add shuffle example to wildcard introduction

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Andreas Stadelmeier 2024-03-06 00:33:54 +01:00
parent cbba453a73
commit 4547fbab40
3 changed files with 97 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ resulting in a correctly typed program (see figure \ref{fig:nested-list-example-
We introduce the language \tifj{} (chapter \ref{sec:tifj}).
A Featherweight Java derivative including Generics, Wildcards and Type Inference.
We support capture conversion and Java style method calls.
This requires existential types in a form which is not denotable by Java syntax \cite{aModelForJavaWithWildcards}.
@ -171,8 +174,6 @@ Wildcards can be formalized as existential types \cite{WildFJ}.
denoted in our syntax by $\wctype{\wildcard{X}{\type{Object}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$ and
$\exptype{List}{String} <: \wctype{\wildcard{X}{\bot}{\type{Object}}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$
means \texttt{List<String>} is a subtype of \texttt{List<? extend Object>}.
The syntax used here allows for wildcard parameters to have a name, an uppper and lower bound at the same time,
and a type they are bound to.
In this case the name is $\rwildcard{X}$ and it's bound to the the type \texttt{List}.
@ -180,17 +181,69 @@ In this case the name is $\rwildcard{X}$ and it's bound to the the type \texttt{
Those properties are needed to formalize capture conversion.
Polymorphic method calls need to be wraped in a process which \textit{opens} existential types \cite{addingWildcardsToJava}.
In Java this is done implicitly in a process called capture conversion.
% When calling a polymorphic method like \texttt{<X> List<X> m(List<X> l1, List<X> l2)} with a \texttt{List<?>}
% it is not possible to substitute \texttt{?} for \texttt{X}.
% This would lead to the method header \texttt{List<?> m(List<?> l1, List<?> l2)}
% where now a method invocation with \texttt{List<String>} and \texttt{List<Integer>} would be possible,
% because both are subtypes of \texttt{List<?>}.
% Capture conversion solves this problem by generating a fresh type variable for every wildcard.
% Calling \texttt{<X> X head(List<X> l1)} with the type \texttt{List<?>} ($\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$)
% creates a fresh type variable $\rwildcard{Y}$ resulting in
% $\generics{\rwildcard{Y}}\texttt{head}(\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{Y}})$
% with $\rwildcard{Y}$ being used as generic parameter \texttt{X}.
% The $\rwildcard{Y}$ in $\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{Y}}$ is a free variable now.
One problem is the divergence between denotable and expressable types in Java \cite{semanticWildcardModel}.
A wildcard in the Java syntax has no name and is bound to its enclosing type.
$\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\type{?}}}$ equates to $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$.
During type checking \emph{intermediate types}
%like $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$
%or $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{Pair}{\rwildcard{X}, \rwildcard{X}}$
can emerge, which have no equivalent in the Java syntax.
%Our type inference algorithm uses existential types internally but spawns type solutions compatible with Java.
Example: % This program is not typable with the Type Inference algorithm from Plümicke
class List<X> extends Object {...}
class List2D<X> extends List<List<X>> {...}
<X> void shuffle(List<List<X>> list) {...}
List<List<?>> l = ...;
List2D<?> l2d = ...;
shuffle(l); // Error
shuffle(l2d); // Valid
Java is using local type inference to allow method invocations which are not describable with regular Java types.
The \texttt{shuffle} method in this case is invoked with the type $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}}$
which is a subtype of $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$.
After capture conversion \texttt{l2d'} has the type $\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$
and \texttt{shuffle} can be invoked with the type parameter $\rwildcard{X}$:
let l2d' : (*@$\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$@*) = l2d in <X>shuffle(l2d')
The respective constraints are:
\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List2D}{\rwildcard{X}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}
\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}
\textit{Capture Conversion:}\
\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}
\textit{Solution:} \wtv{x} \doteq \rwildcard{X} \implies \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}
\texttt{l} however has the type
The method call \texttt{shuffle(l)} is not correct, because there is no solution for the subtype constraint:
$\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}}$
% $\exptype{List}{String} <: \wctype{\wildcard{X}{\bot}{\type{Object}}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}$
% means \texttt{List<String>} is a subtype of \texttt{List<? extend Object>}.
\subsection{Global Type Inference}
% A global type inference algorithm works on an input with no type annotations at all.
@ -202,20 +255,25 @@ In Java this is done implicitly in a process called capture conversion.
% $\tv{l} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\wtv{x}}, \tv{l} \lessdotCC \wtv{x}$
The input to our type inference algorithm is a modified version of the \letfj{} calculus presented in \cite{WildcardsNeedWitnessProtection}.
\fjtype{} generates constraints from an input program and is the first step of the algorithm.
Afterwards \unify{} computes a solution for the given constraint set.
\item[input] \tifj{} program
\item[output] type solution
\item[postcondition] the type solution applied to the input must yield a valid \letfj{} program
The input to our type inference algorithm is a modified version of the \letfj{}\cite{WildcardsNeedWitnessProtection} calculus (see chapter \ref{sec:tifj}).
First \fjtype{} generates constraints
and afterwards \unify{} computes a solution for the given constraint set.
Constraints consist out of subtype constraints $(\type{T} \lessdot \type{T})$ and capture constraints $(\type{T} \lessdotCC \type{T})$.
Additionally to types constraints can also hold type placeholders $\ntv{a}$ and wildcard type placeholders $\wtv{a}$.
\textit{Note:} a type $\type{T}$ can also be a type placeholders $\ntv{a}$ or a wildcard type placeholder $\wtv{a}$.
A subtype constraint is satisfied if the left side is a subtype of the right side according to the rules in figure \ref{fig:subtyping}.
\textit{Example:} $\exptype{List}{\tv{a}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\type{String}}$ is fulfilled by replacing type placeholder $\tv{a}$ with the type $\type{String}$.
Subtype constraints and type placeholders act the same as the ones used in \emph{Type Inference for Featherweight Generic Java} \cite{TIforGFJ}.
\textit{Example:} $\exptype{List}{\ntv{a}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\type{String}}$ is fulfilled by replacing type placeholder $\ntv{a}$ with the type $\type{String}$.
Subtype constraints and type placeholders act the same as the ones used in \emph{Type Inference for Featherweight Generic Java} \cite{TIforFGJ}.
The novel capture constraints and wildcard placeholders are needed for method invocations involving wildcards.
%show input and a correct letFJ representation
Even in a full typed program local type inference can be necessary.
%TODO: first show local type inference and explain lessdotCC constraints. then show example with global TI
Our algorithm has to find a type solution and a \letfj{} representation for a given input program.
Let's start with an example where all types are already given:
\begin{lstlisting}[style=tfgj, caption=Valid Java program, label=lst:addExample]
<A> List<A> add(List<A> l, A v)
@ -238,16 +296,18 @@ Our type inference algorithm has to add let statements if necessary, including t
Lets have a look at the constraints generated by \fjtype{} for the example in listing \ref{lst:addExample}:
\wctype{\wildcard{X}{\type{Object}}{\type{String}}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}} \lessdotCC \exptype{List}{\wtv{a}}, \, \type{String} \lessdotCC \wtv{a}
\text{Capture Conversion:}\ \exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\wtv{a}}, \, \type{String} \lessdot \wtv{a}
\textit{Capture Conversion:}\ \exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\wtv{a}}, \, \type{String} \lessdot \wtv{a}
\text{Solution:}\ \wtv{a} \doteq \rwildcard{X} \implies \exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}, \, \type{String} \lessdot \rwildcard{X}
\textit{Solution:}\ \wtv{a} \doteq \rwildcard{X} \implies \exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}} \lessdot \exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}, \, \type{String} \lessdot \rwildcard{X}
%Why do we need the lessdotCC constraints here?
The type of \texttt{l} can be capture converted by a let statement if needed (see listing \ref{lst:addExampleLet}).
@ -307,13 +367,6 @@ List<?> m() = new List<String>() :? new List<Integer>() :? id(m());
%TODO: Wildcard subtyping is infinite see \cite{TamingWildcards}
One problem is the divergence between denotable and expressable types in Java \cite{semanticWildcardModel}.
A wildcard in the Java syntax has no name and is bound to its enclosing type.
$\exptype{List}{\exptype{List}{\type{?}}}$ equates to $\exptype{List}{\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$.
During type checking \emph{intermediate types} like $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{List}{\exptype{List}{\rwildcard{X}}}$
or $\wctype{\rwildcard{X}}{Pair}{\rwildcard{X}, \rwildcard{X}}$ can emerge, which have no equivalent in the Java syntax.
Our type inference algorithm uses existential types internally but spawns type solutions compatible with Java.
The introduction of wildcards adds additional challenges.
% we cannot replace every type variable with a wildcard

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@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
\newcommand\mv[1]{{\tt #1}}
\newcommand{\ol}[1]{\overline{\tt #1}}
@ -113,7 +114,8 @@
\newcommand{\wtypestore}[3]{\ensuremath{#1 = \wtype{#2}{#3}}}
%\newcommand{\wtype}[2]{\ensuremath{[#1\ #2]}}

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
\section{Syntax and Typing}
\section{Syntax and Typing}\label{sec:tifj}
The input syntax for our algorithm is shown in figure \ref{fig:syntax}
and the respective type rules in figure \ref{fig:expressionTyping} and \ref{fig:typing}.
@ -8,6 +8,16 @@ The input language is designed to showcase type inference involving existential
Method call rule T-Call is the most interesting part, because it emulates the behaviour of a Java method call,
where existential types are implicitly \textit{opened} and \textit{closed}.
Example: %TODO
class List<A> {
A head;
List<A> tail;
add(v) = new List(v, this);
%The T-Elvis rule mimics the type judgement of a branch expression like \texttt{if-else}.
%and is solely used for examples.
The calculus does not include method overriding for simplicity reasons.