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* @test /nodynamiccopyright/
* @bug 8223305 8226522
* @summary Verify correct warnings w.r.t. yield
* @compile/ref=WarnWrongYieldTest.out -Xlint:-options -source 13 -XDrawDiagnostics -XDshould-stop.ifError=ATTR -XDshould-stop.ifNoError=ATTR WarnWrongYieldTest.java
package t;
//ERROR - type called yield:
import t.WarnWrongYieldTest.yield;
public class WarnWrongYieldTest {
// ERROR - class called yield
class yield { }
// OK to have fields called yield
String[] yield = null;
// ERROR - field of type yield
yield y;
// OK to have methods called yield
// Nullary yield method
String[] yield() {
return null;
// Unary yield method
String[] yield(int i) {
return null;
// Binary yield method
String[] yield(int i, int j) {
return null;
// OK to declare a local called yield
void LocalDeclaration1() {
int yield;
// OK to declare and initialise a local called yield
void LocalDeclaration2() {
int yield = 42;
void YieldTypedLocals(int i) {
// ERROR - Parsed as yield statement, and y1 is unknown
yield y1 = null;
// ERROR - Parsed as yield statement, and y2 is unknown
yield y2 = new yield();
// ERROR - can not create an yield-valued local of type Object
Object y3 = new yield();
// ERROR - can not create a final yield-valued local of type yield
final yield y4 = new yield();
// ERROR - can create a non-final local of type yield using qualified typename
WarnWrongYieldTest.yield y5 = new yield();
void MethodInvocation(int i) {
// OK - can access a field called yield
String[] x = this.yield;
// ERROR - calling nullary yield method using simple name parsed as yield statement
// OK - can call nullary yield method using qualified name
// ERROR - Calling unary yield method using simple name is parsed as yield statement
// OK - calling unary yield method using qualified name
// ERROR - Calling binary yield method using simple name is parsed as yield statement
yield(2, 2); //error
// OK - calling binary yield method using qualified name
this.yield(2, 2);
// ERROR - nullary yield method as receiver is parsed as yield statement
// OK - nullary yield method as receiver using qualified name
// ERROR - unary yield method as receiver is parsed as yield statement
// OK - unary yield method as receiver using qualified name
// ERROR - binary yield method as receiver is parsed as yield statement
yield(2, 2).toString();
// OK - binary yield method as receiver using qualified name
this.yield(2, 2).toString();
// OK - yield method call is in an expression position
String str = yield(2).toString();
//OK - yield is a variable
// OK - parsed as method call (with qualified local yield as receiver)
yield[0].toString(); //error
private void yieldLocalVar1(int i) {
int yield = 0;
//OK - yield is a variable:
//OK - yield is a variable:
yield = 3;
//OK - yield is a variable:
for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
yield += 1;
//OK - yield is a variable and not at the beginning of the statement:
//ERROR - unqualified yield method invocation:
private void yieldLocalVar2(int i) {
int[] yield = new int[1];
//OK - yield is a variable:
yield[0] = 5;
private void lambda() {
SAM s = (yield y) -> {};
interface SAM {
public void m(yield o);