Start Constraint generation using implication rules

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Andreas Stadelmeier 2024-08-08 22:46:19 +02:00
parent eb05d04ae8
commit 563690dced

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@ -348,6 +348,113 @@ This practice hinders free variables to leave their scope.
The free variable $\rwildcard{A}$ generated by the capture conversion on the type $\wctype{\wildcard{A}{\type{String}}{\bot}}{List}{\rwildcard{A}}$
cannot be used anywhere else then inside the constraints generated by the method call \texttt{x.m(xp)}.
% v.m(v, v.f,;
% let x1 = v, x2 = v, x3 = v.f, x4 = || in x1.m(x2, x3, x4)
class Id{
<X> X id(X x){ return x; }
class List<X> {
List<X> concat(List<X> l){ ... }
class CExample{
example(p1, p2) {
At first we assign a type placeholder to every expression in the input program.
Type placeholders also fill in for missing type annotations in method headers.
class CExample{
example(p1, p2) {
class CExample{
(*@$\tv{a}$@*) example((*@$\tv{b}$@*) p1, (*@$\tv{c}$@*) p2) {
return ((p1:(*@$\tv{b}$@*)).id(p2:(*@$\tv{c}$@*)):(*@$\tv{d}$@*)).concat(p2:(*@$\tv{c}$@*)) : (*@$\tv{e}$@*);
The placeholders $\tv{a}-\tv{e}$ are freshly created in this example and added to every expression.
The type of local variable expressions like \expr{p1} and \expr{p2} is already known and can be assigned directly.
$\expr{p1}:\tv{b}$ and $\expr{p2}:\tv{c}$ in this case.
The method call to \texttt{id} gets the fresh type placeholder $\tv{d}$ as type and the method call to \texttt{concat} is assigned the placeholder $\tv{e}$.
Afterwards a method type environment $\mtypeEnvironment$ containing all method declarations is created.
Note how type placeholders are used for the \texttt{example} method:
$\mtypeEnvironment{} = \left\{ \begin{array}{l}
\texttt{id} : \generics{\type{X}}\type{Id},\type{X} \to \type{X}, \\
\texttt{concat} : \generics{\type{X}}\exptype{List}{\type{X}},\exptype{List}{\type{X}} \to \exptype{List}{\type{X}}, \\
\texttt{example} : \type{CExample},\tv{b},\tv{c} \to \tv{a}, \\
\end{array} \right\}
\mtypeEnvironment \vdash \expr{e} : \tv{e} \implies C \\
\overline{\mtypeEnvironment \vdash \expr{e} : \tv{e} \implies C} \\
\texttt{m} : \generics{\ol{Y \triangleleft N}}\type{T}_r, \overline{\type{T}} \to \type{T} \in { \mtypeEnvironment }\\
\overline{\wtv{b}}, \tv{x}, \overline{\tv{x}} \ \text{fresh} \\
C_m = \set{\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}, \overline{\tv{e} \lessdot \tv{x}}} \cup
[\overline{\wtv{b}}/\ol{Y}]\set{ \tv{x} \lessdotCC \type{T}_r, \overline{\tv{x} \lessdotCC \type{T}}, \type{T} \lessdot \tv{a}, \overline{Y \lessdot N} }
\mtypeEnvironment \vdash \expr{e}.\texttt{m}(\overline{\expr{e}}) : \tv{a} \implies C \cup \overline{C} \cup C_m
In case the input program contains multiple method declarations holding the same name and same amount of parameters then so called Or-Constraints must be generated.
Usually Java is able to determine which method to call based on the argument's types passed to the method. %'
During the constraint generation step the argument types are unknown and we have to assume multiple methods as invocation target.
class String{
bool equals(String s){ .. }
class Int{
bool equals(Int i){ .. }
class OrConsExample{
m(a, b){
return a.equals(b);
The method call to \texttt{equals} now has multiple possibilities.
It could either be a call to the method in the class \texttt{Int} or in \texttt{String}.
The method type environment therfore contains two versions of the \texttt{equals} method:
$\mtypeEnvironment{} = \set{ \texttt{equals}_1 : \type{String}, \type{String} \to \type{bool},
\texttt{equals}_2 : \type{Int}, \type{Int} \to \type{bool}}$
The Or-Cons rule considers multiple declarations of the same method separately and joins all of them into a Or-Constraint.
\texttt{m}_1 \ldots \texttt{m}_n \in \text{dom}(\mtypeEnvironment{}) \\
\mtypeEnvironment \vdash \expr{e}.\texttt{m}_1(\overline{\expr{e}}) : \tv{a} \implies C_1 \quad
\ldots \quad
\mtypeEnvironment \vdash \expr{e}.\texttt{m}_n(\overline{\expr{e}}) : \tv{a} \implies C_n
\mtypeEnvironment \vdash \expr{e}.\texttt{m}(\overline{\expr{e}}) : \tv{a} \implies \orCons{}(C_1, \ldots, C_n)
% Problem:
% <X, A extends List<X>> void t2(List<A> l){}