package OurApplication; import graph.*; import logging.LogElementList; import visualisation.HybridWindow; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.Random; /** * This application provides an example for using logging and visualization packages. * It uses extended classes from logging and visualization. * @see OurAlgorithm * @see OurApplication * @see OurDrawArea * @see OurHybridWindow * @see OurLogElement * @see OurParameterArea * @see OurTextArea * @see OurLegendArea * @see javax.swing.JPanel * @author MSch�fer * DHBW Stuttgart/Campus Horb AI2008
*/ public class OurApplication { /** * Standard constructor. */ public OurApplication() { super(); } /** * The applications main method. * Creates a HybridWindow with TestParameterArea, TestLegendArea ,TestDrawArea, TestTextArea and TestAlgorithm and starts it. * @param args */ public static void main(String[]args){ LogElementListlogList=new LogElementList(); OurParameterArea parameterArea=new OurParameterArea(); OurDrawArea drawArea=new OurDrawArea(logList,"GraphVisualization"); OurTextArea textArea=new OurTextArea(logList); OurAlgorithm algorithm=new OurAlgorithm(parameterArea); OurLegendArea legendArea=new OurLegendArea(); HybridWindow applet=new HybridWindow(drawArea,textArea,parameterArea,algorithm,logList,legendArea); JFrame frame=new JFrame("Visualise"); frame.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); frame.getContentPane().add(applet); frame.pack(); applet.init(); applet.start(); frame.setSize(800,600); frame.setVisible(true); } }