Arguments, when used, follow immediately after options or the command name\&. See Arguments\&.
The \f3jrunscript\fR command is a language-independent command-line script shell\&. The \f3jrunscript\fR command supports both an interactive (read-eval-print) mode and a batch (\f3-f\fR option) mode of script execution\&. By default, JavaScript is the language used, but the \f3-l\fR option can be used to specify a different language\&. By using Java to scripting language communication, the \f3jrunscript\fR command supports an exploratory programming style\&.
-classpath \fIpath\fR
Indicate where any class files are that the script needs to access\&.
-cp \fIpath\fR
Same as \f3-classpath\fR\f3path\fR\&.
Sets a Java system property\&.
Passes \f3flag\fR directly to the Java Virtual Machine where the \f3jrunscript\fR command is running\&.
-I \fIlanguage\fR
Uses the specified scripting language\&. By default, JavaScript is used\&. To use other scripting languages, you must specify the corresponding script engine\&'s JAR file with the \f3-cp\fR or \f3-classpath\fR option\&.
-e \fIscript\fR
Evaluates the specified script\&. This option can be used to run one-line scripts that are specified completely on the command line\&.
-encoding \fIencoding\fR
Specifies the character encoding used to read script files\&.
-f \fIscript-file\fR
Evaluates the specified script file (batch mode)\&.
-f -
Reads and evaluates a script from standard input (interactive mode)\&.
Displays a help message and exits\&.
Displays a help message and exits\&.
Lists all script engines available and exits\&.
If arguments are present and if no \f3-e\fR or \f3-f\fR option is used, then the first argument is the script file and the rest of the arguments, if any, are passed to the script\&. If arguments and \f3-e\fR or the \f3-f\fR option are used, then all arguments are passed to the script\&. If arguments, \f3-e\fR and \f3-f\fR are missing, then interactive mode is used\&. Script arguments are available to a script in an engine variable named \f3arguments\fR of type \f3String\fR array\&.
\f3js> t = new java\&.lang\&.Thread(function() { print(\&'Hello World\en\&'); })\fP
\f3js> t\&.start()\fP
\f3js> Hello World\fP
The test\&.js file is the script file\&. The \f3arg1\fR, \f3arg2\fR and \f3arg3\fR arguments are passed to the script\&. The script can access these arguments with an arguments array\&.
\f3jrunscript test\&.js arg1 arg2 arg3\fP
If JavaScript is used, then before it evaluates a user defined script, the \f3jrunscript\fR command initializes certain built-in functions and objects\&. These JavaScript built-ins are documented in JsDoc-Toolkit at http://code\&.google\&.com/p/jsdoc-toolkit/