Rafactoring: Remove unused code. Add duplicated method filtering

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Stadelmeier 2022-04-11 17:32:18 +02:00
parent faef14cf05
commit 93f7edf467
5 changed files with 12 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
package hb.dhbw
class EqSet {
def addAndConstraint(cons: Set[Constraint]) {}

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@ -41,26 +41,23 @@ object FJTypeinference {
).map(it => (convertRefType(it._1), convertRefType(it._2))).toSet)
private def cToUnifyType(c: Class): UnifyRefType = UnifyRefType(c.name, c.genericParams.map(it => convertType(it._1)))
Die generics sind für alle Methoden die gleichen. Falls dies der Fall ist, kann man einfach nach Sub typen in den Parametern und return-Typ filtern
private def removeOverloadedSubtypeMethods(in: Class, finiteClosure: FiniteClosure) = {
def convertToFJType(in: Type): FJNamedType = in match {
case GenericType(name) => FJNamedType(name, List())
case RefType(n, p) => FJNamedType(n,p.map(convertToFJType))
def methodIsSupertype(m : Method, superMethod: Method) = {
def getBound(t: Type): Type = t match {
case GenericType(x) =>
(in.genericParams ++ m.genericParams.map(c => (c.asInstanceOf[LessDot].l, c.asInstanceOf[LessDot].r)))
.find(p => p._1.equals(GenericType(x))).map(_._2).map(getBound).get
case x => x
if(m.params.size != superMethod.params.size){
val returnIsSub = finiteClosure.aIsSubtypeOfb(convertToFJType(getBound(m.retType)), convertToFJType(getBound(superMethod.retType)))
if(m.genericParams.equals(superMethod.genericParams)) {
val returnIsSub = finiteClosure.aIsSubtypeOfb(convertToFJType(m.retType), convertToFJType(superMethod.retType))
val paramsAreSup = m.params.zip(superMethod.params).foldLeft(true)((isSub, m2) => {
isSub && finiteClosure.aIsSubtypeOfb(convertToFJType(getBound(m2._2._1)), convertToFJType(getBound(m2._1._1)))
isSub && finiteClosure.aIsSubtypeOfb(convertToFJType(m2._2._1), convertToFJType(m2._1._1))
returnIsSub && paramsAreSup
@ -78,23 +75,19 @@ object FJTypeinference {
Class(in.name, in.genericParams, in.superType, in.fields, newMethods.toList)
def sigmaReplace(sigma:Map[String, Type], unifyType: UnifyType): Type = unifyType match {
case UnifyRefType(n, ps) => RefType(n, ps.map(it => sigmaReplace(sigma, it)))
case UnifyTV(a) => sigma(a)
def typeinference(str: String): Either[String, List[Class]] = {
val ast = Parser.parse(str).map(ASTBuilder.fromParseTree(_))
var typedClasses: List[Class] = List()
ast.map(ast => {
ast.foldLeft(List[Class]())((cOld, c) => {
val newClassList = cOld :+ c
val typeResult = TYPE.generateConstraints(newClassList, generateFC(newClassList))
val fc = generateFC(newClassList)
val typeResult = TYPE.generateConstraints(newClassList, fc)
val unifyResult = Unify.unifyIterative(convertOrConstraints(typeResult._1), typeResult._2)
//Insert intersection types
//val typeInsertedC = InsertTypes.applyResult(sigma, generics, c)//InsertTypes.insert(unifyResult, c)
val typeInsertedC = InsertTypes.applyUnifyResult(unifyResult, c)
val typeInsertedC = removeOverloadedSubtypeMethods(InsertTypes.applyUnifyResult(unifyResult, c), fc)
typedClasses = typedClasses :+ typeInsertedC
cOld :+ typeInsertedC

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@ -108,22 +108,6 @@ object InsertTypes {
val constraints = flatted.map(_.map(refTypeInConsToGenerics(_)))
def extractTVNames(unifyType: UnifyType): Set[String] = unifyType match {
case UnifyTV(name) => Set(name)
case UnifyRefType(_, params) => params.flatMap(extractTVNames(_)).toSet
val genericNames:Set[String] = into.genericParams.map(_._1).flatMap(_ match {
case GenericType(name) => Some(name)
case _ => None
}).toSet ++ unifyResult.flatMap(_.flatMap(_ match{
case UnifyLessDot(a,b) => Set(a, b)
case UnifyEqualsDot(a,b) => Set(a,b)
val constraints = normalized.map(_.map(replaceRefTypeWithGeneric(_, genericNames)))
val newMethods = into.methods.flatMap(m => constraints.map(cons => insert(cons, m)))
Class(into.name, into.genericParams, into.superType, into.fields, newMethods)

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@ -43,13 +43,6 @@ object Unify {
ret = ret.filter(it => !alessdotb.contains(it))
alessdotb.foreach(it => ret = subst(it.left.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV], it.right, ret))
.filter(_ match{
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyTV(b)) => a != b
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => false
case _ => true
ret ++ alessdotb.map(_ match {case UnifyLessDot(a, b) => UnifyEqualsDot(a,b)})
@ -80,25 +73,6 @@ object Unify {
def unify(orCons: Set[Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]]], fc: FiniteClosure) : Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]] = {
val eqSets = cartesianProduct(orCons)
val step2Results = eqSets.flatMap(eqSet => {
val rulesResult = applyRules(fc)(eqSet.flatten)
step2(rulesResult, fc)
step2Results.flatMap(eqSet => {
val (substResult, unifier) = substStep(eqSet)
else Set()
unify(Set(Set(substResult)), fc).map(s => s + unifier.get)
def step2(eq : Set[UnifyConstraint], fc: FiniteClosure) ={
val eq1 = eq.filter(c => c match{
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyTV(_), UnifyTV(_)) => true

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@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ class IntegrationTest extends FunSuite {
val result = FJTypeinference.typeinference("class List<A extends Object> extends Object{\n add(a){\n return this;\n}\n}")