When a test a started, a UI appears consisting of two frames: test framework frame and Swing Set 2 frame. Test framework
frame will contain a name of the test in the title and detailed instructions.
1. Follow the test instructions
2. If everything goes as expected
1. Push "Pass"
2. UI for this test closes
3. If something goes not accordding to the instructions:
1. Push "Fail"
2. A screenshot is taken automatically
3. Describe the problem
4. Retake the screenshot, if necessary
1. Interract with the Swing Set 2 UI to make it showing the failure. Hit "Retake screenshot"
2. If to demonstrate the failure the UI need to be in a state which prevents using test framework UI, such as model dialogs need to be opened or menu expanded
1. Enter delay (in seconds)
2. Push "Retake screenshot"
3. Prepare the UI
4. Wait for the screenshot to be retaken
5. Push "Fail" button again
6. Screenshot and the description are saved for further analysis