Fix Related Work. Adapt Soundness proof

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Stadelmeier 2024-05-31 11:49:44 +02:00
parent c86dc891f3
commit 0e157cf427
2 changed files with 106 additions and 86 deletions

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@ -63,14 +63,14 @@ indeed the transitiv closure of $\QMextends{\theta} \sub \theta'$ and $\theta' \
algorithm for this type system, which he proved as sound and complete.
The problem of his type system is in the lossing reflexivity as shown in
example \ref{intro-example1}. First approaches to solve this problem he gave in
example \ref{lst:intro-example-typeless}. First approaches to solve this problem he gave in
\cite{plue24_1}, where he fixes that no pairwise different nodes in the
abstract syntax gets the same type variable and that no pairwise different type
variables are equalized. In \cite{PH23} he showed how his type inference
algorithm suffices theese properties.
In Pl\"umicke's work there is indeed a formal definition of the subtying
ordering and a correctness proof of the type unification algorithms but no
soundness proof of the type system, itself. Therefore we choose for our type
inference algorithms with wildcars the approach of ???????
% In Pl\"umicke's work there is indeed a formal definition of the subtying
% ordering and a correctness proof of the type unification algorithms but no
% soundness proof of the type system, itself. Therefore we choose for our type
% inference algorithms with wildcars the approach of ???????

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@ -95,21 +95,21 @@
\unify{}'s type solutions for a constraint set generated by $\typeExpr{}$ are correct.
\item[if] $\typeExpr{}(\mtypeEnvironment{}, \texttt{e}, \tv{a}) = (\Delta', C)$
and $(\Delta_u, \sigma) = \unify{}(\Delta', C)$ and let $\Delta= \Delta_u \cup \Delta'$
$\Delta, \Delta' \vdash $
and $(\Delta_u, \sigma) = \unify{}(\Delta', C)$ % and let $\Delta= \Delta_u \cup \Delta'$
% $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash $
% , with $C = \set{ \overline{ \type{S} \lessdot \type{T} } \cup \overline{ \type{S'} \lessdotCC \type{T'} } }$
% and $\vdash \ol{L} : \mtypeEnvironment{}$
% and $\Gamma \subseteq \mtypeEnvironment{}$
% \item[given] a $(\Delta, \sigma)$ with $\Delta \vdash \overline{\sigma(\type{S}) <: \sigma(\type{T})}$
% and there exists a $\Delta'$ with $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \overline{\CC{}(\sigma(\type{S'})) <: \sigma(\type{T'})}$
%\item[then] there is a completion $|\texttt{e}|$ with $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash |\texttt{e}| : \sigma(\tv{a})$
\item[then] $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{e} : \sigma(\tv{a})$
\item[then] $\Delta,\Delta'|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{e} : \sigma(\tv{a})$
Regular type placeholders represent type annotations.
These are the only types a \wildFJ{} program needs to be correctly typed.
The type placeholders flagged as wildcard placeholders are intermediate types
used in let statements and as type parameters for generic method calls.
% Regular type placeholders represent type annotations.
% These are the only types a \wildFJ{} program needs to be correctly typed.
% The type placeholders flagged as wildcard placeholders are intermediate types
% used in let statements and as type parameters for generic method calls.
%Unify needs to return S aswell and guarantee that the \Delta' environment are the wildcards
% only used inside the constraint the wildcard variable occurs
@ -121,33 +121,44 @@ used in let statements and as type parameters for generic method calls.
By structural induction over the expression $\texttt{e}$.
\item[$\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{t}_1 \ \texttt{in}\ \expr{t}_2$]
$\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \expr{t}_1: \type{T}_1$ by assumption.
The body of the let statement will only use the free variables provided by $\Delta$ and $\Delta'$ (see lemma \ref{lemma:wildcardsStayInScope}).
$\text{dom}(\Delta') \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ by lemma \ref{lemma:wildcardWellFormedness}.
$\Delta \vdash \type{T}, \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} \ \ok$ by lemma \ref{lemma:unifyWellFormedness}.
$\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \expr{t}_1: \sigma(\tv{e}_1)$ by assumption.
$\Delta \vdash \sigma(\tv{e}_1) <: \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$ by constraint $\tv{e}_1 \lessdot \tv{x}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.
The body of the let statement will only use the free variables provided by $\Delta$ and $\Delta'$.
We can prove this by lemma \ref{lemma:tvsNoFV} and the fact that the wildcard placeholders used generated the body of the let statement are not used outside of it.
Therefore we can say $\Delta,\Delta' | \Gamma, \expr{x}:\type{N} \vdash \expr{t}_2 : \sigma(\tv{e}_2)$ by assumption
and $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \sigma(\tv{e}_2) <: \sigma(\tv{a})$ by lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}
given the constraint $\tv{e}_2 \lessdot \tv{a}$.
We are alowwed to use capture conversion for $\expr{v}$ here.
$\Delta \vdash \expr{v} : \sigma(\tv{a})$ by assumption.
$\Delta \vdash \sigma(\tv{a}) <: \sigma(\exptype{C}{\ol{\wtv{a}}})$ and
$\Delta \vdash \type{U}_i <: \sigma(\tv{a})$,
because of the constraints $[\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T} \lessdot \tv{a}$, $\tv{r} \lessdotCC \exptype{C}{\ol{\wtv{a}}}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.
$\textit{fields}(\sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})) = \sigma([\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T})$.
% \item[$\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} \ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$]
% $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \expr{e}: \type{T}$ by assumption.
% $\text{dom}(\Delta') \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ by lemma \ref{lemma:wildcardWellFormedness}.
% $\Delta, \Delta' | \Gamma, \expr{x} : \type{T} \vdash \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$
% \item[$\texttt{e}.\texttt{f}$] Let $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$,
% then $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$ by assumption.
% $\Delta', \Delta, \Delta_c \vdash \type{N} <: \sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})$ by premise.
% %Let $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$.
% %Let $\sigma([\ol{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T}) = \wcNtype{\Delta_t}{N_t}$.
\item[$\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} \ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$]
$\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \expr{e}: \type{T}$ by assumption.
$\text{dom}(\Delta') \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ by lemma \ref{lemma:wildcardWellFormedness}.
$\Delta, \Delta' | \Gamma, \expr{x} : \type{T} \vdash \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$
\item[$\texttt{e}.\texttt{f}$] Let $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$,
then $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$ by assumption.
$\Delta', \Delta, \Delta_c \vdash \type{N} <: \sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})$ by premise.
%Let $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$.
%Let $\sigma([\ol{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T}) = \wcNtype{\Delta_t}{N_t}$.
% The completion of $|\texttt{e}.\texttt{f}|$ is $\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}\ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$
The completion of $|\texttt{e}.\texttt{f}|$ is $\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}\ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f}$
% We now show
% $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}\ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f} : \sigma(a)$
% by the T-Field rule.
% $\Delta \vdash \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N} <: \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$ by S-Refl.
% $\Delta, \Delta_c \vdash \type{U}_i <: \sigma(\tv{a})$,
% because of the constraint $[\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T} \lessdot \tv{a}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.
% $\textit{fields}(\sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})) = \sigma([\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T})$
% and $\text{fv}(\type{U}_i) \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ by definition of $\textit{fields}$.
We now show
$\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} = \texttt{e} : \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}\ \texttt{in} \ \texttt{x}.\texttt{f} : \sigma(a)$
by the T-Field rule.
$\Delta \vdash \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N} <: \wcNtype{\Delta_c}{N}$ by S-Refl.
$\Delta, \Delta_c \vdash \type{U}_i <: \sigma(\tv{a})$,
because of the constraint $[\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T} \lessdot \tv{a}$ and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.
$\textit{fields}(\sigma(\exptype{C}{\overline{\wtv{a}}})) = \sigma([\overline{\wtv{a}}/\ol{X}]\type{T})$
and $\text{fv}(\type{U}_i) \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ by definition of $\textit{fields}$.
$\text{dom}(\Delta_c) \subseteq \text{fv}{\type{N}}$ by lemma \ref{lemma:tvsNoFV}.
% $\text{dom}(\Delta_c) \subseteq \text{fv}{\type{N}}$ by lemma \ref{lemma:tvsNoFV}.
% X.List<X> <. List<a?>
% $\sigma(\ol{\tv{r}}) = \overline{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}}$,
@ -183,55 +194,65 @@ By structural induction over the expression $\texttt{e}$.
% %Easy, because unify only generates substitutions for normal type placeholders which are OK
Lets have a look at the case where the receiver and parameter types are all named types.
So $\sigma(\ol{\tv{r}}) = \ol{T} = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta_u}{N}}$ and $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \type{T}_r = \wcNtype{\Delta_u}{N}$
and a $\Delta'$, $\overline{\Delta}$ where $\Delta' \subseteq \Delta_u$, $\overline{\Delta \subseteq \Delta_u}$
and $\text{dom}(\Delta') = (\text{fv}(\type{N})/\Delta)$, $\overline{\text{dom}(\Delta) = (\text{fv}(\type{N})/\Delta)}$ in
Proof is analog to field access, except the $\Delta \vdash \ol{S}\ \ok$ premise.
We know that $\unify{}(\Delta, [\overline{\wtv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{
\ol{\tv{e}} \lessdotCC \ol{T}, \type{T} \lessdot \tv{a},
\ol{Y} \lessdot \ol{N} } \cup C) = (\Delta', \sigma)$
and if we assume $\sigma(\ol{\tv{e}}) = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N'}}$
then the call to $\unify{}(\Delta \cup \overline{\Delta}, [\overline{\ntv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{
\ol{N'} \lessdot \ol{T}, \type{T} \lessdot \tv{a},
\ol{Y} \lessdot \ol{N} } \cup C)$ succeeds with $\overline{\ntv{b}}$ being normal placeholders this time,
which proofs $\Delta \vdash \ol{S}\ \ok$ via lemma \ref{lemma:unifyWellFormedness}.
%TODO: why does this call succeed?
% Lets have a look at the case where the receiver and parameter types are all named types.
% So $\sigma(\ol{\tv{r}}) = \ol{T} = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta_u}{N}}$ and $\sigma(\tv{r}) = \type{T}_r = \wcNtype{\Delta_u}{N}$
% and a $\Delta'$, $\overline{\Delta}$ where $\Delta' \subseteq \Delta_u$, $\overline{\Delta \subseteq \Delta_u}$
% and $\text{dom}(\Delta') = (\text{fv}(\type{N})/\Delta)$, $\overline{\text{dom}(\Delta) = (\text{fv}(\type{N})/\Delta)}$ in
$\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \texttt{e} \ \texttt{in}\
\texttt{let}\ \ol{x} : \overline{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}} = \ol{e} \ \texttt{in}\ \texttt{x}.\texttt{m}(\ol{x})$
% $\texttt{let}\ \texttt{x} : \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} = \texttt{e} \ \texttt{in}\
% \texttt{let}\ \ol{x} : \overline{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}} = \ol{e} \ \texttt{in}\ \texttt{x}.\texttt{m}(\ol{x})$
%TODO: show that this type exists \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} (a \Delta' which only contains free variables of the type N)
% and which is a supertype of T_r (so no free variables in T_r)
% Solution: Make this a lemma and guarantee that Unify does only create types Delta.T with \Delta subset fv(T)
% This is possible because free variables (except those in \Delta_in) are never used in wildcard environments
% %TODO: show that this type exists \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} (a \Delta' which only contains free variables of the type N)
% % and which is a supertype of T_r (so no free variables in T_r)
% % Solution: Make this a lemma and guarantee that Unify does only create types Delta.T with \Delta subset fv(T)
% % This is possible because free variables (except those in \Delta_in) are never used in wildcard environments
%By lemma \ref{lemma:unifyWeakening}
We know that
$\unify{}(\Delta, [\ol{\tv{a}}/\ol{X}][\ol{\tv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{ \overline{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}} \lessdotCC \ol{T}, \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} \lessdotCC \exptype{C}{\ol{X}}})$
has a solution.
Also $\overline{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}} \lessdot \ol{T}$ and $\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} \lessdotCC \exptype{C}{\ol{X}}$ will be converted to
$\ol{N} \lessdot \ol{T}$ and $\type{N} \lessdot \exptype{C}{\ol{X}}$ by the \rulename{Capture} rule.
Which then results in the same as calling $\unify{}((\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta}), [\ol{\tv{a}}/\ol{X}][\ol{\tv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{\ol{N} \lessdot \ol{T}, \type{N} \lessdot \exptype{C}{\ol{X}}})$,
which shows $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \overline{N} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\overline{U}$.
% %By lemma \ref{lemma:unifyWeakening}
% We know that
% $\unify{}(\Delta, [\ol{\tv{a}}/\ol{X}][\ol{\tv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{ \overline{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}} \lessdotCC \ol{T}, \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} \lessdotCC \exptype{C}{\ol{X}}})$
% has a solution.
% Also $\overline{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}} \lessdot \ol{T}$ and $\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} \lessdotCC \exptype{C}{\ol{X}}$ will be converted to
% $\ol{N} \lessdot \ol{T}$ and $\type{N} \lessdot \exptype{C}{\ol{X}}$ by the \rulename{Capture} rule.
% Which then results in the same as calling $\unify{}((\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta}), [\ol{\tv{a}}/\ol{X}][\ol{\tv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{\ol{N} \lessdot \ol{T}, \type{N} \lessdot \exptype{C}{\ol{X}}})$,
% which shows $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \overline{N} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\overline{U}$.
This implies $\text{dom}(\Delta') \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ and $\text{dom}(\Delta') \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$
$\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\type{U} \type{T}$,
$\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{N} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U}$,
and $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U'}$
are guaranteed by the generated constraints and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.% and \ref{lemma:unifyCC}.
$\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \ol{T} <: \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}}$ due to $\ol{T} = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}}$ and S-Refl. $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \type{T}_r <: \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$ accordingly.
$\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{t}_r : \type{T}_r$ and $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \ol{t} : \ol{T}_r$ by assumption.
$\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}} \ \ok$ by lemma \ref{lemma:unifyWellFormedness},
therefore $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{N} \ \ok$, which implies $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{U} \ \ok$
%by lemma \ref{lemma:wfHereditary}
and $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} \ \ok $ by premise of WF-Class.
The same goes for $\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$.
% This implies $\text{dom}(\Delta') \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$ and $\text{dom}(\Delta') \subseteq \text{fv}(\type{N})$
% $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\type{U} \type{T}$,
% $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{N} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U}$,
% and $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U'}$
% are guaranteed by the generated constraints and lemma \ref{lemma:unifySoundness}.% and \ref{lemma:unifyCC}.
% $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \ol{T} <: \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}}$ due to $\ol{T} = \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}}$ and S-Refl. $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \type{T}_r <: \wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$ accordingly.
% $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \texttt{t}_r : \type{T}_r$ and $\Delta|\Gamma \vdash \ol{t} : \ol{T}_r$ by assumption.
% $\Delta, \Delta' \vdash \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}} \ \ok$ by lemma \ref{lemma:unifyWellFormedness},
% therefore $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{N} \ \ok$, which implies $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{U} \ \ok$
% %by lemma \ref{lemma:wfHereditary}
% and $\Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} \ \ok $ by premise of WF-Class.
% The same goes for $\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N}$.
% \begin{gather}
% \label{sp:0}
% \Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\type{U} \type{T} \\
% \label{sp:1}
% \Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{N} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U} \\
% \label{sp:2}
% \Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U'} \\
% \label{sp:3}
% \Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} \ \ok \\
% \label{sp:4}
% \Delta, \Delta' \vdash \ol{T} <: \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}}
% \end{gather}
% % \begin{gather}
% % \label{sp:0}
% % \Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\type{U} \type{T} \\
% % \label{sp:1}
% % \Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{N} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U} \\
% % \label{sp:2}
% % \Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} <: [\ol{S}/\ol{X}]\ol{U'} \\
% % \label{sp:3}
% % \Delta, \Delta', \overline{\Delta} \vdash \ol{S} \ \ok \\
% % \label{sp:4}
% % \Delta, \Delta' \vdash \ol{T} <: \ol{\wcNtype{\Delta}{N}}
% % \end{gather}
Method calls generate multiple constraints that share the same wildcard placeholders ($\ol{\wtv{a}}$, $\ol{\wtv{b}}$).
% Method calls generate multiple constraints that share the same wildcard placeholders ($\ol{\wtv{a}}$, $\ol{\wtv{b}}$).
@ -333,15 +354,14 @@ Trivial. \unify{} fails when a constraint $\tv{a} \doteq \rwildcard{X}$ arises.
% Delta |- N <. T
% \end{lemma}
Free variables can only hop to another constraint if they share the same wildcard placeholder.
\item[If] $(\sigma, \Delta) = \unify{} (\Delta', C \cup \set{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} \lessdot \tv{a}})$
\item[and] $\tv{a}$ being a type placeholders used in $C$
\item[then] $\text{fv}(\sigma(\tv{a})) \subseteq \Delta, \Delta'$
If $\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} \lessdot \tv{a}$
% \begin{lemma}\label{lemma:wildcardsStayInScope}
% Free variables can only hop to another constraint if they share the same wildcard placeholder.
% \begin{description}
% \item[If] $(\sigma, \Delta) = \unify{} (\Delta', C \cup \set{\wcNtype{\Delta'}{N} \lessdot \tv{a}})$
% \item[and] $\tv{a}$ being a type placeholders used in $C$
% \item[then] $\text{fv}(\sigma(\tv{a})) \subseteq \Delta, \Delta'$
% \end{description}
% \end{lemma}