Subst step tries as many substitutions as possible

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Stadelmeier 2021-11-16 01:17:36 +01:00
parent 8f807c6482
commit 2d718f3ef9
3 changed files with 53 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -22,23 +22,36 @@ final case class AEqualsN(a: TypeVariable, n: ResultRefType) extends UnifyResult
object Unify {
def unifyIterative(orCons: Set[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]], fc: FiniteClosure) : Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]] = {
def getNext[A](from: Set[(CartesianProduct[A],Set[UnifyConstraint])])=
from.find(_._1.hasNext()).map(it => (it._1.nextProduct(), it._2))
sealed trait Step4Result{
def hasChanged(): Boolean
def result: Set[UnifyConstraint]
final case class ChangedSet(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) extends Step4Result {
override def hasChanged(): Boolean = true
override def result: Set[UnifyConstraint] = eq
final case class UnchangedSet(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) extends Step4Result {
override def hasChanged(): Boolean = false
override def result: Set[UnifyConstraint] = eq
var eqSets: Set[(CartesianProduct[Set[UnifyConstraint]],Set[UnifyConstraint])] =
Set((new CartesianProduct[Set[UnifyConstraint]](orCons), Set()))
def unifyIterative(orCons: Set[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]], fc: FiniteClosure) : Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]] = {
def getNext[A](from: Set[CartesianProduct[A]])=
from.find(_.hasNext()).map(it => it.nextProduct())
var eqSets: Set[CartesianProduct[Set[UnifyConstraint]]] =
Set(new CartesianProduct[Set[UnifyConstraint]](orCons))
var result: Set[UnifyConstraint] = null
var it: Option[(Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]], Set[UnifyConstraint])] = getNext(eqSets)
var it: Option[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]] = getNext(eqSets)
var results: Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]] = Set()
val eqSet = it.get
val rulesResult = applyRules(fc)(eqSet._1.flatten)
val rulesResult = applyRules(fc)(eqSet.flatten)
val step2Result = step2(rulesResult, fc)
val substResult = => substStep(eqSet))
val newEqs = substResult.filter(res => res._2.isDefined).map(res => (res._1, res._2.get))
eqSets = eqSets ++ => (new CartesianProduct[Set[UnifyConstraint]](Set(Set(it._1))), eqSet._2 + it._2))
result = substResult.find(p => !p._2.isDefined && isSolvedForm(p._1)).map(it => it._1 ++ eqSet._2).getOrElse(null)
val newEqs = substResult.filter(_.hasChanged)
eqSets = eqSets ++ => new CartesianProduct[Set[UnifyConstraint]](Set(Set(it.result))))
result = substResult.find(p => !p.hasChanged() && isSolvedForm(p.result)).map(it => it.result).getOrElse(null)
if(result != null)
results = results + result
it = getNext(eqSets)
@ -46,6 +59,7 @@ object Unify {
def unify(orCons: Set[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]], fc: FiniteClosure) : Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]] = {
val eqSets = cartesianProduct(orCons)
val step2Results = eqSets.flatMap(eqSet => {
@ -63,7 +77,7 @@ object Unify {
def step2(eq : Set[UnifyConstraint], fc: FiniteClosure) ={
val eq1 = eq.filter(c => c match{
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
@ -242,11 +256,27 @@ object Unify {
case UnifyTV(a) => tv.equals(UnifyTV(a))
case UnifyRefType(a,p) => paramsContain(tv, UnifyRefType(a,p))
def substStep(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = eq.find(c => c match {
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n, p)) => !paramsContain(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n,p))
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyTV(b)) => !a.equals(b)
case _ => false
}).map(c => (subst(c.left.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV], c.right, eq.filter(!_.equals(c))), Some(c))).getOrElse((eq, None))
def substStep(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = {
def substCall(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = eq.find(c => c match {
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n, p)) => !paramsContain(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n,p))
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyTV(b)) => !a.equals(b)
case _ => false
}).map(c => (subst(c.left.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV], c.right, eq.filter(!_.equals(c))), Some(c))).getOrElse((eq, None))
var substResult: (Set[UnifyConstraint], Option[UnifyConstraint]) = (eq, None)
var substVars: Set[UnifyConstraint] = Set()
substResult = substCall(substResult._1) => {
substVars = substVars + it
val result = substResult._1 ++ substVars
ChangedSet(substResult._1 ++ substVars)
private def substHelper(a: UnifyTV, withType: UnifyType,in: UnifyType) :UnifyType = in match {
case UnifyRefType(n, p) => UnifyRefType(n, => substHelper(a, withType, t)))

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@ -64,4 +64,10 @@ class IntegrationTest extends FunSuite {
val result = FJTypeinference.typeinference(input )
test("list.add") {
val input = "class List<A extends Object> extends Object{\nA f;\n add( a){\n return new List(a);\n}\n}\nclass Test extends Object{\n\nm(a){return a.add(this);}\n}"
val result = FJTypeinference.typeinference(input )

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@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ class UnifyTest extends FunSuite {
UnifyLessDot(RefType("List", List(RefType("Object", List()))), TypeVariable("a"))), fc)
val unifyRes = Unify.unify(Set(Set(Set(UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyRefType("List", List()),UnifyRefType("Object", List()))))), fc)