getParameterTypeInCurrentMethod(String): Type
+ enterCurrentConstructor(TypedConstructor): void
+ codeGen(): byte[]
+ covertBlocksOfConstructorsAndMethods(TypedProgram, Class): void
+ convertMethodsAndConstructorsAndFields(TypedProgram, Class): void
+ isThereField(String): boolean
+ isParameterWitNameInCurrentConstructor(String): boolean
+ exitCurrentMethod(): void
+ checkMethodExists(TypedMethod): void
currentConstructorPresent: boolean
typedConstructors: List<TypedConstructor>
currentMethod: TypedMethod
typedMain: TypedMain
type: Type
typedDeclarations: List<TypedDeclaration>
currentConstructor: TypedConstructor
className: String
typedMethods: List<TypedMethod>
currentMainMethodPresent: boolean
isMainCurrentMethod: boolean
currentMethodPresent: boolean
class TypedConstructor {
+ TypedConstructor(String, List<TypedParameter>, TypedBlock, Type, List<TypedLocalVariable>):
+ TypedConstructor():
+ TypedConstructor(String, List<TypedParameter>, TypedBlock):
+ TypedConstructor(Constructor, String):
- localVariables: List<TypedLocalVariable>
- name: String
- typedBlock: TypedBlock
- type: Type
- typedParameters: List<TypedParameter>
+ toString(): String
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ equals(Object): boolean
- checkIfParameterExists(String): void
+ deleteLocalVariableInConstructor(String): void
+ isLocalVariablePresent(String): boolean
- convertToTypedConstructor(Constructor, String): void
+ getLocalVariableType(String): Type
- convertToTypedParameter(List<Parameter>): void
+ isParameterPresent(String): boolean
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ convertToBlock(TypedProgram, Constructor): void
+ codeGen(ClassContext): void
+ isLocalVariableInConstructor(String): boolean
localVariables: List<TypedLocalVariable>
name: String
typedParameters: List<TypedParameter>
type: Type
typedBlock: TypedBlock
class TypedContinue {
+ TypedContinue():
- type: Type
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
type: Type
class TypedDeclaration {
+ TypedDeclaration(TypedProgram, Declaration):
+ TypedDeclaration(String, Type):
+ TypedDeclaration():
- name: String
- type: Type
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
- convertToTypedDeclaration(TypedProgram, Declaration): void
+ codeGen(ClassWriter): void
name: String
type: Type
class TypedDoWhile {
+ TypedDoWhile(TypedBlock, TypedExpression, Type):
+ TypedDoWhile(TypedProgram, DoWhile):
- cond: TypedExpression
- type: Type
- typedBlock: TypedBlock
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
- convertToTypedDoWhile(TypedProgram, DoWhile): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
cond: TypedExpression
typedBlock: TypedBlock
type: Type
interface TypedExpression << interface >> {
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
type: Type
class TypedExpressionUtil {
+ TypedExpressionUtil():
+ convertExpression(TypedProgram, Expression): TypedExpression
class TypedFieldVarAccess {
+ TypedFieldVarAccess(Boolean, TypedExpression, String, Type):
+ TypedFieldVarAccess():
+ TypedFieldVarAccess(TypedProgram, FieldVarAccess):
- field: Boolean
- type: Type
- name: String
- recursiveOwnerChain: TypedExpression
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ toString(): String
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
- checkFieldOrMethodOrRecursiveType(TypedProgram): Type
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
- checkMethodVariableType(TypedProgram): Type
- convertToTypedFieldVarAccess(TypedProgram, FieldVarAccess): void
- checkVariableType(TypedProgram): Type
- checkConstructorVariableType(TypedProgram): Type
- checkFieldOrMethodType(TypedProgram): Type
- checkTypeField(TypedProgram): Type
name: String
type: Type
recursiveOwnerChain: TypedExpression
field: Boolean
class TypedFor {
+ TypedFor():
+ TypedFor(TypedAssignment, TypedExpression, TypedAssignment, TypedBlock, Type):
+ TypedFor(TypedProgram, For):
- assign: TypedAssignment
- typedBlock: TypedBlock
- type: Type
- cond: TypedExpression
- inc: TypedAssignment
+ hashCode(): int
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ toString(): String
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
- convertToTypedFor(TypedProgram, For): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
inc: TypedAssignment
type: Type
cond: TypedExpression
typedBlock: TypedBlock
assign: TypedAssignment
class TypedIfElse {
+ TypedIfElse(TypedExpression, TypedBlock, TypedBlock, Type):
+ TypedIfElse():
+ TypedIfElse(TypedProgram, IfElse):
- typedCon: TypedExpression
- elseTypedBlock: TypedBlock
- ifTypedBlock: TypedBlock
- type: Type
+ toString(): String
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
- convertToTypedIfElse(TypedProgram, IfElse): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
elseTypedBlock: TypedBlock
type: Type
ifTypedBlock: TypedBlock
typedCon: TypedExpression
class TypedIntLiteral {
+ TypedIntLiteral(Integer, Type):
+ TypedIntLiteral():
+ TypedIntLiteral(Integer):
+ TypedIntLiteral(IntLiteral):
- value: Integer
- type: Type
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
- convertToTypedIntLiteral(IntLiteral): void
value: Integer
type: Type
class TypedLocalVariable {
+ TypedLocalVariable(TypedProgram, Declaration):
+ TypedLocalVariable(String, Type):
+ TypedLocalVariable():
- type: Type
- name: String
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ codeGen(MethodVisitor, MethodContext): void
- convertToTypedLocalVariable(Declaration): void
name: String
type: Type
class TypedMain {
+ TypedMain(Type, TypedMethod):
+ TypedMain():
- type: Type
- typedMethod: TypedMethod
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ codeGen(ClassContext): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ convertToTypedMethod(TypedProgram, Class): void
typedMethod: TypedMethod
type: Type
class TypedMethod {
+ TypedMethod(String, Type, List<TypedParameter>, List<TypedLocalVariable>, TypedBlock):
+ TypedMethod():
+ TypedMethod(TypedProgram, Method):
- returnType: Type
- typedBlock: TypedBlock
- localVariables: List<TypedLocalVariable>
- name: String
- typedParameters: List<TypedParameter>
+ toString(): String
- convertToTypedMethod(TypedProgram, Method): void
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ codeGen(ClassContext): void
+ codeGenMain(ClassContext): void
- convertToTypedParameter(List<Parameter>): void
- checkReturn(List<TypedStatement>): boolean
+ isLocalVariablePresent(String): boolean
+ isParameterPresent(String): boolean
+ deleteLocalVariableInMethod(String): void
+ convertToTypedBlock(TypedProgram, Method): void
+ isLocalVariableInMethod(String): boolean
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ getLocalVariableType(String): Type
+ checkIfParameterExists(String): void
localVariables: List<TypedLocalVariable>
name: String
typedParameters: List<TypedParameter>
returnType: Type
typedBlock: TypedBlock
class TypedMethodCall {
+ TypedMethodCall():
+ TypedMethodCall(TypedFieldVarAccess, List<TypedExpression>, Type):
+ TypedMethodCall(TypedProgram, MethodCall):
- recipient: TypedFieldVarAccess
- args: List<TypedExpression>
- type: Type
+ hashCode(): int
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ toString(): String
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
- getOwnerChain(MethodContext): void
+ findMatchingMethod(TypedClass, String): Optional<Type>
- convertToTypedMethodCall(TypedProgram, MethodCall): void
recipient: TypedFieldVarAccess
args: List<TypedExpression>
type: Type
class TypedNew {
+ TypedNew(Type, List<TypedExpression>):
+ TypedNew(TypedProgram, New):
- type: Type
- args: List<TypedExpression>
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
- convertToTypedNew(TypedProgram, New): void
- findMatchingConstructorType(TypedProgram, List<TypedExpression>): Type
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
args: List<TypedExpression>
type: Type
interface TypedNode << interface >> {
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
class TypedParameter {
+ TypedParameter(String, Type):
+ TypedParameter(Parameter):
- paraName: String
- type: Type
+ toString(): String
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
+ equals(Object): boolean
- convertToTypedParameter(Parameter): void
paraName: String
type: Type
class TypedPrint {
+ TypedPrint(TypedProgram, Print):
+ TypedPrint(TypedExpression, Type):
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
class TypedProgram {
+ TypedProgram(List<TypedClass>, TypedClass):
+ TypedProgram(Program):
- typedClasses: List<TypedClass>
- currentClass: TypedClass
+ isTypedClassPresent(String): boolean
+ toString(): String
+ getTypeOfFieldNameInClass(String, String): Type
+ getTypedClass(String): TypedClass
+ startConversion(Program): void
- exitCurrentClass(): void
+ equals(Object): boolean
+ isClassWithNamePresent(String): boolean
+ getTypeOfFieldOrMethodNameInClass(String, String): Type
- enterCurrentClass(TypedClass): void
currentClass: TypedClass
typedClasses: List<TypedClass>
class TypedReturn {
+ TypedReturn():
+ TypedReturn(TypedExpression, Type):
+ TypedReturn(TypedProgram, Return):
- ret: TypedExpression
- type: Type
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
- convertToTypedReturn(TypedProgram, Return): void
ret: TypedExpression
type: Type
interface TypedStatement << interface >> {
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
class TypedUnary {
+ TypedUnary(UnaryOperator, TypedExpression, Type):
+ TypedUnary(TypedProgram, Unary):
- type: Type
- op: UnaryOperator
- right: TypedExpression
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
- convertToTypedUnary(TypedProgram, Unary): void
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
right: TypedExpression
op: UnaryOperator
type: Type
class TypedWhile {
+ TypedWhile(TypedExpression, TypedBlock, Type):
+ TypedWhile(TypedProgram, While):
- type: Type
- cond: TypedExpression
- typedBlock: TypedBlock
+ equals(Object): boolean
# canEqual(Object): boolean
+ hashCode(): int
+ toString(): String
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
- convertToTypedWhile(TypedProgram, While): void
cond: TypedExpression
typedBlock: TypedBlock
type: Type
TypedAssignment -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedBinary -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedExpression
TypedBlock -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedNode
TypedBoolLiteral -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedExpression
TypedBreak -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedCharLiteral -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedExpression
TypedClass -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedNode
TypedConstructor -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedNode
TypedContinue -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedDeclaration -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedNode
TypedDoWhile -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedExpression -[#008200,plain]u-^ TypedNode
TypedFieldVarAccess -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedExpression
TypedFor -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedIfElse -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedIntLiteral -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedExpression
TypedLocalVariable -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedNode
TypedMain -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedNode
TypedMethod -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedNode
TypedMethodCall -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedExpression
TypedMethodCall -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedNew -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedExpression
TypedNew -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedParameter -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedNode
TypedPrint -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedReturn -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
TypedStatement -[#008200,plain]u-^ TypedNode
TypedUnary -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedExpression
TypedWhile -[#008200,dashed]u-^ TypedStatement
# Grobe TypedAST Struktur
<Transform :scale="0.8">
!theme plain
left to right direction
skinparam linetype ortho
interface TypedExpression << interface >> {
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
type: Type
interface TypedNode << interface >> {
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
interface TypedStatement << interface >> {
+ codeGen(MethodContext): void
class TypedClass{
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
class TypedWhile{
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
class TypedBinary{
+ typeCheck(TypedProgram): Type
TypedExpression -[#008200,plain]r-^ TypedNode
TypedStatement -[#008200,plain]l-^ TypedNode
TypedWhile -[#008200,dashed]-^ TypedStatement
TypedClass -[#008200,dashed]-^ TypedNode
TypedBinary -[#008200,dashed]-^ TypedExpression
# Phasen der Typisierung
- Initisialisierungsphase
- Programm -> Klassen (Name, Feld-Variablen, Methoden, Konstruktoren)
- Konvertierungsphase
- Überführung von untypisierten AST zu typisierten AST
- TypeCheck-Phase
- Semantische Überprüfung
- Ausführung von Blöcken
## Konvertierung von untypisierten AST zu typisierten AST
<Transform :scale="0.8">
public class TypedDeclaration implements TypedNode {
private String name;
private Type type;
private void convertToTypedDeclaration(Declaration declaration) {
name =;
type = declaration.type();
# TypeCheck von While-Statement
<Transform :scale="0.9">
public class TypedWhile implements TypedStatement {
private TypedExpression cond;
private TypedBlock typedBlock;
private Type type;
public Type typeCheck(TypedProgram typedProgram) {
if (cond.typeCheck(typedProgram) != Type.BOOL) {
throw new InvalidWhileConditionException();
type = typedBlock.typeCheck(typedProgram);
return type;
# Speichern von lokalen Variablen
- Methoden und Konstruktoren haben jeweils eine Liste von lokalen Variablen
<Transform :scale="0.8">
public int calculateResult(boolean isMultiple, int x, int y) {
int resultat = 0;// add resultat to list
if(isMultiple) {
int a = x * y;// add a to list
resultat = a;
}// remove a from list
else {
int b = x + y;// add b to list
resultat = b;
} // remove b from list
return resultat;
} // clear list
# Code Generierung