Big Cleanup (delete comments in soundness proof

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Andreas Stadelmeier 2024-07-26 01:31:15 +02:00
parent 5e8a961e77
commit 01a9165a9e

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@ -9,97 +9,6 @@ The first is lemma \ref{lemma:freeVariablesOnlyTravelOneHop} which ensures that
travel one hop at the time through a constraint set.
And the second one is the fact that normal type placeholders never contain free variables.
% \begin{lemma}
% A sound TypelessFJ program is also sound under LetFJ type rules.
% \begin{description}
% \item[if:]
% $\Gamma | \Delta \vdash \texttt{m}(\ol{x}) = \texttt{e} \ \ok \ \text{in}\ C \text{with} \ \generics{\ol{Y \triangleleft P}}$
% \end{description}
% \end{lemma}
% TODO: Beforehand we have to show that $\Delta \cup \overline{\Delta} | \Theta \vdash \texttt{e} : \type{T} \mid \overline{\Delta}$
% Here $\Delta$ does not contain every $\overline{\Delta}$ ever created.
% %what prevents a free variable to emerge in \Delta.N example Y^Object |- C<String> <: X^Y.C<X>
% % if the Y is later needed for an equals: same(id(x), x2)
% Free wildcards do not move inwards. We can show that every new type is either well-formed and therefore does not contain any free variables.
% Or it is a generic method call: is it possible to use any free wildcards here?
% let empty
% <X> Box<X> empty()
% same(Box<?>, empty())
% let p1 : X.Box<X> = Box<?> in let
% X.Box<X> <. Box<x>
% Box<e> <. Box<x>
% boxin(empty()), Box2<?>
% Where can a problem arise? When we use free wildcards before they are freed.
% But we can always CC them first. Exception two types: X.Pair<X, y> and Y.Pair<x, Y>
% Here y = Y and x = X but
% <X,Y> void same(Pair<X,Y> a, Pair<X,Y> b){}
% <X> Pair<?, X> left() { return null; }
% <X> Pair<X, ?> right() { return null; }
% <X> Box<X> id(Box<? extends Box<X>> x)
% here it could be beneficial to use a free wildcard as the parameter X to have it later
% Box<?> x = ...
% same(id(x), id(x)) <- this will be accepted by TI
% let left : X,Y.Pair<X,Y> = left() in
% let right : Pair<X,Y> = right() in
% Compromise:
% - Generate constraints so that they comply with LetFJ
% - Propose a version which is close to Java
% Version for LetFJ:
% Is it still possible to do the capture conversion in form of constraints?
% X.C<X> <. C<x>
% T <. X.C<X>
% how to proof: X.C<X> ok
% If $\Delta \cup \overline{\Delta} | \Theta \vdash \texttt{e} : \type{T} \mid \overline{\Delta}$
% then there exists a $|\texttt{e}|$ with $\Delta | \Theta \vdash |\texttt{e}| : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$ in LetFJ.
% This is possible by starting with the parameter types as the base case $\overline{\Delta} = \emptyset$.
% Each type $\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$ can only use wildcards already freed.
% \textit{Proof} by structural induction.
% \begin{description}
% \item[$\texttt{e} = \texttt{x}$] $\Delta | \Theta \vdash \texttt{e} : \type{T} \mid \emptyset$
% $\Delta \vdash \type{T} \ \ok$ by \rulename{T-Method}
% and therefore $\Delta | \Theta \vdash \texttt{let}\ \texttt{e} : \type{T} = \texttt{x in } \texttt{e}$.
% $|\texttt{x}, \texttt{e}| = \texttt{let}\ \texttt{e} : \type{T} = \texttt{x in } \texttt{e}$
% \item[$\texttt{e} = \texttt{e}.\texttt{m}(\ol{e})$] there must be atleast one value in $\texttt{e}$ or $\ol{e}$
% \item[$\texttt{e}.f$] given let x : T = e' in x
% let x : T = e' in let xf = x.f in xf
% Required:
% $ \Delta | \Theta \vdash e' : \type{T}_1$
% $\Delta \vdash \type{T}_1 <: \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$
% $\Delta, \Delta' | \Theta, x : \type{N} \vdash let xf = x.f in xf : \type{T}_2$
% \end{description}
% \textbf{Proof:} Every program complying with our type rules can be converted to a correct LetFJ program.
% First we convert the program so that every wildcards used in an expression are in the $\Delta$ environment:
% m(p) = e => let xp = p in [xp/p]e
% x1.m(x2) => let xm = x1.m(x2=) in xm
% x.f => let xf = x.f in xf
% Then we have to proof there is never a wildcard used before it is declared.
% Wildcards are introduced by the capture conversions and nothing else.
% \begin{lemma}{Well-formedness:}
% \end{lemma}
\unify{} calculates solutions for all normal type placeholders.
Those are used for all untyped method's argument and return type.
A correct typing for method calls can be deducted from those type informations.
@ -108,28 +17,9 @@ A correct typing for method calls can be deducted from those type informations.
\unify{}'s type solutions for a constraint set generated by $\typeExpr{}$ are correct.
\item[if] $\typeExpr{}(\mtypeEnvironment{}, \texttt{e}, \tv{a}) = (\Delta', C)$
and $(\Delta_u, \sigma) = \unify{}(\Delta', C)$ % and let $\Delta= \Delta_u \cup \Delta'$
% $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash $
% , with $C = \set{ \overline{ \type{S} \lessdot \type{T} } \cup \overline{ \type{S'} \lessdotCC \type{T'} } }$
% and $\vdash \ol{L} : \mtypeEnvironment{}$
% and $\Gamma \subseteq \mtypeEnvironment{}$
% \item[given] a $(\Delta, \sigma)$ with $\Delta \vdash \overline{\sigma(\type{S}) <: \sigma(\type{T})}$
% and there exists a $\Delta'$ with $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \overline{\CC{}(\sigma(\type{S'})) <: \sigma(\type{T'})}$
%\item[then] there is a completion $|\texttt{e}|$ with $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash |\texttt{e}| : \sigma(\tv{a})$
\item[then] $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{e} : \sigma(\tv{a})$ where $\Delta = \Delta_u \cup \Delta'$
% Regular type placeholders represent type annotations.
% These are the only types a \wildFJ{} program needs to be correctly typed.
% The type placeholders flagged as wildcard placeholders are intermediate types
% used in let statements and as type parameters for generic method calls.
%Unify needs to return S aswell and guarantee that the \Delta' environment are the wildcards
% only used inside the constraint the wildcard variable occurs
% should Unify also return the \Delta' environment? Otherwise the bounds of free wildcard variables are lost
% Or is it possible to deduct the right \ol{S} directly from the types in the normal TPHs?
By structural induction over the expression $\texttt{e}$.
@ -175,14 +65,6 @@ we proof $\Delta, \Delta' | \Gamma, x : \type{N} \vdash \expr{x}.f_1 : \type{T}_
\item $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \type{T}_2 <: \type{T}$ by constraint %TODO: Rename constraints
% method call: a1 <c C<a>, a2 <c C<b>, a3 <c b?
% here lemma:freeVariablesOnlyTravelOneHop can be used too
%TODO: use a lemma that says if Unify succeeds, then it also succeeds if the capture converted types are used.
% but it also works with a subset of the initial constraints.
% the generated constraints do not share wildcard placehodlers with other constraints.
% can they contain free variables from other places? They could, but isolation prevents that.
% TODO: but how to proof?
%generated constraints: t1 <. x, x <. N, T <. t2
We are allowed to use capture conversion for $\expr{v}$ here.
$\Delta \vdash \expr{v} : \sigma(\tv{a})$ by assumption.
@ -190,70 +72,22 @@ we proof $\Delta, \Delta' | \Gamma, x : \type{N} \vdash \expr{x}.f_1 : \type{T}_
$\Delta \vdash \type{U}_i <: \sigma(\tv{a})$,
because of the constraints $[\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T} \lessdot \tv{a}$, $\tv{r} \lessdotCC \exptype{C}{\ol{\wtv{a}}}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.
$\textit{fields}(\sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})) = \sigma([\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T})$.
% \item[$\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} \ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$]
% $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \expr{e}: \type{T}$ by assumption.
% $\text{dom}(\Delta') \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ by lemma \ref{lemma:wildcardWellFormedness}.
% $\Delta, \Delta' | \Gamma, \expr{x} : \type{T} \vdash \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$
% \item[$\texttt{e}.\texttt{f}$] Let $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$,
% then $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$ by assumption.
% $\Delta', \Delta, \Delta_c \vdash \type{N} <: \sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})$ by premise.
% %Let $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$.
% %Let $\sigma([\ol{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T}) = \wcNtype{\Delta_t}{N_t}$.
% The completion of $|\texttt{e}.\texttt{f}|$ is $\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}\ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$
% We now show
% $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}\ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f} : \sigma(a)$
% by the T-Field rule.
% $\Delta \vdash \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N} <: \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$ by S-Refl.
% $\Delta, \Delta_c \vdash \type{U}_i <: \sigma(\tv{a})$,
% because of the constraint $[\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T} \lessdot \tv{a}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.
% $\textit{fields}(\sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})) = \sigma([\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T})$
% and $\text{fv}(\type{U}_i) \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ by definition of $\textit{fields}$.
% $\text{dom}(\Delta_c) \subseteq \text{fv}{\type{N}}$ by lemma \ref{lemma:tvsNoFV}.
% X.List<X> <. List<a?>
% $\sigma(\ol{\tv{r}}) = \overline{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}}$,
% $\ol{N} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U}$,
% TODO: S ok? We could proof $\Delta, \Delta' \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} \ \ok$
% by proving every substitution in Unify is ok aslong as every type in the inputs is ok
% S ok when all variables are in the environment and every L <: U and U <: Class-bound
% This can be given by the constraints generated. We can proof if T ok and S <: T and T <: S' then S ok and S' ok
% If S ok and T <. S , then Unify generates a T ok
% S typeinference:
% T <: [S/Y]U
% We apply the following lemma
% Lemma
% if T ok and T <: S then S ok
% until
% T = [S/Y]U
% and then we can say by
% Lemma:
% If [S/Y]U ok then S ok (TODO: proof!)
% So we do not have to proof S ok (but T)
% % T_r <: C<T> (S is in T)
% % Is C<T> ok?
% % if every type environment \Delta supplied to Unify is ok (L <: U), then \sigma(a) = \Delta'.N implies \Delta' conforms to (L <: U)
% % this together with the X <. N constraints proofs T_r ok
% $\Delta \vdash \sigma(\tv{a}), \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N} \ \ok$ %TODO
% %Easy, because unify only generates substitutions for normal type placeholders which are OK
\item[$\text{let}\ \expr{x} = \expr{e} \ \text{in}\
\text{let}\ \overline{\expr{x} = \expr{e}} \ \text{in}\ \texttt{x}.\texttt{m}(\ol{x})$]
generates constraints $\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}, \overline{\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}},
\tv{r} \lessdot \tv{a}, \ol{\tv{x}} \lessdotCC \ol{T}, \type{T} \lessdot \tv{r}, \ol{\wtv{b}} \lessdot \ol{N}$.
We need to proof $\text{let}\ \expr{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \expr{e}, \,
\overline{\expr{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \expr{e}} \ \text{in}\ \texttt{x}.\texttt{m}(\ol{x}) : \type{T}_2$
where $\sigma(\tv{x}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$, $\sigma(\ol{\tv{x}}) = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}}$, $\sigma(\tv{a}) = \type{T}_2$.
%We need to proof $\text{let}\ \expr{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \expr{e}, \,
%\overline{\expr{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \expr{e}} \ \text{in}\ \texttt{x}.\texttt{m}(\ol{x}) : \type{T}_2$
%where $\sigma(\tv{x}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$, $\sigma(\ol{\tv{x}}) = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}}$, $\sigma(\tv{a}) = \type{T}_2$.
We omit the case where a capture conversion is not needed and
assume $\sigma(\tv{x}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$, $\sigma(\ol{\tv{x}}) = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}}$.
We have to show T-Let and T-Call which leaves us with:
\item $\Delta | \Gamma \vdash \expr{e} : \sigma(\tv{e})$ and $\Delta | \Gamma \vdash \overline{\expr{e} : \sigma(\tv{e})}$ by assumption
\item $\Delta \vdash \type{T}_1 <: \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$ and $\Delta \vdash \overline{\type{T}_1 <: \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}}$ by constraints $\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}$, $\overline{\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}
\item $\Delta, \Delta', \ol{\Delta'} | \Gamma, \expr{x} : \type{N}, \overline{\expr{x} : \type{N}} \vdash $
Proof is analog to field access, except the $\Delta \vdash \ol{S}\ \ok$ premise.
We know that $\unify{}(\Delta, [\overline{\wtv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{