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<!DOCTYPE supplementalData SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldmlSupplemental.dtd">
Copyright © 2019 Unicode, Inc.
CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/)
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These are the grammatical features that are used in each locale to mark inflected forms of nouns.
CLDR textual items may be tagged with grammatical features when these are needed to ensure that the
correct forms are used in context.
For instance, in Russian "Уменьши яркость света до 33 процентов" ("dim the light to 33 percent"),
the 'percent' unit must be expressed in plural and in the genitive case, whereas "1%" would be
expressed in different cases depending on the context. The case usage is implicit in short form
"33%", but the full form requires the grammatical variant marked by case and number to be expressed
In romance languages, nouns such as unit names have an intrinsic grammatical gender, which
propagates by agreement to other parts of sentence. For example, in French "2 jours sont passés"
("two days have gone by") expresses the participle "passés" in the plural masculine form, whereas
"2 heures sont passées" requires the participle in the plural feminine form to agree with the
grammatical gender of the unit "h", even when short forms are used.
Note that plural status is not included here: CLDR handles plurals with special categories in
plurals.xml and ordinals.xml. See those files and the LDML spec for more information.
<version number="$Revision: 1 $"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="af en fil ja ko lo ms my ne th vi zh">
<!-- No grammatical features (number is not considered).
However, the data doesn't yet clearly distinguish semantic gender from non-semantic gender; that is to come later. -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="ca es fr it pt"> <!-- add lij if it is added as a locale -->
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="nl">
<grammaticalGender values="common neuter"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="hy">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative ablative dative locative instrumental"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="te">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative oblique accusative dative locative instrumental"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="ta">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive accusative dative locative instrumental ablative vocative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative accusative dative ablative"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="fi">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative abessive ablative adessive allative comitative elative essive genitive illative inessive instrumental partitive translative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative elative illative partitive genitive"/>
<!-- Finnish nouns also inflect in possessives, with agreement on number and person. -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="hu">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative ablative accusative adessive allative causal dative delative elative essive illative inessive instrumental sublative superessive terminative translative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative accusative instrumental terminative translative"/>
<!-- Hungarian nouns also inflect in possessives, with agreement on number and person. -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="kk tr">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental ablative locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="az ky uz">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative ablative locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="id">
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite"/>
<!-- Indonesian nouns inflect in a possessive expression, with agreement on person. -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="el">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive accusative vocative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative genitive accusative"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="sl">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive accusative dative instrumental locative"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="de">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="hi pa">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative oblique"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="ur">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative oblique"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="ml"> <!-- Holding back on ml until we get more reliable information -->
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental locative comitative locativecopulative sociative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units"/>
<grammaticalGender values="animate inanimate feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalGender scope="units"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="mr">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative accusative dative ergative locative ablative genitive"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<!-- Genitive agrees in gender, case and number with the antecedent. -->
<!-- Oblique can be further inflected by semantics-defining suffixes. -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="gu">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive accusative dative locative instrumental vocative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalGender scope="units"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="kn">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive accusative dative locative instrumental vocative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative genitive accusative dative locative"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalGender scope="units" values="neuter"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="he">
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite construct"/>
<!-- Note that Hebrew nouns also inflect in possessives, with agreement on person, number and gender -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="ar">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive accusative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite construct"/>
<!-- Note that Arabic nouns also inflect in possessives, with agreement on person, number and gender -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="fa">
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite construct"/>
<!-- Note that Persian nouns also inflect in possessives, with agreement on person and number -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="bn">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative accusative genitive locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite"/>
<!-- Gender is only used for expressing human activities/professions. -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="si">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive ablative accusative dative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalGender scope="units"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite"/>
<!-- Neuter is only used for inanimate nouns; plurals have no definiteness marker. -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="is">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="da">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive"/>
<grammaticalGender values="common neuter"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite unspecified"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="sv">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive"/>
<grammaticalGender values="common neuter"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="ro">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="am">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative accusative"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite"/>
<!-- Gender is only used for expressing human activities/professions. -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="nb nn no">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalDefiniteness values="definite indefinite"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="uk">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental vocative locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative genitive accusative dative locative instrumental"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="lv">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative vocative locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative genitive dative accusative locative"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="lt">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental vocative locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental locative"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="cs sk">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental vocative locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental locative"/>
<grammaticalGender values="animate inanimate feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalGender scope="units" values="inanimate feminine neuter"/>
<!-- Czech also inflects in polarity (negation is a prefix) -->
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="hr sr">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental vocative locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative genitive accusative instrumental"/>
<grammaticalGender values="animate inanimate feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalGender scope="units" values="inanimate feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="ru">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental prepositional vocative locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="nominative accusative dative genitive prepositional instrumental"/>
<grammaticalGender values="masculine feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalFeatures targets="nominal" locales="pl">
<grammaticalCase values="nominative genitive dative accusative instrumental vocative locative"/>
<grammaticalCase scope="units" values="accusative genitive nominative"/>
<grammaticalGender values="animate inanimate personal feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalGender scope="units" values="inanimate feminine neuter"/>
<grammaticalDerivations locales="root">
<!-- determine the gender of a compound unit from the gender of its components -->
<!-- The attributeValues of value are: 0 (=gender of the first element), 1 (=gender of second element), or one of the valid gender values for the language -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="per" value="0"/> <!-- gender(gram-per-meter) ← gender(gram) -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="times" value="1"/> <!-- gender(newton-meter) ← gender(meter) -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="power" value="0"/> <!-- gender(square-meter) ← gender(meter) -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="prefix" value="0"/> <!-- gender(kilometer) ← gender(meter)-->
<!-- from the pluralCategory of the compound unit, determine the pluralCategory of its components -->
<!-- The attributeValues of value0 and value1 are: compound (=the pluralCategory of the compound), or one of the valid plural category values for the language -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="per" value0="compound" value1="one"/> <!-- compound(gram-per-meter) ⇒ compound(gram) “per" singular(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="times" value0="one" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(newton-meter) ⇒ singular(newton) “-" compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="power" value0="one" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(square-meter) ⇒ singular(square) compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="prefix" value0="one" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(kilometer) ⇒ singular(kilo) compound(meter) -->
<!-- from the grammatical case of the compound unit, determine the grammatical case of its components -->
<!-- The attributeValues of value0 and value1 are: compound (=the grammatical case of the compound), or one of the valid grammatical case values for the language -->
<deriveComponent feature="case" structure="per" value0="compound" value1="nominative"/> <!-- compound(gram-per-meter) ⇒ compound(gram) “per" nominative(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="case" structure="times" value0="nominative" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(newton-meter) ⇒ nominative(newton) “-" compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="case" structure="power" value0="nominative" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(square-meter) ⇒ nominative(square) compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="case" structure="prefix" value0="nominative" value1="compound"/><!--compound(kilometer) ⇒ nominative(kilo) compound(meter) -->
<grammaticalDerivations locales="de">
<!-- determine the gender of a compound unit from the gender of its components -->
<!-- The attributeValues of value are: 0 (=gender of the first element), 1 (=gender of second element), or one of the valid gender values for the language -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="per" value="0"/> <!-- gender(gram-per-meter) ← gender(gram) -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="times" value="1"/> <!-- gender(newton-meter) ← gender(meter) -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="power" value="0"/> <!-- gender(square-meter) ← gender(meter) -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="prefix" value="0"/> <!-- gender(kilometer) ← gender(meter)-->
<!-- from the pluralCategory of the compound unit, determine the pluralCategory of its components -->
<!-- The attributeValues of value0 and value1 are: compound (=the pluralCategory of the compound), or one of the valid plural category values for the language -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="per" value0="compound" value1="one"/> <!-- compound(gram-per-meter) ⇒ compound(gram) “per" singular(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="times" value0="one" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(newton-meter) ⇒ singular(newton) “-" compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="power" value0="one" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(square-meter) ⇒ singular(square) compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="prefix" value0="one" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(kilometer) ⇒ singular(kilo) compound(meter) -->
<!-- from the grammatical case of the compound unit, determine the grammatical case of its components -->
<!-- The attributeValues of value0 and value1 are: compound (=the grammatical case of the compound), or one of the valid grammatical case values for the language -->
<deriveComponent feature="case" structure="per" value0="compound" value1="accusative"/> <!-- compound(gram-per-meter) ⇒ compound(gram) “per" accusative(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="case" structure="times" value0="nominative" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(newton-meter) ⇒ nominative(newton) “-" compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="case" structure="power" value0="nominative" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(square-meter) ⇒ nominative(square) compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="case" structure="prefix" value0="nominative" value1="compound"/><!--compound(kilometer) ⇒ nominative(kilo) compound(meter) -->
<grammaticalDerivations locales="fr">
<!-- determine the gender of a compound unit from the gender of its components -->
<!-- The attributeValues of value are: 0 (=gender of the first element), 1 (=gender of second element), or one of the valid gender values for the language -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="per" value="0"/> <!-- gender(gram-per-meter) ← gender(gram) -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="times" value="0"/> <!-- gender(newton-meter) ← gender(newton) -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="power" value="0"/> <!-- gender(square-meter) ← gender(meter) -->
<deriveCompound feature="gender" structure="prefix" value="0"/> <!-- gender(kilometer) ← gender(meter)-->
<!-- from the pluralCategory of the compound unit, determine the pluralCategory of its components -->
<!-- The attributeValues of value0 and value1 are: compound (=the pluralCategory of the compound), or one of the valid plural category values for the language -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="per" value0="compound" value1="one"/> <!-- compound(gram-per-meter) ⇒ compound(gram) “per" singular(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="times" value0="compound" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(newton-meter) ⇒ compound(newton) “-" compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="power" value0="compound" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(square-meter) ⇒ compound(square) compound(meter) -->
<deriveComponent feature="plural" structure="prefix" value0="one" value1="compound"/> <!-- compound(kilometer) ⇒ singular(kilo) compound(meter) -->