Thank you very much for your in depth reviews. We submitted the paper in an early stage to get early feedback and we'd appreciate the chance to submit a revised version. We are already working on the shortcomings you exposed in your reviews. A prototype implementation of the type inference algorithm is currently in development. We expect to use the prototype to explore the boundaries of what the algorithm is capable of. In the next revision of the paper we will report positive and negative examples as well as measurements of the algorithm's runtime. We plan to address the following points before submitting the revision: * Implementation of the algorithm and a showcase of working use cases. * Reworked and detailed soundness proof. * Provide better explanations and examples on constraint generation. * Fix typos, errors, ambiguous explanations, etc.. * Discussion of the algorithm's complexity, our minimal aim is NP-Hardness, but we will try to draw comparisons to similar algorithms like the ones from Plümicke or Stadelmeier already mentioned in the paper. * A discussion on completeness and why a complete type inference algorithm for Java is not possible.