Finish part 1 of step 2

This commit is contained in:
JanUlrich 2022-06-14 19:07:48 +02:00
parent 80dcad7a13
commit 84ee7b260a
2 changed files with 32 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
package hb.dhbw
class CartesianProductBuilder[A](){
def addSingleton(a:A){
throw new NotImplementedError()
def add(as : Set[A]): Unit ={
throw new NotImplementedError()
class CartesianProduct[A](private val setOfSets: List[List[A]]){
//def addPossibilities(Set[A]) //TODO

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@ -70,39 +70,41 @@ object Unify {
def expandLB(lowerBound: UnifyLessDot, upperBound: UnifyLessDot, fc: FiniteClosure): Set[UnifyEqualsDot] ={
def expandLB(lowerBound: UnifyLessDot, upperBound: UnifyLessDot, fc: FiniteClosure): Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]] ={
val b:UnifyTV = lowerBound.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV]
val lowerBoundType : UnifyRefType = lowerBound.left.asInstanceOf[UnifyRefType]
val upperBoundType : UnifyRefType = upperBound.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyRefType]
fc.superTypes(convertRefType(lowerBoundType)).filter(t => fc.aIsSubtypeOfb(t, convertRefType(upperBoundType)))
.map(t => UnifyEqualsDot(b, convertNamedType(t)))
Set(fc.superTypes(convertRefType(lowerBoundType)).filter(t => fc.aIsSubtypeOfb(t, convertRefType(upperBoundType)))
.map(t => UnifyEqualsDot(b, convertNamedType(t))))
private def getUpperBound(forTV: UnifyTV, eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = eq.find(_ match {
private def getUpperBoundOrSetUpperBoundToObject(forTV: UnifyTV, eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = eq.find(_ match {
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n, params)) => UnifyTV(a).eq(forTV)
case _ => false
}).getOrElse(UnifyLessDot(forTV, UnifyRefType("Object", List()))).asInstanceOf[UnifyLessDot]
def step2(eq : Set[UnifyConstraint], fc: FiniteClosure) ={
val eq1 = eq.filter(c => c match{
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
case _ => false
val eqRest = eq.filter(_ match {
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(_,_), UnifyTV(_)) => false
case _ => true
//Part one: use expandLB on lower Bound constraints:
val cpBuilder = new CartesianProductBuilder[Set[UnifyConstraint]]()
val lowerBoundConstraints : Set[UnifyLessDot] = eq.filter(_ match {
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(_,_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
case _ => false
val lowerAndUpperBoundConstraints = => {
val upperBound = getUpperBound(lowerBound.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV], eq)
val upperBound = getUpperBoundOrSetUpperBoundToObject(lowerBound.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV], eq)
(lowerBound, upperBound)
val expandLBOrConstraints = => expandLB(bounds._1, bounds._2, fc))
val cartesianProductOfOrCons = new CartesianProduct(
//Add part one: => cpBuilder.add(expandLB(bounds._1, bounds._2, fc)))
// Part two: a <. Type, a <.* b constraints:
val eq1 = eq.filter(c => c match{
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => true
case _ => false
val tvInLowerBoundConstraints =[UnifyTV])
val aUnifyLessDota = eq1.filter(c => c match{
@ -110,15 +112,16 @@ object Unify {
case _ => false
}).asInstanceOf[Set[UnifyLessDot]] => {
lowerBoundConstraints.flatMap(lowerBound => {
val tv = lowerBound.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV]
val bs = aUnifyLessDota.flatMap(c => Set(c.left, c.right)).asInstanceOf[Set[UnifyTV]]
.filter(variable => !variable.equals(tv) && isLinked(tv, variable, aUnifyLessDota)) => {
val upperBound = getUpperBound(b, eq)
val ret : Set[CartesianProduct[UnifyConstraint]] = => {
val upperBound = getUpperBoundOrSetUpperBoundToObject(b, eq)
Set(expandLB(lowerBound, upperBound, fc), Set(UnifyLessDot(b, lowerBound.left)))
new CartesianProduct(Set[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]](Set(expandLB(lowerBound, upperBound, fc)), Set(Set(UnifyLessDot(b, lowerBound.left)))))
val cUnifyLessDotACons: Set[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]] = => c match{