2022-10-03 17:08:37 +00:00
* Copyright (c) 2005, 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
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* questions.
* @test
* @bug 6268383 8172309 8293877
* @summary Test classpath wildcards for javac and java -classpath option.
* @library /tools/lib
* @build toolbox.ToolBox Util WildcardMineField
* @run main WildcardMineField
* Converted from wcMineField.sh, originally written by Martin Buchholz.
* For the last version of the original, wcMineField.sh, see
2022-10-03 20:20:53 +00:00
* https://git.openjdk.org/jdk/blob/jdk-19%2B36/test/langtools/tools/javac/Paths/wcMineField.sh
2022-10-03 17:08:37 +00:00
* This class primarily tests support for "classpath wildcards", which is a feature
* by which elements of a classpath option ending in {@code *} are expanded into
* the set of jar files found in the directory preceding the {@code *}.
* Note that this feature is only implemented in the launcher, even for javac,
* and so is only available when running javac via its launcher, in a separate process.
* Note that this feature does not affect the use of {@code *} elsewhere in any path,
* classpath or otherwise, and so this class also tests the use of {@code *} and other special
* characters (like {@code ,} and {@code ;}) in filenames. Some of these tests,
* labelled in the original code as "UnixOnly", do not apply to Windows.
* For information on the launcher support for the {@code -classpath} option,
* see the java man page. As of September 2022, there is no equivalent documentation
* for javac, except to say that the support is only in the native launcher for javac,
* and not in the main javac source code.
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import toolbox.ToolBox;
public class WildcardMineField extends Util {
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
new WildcardMineField().run(args);
void run(String... args) throws Exception {
void setup() throws Exception {
tb.createDirectories("GooSrc", "GooJar", "GooZip", "GooClass", "GooJar/SubDir");
tb.createDirectories("BadSrc", "BadJar", "BadZip", "BadClass");
tb.createDirectories("SpeSrc", "SpeJar", "SpeZip", "SpeClass");
tb.createDirectories("JarNClass", "StarJar", "MixJar");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Lib.java"), "public class Lib {public static void f(){}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Lib2.java"), "public class Lib2 {public static void g(){}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Lib3.java"), "public class Lib3 {public static void h(){}}");
javac("Lib.java", "Lib2.java", "Lib3.java");
tb.copyFile("Lib.class", "JarNClass/.");
jar("cf", "GooJar/Lib.jar", "Lib.class");
jar("cf", "GooJar/SubDir/Lib2.jar", "Lib2.class");
jar("cf", "JarNClass/Lib.jar", "Lib.class");
jar("cf", "GooZip/Lib.zip", "Lib.class");
tb.moveFile("Lib.class", "GooClass/.");
tb.moveFile("Lib2.class", "GooClass/.");
tb.moveFile("Lib3.class", "GooClass/.");
tb.moveFile("Lib.java", "GooSrc/.");
tb.moveFile("Lib2.java", "GooSrc/.");
tb.moveFile("Lib3.java", "GooSrc/.");
checkFiles("GooZip/Lib.zip", "GooJar/Lib.jar", "GooSrc/Lib.java");
checkFiles("GooSrc/Lib2.java", "GooSrc/Lib3.java", "GooJar/SubDir/Lib2.jar");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Spe1.java"), "public class Spe1 {public static void f(){}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Spe2.java"), "public class Spe2 {public static void f(){}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Spe3.java"), "public class Spe3 {public static void f(){}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Spe4.java"), "public class Spe4 {public static void f(){}}");
javac("Spe1.java", "Spe2.java", "Spe3.java", "Spe4.java");
if (!ToolBox.isWindows()) {
jar("cf", "SpeJar/Spe:Colon.jar", "Spe1.class");
jar("cf", "SpeJar/Spe*wc.jar", "Spe4.class");
jar("cf", "StarJar/*jar.jar", "Spe2.class");
jar("cf", "StarJar/jar*.jar", "Spe3.class");
jar("cf", "StarJar/*jar*.jar", "Spe4.class");
checkFiles("StarJar/*jar.jar", "StarJar/jar*.jar", "StarJar/*jar*.jar");
jar("cf", "SpeJar/Spe,Comma.jar", "Spe2.class");
jar("cf", "SpeJar/Spe;Semi.jar", "Spe3.class");
jar("cf", "MixJar/mix.jAr", "Spe1.class");
jar("cf", "MixJar/mix2.JAR", "Spe2.class");
jar("cf", "MixJar/mix3.zip", "Spe3.class");
jar("cf", "MixJar/.hiddenjar.jar", "Spe4.class");
moveFiles(listFiles(curDir, "Spe*.class"), Path.of("SpeClass/."));
moveFiles(listFiles(curDir, "Spe*.java"), Path.of("SpeSrc/."));
checkFiles("SpeJar/Spe,Comma.jar", "SpeJar/Spe;Semi.jar", "SpeSrc/Spe2.java", "SpeSrc/Spe3." +
"java", "SpeSrc/Spe4.java");
checkFiles("MixJar/mix.jAr", "MixJar/mix2.JAR", "MixJar/mix3.zip", "MixJar/.hiddenjar.jar");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Main.java"), "public class Main {public static void main(String[] a) {Lib.f();}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Main1.java"), "public class Main1 {public static void main(String[] a) {Lib2.g();}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Main1b.java"), "public class Main1b {public static void main(String[] a) {Spe1.f();}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Main2.java"), "public class Main2 {public static void main(String[] a) {Spe2.f();}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Main3.java"), "public class Main3 {public static void main(String[] a) {Spe3.f();}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Main4.java"), "public class Main4 {public static void main(String[] a) {Spe4.f();}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Main5.java"), "public class Main5 {public static void main(String[] a) {Spe2.f(); Lib.f();}}");
Files.writeString(Path.of("Main6.java"), "public class Main6 {public static void main(String[] a) {Lib3.h();}}");
void cleanup() throws IOException {
deleteFiles("GooSrc", "GooJar", "GooZip", "GooClass");
deleteFiles("SpeSrc", "SpeJar", "SpeZip", "SpeClass");
deleteFiles("BadSrc", "BadJar", "BadZip", "BadClass");
deleteFiles("JarNClass", "StarJar", "MixJar", "StarDir");
deleteFiles("OneDir", "MANIFEST.MF");
deleteFiles(listFiles(curDir, "*.class"));
deleteFiles(listFiles(curDir, "Main*.java"));
void tests() throws Exception {
if (!ToolBox.isWindows()) {
* Verify the basic jar file works
// baseline test to verify it works.
expectPass(JAVAC, "-cp GooJar/Lib.jar Main.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath GooJar/Lib.jar Main.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath GooJar/Lib.jar${PS}. Main");
expectPass(JAVA, "-cp GooJar/Lib.jar${PS}. Main");
// basic test of one jar to be loaded
if (!ToolBox.isWindows()) {
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath GooJar/* Main.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath GooJar/*${PS}. Main.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath GooJar/*${PS}. Main");
// in a subdir. First * should not load jars in subdirectories unless specified
expectFail(JAVAC, "-classpath GooJar/* Main1.java");
expectFail(JAVAC, " -classpath GooJar/*${PS}. Main1.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-cp GooJar/SubDir/* Main1.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath GooJar/SubDir/* Main1.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "--class-path GooJar/SubDir/* Main1.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "--class-path=GooJar/SubDir/* Main1.java");
// Same with launcher. Should not load jar in subdirectories unless specified
expectFail(JAVA, "-classpath GooJar/*${PS}. Main1");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath GooJar/SubDir/*${PS}. Main1");
expectPass(JAVA, "-cp GooJar/SubDir/*${PS}. Main1");
expectPass(classpath("GooJar/SubDir/*"), JAVAC, "Main1.java");
expectPass(classpath("GooJar/SubDir/*${PS}."), JAVA, "Main1");
* Verify the jar files in 2 directories
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath GooJar/Lib.jar${PS}SpeJar/Spe,Comma.jar Main5.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath GooJar/Lib.jar${PS}SpeJar/Spe,Comma.jar${PS}. Main5");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath GooJar/*${PS}SpeJar/* Main5.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath GooJar/*${PS}SpeJar/*${PS}. Main5");
* Verify jar file and class file in same directory.
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath JarNClass/*${PS} Main.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath JarNClass/*${PS}. Main");
* Verify these odd jar files work explicitly on classpath, kind of
* a baseline. Last one is also a test with * in a jar name.
expectFail(JAVAC, "-classpath SpeJar/Spe:Colon.jar Main1.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath SpeJar/Spe,Comma.jar Main2.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath SpeJar/Spe,Comma.jar${PS}. Main2");
if (!ToolBox.isWindows()) {
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath SpeJar/Spe;Semi.jar Main3.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath SpeJar/Spe;Semi.jar${PS}. Main3");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath SpeJar/Spe*wc.jar Main4.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath SpeJar/Spe*wc.jar${PS}. Main4");
if (!ToolBox.isWindows()) {
if (!ToolBox.isWindows()) {
* Verify these jar files with varying extensions
// Mixed case extensions should not be loaded.
expectFail(JAVAC, "-classpath MixJar/* Main1b.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath MixJar/mix.jAr Main1b.java");
expectFail(JAVAC, "-classpath MixJar/* Main1b");
// upper case, .JAR, extension should be loaded
if (!ToolBox.isWindows()) {
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath MixJar/* Main2.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath .${PS}MixJar/* Main2.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath MixJar/*${PS}. Main2");
// zip extensions should not be loaded
expectFail(JAVAC, "-classpath MixJar/* Main3.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath MixJar/mix3.zip Main3.java");
expectFail(JAVA, "-classpath MixJar/*${PS}. Main3");
// unix "hidden" file
if (!ToolBox.isWindows()) {
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath MixJar/* Main4.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath MixJar/*${PS}. Main4");
void starDirTests() throws Exception {
out.println("Running tests with directory named \"*\"");
tb.copyFile("GooClass/Lib2.class", "StarDir/*/Lib2.class");
jar("cf", "StarDir/Lib3.jar", "-C", "GooClass", "Lib3.class");
jar("cf", "StarDir/*/Lib.jar", "-C", "GooClass", "Lib.class");
checkFiles("StarDir/*/Lib.jar", "StarDir/*/Lib2.class", "StarDir/Lib3.jar");
tb.copyFile("Main6.java", "./StarDir/.");
tb.copyFile("Main.java", "./StarDir/*/.");
tb.copyFile("Main1.java", "./StarDir/*/.");
Path StarDir = Path.of("StarDir");
expectFail(StarDir, JAVAC, "-classpath * Main6.java");
expectFail(StarDir, JAVAC, "-classpath ./* Main6.java");
deleteFiles(listFiles(StarDir, "Main6.*"));
Path StarDir_star = StarDir.resolve("*");
expectPass(StarDir_star, JAVAC, "-classpath * Main.java");
expectPass(StarDir_star, JAVA, "-classpath .${PS}* Main");
expectPass(StarDir_star, JAVAC, "Main1.java");
expectPass(StarDir_star, JAVA, "-classpath . Main1");
expectFail(JAVAC, "-classpath StarDir/* Main6.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarDir/* Main1.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath StarDir/*:. Main1");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarDir/* Main1.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath .${PS}StarDir/* Main1");
expectFail(JAVAC, "-classpath StarDir/\\*/* Main.java");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarDir/*/* Main.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath .${PS}StarDir/*/* Main");
expectFail(JAVA, "-classpath .${PS}StarDir/\\*/* Main");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarDir/Lib3.jar Main6.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath .${PS}StarDir/Lib3.jar Main6");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarDir/*/Lib.jar Main.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath .${PS}StarDir/*/Lib.jar Main");
void speJar() throws Exception {
out.println("Running tests with jar file names containing special characters");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath SpeJar/* Main2.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath SpeJar/*${PS}. Main2");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath SpeJar/* Main3.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath SpeJar/*${PS}. Main3");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath SpeJar/* Main4.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath SpeJar/*${PS}. Main4");
* Verify these jar files with asterisk in jar file name
void starJar() throws Exception {
out.println("Running tests with jar file names containing \"*\"");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarJar/*jar.jar Main2.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath StarJar/*jar.jar${PS}. Main2");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarJar/jar*.jar Main3.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath StarJar/jar*.jar${PS}. Main3");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarJar/*jar*.jar Main4.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath StarJar/*jar*.jar${PS}. Main4");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarJar/* Main2.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath StarJar/*${PS}. Main2");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarJar/* Main3.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath StarJar/*${PS}. Main3");
expectPass(JAVAC, "-classpath StarJar/* Main4.java");
expectPass(JAVA, "-classpath StarJar/*${PS}. Main4");