Cleanup challenge 3

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Andreas Stadelmeier 2024-05-28 23:06:58 +02:00
parent d2f58b2489
commit 1ee343b87e

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@ -552,12 +552,31 @@ is solved by removing the wildcard $\rwildcard{X}$ if possible.
this problem is solved by ANF transformation
\item \textbf{Wildcards as Existential Types:}
One problem is the divergence between denotable and expressable types in Java \cite{semanticWildcardModel}.
A wildcard in the Java syntax has no name and is bound to its enclosing type:
$\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\type{?}}}$ equates to $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$.
During type checking \emph{intermediate types}
can emerge, which have no equivalent in the Java syntax.
% This problem is solved by assuming everything is a wildcard and lateron erasing excessive wildcards
% this is solved by having wildcards bound to a type. But this makes it necessary to remove wildcards lateron otherwise Unify would have to backtrack
The program in listing \ref{shuffleExample} shows a challenge involving wildcards and subtyping.
The method call \texttt{shuffle(l)} is incorrect, because \texttt{l} has the type
$\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$ representing a list of unknown lists.
Whereas $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}}$ is a subtype of
$\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$ representing a list of lists, all of the same type $\rwildcard{X}$,
and can savely be passed to \texttt{shuffle}.
This behavior can also be explained by looking at the types and their capture converted versions:
\begin{tabular}{l | l | l}
Java type & \TamedFJ{} representation & Capture Conversion \\
$\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\texttt{?}}}$ & $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$ & $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$ \\
$\exptype{List2D}{\texttt{?}}$ & $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}}$ & $\exptype{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}}$ \\
%Supertype of $\exptype{List2D}{\texttt{?}}$ & $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$ & $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$ \\
%The direct supertype of $\exptype{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}}$ is $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$.
%One problem is the divergence between denotable and expressable types in Java \cite{semanticWildcardModel}.
%A wildcard in the Java syntax has no name and is bound to its enclosing type:
%$\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\type{?}}}$ equates to $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$.
%During type checking \emph{intermediate types}
%can emerge, which have no equivalent in the Java syntax.
\begin{lstlisting}[style=java,label=shuffleExample,caption=Intermediate Types Example]
class List<X> extends Object {...}
@ -571,45 +590,64 @@ List2D<?> l2d = ...;
shuffle(l); // Error
shuffle(l2d); // Valid
Java is using local type inference to allow method invocations which are not describable with regular Java types.
The \texttt{shuffle} method in this case is invoked with the type $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}}$
which is a subtype of $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$.
After capture conversion \texttt{l2d'} has the type $\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$
and \texttt{shuffle} can be invoked with the type parameter $\rwildcard{X}$:
let l2d' : (*@$\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$@*) = l2d in <X>shuffle(l2d')
% Java is using local type inference to allow method invocations which are not describable with regular Java types.
% The \texttt{shuffle} method in this case is invoked with the type $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}}$
% which is a subtype of $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$.
% After capture conversion \texttt{l2d'} has the type $\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$
% and \texttt{shuffle} can be invoked with the type parameter $\rwildcard{X}$:
% \begin{lstlisting}[style=TamedFJ]
% let l2d' : (*@$\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$@*) = l2d in <X>shuffle(l2d')
% \end{lstlisting}
For the example shown in listing \ref{shuffleExample} the method call \texttt{shuffle(l2d)} creates the constraints:
\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}
\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}
\textit{Capture Conversion:}\
\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}
\textit{Solution:} \wtv{x} \doteq \rwildcard{X} \implies \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}
% For the example shown in listing \ref{shuffleExample} the method call \texttt{shuffle(l2d)} creates the constraints:
% \begin{constraintset}
% \begin{center}
% $
% \begin{array}{l}
% \wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}
% \\
% \hline
% \wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}
% \\
% \hline
% \textit{Capture Conversion:}\
% \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}
% \\
% \hline
% \textit{Solution:} \wtv{x} \doteq \rwildcard{X} \implies \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}
% \end{array}
% $
% \end{center}
% \end{constraintset}
The method call \texttt{shuffle(l)} is invalid however,
because \texttt{l} has the type
There is no solution for the subtype constraint:
$\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}$
Given such a program our type inference algorithm has to allow the call \texttt{shuffle(l2d)} and
decline the call to \texttt{shuffle(l)}.
% The method call \texttt{shuffle(l)} is invalid however,
% because \texttt{l} has the type
% $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$.
% There is no solution for the subtype constraint:
% $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}$
\item \label{challenge3} \textbf{Free Variables cannot leaver their scope}:
Let's assume we have a variable \texttt{ls} with type $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$
%When calling the \texttt{id} function with an element of this list we have to apply capture conversion.
and the following input program:
let x : (*@$\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$@*) = ls.get(0) in id(x) : (*@$\ntv{z}$@*)
(*@$\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}$@*),
(*@$\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}} \lessdot \ntv{z},$@*)
% the variable z has to
Take the Java program in listing \ref{lst:mapExample} for example.
It maps every element of a list
$\expr{l} : \exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{A}}{List}{\rwildcard{A}}}$
@ -657,8 +695,6 @@ $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{A}}{List}{\rwildcard{A}}}$
We solve this by distinguishing between wildcard placeholders and normal placeholders.
$\ntv{z}$ is a normal placeholder and is not allowed to contain free variables.
%TODO: Move this part. or move the third challenge some underneath.