First implementation of Unify with Wildcards. Added rules and changed step 2

This commit is contained in:
Andreas Stadelmeier 2022-10-25 22:07:59 +02:00
parent abe4f78490
commit 9c098185a7
3 changed files with 115 additions and 46 deletions

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@ -49,7 +49,8 @@ object FJTypeinference {
case GenericType(name) => FJNamedType(name, List())
case RefType(n, p) => FJNamedType(n,
def methodIsSupertype(m : Method, superMethod: Method) = {
def methodIsSupertype(m : Method, superMethod: Method) = false //TODO
if(m.genericParams.equals(superMethod.genericParams)) {
val returnIsSub = finiteClosure.aIsSubtypeOfb(convertToFJType(m.retType), convertToFJType(superMethod.retType))
val paramsAreSup =, m2) => {
@ -60,7 +61,7 @@ object FJTypeinference {
val methodNames =
val newMethods = methodNames.flatMap(mName => {
val overloadedMethods = in.methods.filter(

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@ -7,14 +7,19 @@ case class FJTypeVariable(name: String) extends FJType
class FiniteClosure(val extendsRelations : Set[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)]){
private def calculateSupertypes(of: FJNamedType) ={
var rel = Set((of, of))
private def calculateSupertypes(nameOfType: String) ={
var rel: Set[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)] = extendsRelations.flatMap(r =>
if( {
} else {
var size = rel.size
do {
size = rel.size
rel = rel ++ reflexiveTypes(rel) ++ transitiveTypes(rel) ++ superClassTypes(rel)
}while(rel.size > size)
private def reflexiveTypes(of: Set[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)]) ={
val ref = Set.newBuilder[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)]
@ -24,29 +29,19 @@ class FiniteClosure(val extendsRelations : Set[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)]){
private def transitiveTypes(of: Set[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)]) ={
val ref = Set.newBuilder[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)]
ref ++= of.flatMap(pair => of.filter(p => p._1.eq(pair._2)))
ref ++= of.flatMap(pair => of.filter(p => p._1.equals(pair._2)))
private def superClassTypes(of: FJNamedType) = {
def paramSubst(param : FJType, paramMap : Map[FJType, FJType]): FJType = param match{
case FJNamedType(n, params) => FJNamedType(n,, paramMap)))
case typeVariable => paramMap.get(typeVariable).get
val extendsRelation = extendsRelations.filter(pair => => {
val paramMap =
(of,FJNamedType(,, paramMap))))
private def superClassTypes(of: FJNamedType) =
extendsRelations.filter(pair =>
private def superClassTypes(of: Set[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)]) : Set[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)] ={
val sClass = Set.newBuilder[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)]
sClass ++= of.flatMap(pair => Set(pair._2, pair._1)).flatMap(t => superClassTypes(t))
def superTypes(of : FJNamedType) : Set[FJNamedType] = calculateSupertypes(of)
def aIsSubtypeOfb(a: FJNamedType, b: FJNamedType): Boolean = calculateSupertypes(a).contains(b)
def superTypes(of : String) : Set[(FJNamedType, FJNamedType)] = calculateSupertypes(of)
def isPossibleSupertype(of: String, superType: String): Boolean = {
val extendsMap = => (,

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package hb.dhbw
import scala.collection.mutable
sealed abstract class UnifyConstraint(val left: UnifyType, val right: UnifyType)
final case class UnifyLessDot(override val left: UnifyType, override val right: UnifyType) extends UnifyConstraint(left, right)
final case class UnifyEqualsDot(override val left: UnifyType, override val right: UnifyType) extends UnifyConstraint(left, right)
@ -7,6 +9,7 @@ final case class UnifyEqualsDot(override val left: UnifyType, override val right
sealed abstract class UnifyType
final case class UnifyRefType(name: String, params: List[UnifyType]) extends UnifyType
final case class UnifyTV(name: String) extends UnifyType
final case class UnifyWildcard(name: String, upperBound: UnifyType, lowerBound: UnifyType) extends UnifyType
object Unify {
@ -69,12 +72,36 @@ object Unify {
var tpvNum: Int = 0
def freshName() = {
tpvNum = tpvNum+1
def expandLB(lowerBound: UnifyLessDot, upperBound: UnifyLessDot, fc: FiniteClosure): Set[Set[UnifyConstraint]] ={
def convert(fjType: FJType): UnifyType = fjType match {
case FJNamedType(n, p) => UnifyRefType(n,
case FJTypeVariable(n) => UnifyTV("$"+n)
val b:UnifyTV = lowerBound.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyTV]
val lowerBoundType : UnifyRefType = lowerBound.left.asInstanceOf[UnifyRefType]
val upperBoundType : UnifyRefType = upperBound.right.asInstanceOf[UnifyRefType]
fc.superTypes(convertRefType(lowerBoundType)).filter(t => fc.aIsSubtypeOfb(t, convertRefType(upperBoundType)))
.map(t => Set(UnifyEqualsDot(b, convertNamedType(t))))
fc.superTypes( => fc.aIsSubtypeOfb(t, convertRefType(upperBoundType)))
.map(t => {
def getUnifyTV(of: FJType): Set[UnifyTV] = of match{
case FJTypeVariable(a) => Set(UnifyTV(a))
case FJNamedType(_, params) => params.flatMap(getUnifyTV(_)).toSet
val superType = t._2
val superTypeTVs = superType.params.flatMap(getUnifyTV(_))
val freshWildcards = =>
(tv, UnifyWildcard(freshName(), UnifyTV(freshName()), UnifyTV(freshName()))))
val wildcardCons : Set[UnifyConstraint] = => UnifyLessDot(wc._2.lowerBound, wc._2.upperBound)).toSet
val cons : Set[UnifyConstraint] = Set(UnifyEqualsDot(b, convert(superType)), UnifyLessDot(lowerBoundType, convert(superType))) ++
var ret = cons
freshWildcards.foreach(wc => ret = subst(wc._1, wc._2, ret))
private def getUpperBoundOrSetUpperBoundToObject(forTV: UnifyTV, eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = eq.find(_ match {
@ -129,10 +156,30 @@ object Unify {
def reduceEqRule(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = eq.flatMap(c => c match {
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyRefType(an, ap), UnifyRefType(bn, bp)) => => UnifyEqualsDot(p._1, p._2))
case x => Set(x)
def reduceRule(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = eq.flatMap(c => c match {
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyRefType(an, ap), UnifyRefType(bn, bp)) => {
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(an, ap), UnifyRefType(bn, bp)) => {
if(an.equals(bn)){ => UnifyEqualsDot(p._1, p._2))
val wildcardMap = => p._2 match {
case UnifyWildcard(n, u, l) => (UnifyWildcard(n, u, l) -> p._1)
val doteqs: Set[UnifyConstraint] = => p._2 match {
case UnifyWildcard(_,_,_) => None
case x => Some(UnifyEqualsDot(p._1, x))
val wildcardCons: Set[UnifyConstraint] = => p._2 match {
case UnifyWildcard(n, u, l) =>
Set(UnifyEqualsDot(p._1, p._2), UnifyLessDot(p._1, u), UnifyLessDot(l, p._1))
var ret = wildcardCons ++ doteqs
wildcardMap.foreach(p => {
ret = substWC(p._1, p._2, ret)
Set(UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyRefType(an, ap), UnifyRefType(bn, bp)))
@ -140,31 +187,40 @@ object Unify {
case x => Set(x)
def wildcardRules(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]): Set[UnifyConstraint] = eq.flatMap(c => c match {
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyWildcard(n, u, l), t) => Set(UnifyLessDot(u, t))
case UnifyLessDot(t, UnifyWildcard(n, u, l)) => Set(UnifyLessDot(t, l))
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyWildcard(n, u, l), t) => Set(UnifyEqualsDot(u, t), UnifyEqualsDot(l,t))
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyWildcard(n, u, l), UnifyWildcard(n2, u2, l2)) => if (n.eq(n2)) {
} else {
Set(UnifyEqualsDot(l, u), UnifyEqualsDot(u2, l2), UnifyEqualsDot(l, l2))
case x => Set(x)
def swapRule(eq : Set[UnifyConstraint]) = => c match {
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyRefType(an, ap), UnifyTV(a)) => UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(an, ap))
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyWildcard(n,u,l), UnifyTV(a)) => UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyWildcard(n,u,l))
case x => x
private def convert(fjType: FJType): UnifyType = fjType match {
case FJNamedType(n, p) => UnifyRefType(n,
case FJTypeVariable(n) => UnifyTV(n)
private def convertNamedType(fjType: FJNamedType): UnifyRefType = UnifyRefType(,
private def convertRefType(unifyType: UnifyRefType): FJNamedType = FJNamedType(,
private def convert(unifyType: UnifyType): FJType = unifyType match {
case UnifyRefType(n, p) => FJNamedType(n,
case UnifyTV(n) => FJTypeVariable(n)
private def getSuperTypes(of: UnifyRefType, fc: FiniteClosure) = fc.superTypes(convertRefType(of)).map(convertNamedType)
private def getSuperTypes(of: UnifyRefType, fc: FiniteClosure) = fc.superTypes(
def adaptRule(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint], fc: FiniteClosure) = {
def paramSubst(param : FJType, paramMap : Map[FJType, UnifyType]): UnifyType = param match{
case FJNamedType(n, params) => UnifyRefType(n,, paramMap)))
case typeVariable => paramMap.get(typeVariable).get
} => c match {
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(an, ap), UnifyRefType(bn, bp)) => {
if(fc.isPossibleSupertype(an, bn)){
UnifyEqualsDot(getSuperTypes(UnifyRefType(an, ap), fc).find(r =>, UnifyRefType(bn, bp))
UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(an, ap), UnifyRefType(bn, bp))
case UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(an, ap), UnifyRefType(bn, bp)) =>
getSuperTypes(UnifyRefType(an, ap), fc).find(r => match {
case Some(subtypeRelation) =>
val paramMap =
val newParams =, paramMap))
UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(, newParams), UnifyRefType(bn, bp))
case None => UnifyLessDot(UnifyRefType(an, ap), UnifyRefType(bn, bp))
case x => x
@ -247,11 +303,12 @@ object Unify {
private def paramsContain(tv: UnifyTV, inParams: UnifyRefType): Boolean =
inParams.params.find(t => t match {
private def paramsContain(tv: UnifyTV, inType: UnifyType): Boolean =
inType match {
case UnifyTV(a) => tv.equals(UnifyTV(a))
case UnifyRefType(a,p) => paramsContain(tv, UnifyRefType(a,p))
case UnifyRefType(a,p) => p.find(t => paramsContain(tv, t)).isDefined
case UnifyWildcard(n, u, l) => paramsContain(tv, u) || paramsContain(tv, l)
def substStep(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]): Step4Result = {
def substCall(eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]) = eq.find(c => c match {
case UnifyEqualsDot(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n, p)) => !paramsContain(UnifyTV(a), UnifyRefType(n,p))
@ -275,10 +332,24 @@ object Unify {
ChangedSet(substResult._1 ++ substVars)
private def substHelperWC(a: UnifyWildcard, withType: UnifyType,in: UnifyType) :UnifyType = in match {
case UnifyRefType(n, p) => UnifyRefType(n, => substHelperWC(a, withType, t)))
case UnifyWildcard(n, u, l) =>
def substWC(a: UnifyWildcard, substType: UnifyType,eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]): Set[UnifyConstraint] = { => c match {
case UnifyLessDot(left, right) => UnifyLessDot(substHelperWC(a, substType, left), substHelperWC(a, substType, right))
case UnifyEqualsDot(left, right) => UnifyEqualsDot(substHelperWC(a, substType, left), substHelperWC(a, substType, right))
private def substHelper(a: UnifyTV, withType: UnifyType,in: UnifyType) :UnifyType = in match {
case UnifyRefType(n, p) => UnifyRefType(n, => substHelper(a, withType, t)))
case UnifyTV(n) =>
case UnifyWildcard(name, upperBound, lowerBound) =>
UnifyWildcard(name, substHelper(a, withType, upperBound), substHelper(a, withType, lowerBound))
def subst(a: UnifyTV, substType: UnifyType,eq: Set[UnifyConstraint]): Set[UnifyConstraint] = {
@ -323,7 +394,9 @@ object Unify {
val adoptRuleResult = adoptRule(adaptRuleResult, fc)
val matchRuleResult = matchRule(adoptRuleResult, fc)
val reduceRuleResult = reduceRule(matchRuleResult)
val swapRuleResult = swapRule(reduceRuleResult)
val reduceEqRuleResult = reduceEqRule(reduceRuleResult)
val wildcardRulesResult = wildcardRules(reduceEqRuleResult)
val swapRuleResult = swapRule(wildcardRulesResult)
val eraseRuleResult = eraseRule(swapRuleResult)
eqFinish = eraseRuleResult