%This is a template for producing LIPIcs articles.
%See lipics-v2021-authors-guidelines.pdf for further information.
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%for enabling cleveref support, use "cleveref"
%for enabling autoref support, use "autoref"
%for anonymousing the authors (e.g. for double-blind review), add "anonymous"
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%for producing a PDF according the PDF/A standard, add "pdfa"
%\pdfoutput=1 %uncomment to ensure pdflatex processing (mandatatory e.g. to submit to arXiv)
%\hideLIPIcs %uncomment to remove references to LIPIcs series (logo, DOI, ...), e.g. when preparing a pre-final version to be uploaded to arXiv or another public repository
%\graphicspath{{./graphics/}}%helpful if your graphic files are in another directory
%\relatedversiondetails[linktext={opt. text shown instead of the URL}, cite=DBLP:books/mk/GrayR93]{Classification (e.g. Full Version, Extended Version, Previous Version}{URL to related version} %linktext and cite are optional
%\supplement{}%optional, e.g. related research data, source code, ... hosted on a repository like zenodo, figshare, GitHub, ...
%\supplementdetails[linktext={opt. text shown instead of the URL}, cite=DBLP:books/mk/GrayR93, subcategory={Description, Subcategory}, swhid={Software Heritage Identifier}]{General Classification (e.g. Software, Dataset, Model, ...)}{URL to related version} %linktext, cite, and subcategory are optional
%\funding{(Optional) general funding statement \dots}%optional, to capture a funding statement, which applies to all authors. Please enter author specific funding statements as fifth argument of the \author macro.
%\acknowledgements{I want to thank \dots}%optional
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