2024-06-28 13:54:11 +02:00

264 lines
9.8 KiB

\ProvidesClass{eptcs}[2022/05/20 v1.7]
%%%% options %%%%
%% On US letter paper the margins (left-top-right-bottom) are %%
%% 2.795cm - 1.23cm - 2.795cm - 3.46cm %%
%% Note: When \topmargin would be 0, the real top margin would be %%
%% (72-25-12=35pt) + 1pt (unused portion of head) = .5in = 1.27cm. %%
%% The bottom margin is 11in - 1in + 0.04cm - 623/72in = 3.46cm. %%
%% On the first page the bottom margin contains various footers. %%
%% When translating from US letter to A4 paper, without scaling, by %%
%% leaving the centre of the paper invariant (as is possible when %%
%% printing the paper with acroread), the resulting A4 margins are %%
%% 2.5cm - 2.11cm - 2.5cm - 4.34cm %%
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%%%% Pagestyle and titlepage %%%%
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\providecommand{\publicationstatus}{\Large DRAFT\quad\today}
\providecommand{\publicationstatus}{Submitted to:\\
\providecommand{\publicationstatus}{Preliminary Report. Final version to appear in:\\
\providecommand{\publicationstatus}{To appear in EPTCS.}
\providecommand{\titlerunning}{Please define {\ttfamily $\backslash$titlerunning}}
\providecommand{\authorrunning}{Please define {\ttfamily $\backslash$authorrunning}}
\long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
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\def\@maketitle{% adapted from article.cls
This work is \href{https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/}
{dedicated to the public domain}.
This work is licensed under the
\href{https://creativecommons.org}{Creative Commons}\\
{Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works} License.
{Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike} License.
{Attribution-Noncommercial} License.
\href{https://creativecommons.org}{Creative Commons}\\
{Attribution-No Derivative Works} License.
\href{https://creativecommons.org}{Creative Commons}\\
{Attribution-Share Alike} License.
\\\href{https://creativecommons.org}{Creative Commons}
{Attribution} License.
%\vskip 2em% a bit of space removed (< 2em)
\let \footnote \thanks
{\LARGE\bfseries \@title \par}% \bf added
\vskip 2em% was: 1.5em
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\vskip .5em}
\@ifpackageloaded{array}% Contributed by Wolfgang Jeltsch
\newcommand{\email}[1]{\\{\footnotesize\ttfamily #1}}
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%%%% Less space in lists %%%%
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