One or more classes separated by spaces to be processed for annotations such as DocFooter\&.class\&. You can specify a class that can be found in the class path, by its file name or with a URL such as \f3file:///home/user/myproject/src/DocFooter\&.class\fR\&.
The \f3javap\fR command disassembles one or more class files\&. The output depends on the options used\&. When no options are used, then the \f3javap\fR command prints the package, protected and public fields, and methods of the classes passed to it\&. The \f3javap\fR command prints its output to \f3stdout\fR\&.
-help, --help, -?
Prints a help message for the \f3javap\fR command\&.
Prints release information\&.
Prints line and local variable tables\&.
Shows only public classes and members\&.
Shows only protected and public classes and members\&.
-private, -p
Shows all classes and members\&.
Passes the specified option to the JVM\&. For example:
For more information about JVM options, see the \f3java(1)\fR command documentation\&.
Prints internal type signatures\&.
Shows system information (path, size, date, MD5 hash) of the class being processed\&.
Shows \f3static final\fR constants\&.
Prints disassembled code, for example, the instructions that comprise the Java bytecodes, for each of the methods in the class\&.
Prints stack size, number of locals and arguments for methods\&.
-classpath \fIpath\fR
Specifies the path the \f3javap\fR command uses to look up classes\&. Overrides the default or the \f3CLASSPATH\fR environment variable when it is set\&.
-bootclasspath \fIpath\fR
Specifies the path from which to load bootstrap classes\&. By default, the bootstrap classes are the classes that implement the core Java platform located in \f3jre/lib/rt\&.jar\fR and several other JAR files\&.
-extdir \fIdirs\fR
Overrides the location at which installed extensions are searched for\&. The default location for extensions is the value of \f3java\&.ext\&.dirs\fR\&.
Compile the following \f3DocFooter\fR class:
\f3import java\&.awt\&.*;\fP
\f3import java\&.applet\&.*;\fP
\f3public class DocFooter extends Applet {\fP
\f3 String date;\fP
\f3 String email;\fP
\f3 public void init() {\fP
\f3 resize(500,100);\fP
\f3 date = getParameter("LAST_UPDATED");\fP
\f3 email = getParameter("EMAIL");\fP
\f3 }\fP
\f3 public void paint(Graphics g) {\fP
\f3 g\&.drawString(date + " by ",100, 15);\fP
\f3 g\&.drawString(email,290,15);\fP
\f3 }\fP
The output from the \f3javap DocFooter\&.class\fR command yields the following:
\f3Compiled from "DocFooter\&.java"\fP
\f3public class DocFooter extends java\&.applet\&.Applet {\fP
\f3 java\&.lang\&.String date;\fP
\f3 java\&.lang\&.String email;\fP
\f3 public DocFooter();\fP
\f3 public void init();\fP
\f3 public void paint(java\&.awt\&.Graphics);\fP
The output from \f3javap -c DocFooter\&.class\fR command yields the following:
\f3Compiled from "DocFooter\&.java"\fP
\f3public class DocFooter extends java\&.applet\&.Applet {\fP