Big Cleanup (delete comments in soundness proof

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Andreas Stadelmeier 2024-07-26 01:31:15 +02:00
parent 5e8a961e77
commit 01a9165a9e

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@ -9,97 +9,6 @@ The first is lemma \ref{lemma:freeVariablesOnlyTravelOneHop} which ensures that
travel one hop at the time through a constraint set. travel one hop at the time through a constraint set.
And the second one is the fact that normal type placeholders never contain free variables. And the second one is the fact that normal type placeholders never contain free variables.
% \begin{lemma}
% A sound TypelessFJ program is also sound under LetFJ type rules.
% \begin{description}
% \item[if:]
% $\Gamma | \Delta \vdash \texttt{m}(\ol{x}) = \texttt{e} \ \ok \ \text{in}\ C \text{with} \ \generics{\ol{Y \triangleleft P}}$
% \end{description}
% \end{lemma}
% TODO: Beforehand we have to show that $\Delta \cup \overline{\Delta} | \Theta \vdash \texttt{e} : \type{T} \mid \overline{\Delta}$
% Here $\Delta$ does not contain every $\overline{\Delta}$ ever created.
% %what prevents a free variable to emerge in \Delta.N example Y^Object |- C<String> <: X^Y.C<X>
% % if the Y is later needed for an equals: same(id(x), x2)
% Free wildcards do not move inwards. We can show that every new type is either well-formed and therefore does not contain any free variables.
% Or it is a generic method call: is it possible to use any free wildcards here?
% let empty
% <X> Box<X> empty()
% same(Box<?>, empty())
% let p1 : X.Box<X> = Box<?> in let
% X.Box<X> <. Box<x>
% Box<e> <. Box<x>
% boxin(empty()), Box2<?>
% Where can a problem arise? When we use free wildcards before they are freed.
% But we can always CC them first. Exception two types: X.Pair<X, y> and Y.Pair<x, Y>
% Here y = Y and x = X but
% <X,Y> void same(Pair<X,Y> a, Pair<X,Y> b){}
% <X> Pair<?, X> left() { return null; }
% <X> Pair<X, ?> right() { return null; }
% <X> Box<X> id(Box<? extends Box<X>> x)
% here it could be beneficial to use a free wildcard as the parameter X to have it later
% Box<?> x = ...
% same(id(x), id(x)) <- this will be accepted by TI
% let left : X,Y.Pair<X,Y> = left() in
% let right : Pair<X,Y> = right() in
% Compromise:
% - Generate constraints so that they comply with LetFJ
% - Propose a version which is close to Java
% Version for LetFJ:
% Is it still possible to do the capture conversion in form of constraints?
% X.C<X> <. C<x>
% T <. X.C<X>
% how to proof: X.C<X> ok
% If $\Delta \cup \overline{\Delta} | \Theta \vdash \texttt{e} : \type{T} \mid \overline{\Delta}$
% then there exists a $|\texttt{e}|$ with $\Delta | \Theta \vdash |\texttt{e}| : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$ in LetFJ.
% This is possible by starting with the parameter types as the base case $\overline{\Delta} = \emptyset$.
% Each type $\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$ can only use wildcards already freed.
% \textit{Proof} by structural induction.
% \begin{description}
% \item[$\texttt{e} = \texttt{x}$] $\Delta | \Theta \vdash \texttt{e} : \type{T} \mid \emptyset$
% $\Delta \vdash \type{T} \ \ok$ by \rulename{T-Method}
% and therefore $\Delta | \Theta \vdash \texttt{let}\ \texttt{e} : \type{T} = \texttt{x in } \texttt{e}$.
% $|\texttt{x}, \texttt{e}| = \texttt{let}\ \texttt{e} : \type{T} = \texttt{x in } \texttt{e}$
% \item[$\texttt{e} = \texttt{e}.\texttt{m}(\ol{e})$] there must be atleast one value in $\texttt{e}$ or $\ol{e}$
% \item[$\texttt{e}.f$] given let x : T = e' in x
% let x : T = e' in let xf = x.f in xf
% Required:
% $ \Delta | \Theta \vdash e' : \type{T}_1$
% $\Delta \vdash \type{T}_1 <: \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$
% $\Delta, \Delta' | \Theta, x : \type{N} \vdash let xf = x.f in xf : \type{T}_2$
% \end{description}
% \textbf{Proof:} Every program complying with our type rules can be converted to a correct LetFJ program.
% First we convert the program so that every wildcards used in an expression are in the $\Delta$ environment:
% m(p) = e => let xp = p in [xp/p]e
% x1.m(x2) => let xm = x1.m(x2=) in xm
% x.f => let xf = x.f in xf
% Then we have to proof there is never a wildcard used before it is declared.
% Wildcards are introduced by the capture conversions and nothing else.
% \begin{lemma}{Well-formedness:}
% \end{lemma}
\unify{} calculates solutions for all normal type placeholders. \unify{} calculates solutions for all normal type placeholders.
Those are used for all untyped method's argument and return type. Those are used for all untyped method's argument and return type.
A correct typing for method calls can be deducted from those type informations. A correct typing for method calls can be deducted from those type informations.
@ -108,28 +17,9 @@ A correct typing for method calls can be deducted from those type informations.
\unify{}'s type solutions for a constraint set generated by $\typeExpr{}$ are correct. \unify{}'s type solutions for a constraint set generated by $\typeExpr{}$ are correct.
\begin{description} \begin{description}
\item[if] $\typeExpr{}(\mtypeEnvironment{}, \texttt{e}, \tv{a}) = (\Delta', C)$ \item[if] $\typeExpr{}(\mtypeEnvironment{}, \texttt{e}, \tv{a}) = (\Delta', C)$
and $(\Delta_u, \sigma) = \unify{}(\Delta', C)$ % and let $\Delta= \Delta_u \cup \Delta'$
% $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash $
% , with $C = \set{ \overline{ \type{S} \lessdot \type{T} } \cup \overline{ \type{S'} \lessdotCC \type{T'} } }$
% and $\vdash \ol{L} : \mtypeEnvironment{}$
% and $\Gamma \subseteq \mtypeEnvironment{}$
% \item[given] a $(\Delta, \sigma)$ with $\Delta \vdash \overline{\sigma(\type{S}) <: \sigma(\type{T})}$
% and there exists a $\Delta'$ with $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \overline{\CC{}(\sigma(\type{S'})) <: \sigma(\type{T'})}$
%\item[then] there is a completion $|\texttt{e}|$ with $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash |\texttt{e}| : \sigma(\tv{a})$
\item[then] $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{e} : \sigma(\tv{a})$ where $\Delta = \Delta_u \cup \Delta'$ \item[then] $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{e} : \sigma(\tv{a})$ where $\Delta = \Delta_u \cup \Delta'$
\end{description} \end{description}
\end{lemma} \end{lemma}
% Regular type placeholders represent type annotations.
% These are the only types a \wildFJ{} program needs to be correctly typed.
% The type placeholders flagged as wildcard placeholders are intermediate types
% used in let statements and as type parameters for generic method calls.
%Unify needs to return S aswell and guarantee that the \Delta' environment are the wildcards
% only used inside the constraint the wildcard variable occurs
% should Unify also return the \Delta' environment? Otherwise the bounds of free wildcard variables are lost
% Or is it possible to deduct the right \ol{S} directly from the types in the normal TPHs?
\textit{Proof:} \textit{Proof:}
By structural induction over the expression $\texttt{e}$. By structural induction over the expression $\texttt{e}$.
\begin{description} \begin{description}
@ -175,14 +65,6 @@ we proof $\Delta, \Delta' | \Gamma, x : \type{N} \vdash \expr{x}.f_1 : \type{T}_
\item $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \type{T}_2 <: \type{T}$ by constraint %TODO: Rename constraints \item $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \type{T}_2 <: \type{T}$ by constraint %TODO: Rename constraints
\end{itemize} \end{itemize}
% method call: a1 <c C<a>, a2 <c C<b>, a3 <c b?
% here lemma:freeVariablesOnlyTravelOneHop can be used too
%TODO: use a lemma that says if Unify succeeds, then it also succeeds if the capture converted types are used.
% but it also works with a subset of the initial constraints.
% the generated constraints do not share wildcard placehodlers with other constraints.
% can they contain free variables from other places? They could, but isolation prevents that.
% TODO: but how to proof?
%generated constraints: t1 <. x, x <. N, T <. t2 %generated constraints: t1 <. x, x <. N, T <. t2
We are allowed to use capture conversion for $\expr{v}$ here. We are allowed to use capture conversion for $\expr{v}$ here.
$\Delta \vdash \expr{v} : \sigma(\tv{a})$ by assumption. $\Delta \vdash \expr{v} : \sigma(\tv{a})$ by assumption.
@ -190,70 +72,22 @@ we proof $\Delta, \Delta' | \Gamma, x : \type{N} \vdash \expr{x}.f_1 : \type{T}_
$\Delta \vdash \type{U}_i <: \sigma(\tv{a})$, $\Delta \vdash \type{U}_i <: \sigma(\tv{a})$,
because of the constraints $[\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T} \lessdot \tv{a}$, $\tv{r} \lessdotCC \exptype{C}{\ol{\wtv{a}}}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}. because of the constraints $[\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T} \lessdot \tv{a}$, $\tv{r} \lessdotCC \exptype{C}{\ol{\wtv{a}}}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.
$\textit{fields}(\sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})) = \sigma([\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T})$. $\textit{fields}(\sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})) = \sigma([\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T})$.
% \item[$\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} \ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$]
% $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \expr{e}: \type{T}$ by assumption.
% $\text{dom}(\Delta') \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ by lemma \ref{lemma:wildcardWellFormedness}.
% $\Delta, \Delta' | \Gamma, \expr{x} : \type{T} \vdash \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$
% \item[$\texttt{e}.\texttt{f}$] Let $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$,
% then $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$ by assumption.
% $\Delta', \Delta, \Delta_c \vdash \type{N} <: \sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})$ by premise.
% %Let $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$.
% %Let $\sigma([\ol{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T}) = \wcNtype{\Delta_t}{N_t}$.
% The completion of $|\texttt{e}.\texttt{f}|$ is $\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}\ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$
% We now show
% $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}\ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f} : \sigma(a)$
% by the T-Field rule.
% $\Delta \vdash \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N} <: \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$ by S-Refl.
% $\Delta, \Delta_c \vdash \type{U}_i <: \sigma(\tv{a})$,
% because of the constraint $[\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T} \lessdot \tv{a}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.
% $\textit{fields}(\sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})) = \sigma([\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T})$
% and $\text{fv}(\type{U}_i) \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ by definition of $\textit{fields}$.
% $\text{dom}(\Delta_c) \subseteq \text{fv}{\type{N}}$ by lemma \ref{lemma:tvsNoFV}.
% X.List<X> <. List<a?>
% $\sigma(\ol{\tv{r}}) = \overline{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}}$,
% $\ol{N} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U}$,
% TODO: S ok? We could proof $\Delta, \Delta' \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} \ \ok$
% by proving every substitution in Unify is ok aslong as every type in the inputs is ok
% S ok when all variables are in the environment and every L <: U and U <: Class-bound
% This can be given by the constraints generated. We can proof if T ok and S <: T and T <: S' then S ok and S' ok
% If S ok and T <. S , then Unify generates a T ok
% S typeinference:
% T <: [S/Y]U
% We apply the following lemma
% Lemma
% if T ok and T <: S then S ok
% until
% T = [S/Y]U
% and then we can say by
% Lemma:
% If [S/Y]U ok then S ok (TODO: proof!)
% So we do not have to proof S ok (but T)
% % T_r <: C<T> (S is in T)
% % Is C<T> ok?
% % if every type environment \Delta supplied to Unify is ok (L <: U), then \sigma(a) = \Delta'.N implies \Delta' conforms to (L <: U)
% % this together with the X <. N constraints proofs T_r ok
% $\Delta \vdash \sigma(\tv{a}), \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N} \ \ok$ %TODO
% %Easy, because unify only generates substitutions for normal type placeholders which are OK
\item[$\text{let}\ \expr{x} = \expr{e} \ \text{in}\ \item[$\text{let}\ \expr{x} = \expr{e} \ \text{in}\
\text{let}\ \overline{\expr{x} = \expr{e}} \ \text{in}\ \texttt{x}.\texttt{m}(\ol{x})$] \text{let}\ \overline{\expr{x} = \expr{e}} \ \text{in}\ \texttt{x}.\texttt{m}(\ol{x})$]
generates constraints $\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}, \overline{\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}}, generates constraints $\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}, \overline{\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}},
\tv{r} \lessdot \tv{a}, \ol{\tv{x}} \lessdotCC \ol{T}, \type{T} \lessdot \tv{r}, \ol{\wtv{b}} \lessdot \ol{N}$. \tv{r} \lessdot \tv{a}, \ol{\tv{x}} \lessdotCC \ol{T}, \type{T} \lessdot \tv{r}, \ol{\wtv{b}} \lessdot \ol{N}$.
We need to proof $\text{let}\ \expr{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \expr{e}, \, %We need to proof $\text{let}\ \expr{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \expr{e}, \,
\overline{\expr{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \expr{e}} \ \text{in}\ \texttt{x}.\texttt{m}(\ol{x}) : \type{T}_2$ %\overline{\expr{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \expr{e}} \ \text{in}\ \texttt{x}.\texttt{m}(\ol{x}) : \type{T}_2$
where $\sigma(\tv{x}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$, $\sigma(\ol{\tv{x}}) = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}}$, $\sigma(\tv{a}) = \type{T}_2$. %where $\sigma(\tv{x}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$, $\sigma(\ol{\tv{x}}) = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}}$, $\sigma(\tv{a}) = \type{T}_2$.
We omit the case where a capture conversion is not needed and
assume $\sigma(\tv{x}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$, $\sigma(\ol{\tv{x}}) = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}}$.
We have to show T-Let and T-Call which leaves us with:
\item $\Delta | \Gamma \vdash \expr{e} : \sigma(\tv{e})$ and $\Delta | \Gamma \vdash \overline{\expr{e} : \sigma(\tv{e})}$ by assumption
\item $\Delta \vdash \type{T}_1 <: \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$ and $\Delta \vdash \overline{\type{T}_1 <: \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}}$ by constraints $\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}$, $\overline{\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}
\item $\Delta, \Delta', \ol{\Delta'} | \Gamma, \expr{x} : \type{N}, \overline{\expr{x} : \type{N}} \vdash $
\item[$\texttt{v}.\texttt{m}(\ol{v})$] \item[$\texttt{v}.\texttt{m}(\ol{v})$]
Proof is analog to field access, except the $\Delta \vdash \ol{S}\ \ok$ premise. Proof is analog to field access, except the $\Delta \vdash \ol{S}\ \ok$ premise.
We know that $\unify{}(\Delta, [\overline{\wtv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{ We know that $\unify{}(\Delta, [\overline{\wtv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{