Jochen Seyfried 2527d15467 Added Bytecodegeneration to the missing classes
Also included some TODOs in areas where parameters and some connections are missing
2024-05-07 13:50:51 +02:00

51 lines
1.8 KiB

package abstractSyntaxTree.StatementExpression;
import TypeCheck.AbstractType;
import TypeCheck.TypeCheckHelper;
import TypeCheck.TypeCheckResult;
import abstractSyntaxTree.Expression.IExpression;
import abstractSyntaxTree.Expression.InstVarExpression;
import abstractSyntaxTree.Expression.VarRefExpression;
import abstractSyntaxTree.Statement.IStatement;
import org.objectweb.asm.*;
import java.util.Objects;
public class AssignStatementExpression extends AbstractType implements IExpression, IStatement {
public String operator;
public IExpression left;
public IExpression right;
public TypeCheckResult typeCheck() throws Exception {
TypeCheckHelper helper = new TypeCheckHelper();
TypeCheckResult result = new TypeCheckResult();
TypeCheckResult leftType = left.typeCheck();
TypeCheckResult rightType = right.typeCheck();
String upperbound = helper.upperBound(leftType.type, rightType.type);
if (Objects.equals(upperbound, leftType.type)) {
result.type = leftType.type;
return result;
public void CodeGen(MethodVisitor mv) throws Exception {
if (left instanceof VarRefExpression varRef) {
//TODO: Implement the handling of a variable reference --> I need a lis of local variables
// for that to determine if the variable is a local or field variable
} else if (left instanceof InstVarExpression instVar) {
// We now again need the owner (class reference), name (of the Field in the owner) and type of the field
//mv.visitFieldInsn(Opcodes.PUTFIELD, instVar.className, instVar.varName, instVar.type);