2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
* Copyright (c) 2019, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
* This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
2020-12-24 17:32:25 +00:00
* published by the Free Software Foundation.
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
* This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
* version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
* accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
* 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
* Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
* Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
* or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
* questions.
* SealedCompilationTests
* @test
2020-06-08 16:59:43 +02:00
* @bug 8246353
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
* @summary Negative compilation tests, and positive compilation (smoke) tests for sealed classes
* @library /lib/combo /tools/lib
* @modules
* jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.util
* jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.api
* jdk.compiler/com.sun.tools.javac.main
* @build toolbox.ToolBox toolbox.JavacTask
* @compile --enable-preview -source ${jdk.version} SealedCompilationTests.java
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
* @run testng/othervm -DuseAP=false --enable-preview SealedCompilationTests
* @run testng/othervm -DuseAP=true --enable-preview SealedCompilationTests
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
import java.lang.constant.ClassDesc;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
import javax.annotation.processing.AbstractProcessor;
import javax.annotation.processing.RoundEnvironment;
import javax.annotation.processing.SupportedAnnotationTypes;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
2020-06-08 16:59:43 +02:00
import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion;
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
import com.sun.tools.javac.util.Assert;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;
2020-06-08 16:59:43 +02:00
import static org.testng.Assert.fail;
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import tools.javac.combo.CompilationTestCase;
import toolbox.ToolBox;
import toolbox.JavacTask;
import toolbox.Task;
import toolbox.Task.OutputKind;
public class SealedCompilationTests extends CompilationTestCase {
ToolBox tb = new ToolBox();
// When sealed classes become a permanent feature, we don't need these any more
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
private static String[] PREVIEW_OPTIONS = {
"-source", Integer.toString(Runtime.version().feature())
private static String[] PREVIEW_OPTIONS_WITH_AP = {
"-source", Integer.toString(Runtime.version().feature()),
"-processor", SimplestAP.class.getName()
/* simplest annotation processor just to force a round of annotation processing for all tests
2020-06-08 16:59:43 +02:00
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
public static class SimplestAP extends AbstractProcessor {
public boolean process(Set<? extends TypeElement> annotations, RoundEnvironment roundEnv) {
return true;
2020-06-08 16:59:43 +02:00
public SourceVersion getSupportedSourceVersion() {
return SourceVersion.latest();
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
public SealedCompilationTests() {
boolean useAP = System.getProperty("useAP") == null ? false : System.getProperty("useAP").equals("true");
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
System.out.println(useAP ? "running all tests using an annotation processor" : "running all tests without annotation processor");
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
private static final String NO_SHELL = """
private static final String NEST_SHELL = """
class SealedTest {
private static final String AUX_SHELL = """
class SealedTest {
private static final List<String> SHELLS = List.of(NO_SHELL, NEST_SHELL, AUX_SHELL);
public void testSimpleExtension() {
String CC1 =
sealed class Sup # { }
# class Sub extends Sup { }
String CC2 =
sealed class Sup<T> # { }
# class Sub<T> extends Sup<T> { }
String CC3 =
sealed class Sup<T> # { }
# class Sub extends Sup<String> { }
String AC1 =
sealed abstract class Sup # { }
# class Sub extends Sup { }
String AC2 =
sealed abstract class Sup<T> # { }
# class Sub<T> extends Sup<T> { }
String AC3 =
sealed abstract class Sup<T> # { }
# class Sub extends Sup<String> { }
String I1 =
sealed interface Sup # { }
# class Sub implements Sup { }
String I11 =
sealed interface Sup<T> # { }
# class Sub<T> implements Sup<T> { }
String I12 =
sealed interface Sup<T> # { }
# class Sub<T> implements Sup<String> { }
String I2 =
sealed interface Sup # { }
# class Sub1 implements Sup { }
# class Sub2 implements Sup { }
// Assert that all combinations work:
// { class, abs class, interface } x { implicit permits, explicit permits }
// x { final, non-sealed subtype }
for (String shell : SHELLS)
for (String b : List.of(CC1, CC2, CC3, AC1, AC2, AC3, I1, I11, I12))
for (String p : List.of("", "permits Sub"))
for (String m : List.of("final", "non-sealed", "non\u002Dsealed"))
assertOK(shell, b, p, m);
// Same for type with two subtypes
for (String shell : SHELLS)
for (String p : List.of("", "permits Sub1, Sub2"))
for (String m : List.of("final", "non-sealed", "non\u002Dsealed"))
assertOK(shell, expandMarkers(I2, p, m, m));
// Expect failure if there is no explicit final / sealed / non-sealed
for (String shell : SHELLS)
for (String b : List.of(CC1, CC2, CC3, AC1, AC2, AC3, I1, I11, I12))
for (String p : List.of("", "permits Sub"))
for (String m : List.of(""))
assertFail("compiler.err.non.sealed.sealed.or.final.expected", shell, expandMarkers(b, p, m));
public void testSealedAndRecords() {
String P =
sealed interface Sup # { }
record A(int a) implements Sup { }
record B(int b) implements Sup { }
record C(int c) implements Sup { }
for (String shell : SHELLS)
for (String b : List.of(P))
for (String p : List.of("", "permits A, B, C"))
assertOK(shell, b, p);
// Test that a type that explicitly permits one type, can't be extended by another
public void testBadExtension() {
String CC2 =
sealed class Sup permits Sub1 { }
final class Sub1 extends Sup { }
final class Sub2 extends Sup { }
String AC2 =
sealed abstract class Sup permits Sub1 { }
final class Sub1 extends Sup { }
final class Sub2 extends Sup { }
String I2c =
sealed interface Sup permits Sub1 { }
final class Sub1 implements Sup { }
final class Sub2 implements Sup { }
String I2i =
sealed interface Sup permits Sub1 { }
non-sealed interface Sub1 extends Sup { }
non-sealed interface Sub2 extends Sup { }
for (String shell : SHELLS)
for (String b : List.of(CC2, AC2, I2c, I2i))
assertFail("compiler.err.cant.inherit.from.sealed", shell, b);
public void testRestrictedKeyword() {
for (String s : List.of(
"class SealedTest { String sealed; }",
"class SealedTest { int sealed = 0; int non = 0; int ns = non-sealed; }",
"class SealedTest { void test(String sealed) { } }",
"class SealedTest { void sealed(String sealed) { } }",
"class SealedTest { void test() { String sealed = null; } }"
)) {
for (String s : List.of(
"class sealed {}",
2020-06-08 11:08:28 -04:00
"enum sealed {}",
"record sealed() {}",
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
"interface sealed {}",
"@interface sealed {}"
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.restricted.type.not.allowed", s);
for (String s : List.of(
"class Foo { sealed m() {} }",
"class Foo { sealed i; }",
"class Foo { void m(sealed i) {} }"
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.restricted.type.not.allowed.here", s);
2020-06-08 11:08:28 -04:00
for (String s : List.of(
"class SealedTest { String permits; }",
"class SealedTest { int permits = 0; }",
"class SealedTest { void test(String permits) { } }",
"class SealedTest { void permits(String permits) { } }",
"class SealedTest { void test() { String permits = null; } }"
)) {
for (String s : List.of(
"class permits {}",
"enum permits {}",
"record permits() {}",
"interface permits {}",
"@interface permits {}"
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.restricted.type.not.allowed", s);
for (String s : List.of(
"class Foo { permits m() {} }",
"class Foo { permits i; }",
"class Foo { void m(permits i) {} }"
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.restricted.type.not.allowed.here", s);
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
String[] testOptions = {/* no options */};
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
String[] previousCompOptions = getCompileOptions();
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
// now testing with preview disabled
for (String s : List.of(
"sealed class S {}",
"class Outer { sealed class S {} }",
"class Outer { void m() { sealed class S {} } }",
"non-sealed class S {}",
"class Outer { non-sealed class S {} }",
"class Outer { void m() { non-sealed class S {} } }"
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.preview.feature.disabled.plural", s);
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
public void testRejectPermitsInNonSealedClass() {
"class SealedTest {\n" +
" class NotSealed permits Sub {}\n" +
" class Sub extends NotSealed {}\n" +
"class SealedTest {\n" +
" interface NotSealed permits Sub {}\n" +
" class Sub implements NotSealed {}\n" +
public void testTypeInPermitsIsSameClassOrSuper() {
sealed class Sealed permits Sealed {}
interface I {}
sealed class Sealed implements I permits I {}
interface I {}
interface I2 extends I {}
sealed class Sealed implements I2 permits I {}
/* It is a compile-time error if a class declaration has more than one of the class modifiers
* sealed, non-sealed and final
public void testBadModifiers() {
"class SealedTest { non-sealed class NoSealedSuper {} }");
"class SealedTest { sealed public void m() {} }");
for (String s : List.of(
"class SealedTest { sealed non-sealed class Super {} }",
"class SealedTest { final non-sealed class Super {} }",
"class SealedTest { final sealed class Super {} }",
"class SealedTest { final sealed non-sealed class Super {} }",
"class SealedTest {\n" +
" sealed class Super {}\n" +
" sealed non-sealed class Sub extends Super {}\n" +
assertFail("compiler.err.illegal.combination.of.modifiers", s);
public void testAnonymous_FunctionalExpr_and_Sealed() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed interface I extends Runnable {
public static I i = () -> {};
final class Sub implements I {}
sealed interface I extends Runnable {}
final class Sub implements I {
I a = Sub::action;
static void action() {}
assertFail("compiler.err.prob.found.req", s);
for (String s : List.of(
sealed interface Action {
void doAction();
final class C implements Action {
public void doAction() {}
assertFail("compiler.err.bad.functional.intf.anno.1", s);
for (String s : List.of(
sealed interface I extends Runnable {
public static I i = new I() { public void run() { } };
final class C implements I {
@Override public void run() {}
assertFail("compiler.err.local.classes.cant.extend.sealed", s);
for (String s : List.of(
sealed interface I extends Runnable {
public static void foo() { new I() { public void run() { } }; }
final class C implements I {
@Override public void run() {}
assertFail("compiler.err.local.classes.cant.extend.sealed", s);
public void testNoLocalSealedClasses() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed class C {
void m() {
sealed class D { }
sealed class C {
void m() {
non-sealed class D { }
assertFail("compiler.err.sealed.or.non.sealed.local.classes.not.allowed", s);
public void testLocalCantExtendSealed() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed class C {
void m() {
final class D extends C { }
2020-12-07 11:11:31 +00:00
sealed class C {
void m() {
class L {
final class D extends C { }
sealed class C {
void m() {
class L {
void foo() {
final class D extends C { }
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
assertFail("compiler.err.local.classes.cant.extend.sealed", s);
public void testSealedInterfaceAndAbstracClasses() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed interface I {}
sealed abstract class AC {}
sealed class C {}
assertFail("compiler.err.sealed.class.must.have.subclasses", s);
for (String s : List.of(
sealed interface I {}
non-sealed interface I2 extends I {}
sealed interface I {}
sealed interface I2 extends I {}
non-sealed interface I3 extends I2 {}
sealed interface I permits I2 {}
non-sealed interface I2 extends I {}
sealed interface I permits I2 {}
sealed interface I2 extends I permits I3 {}
non-sealed interface I3 extends I2 {}
public void testEnumsCantBeSealedOrNonSealed() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed interface I {}
sealed enum E implements I {E1}
sealed interface I {}
non-sealed enum E implements I {E1}
assertFail("compiler.err.mod.not.allowed.here", s);
public void testEnumsCanImplementSealedInterfaces() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed interface I {}
enum E implements I {E1}
public void testClassesCanExtendNonSealed() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed class C {}
non-sealed class Sub extends C {}
class Sub2 extends Sub {}
""")) {
public void testEmptyPermits() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed class C permits {}
non-sealed class Sub extends C {}
""")) {
assertFail("compiler.err.expected", s);
public void testTypeVarInPermits() {
for (String s : List.of(
class Outer<T> {
sealed class C permits T {}
""")) {
assertFail("compiler.err.invalid.permits.clause", s);
public void testRepeatedTypeInPermits() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed class C permits Sub, Sub {}
final class Sub extends C {}
""")) {
assertFail("compiler.err.invalid.permits.clause", s);
public void testSubtypeDoesntExtendSealed() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed class C permits Sub {}
final class Sub {}
sealed interface I permits Sub {}
final class Sub {}
sealed class C permits Sub1, Sub2 {}
sealed class Sub1 extends C permits Sub2 {}
final class Sub2 extends Sub1 {}
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.invalid.permits.clause", s);
public void testAPIForPrimitiveAndArrayClasses() {
for (Class<?> c : new Class[]{byte.class, byte[].class, short.class, short[].class, int.class, int[].class, long.class, long[].class,
float.class, float[].class, double.class, double[].class, char.class, char[].class, boolean.class, boolean[].class, void.class,
String[].class}) {
2020-12-09 19:07:11 +00:00
Assert.check(c.getPermittedSubclasses() == null);
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
public void testPrinting() throws Exception {
Path base = Paths.get("testPrinting");
Path src = base.resolve("src");
Path test = src.resolve("Test");
sealed class SealedClassNoPermits {}
final class FinalSubClass extends SealedClassNoPermits {}
non-sealed class NonSealedSubClass extends SealedClassNoPermits {}
sealed interface SealedInterfaceNoPermits {}
non-sealed interface NonSealedInterface extends SealedInterfaceNoPermits {}
final class FinalSubClass2 implements SealedInterfaceNoPermits {}
sealed class SealedClassWithPermits permits SealedClassWithPermits, NonSealedSubClass2 {}
final class FinalSubClass3 extends SealedClassWithPermits {}
non-sealed class NonSealedSubClass2 extends SealedClassWithPermits {}
sealed interface SealedInterfaceWithPermits permits NonSealedInterface2, FinalSubClass4 {}
non-sealed interface NonSealedInterface2 extends SealedInterfaceWithPermits {}
final class FinalSubClass4 implements SealedInterfaceWithPermits {}
enum SealedEnum {
E {}
enum Enum {
Path out = base.resolve("out");
List<String> output = new JavacTask(tb)
.options("--enable-preview", "-source", Integer.toString(Runtime.version().feature()), "-Xprint")
List<String> expected = List.of(
"sealed class SealedClassNoPermits permits FinalSubClass, NonSealedSubClass {",
" SealedClassNoPermits();",
"final class FinalSubClass extends SealedClassNoPermits {",
" FinalSubClass();",
"non-sealed class NonSealedSubClass extends SealedClassNoPermits {",
" NonSealedSubClass();",
"sealed interface SealedInterfaceNoPermits permits NonSealedInterface, FinalSubClass2 {",
"non-sealed interface NonSealedInterface extends SealedInterfaceNoPermits {",
"final class FinalSubClass2 implements SealedInterfaceNoPermits {",
" FinalSubClass2();",
"sealed class SealedClassWithPermits permits SealedClassWithPermits, NonSealedSubClass2 {",
" SealedClassWithPermits();",
"final class FinalSubClass3 extends SealedClassWithPermits {",
" FinalSubClass3();",
"non-sealed class NonSealedSubClass2 extends SealedClassWithPermits {",
" NonSealedSubClass2();",
"sealed interface SealedInterfaceWithPermits permits NonSealedInterface2, FinalSubClass4 {",
"non-sealed interface NonSealedInterface2 extends SealedInterfaceWithPermits {",
"final class FinalSubClass4 implements SealedInterfaceWithPermits {",
" FinalSubClass4();",
"enum SealedEnum {",
" E;",
" public static SealedEnum[] values();",
" public static SealedEnum valueOf(java.lang.String name);",
" private SealedEnum();",
"enum Enum {",
" E;",
" public static Enum[] values();",
" public static Enum valueOf(java.lang.String name);",
" private Enum();",
// remove empty strings
String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator");
output = output.stream().filter(s -> !s.isEmpty()).map(s -> s.replaceAll(newLine, "\n").replaceAll("\n", "")).collect(Collectors.toList());
if (!output.containsAll(expected)) {
for (int i = 0; i < output.size(); i++) {
if (!output.get(i).equals(expected.get(i))) {
System.out.println("failing at index " + i);
System.out.println("expected:" + expected.get(i));
System.out.println("found:" + output.get(i));
throw new AssertionError("Expected output not found. Expected: " + expected);
2020-06-08 16:59:43 +02:00
public void testNonSealedErroneousSuper() {
d -> {
if (diags.keys().size() != 1) {
fail("Unexpected errors: " + diags.toString());
non-sealed class C extends Undefined {}
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
public void testIllFormedNonSealed() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed class C permits Sub {}
non -sealed class Sub extends C {}
sealed class C permits Sub {}
non sealed class Sub extends C {}
sealed class C permits Sub {}
non - sealed class Sub extends C {}
sealed class C permits Sub {}
non/**/sealed class Sub extends C {}
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.expected4", s);
2020-06-25 17:48:53 -04:00
private static String[] PRIMITIVES_VOID_AND_PRIMITIVE_ARRAYS = new String[] {
"byte", "short", "int", "long", "float", "double", "char", "boolean", "void",
"byte[]", "short[]", "int[]", "long[]", "float[]", "double[]", "char[]", "boolean[]"
public void testPermitsClause() {
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
for (String s : List.of(
2020-06-25 17:48:53 -04:00
// can't include a parameterized type
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
sealed class C<T> permits Sub<T> {}
final class Sub<T> extends C<T> {}
sealed class C permits Sub<String> {}
final class Sub<T> extends C {}
2020-06-25 17:48:53 -04:00
sealed class C permits Sub<String> {}
non-sealed class Sub<T> extends C {}
sealed interface IC permits ID<String> {}
non-sealed interface ID<T> extends IC {}
// can't include an array type
sealed class C<T> permits Sub[] {}
final class Sub<T> extends C<T> {}
sealed class C permits Sub[] {}
non-sealed class Sub<T> extends C {}
sealed interface IC permits ID[] {}
non-sealed interface ID<T> extends IC {}
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.expected", s);
2020-06-25 17:48:53 -04:00
for (String s : List.of(
// can't include primitives, void or primitive arrays
sealed class C<T> permits # {}
final class Sub<T> extends C<T> {}
sealed class C permits # {}
non-sealed class Sub<T> extends C {}
sealed interface IC permits # {}
non-sealed interface ID<T> extends IC {}
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.expected", s, t);
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00
private Path[] findJavaFiles(Path... paths) throws IOException {
return tb.findJavaFiles(paths);
public void testSealedNonSealedWithOtherModifiers() {
String template1 =
@interface A {}
class Outer {
sealed class Sup { }
# # class Sub extends Sup {}
final class Sub2 extends Sub {}
String template2 =
@interface A {}
class Outer {
sealed interface Sup { }
# # interface Sub extends Sup {}
final class Sub2 implements Sub {}
List<String> templateList = List.of(template1, template2);
List<String> otherModifiers = List.of(
"@A", "public", "protected", "private", "abstract", "static", "strictfp", "final", "sealed", "non-sealed"
for (String template : templateList) {
for (String sealed_non_sealed : List.of("sealed", "non-sealed")) {
for (String modifier : otherModifiers) {
if (sealed_non_sealed.equals(modifier)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.repeated.modifier", template, sealed_non_sealed, modifier);
} else if (modifier.equals("final") || modifier.equals("sealed") || modifier.equals("non-sealed")) {
assertFail("compiler.err.illegal.combination.of.modifiers", template, sealed_non_sealed, modifier);
} else {
assertOK(template, sealed_non_sealed, modifier);
2020-06-04 19:02:43 -04:00
public void testSubClassBeforeSealedClassInSameCU() {
for (String s : List.of(
final class Sub extends Sealed {}
sealed class Sealed {}
final class Sub extends Sealed {}
sealed class Sealed permits Sub {}
final class Sub extends Outer.Super {}
class Outer {
sealed static class Super {}
final class Sub extends Outer.Super {}
class Outer {
sealed static class Super permits Sub {}
class Outer {
final class Sub extends Super {}
sealed class Super {}
class Outer {
final class Sub extends Super {}
sealed class Super permits Outer.Sub{}
class Outer1 {
final class Sub extends Outer2.Super {}
class Outer2 {
sealed static class Super {}
class Outer1 {
final class Sub extends Outer2.Super {}
class Outer2 {
sealed static class Super permits Outer1.Sub {}
class Outer {
final class Sub extends Outer.Inner.Super {}
static class Inner {
sealed static class Super {}
class Outer {
final class Sub extends Outer.Inner.Super {}
static class Inner {
sealed static class Super permits Outer.Sub {}
)) {
2020-12-07 11:11:31 +00:00
public void testDoNotAllowSealedAnnotation() {
for (String s : List.of(
sealed @interface A {}
non-sealed interface I extends A {}
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.expected4", s);
public void testNarrowConversion() {
for (String s : List.of(
interface I {}
sealed class C permits D {}
final class D extends C {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
sealed interface I permits C {}
final class C implements I {}
interface J {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
J j = (J) i;
interface I {}
sealed interface J permits C {}
final class C implements J {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
J j = (J) i;
sealed interface I permits A {}
sealed interface J permits B {}
final class A implements I {}
final class B implements J {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
J j = (J) i;
class C {}
sealed interface I permits A {}
final class A implements I {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
final class C {}
interface I {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
final class C {}
sealed interface I permits D {}
final class D implements I {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
sealed class C permits D {}
final class D extends C {}
non-sealed interface I {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
sealed class C permits D {}
final class D {}
sealed interface I permits E {}
final class E {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
sealed class C permits D {}
sealed class D permits NS {}
non-sealed class NS extends D {}
sealed interface I permits E {}
final class E {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
interface I {}
final class C {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
C c = (C) i;
interface I {}
sealed class C permits D {}
final class D {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
C c = (C) i;
sealed interface I permits D {}
final class D {}
class C {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
C c = (C) i;
sealed interface I permits D {}
final class D implements I {}
final class C {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
C c = (C) i;
sealed interface I permits D {}
final class D implements I {}
sealed class C permits E {}
final class E extends C {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
C c = (C) i;
)) {
assertFail("compiler.err.prob.found.req", s);
for (String s : List.of(
interface I {}
sealed class C permits D, E {}
non-sealed class D extends C {}
final class E extends C {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
interface I {}
interface J {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
J j = (J) i;
class C {}
interface I {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
interface I {}
class C {}
class Test {
void test () {
I i = null;
C c = (C) i;
sealed class C permits D {}
sealed class D extends C permits NS {}
non-sealed class NS extends D {}
interface I {}
class Test {
void test () {
C c = null;
I i = (I) c;
sealed interface A permits B { }
non-sealed interface B extends A { }
interface C { }
class D implements C, B { }
class Test {
void m(A a, C c) {
a = (A)c;
)) {
2020-06-01 17:00:40 -04:00