Let statement and capture conversion introduction

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JanUlrich 2024-05-27 02:57:15 +02:00
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@ -228,12 +228,32 @@ if not for the Java type system which rejects the assignment \texttt{lo = ls}.
Listing \ref{lst:wildcardIntro} shows the use of wildcards rendering the assignment \texttt{lo = ls} correct.
The program still does not compile, because now the addition of an Integer to \texttt{lo} is rightfully deemed incorrect by Java.
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Java Invariance Example,label=lst:invarianceExample]{java}
List<String> ls = ...;
List<Object> lo = ...;
lo = ls; // typing error!
lo.add(new Integer(1));
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Use-Site Variance Example,label=lst:wildcardIntro]{java}
List<String> ls = ...;
List<? extends Object> lo = ...;
lo = ls; // correct
lo.add(new Integer(1)); // error!
Wildcard types are virtual types.
There is no instantiation of a \texttt{List<?>}.
It is a placeholder type which can hold any kind of list like
\texttt{List<String>} or \texttt{List<Object>}.
This type can also change at any given time, for example when multiple threads
are using the same field of type \texttt{List<?>}.
share a reference to the same field.
A wildcard \texttt{?} must be considered a different type everytime it is accessed.
Therefore calling the method \texttt{concat} with two wildcard lists in the example in listing \ref{lst:concatError} is incorrect.
% The \texttt{concat} method does not create a new list,
@ -252,70 +272,89 @@ Therefore calling the method \texttt{concat} with two wildcard lists in the exam
List<String> ls = new List<String>();
List<?> l1 = ls;
List<?> l2 = new List<Integer>(1);
List<?> l2 = new List<Integer>(1); // List containing Integer
concat(l1, l2); // Error! this would add an Integer to a List of Strings
concat(l1, l2); // Error! Would concat two different lists
\begin{lstlisting}[style=TamedFJ,caption=\TamedFJ{} representation of the concat call, label=lst:concatTamedFJ]
To determine the correctness of method calls involving wildcard types Java's typecheck
makes use of a concept called \textbf{Capture Conversion}.
% was designed to make Java wildcards useful.
% - without capture conversion
% - is used to open wildcard types
% -
This process was formalized for Featherweight Java \cite{FJ} by replacing existential types with wildcards and capture conversion with let statements \cite{WildcardsNeedWitnessProtection}.
We propose our own Featherweight Java derivative called \TamedFJ{} defined in chapter \ref{sec:tifj}.
To express the example in listing \ref{lst:wildcardIntro} with our calculus we first have to translate the wildcard types:
\texttt{List<? extends Object>} becomes $\wctype{\wildcard{A}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$.
The syntax used here allows for wildcard parameters to have a name, an uppper and lower bound,
and a type they are bound to.
In this case the name is $\rwildcard{A}$ with the upper bound $\type{Object}$ and it's bound to the the type \texttt{List}.
Before we can call the \texttt{add} method on this type we have to add a capture conversion via let statement:
let v : (*@$\wctype{\wildcard{A}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$@*) = lo in v.<A>add(new Integer(1));
\expr{lo} is assigned to a new variable \expr{v} bearing the type $\wctype{\wildcard{A}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$,
but inside the let statement the variable \expr{v} will be treated as $\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$.
The idea is that every Wildcard type is backed by a concrete type.
By assigning \expr{lo} to a immutable variable \expr{v} we unpack the concrete type $\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$
that was concealed by \expr{lo}'s existential type.
Here $\rwildcard{A}$ is a fresh variable or a captured wildcard so to say.
The only information we have about $\rwildcard{A}$ is that it is any type inbetween the bounds $\bot$ and $\type{Object}$
It is important to give the captured wildcard type $\rwildcard{A}$ an unique name which is used nowhere else.
With this formalization it gets obvious why the method call to \texttt{concat}
in listing \ref{lst:concatError} is irregular (see \ref{lst:concatTamedFJ}).
\begin{lstlisting}[style=TamedFJ,caption=\TamedFJ{} representation of the concat call from listing \ref{lst:concatError}, label=lst:concatTamedFJ]
let l1' : (*@$\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$@*) = l1 in
let l2' : (*@$\wctype{\rwildcard{Y}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{Y}}}$@*) = l2 in
concat(l1', l2') // Error!
To enable the use of wildcards in argument types of a method invocation
Java uses a process called \textit{Capture Conversion}.
This behaviour is emulated by our language \TamedFJ{};
a Featherweight Java \cite{FJ} derivative with added wildcard support
and a global type inference feature (syntax definition in section \ref{sec:tifj}).
%\TamedFJ{} is basically the language described by \textit{Bierhoff} \cite{WildcardsNeedWitnessProtection} with optional type annotations.
Let's have a look at a representation of the \texttt{add} call from the last line in listing \ref{lst:wildcardIntro} with our calculus \TamedFJ{}:
%The \texttt{add} call in listing \ref{lst:wildcardIntro} needs to be encased by a \texttt{let} statement in our calculus.
%This makes the capture converion explicit.
let v : (*@$\wctype{\wildcard{A}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$@*) = lo in v.<A>add(new Integer(1));
The method call is encased in a \texttt{let} statement and
\expr{lo} is assigned to a new variable \expr{v} of \linebreak[2]
\textbf{Existential Type} $\wctype{\wildcard{A}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$.
Our calculus uses existential types \cite{WildFJ} to formalize wildcards:
\texttt{List<? extends Object>} is translated to $\wctype{\wildcard{X}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$
and \texttt{List<? super String>} is expressed as $\wctype{\wildcard{X}{\type{Object}}{\type{String}}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$.
The syntax used here allows for wildcard parameters to have a name, an uppper and lower bound,
and a type they are bound to.
In this case the name is $\rwildcard{A}$ and it's bound to the the type \texttt{List}.
Inside the \texttt{let} statement the variable \expr{v} has the type
This is an explicit version of \linebreak[2]
\textbf{Capture Conversion},
which makes use of the fact that a concrete type must be behind every wildcard type.
There is no instantiation of a \texttt{List<?>},
but there exists some unknown type $\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$, with $\rwildcard{A}$ inbetween the bounds $\bot$ (bottom type, subtype of all types) and
Inside the body of the let statement \expr{v} is treated as a value with the constant type $\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$.
Existential types enable us to formalize \textit{Capture Conversion}.
Polymorphic method calls need to be wrapped in a process which \textit{opens} existential types \cite{addingWildcardsToJava}.
In Java this is done implicitly in a process called capture conversion (as proposed in Wild FJ \cite{WildFJ}).
% % TODO intro to Featherweight Java
% is a formal model of the Java programming language reduced to a core set of instructions.
% - We extend this model by existential types and let expressions.
% - We copy this from \ref{WildFJ} but make type annotations optional
% - Our calculus is called \TamedFJ{}
% - \TamedFJ{} binds every method argument with a let statement.
% To enable the use of wildcards in argument types of a method invocation
% Java uses a process called \textit{Capture Conversion}.
% This behaviour is emulated by our language \TamedFJ{};
% a Featherweight Java \cite{FJ} derivative with added wildcard support
% and a global type inference feature (syntax definition in section \ref{sec:tifj}).
% %\TamedFJ{} is basically the language described by \textit{Bierhoff} \cite{WildcardsNeedWitnessProtection} with optional type annotations.
% Let's have a look at a representation of the \texttt{add} call from the last line in listing \ref{lst:wildcardIntro} with our calculus \TamedFJ{}:
% %The \texttt{add} call in listing \ref{lst:wildcardIntro} needs to be encased by a \texttt{let} statement in our calculus.
% %This makes the capture converion explicit.
% \begin{lstlisting}
% let v : (*@$\wctype{\wildcard{A}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$@*) = lo in v.<A>add(new Integer(1));
% \end{lstlisting}
% The method call is encased in a \texttt{let} statement and
% \expr{lo} is assigned to a new variable \expr{v} of \linebreak[2]
% \textbf{Existential Type} $\wctype{\wildcard{A}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$.
% Our calculus uses existential types \cite{WildFJ} to formalize wildcards:
% \texttt{List<? extends Object>} is translated to $\wctype{\wildcard{X}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$
% and \texttt{List<? super String>} is expressed as $\wctype{\wildcard{X}{\type{Object}}{\type{String}}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$.
% The syntax used here allows for wildcard parameters to have a name, an uppper and lower bound,
% and a type they are bound to.
% In this case the name is $\rwildcard{A}$ and it's bound to the the type \texttt{List}.
% Inside the \texttt{let} statement the variable \expr{v} has the type
% $\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$.
% This is an explicit version of \linebreak[2]
% \textbf{Capture Conversion},
% which makes use of the fact that a concrete type must be behind every wildcard type.
% There is no instantiation of a \texttt{List<?>},
% but there exists some unknown type $\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$, with $\rwildcard{A}$ inbetween the bounds $\bot$ (bottom type, subtype of all types) and
% \texttt{Object}.
% Inside the body of the let statement \expr{v} is treated as a value with the constant type $\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$.
% Existential types enable us to formalize \textit{Capture Conversion}.
% Polymorphic method calls need to be wrapped in a process which \textit{opens} existential types \cite{addingWildcardsToJava}.
% In Java this is done implicitly in a process called capture conversion (as proposed in Wild FJ \cite{WildFJ}).
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Java Invariance Example,label=lst:invarianceExample]{java}
List<String> ls = ...;
List<Object> lo = ...;
lo = ls; // typing error!
lo.add(new Integer(1));
\begin{lstlisting}[caption=Use-Site Variance Example,label=lst:wildcardIntro]{java}
List<String> ls = ...;
List<? extends Object> lo = ...;
lo = ls; // correct
lo.add(new Integer(1)); // error!
\section{Global Type Inference Algorithm}
@ -450,6 +489,9 @@ exists to satisfy
$\exptype{List}{\type{A}} <: \exptype{List}{\type{X}},
\exptype{List}{\type{A}} <: \exptype{List}{\type{Y}}$.
Capture Conversion during Unify.
\unify{} morphs a constraint set into a correct type solution
gradually assigning types to type placeholders during that process.