439 lines
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439 lines
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* Copyright (c) 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* @test
* @bug 8273154
* @summary Provide a JavadocTester method for non-overlapping, unordered output matching
* @library /tools/lib/ ../lib
* @modules jdk.javadoc/jdk.javadoc.internal.tool
* @build toolbox.ToolBox javadoc.tester.*
* @run main TestJavadocTester
import javadoc.tester.JavadocTester;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Optional;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
import toolbox.ToolBox;
* Tests basic mechanisms in the {@code JavadocTester} class.
* It is not a direct test of the javadoc tool or the output generated by the
* Standard Doclet, although both are indirectly used as part of this test.
* The test works by exercising the {@code JavadocTester} API with a series of
* positive and negative tests. The {@code passed} and {@code failed} methods
* are overridden to record the messages reported by the underlying instance, so
* that the messages can subsequently be verified. Also, {@code printSummary}
* is overridden to suppress the default action to throw {@code Error} when
* tests have failed.
public class TestJavadocTester extends JavadocTester {
public static void main(String... args) throws Exception {
TestJavadocTester tester = new TestJavadocTester();
private final List<String> messages = new ArrayList<>();
private int testErrors = 0;
* Overrides the default implementation of {@code passed} to record the argument.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @param message a short description of the outcome
public void passed(String message) {
messages.add("Passed: " + message);
* Overrides the default implementation of {@code failed} to record the argument.
* {@inheritDoc}
* @param message a short description of the outcome
public void failed(String message) {
messages.add("FAILED: " + message);
* Overrides the default implementation of {@code printSummary} to suppress
* the error thrown as a result of errors reported by {@code JavadocTester}.
* Instead, an error is thrown if any errors are found by the tests in this class.
public void printSummary() {
try {
} catch (Error e) {
if (e.getClass() != Error.class) {
throw e;
report("Suppressed: " + e);
if (testErrors > 0) {
report(testErrors + " errors found");
throw new Error(testErrors + " errors found");
* Checks the content of messages reported by the {@code passed} and {@code failed}
* methods in {@code JavadocTester}. The messages are saved by the local overloads
* of those methods in this class.
* Because some of the messages are <em>very</em> long, it is enough to pass in
* initial substrings of the expected messages.
* Note that messages reported by {@code JavadocTester} use filenames as given
* to the various {@code check...} calls. By convention, these always use {@code /}
* as the file separator, and not the platform file separator.
* @param expect initial substrings of expected messages
void checkMessages(String... expect) {
for (String e : expect) {
Optional<String> match = messages.stream()
.filter(m -> m.startsWith(e))
if (match.isPresent()) {
report("found '" + e + "'");
} else {
report("ERROR: no message found for '" + e + "'");
* Reports a message, preceded by {@code >>> }.
* It is helpful/important to distinguish the messages written as a side-effect
* of the underlying tests from the messages used to report the outcome of the
* tests that verify those messages. Instead of interposing to mark the messages
* written as a side effect of the underlying tests, we leave those messages
* unchanged, and instead, mark the messages reporting whether those messages
* are as expected or not.
* @param message the message to be reported.
private void report(String message) {
message.lines().forEachOrdered(l -> out.println(">>> " + l));
private final ToolBox tb = new ToolBox();
TestJavadocTester setup() throws IOException {
Path src = Path.of("src");
tb.writeJavaFiles(src, """
package p;
* First sentence abc.
* Second sentence.
* abc123
* def456
* ghi789
* abc123
* def456
* ghi789
public class C {
private C() { }
/** m3 comment. */
public void m3() { }
/** m2 comment. */
public void m2() { }
/** m1 comment. */
public void m1() { }
javadoc("-d", "out",
"-sourcepath", src.toString(),
"-noindex", "-nohelp",
return this;
public void testSimpleStringCheck() {
new OutputChecker("p/C.html")
.check("Second sentence",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
Second sentence""",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
public void testSimpleNegativeStringCheck_expected() {
new OutputChecker("p/C.html")
.check("Third sentence.");
Passed: p/C.html: following text not found:
Third sentence""");
public void testSimpleNegativeStringCheck_unexpected() {
new OutputChecker("p/C.html")
.check("Third sentence.");
FAILED: p/C.html: following text not found:
Third sentence""");
public void testSimpleRegexCheck() {
new OutputChecker("p/C.html")
.check(Pattern.compile("S.cond s.nt.nc."),
Passed: p/C.html: following pattern found:
S.cond s.nt.nc.""",
Passed: p/C.html: following pattern found:
Passed: p/C.html: following pattern found:
public void testOrdered() {
// methods are listed alphabetically in the Summary table,
// but in source-code order in the Details section.
new OutputChecker("p/C.html")
.check("<h2>Method Summary</h2>",
"<a href=\"#m1()\" class=\"member-name-link\">m1</a>",
"<a href=\"#m2()\" class=\"member-name-link\">m2</a>",
"<a href=\"#m3()\" class=\"member-name-link\">m3</a>")
.check("<h2>Method Details</h2>",
"<section class=\"detail\" id=\"m3()\">\n",
"<section class=\"detail\" id=\"m2()\">\n",
"<section class=\"detail\" id=\"m1()\">\n");
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
<h2>Method Summary</h2>""",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
<a href="#m1()" class="member-name-link">m1</a>""",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
<a href="#m2()" class="member-name-link">m2</a>""",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
<a href="#m3()" class="member-name-link">m3</a>""",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
<h2>Method Details</h2>""",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
<section class="detail" id="m3()">""",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
<section class="detail" id="m2()">""",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
<section class="detail" id="m1()">"""
public void testUnordered_expected() {
new OutputChecker("p/C.html")
.check("Second sentence",
"First sentence");
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
Second sentence""",
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
First sentence""");
public void testUnordered_unexpected() {
new OutputChecker("p/C.html")
.check("Second sentence",
"First sentence");
Passed: p/C.html: following text found:
Second sentence""",
FAILED: p/C.html: following text was found on line""");
public void testComplete_Ordered() {
// In the following calls, the strings are specified in the expected order.
// File separators are made platform-specific by calling 'fix'.
// Newlines are handled automatically by the 'check' method.
new OutputChecker(Output.OUT)
.check("Loading source files for package p...\n",
"Constructing Javadoc information...\n",
fix("Creating destination directory: \"out/\"\n"))
.check(Pattern.compile("Standard Doclet .*\\R"))
.check("Building tree for all the packages and classes...\n",
fix("Generating out/p/C.html...\n"),
fix("Generating out/p/package-summary.html...\n"),
fix("Generating out/p/package-tree.html...\n"),
fix("Generating out/overview-tree.html...\n"),
fix("Generating out/index.html...\n"))
checkMessages("Passed: All output matched");
public void testComplete_Unordered() {
// In the following calls, the strings are deliberately specified out of the expected order.
// File separators are made platform-specific by calling 'fix'.
// Newlines are handled automatically by the 'check' method.
new OutputChecker(Output.OUT)
.check("Loading source files for package p...\n",
"Constructing Javadoc information...\n",
"Building tree for all the packages and classes...\n")
.check(fix("Creating destination directory: \"out/\"\n",
"Generating out/index.html...\n",
"Generating out/overview-tree.html...\n",
"Generating out/p/package-tree.html...\n",
"Generating out/p/package-summary.html...\n",
"Generating out/p/C.html...\n"))
.check(Pattern.compile("Standard Doclet .*\\R"))
checkMessages("Passed: All output matched");
public void testEmpty() {
new OutputChecker(Output.STDERR)
checkMessages("Passed: STDERR is empty, as expected");
public void testBadFile() {
new OutputChecker("does-not-exist.html")
"very long string ".repeat(10))
Pattern.quote("very long string".repeat(10)));
checkMessages("FAILED: File not found: does-not-exist.html");
public void testAnyOf() {
new OutputChecker("p/C.html")
.checkAnyOf("m1()", "m2()", "m3()") // expect all found
.checkAnyOf("m1()", "m2()", "M3()") // expect some found
.checkAnyOf("M1()", "M2()", "M3()"); // expect none found
checkMessages("Passed: 3 matches found",
"Passed: 2 matches found",
"FAILED: no match found for any text");
public void testUnique() {
new OutputChecker("p/C.html")
.checkUnique("id=\"m1()\"", "id=\"m2()\"", "id=\"m3()\"") // expect unique
.checkUnique("m1()", "m2()", "m3()"); // expect not unique
checkMessages("Passed: p/C.html: id=\"m1()\" is unique",
"Passed: p/C.html: id=\"m2()\" is unique",
"Passed: p/C.html: id=\"m3()\" is unique",
"FAILED: p/C.html: m1() is not unique",
"FAILED: p/C.html: m2() is not unique",
"FAILED: p/C.html: m3() is not unique");
* {@return a string with {@code /} replaced by the platform file separator}
* @param item the string
private String fix(String item) {
return item.replace("/", FS);
* {@return an array of strings with {@code /} replaced by the platform file separator}
* @param items the strings
private String[] fix(String... items) {
return Stream.of(items)